Step 2. Matn bilan ishlash.
Yangi so‘zlar:
utility utilita
routine dastur
tape tasma
sorting saralash
merging birlashma
screen dump ekranni ochilishi
existing majbur bo‘lgan
translator translytor
occur sodir bo‘lmoq
listing bilmoq, chop etmoq
compiler kompilyator
interpreter tarjimon
application tadbiq qilish, ishlatish, amaliy ish
facility moslanish, vosita
ensure ishontirmoq, ishonchni oqlamoq
VDU (Video Display Unit) monitor
Exercise 3. Matndan foydalangan holda so‘z birikmalarini tarjima qiling.
Xizmat dasturlari singari ma’lum
Alfavit va raqam ketma-ketligida
Ikkita va undan ortiq fayllarni bitta kattaga ulash
Saqlanib turgan fayllarning nomlanishi
Ma’lumotlarni ekrandan printerga ko‘chirish
Yangi axborotni qo‘shish
Dasturlarni mashina kodiga ko‘chirish
Ular ham hato axborotni chiqarib beradi, agar
Qachonki talab qilinganda
Til translyatorlari o‘z ichiga assembler tili translyatorlarini oladi
Ma’lumotlar asosi boshqaruvchi sistema
Ma’lumotlar asosida mavjud bo‘lgan axborotni ishlatishga imkon beradi
Turli amaliy dasturlar bilan
Ta’minlash uchun vositalar
Exercise 4. Matnni o‘qing va tarjima qiling.
Utility programs.
Utility programs are small systems programs which perform one simple task. Some utilities perform common tasks known as housekeeping routines. These include copying files from tape to disk, sorting data into alphabetical or numerical order, merging or combining two or more files to make one larger file, cataloguing a disk by displaying the names of the stored files on a VDU screen and performing screen dumps, i.e. copying VDU screen displays to a printer.
An important utility is the editor. It allows the user to make changes to programs and data. This would include adding new information, deleting unwanted information and correcting existing information.
Language translators form a third type of systems program. Their function is to translate programs written in various computer languages into machine code. They also perform functions such as giving error messages if syntax error occur in a program and displaying listings of programs on a VDU screen when requested. Language translators include assemblers, compliers and interpreters.
A data base management system (DBMS) is a set of systems programs which allow the data from a database to be used by a number of different applications programs. It includes facilities for ensuring the independence, integrity and security of data.
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