Conclusion on the second chapter The second chapter of our work deals with home appliances problems and methods of translation of terms from English to Uzbek. The terminological layer of this system has been expanding in recent years as a result of the discovery of innovative technologies and home appliances. Naturally, the need to translate the terms of these tools into Uzbek is growing in parallel.
In the instructions for use of home appliances and their marketing materials, we regularly encounter their variants in the Uzbek language. However, the fact that there are no Uzbek alternatives to the terms of this system, or the use of indirect translation through Russian, indicates that the terminological layer in the field is not yet sufficiently developed in our language. The essence of our work is to identify similar problems and shortcomings and explore their solutions.
In the second chapter, we have tried to shed light on the lexical problems of terms in the system.
Because the term has a monosemantic character as a specific lexical unit, its lexical aspects
The lighting is the primary task. Consequently, a term has a clear, definite meaning and can be applied to different areas.
Since most of the problems in the translation of texts in this system are related to the terminological layer, a detailed study of the lexico-semantic aspects of terms is required.
Due to the translation problems of the terms, we also tried to shed some light on their translation methods. Because in order to achieve an adequate translation, it is also necessary to know the translation methods well.
In the translation of home appliances terms, we have distinguished such types as literal translation, assimilation layer, antonymic translation.
In identifying the lexical problems of the terms in the system, we have given examples from the database of instructions for use and online internet instructions related to the product translated into Uzbek. In the same way
We also tried to partially cover the marketing materials of home appliances produced in our country.
In conclusion, in the second chapter of our work, the practical problems and solutions of the theoretical ideas mentioned in the first chapter are illustrated by concrete examples.
In today's globalization, the level of exports of products of other foreign brands is also expanding, and the process of translating terms and terms related to home appliances from one language to another is improving.
In particular, the volume of materials translated from English into Uzbek in this area has increased significantly over the past decade.
This is due to the fact that the documents related to the products provided to consumers are required by law to be expressed in the national language. As this process is perfected, the translation of terms in the field of home appliances from English into Uzbek is also finding its solution and developing.
In this study, the problems and methods of translating household appliances terms from English to Uzbek, the study of the level of coverage of the terminological layer in the field, the specific features, onomastic and linguistic aspects of terms in the field, as well as their transcription and transliteration features.
Within the framework of the two languages based on linguistic and extralinguistic factors, the terms in the system of “home appliances” were compared comparatively. The study also studied the principles of formation and development of terms and subtermins in the system.
The results of the work allow to group the terms in this area, to divide them into thematic systems, to identify integral terms. The results of the work will also lead to a more accurate forecast of the next stages of development of the system.In addition, this comparatively studied terminological system in the Uzbek language is scientifically important for the foundations of translation theory.
The results of the work will allow to translate the terms of the "home appliances" system, which has not yet been developed, from English into Uzbek, and will create the basis for their effective and accurate use.
The terms mentioned in the research work can also be used for lexicographic purposes.
In the first chapter of the work was discussed the importance of the term as the basis of scientific and technical translation and the formation of the terminological system of home appliances. It should be noted that the term is the core of scientific and technical translation.
Terminology is defined as a set of terms that interact with a system of concepts of a particular science. Any system of concepts corresponds to a specific system of terms. Terminological systems are evolving along with the development of science. Terms are introduced differently from common words, and their use is controlled to a certain extent. Consequently, synonymy and polysemy of terms are not considered positive phenomena in language.
In Uzbek linguistics, the study of terms, their regulation, the creation of terminological dictionaries began in the mid-20s of the twentieth century. After all, with the exception of some lexicographic works, the study of the Uzbek language on a scientific basis, the emergence of modern Uzbek linguistics as a science began from this period. Of course, the need to learn the terms does not arise by itself, the introduction of Uzbek-language education in all areas of knowledge. was the impetus for their comprehensive study and regulation.
As a reason for this, we can say that the term is an integral part of the scientific and technical field and plays an important role in defining its development. Therefore, the term needs to be integrated into a holistic system within a certain terminological system and acquire a monosemic character.
Scientific and technical translation obviously works within a variety of defined terms. Because this type of translation is required to be free from excessive pathos, to be neutral, as well as to convey the presented information using monosemic terms and terms. Because the main role in technical translation is not a concept, but a clear, definite, with only one meaning and with a certain term occupy the represented lexemes.
Although words and phrases are sometimes used in such texts, they also have a fixed form and serve to express a single concept or situation. Consequently, the concepts conveyed by word combinations are often observed in English. This situation, of course, requires high attention and accuracy in the translation process in the Uzbek language.
The second part of the work deals with home appliances problems and methods of translation of terms from English to Uzbek. The terminological layer belonging to this system has been expanding in recent years as a result of the discovery of innovative technologies and home appliances. Naturally, the need to translate the terms of these tools into Uzbek is growing in parallel.
In the instructions for use of home appliances and their marketing materials, we regularly encounter their variants in the Uzbek language. However, the fact that there are no Uzbek alternatives to the terms of this system, or the use of indirect translation through Russian, indicates that the terminological layer in the field is not yet sufficiently developed in our language. The essence of the essence of our work is to identify similar problems and shortcomings and study their solutions.
In the second chapter, we have tried to shed light on the lexical problems of terms in the system. Since the term has a monosemantic character as a specific lexical unit, the primary task is to elucidate its lexical aspects. Consequently, a term has a clear, definite meaning and can be applied to different areas.
Since most of the problems in the translation of texts in this system are related to the terminological layer, a detailed study of the lexico-semantic aspects of terms is required.
Due to the translation problems of the terms, we also tried to shed some light on their translation methods. Because in order to achieve an adequate translation, it is also necessary to know the translation methods well.
In the translation of home appliances terms, we have distinguished such types as literal translation, assimilation layer, antonymic translation.
In identifying the lexical problems of the terms in the system, we have given examples from the database of instructions for use and online internet instructions related to the product translated into Uzbek. At the same time, we tried to partially cover the marketing materials of home appliances produced in our country.
In conclusion, in the second chapter of our work, the practical problems and solutions of the theoretical ideas mentioned in the first chapter are illustrated by concrete examples. We believe that the results of this work will be theoretically and practically effective in translating terms on the terminological scale of this system.
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