Figure 6:
In addition to immediate analysis of individual matches the data were also
used to look at two additional issues relating to structure within team perfor-
mance. The first issue investigated related to the potential interrelationship
between performance rating by coaches and the degree of structure in team
p e r f o r m a n c e . T h r e e e x p e r i e n c e d f o o t b a l l c o a c h e s a n d f i v e a m a t e u r s
observed several club and international matches and were asked to rate the
performance of every player (on both teams) on a simple ten point Likert type
scale. For each coach the player ratings for a specific team were averaged to
give a team performance rating. Team performance ratings were then corre-
lated (Pearson product-moment correlation) against the number of patterns
exhibited by each team. The data (cf. figure 7) show that the coaches’ ratings
of team performance were significantly correlated to the number of patterns
id e n ti f ie d fo r e a c h te a m ( r =0 . 8 1 , p <0 . 0 5 ) . L o wer co r r e la t i o n was foun d
b e t w e e n t h e a ma te u r s r a t in g s o f t e a m p e r fo rm a n c e a n d t h e n u mb e r o f
patterns identified for each team (r=0.53, p<0.05).
Pattern 3:
1. PSV - Petrovic
passes the ball;
2. BCL - Hesp,
keeper throws in the ball;
3. PSV - Vampeta
passes the ball;
4. BCL - Luis Enrique
makes a bad pass;
5. BCL - Dugarry
attempts a shoot, saved;
6. PSV - scores a goal
(two occurrences, p<.005).
1. PSV - Petrovic passe le ballon ; 2. BCL - Hesp, le gardien, lance la balle ;
3. PSV - Vampeta passe le ballon. 4. BCL - Luis Enrique fait une mauvaise passe.
5. BCL - Dugarry tente un tir et sauve ; 6. PSV marque un but (2 occurrences, p < 0,005).
Detection of real-time patterns in sports interactions in football
Th e link between pe rfo rma nce rating and pattern pa rticipation sug gests
that coaches were recognizing, albeit at a potentially subconscious level, the
structure within a team’s pla y. However the traditional rationale for perfor-
ma n c e a n a l ys is i s th a t c o a c h es c a n n o t o b s e rv e a n d re me mb e r d is c re te
events within critical event sequences (Franks and Miller, 1986). Yet, in this
sample, the fact that coach performance ratings were correlated with pattern
participation suggests that co aches were perceiving information abo ut the
interrelationships between events. This finding also warrants further investi-
gation since it relates to such a fundamental foundation in the performance
analysis literature.
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