On foot – piyoda
On the ground that – shu asosdaki
On the one (other) hand – bir (boshqa) tomondan
On the intiative of – kimningdir tashabbusiga ko’ra
On land – quruqlikda
On the part of – kimningdir tomonidan
On purpose – atayin
On the right (lef) hand side – o’ng (chap) qo’lda (tomonda)
On sea – dengizda
On the way – keyaverishda yo’lda
On the whole – umuman
And so on – va hokazo
Later on – keyinroq
On sale – sotuvda
On a large scale – keng miqyosda
Out of
1.Biror narsa ichidan
He walked out of the house.
Out ni talab qiluvchi fe'llar.
To be out - uydan yoki ishxonadan tashqarida bo'lmoq
To find out - bilib olmoq
To make out - tushunmoq
To point out - ko'rsatmoq
To set out - otlanmoq
To work out - ishlab chiqmoq
Of bilan bog'liq birikmalar
Out of danger - xatardan xoli
Out of date - eski
Out of doors - ko'chada tashqarida
Out of necessity - ehtiyojdan kelib chiqqan holda
Out of pity (envy) - rahmi kelganidan (hasaddan)
Out of order - joyida emas, betartib
Out of use - qo'llanilmaydigan
Out of work - ishsiz
He come out of the house.
He come from Leningrad.
1.Tashqarida, tashqariga
He was standing outside the door.
He went outside the house to meet his friend.
1.Yuqorisidan, tepasidan
An aeroplane flew over the town.
2.Ziyod, ortiq
There were over a hundred people at the meeting.
Chkalov was the first pilot to fly over the North Pole.
Overni talab qiluvchi fe'llar
To go over - kimningdir tomoniga o'tib ketmoq
To run over - o'zib ketmoq
To talk over - ni muhokama qilmoq
To think over - o'ylab ko'rmoq
Over bilan bog'liq birikmalar
All over the world (country, town) - butun dunyo (davlat, shahar) bo'ylab
Over and over (again) - ko'p marta
The meeting is over - majlis tugadi
Yonida, bo'ylab
He walked past the house.
He drove (went, run) past without looking at me.
Round around.
1.Atrofida aylana bo'ylab (round, around ga nisbatan ko'proq ishlatiladi)
He traveled around the world.
The earth moves around the sun
There are many flowers round (around) the house.
Round (around) bilan bog'liq birikmalar
Round the corner - burchakdan aylanib
All the year round - butun yil davomida
All the year round - butun yil davomida
All round - hamma yilda
To trav around the country - mamalakat bo'ylab sayohat qilmoq
- dan beri
He has been living in Moscow since year.
Since predlogi bog'lovchi vazifasida ham kelishi mumkin.
Bunda sababli ma'nosida ham beradi.
Since you are ill,
I'll do the work for you
He was walking through the forest.
You have made this mistake through your carellessness.
Till, untill
1. -gacha
I'll stay here till (until) Monday.
2. Yoy ma'nosida till o'rniga as for as ishlatiladi.
I'll go with you as for as the station.
They want to the Cinema.
He came to the meeting at 5 o'clock.
Send him to the manager at once.
O'zidan keyin to ni talab qiluvchi fe'llar
To agree to - ga rozi bo'lmoq
To amount to - ni tashkil qilmoq
To apologize to - dan uzur so'ramoq
To attack to - ga ilova qilmoq
To belong to - ga tegishli bo'lmoq
To happen to - ga bo'lmoq
To listen to - ni tinglamoq
To object to - ga e'tiroz bildirmoq
To pay attention to - ga e'tibor bermoq
To call (draw) somebody's attention to - kimningdir e'tiborini biror narsaga qaratmoq
To prefer to - ni afzal ko'rmoq
To reply to - ga javob bermoq
To refer to - ni eslab o'tmoq
To sum appear (to) - kimgadur tuyulmoq
To speak, to talk to - kim bilandir gaplashmoq
To subscribe to - ga yozilmoq
To telegraph, to wire, to cable to - kim bilandir telegraf bilan bog'lanmoq
To telephone to - kimgadir qo'ng'iroq qilmoq
O'zidan keyin to ni talab qiluvchi sifatlar
To bilan bog'liq birikmalar
To the amount (of) - miqdorida
To the end - oxirigacha
To my (his) - dissappointment
To the north, west, east, (of) - shimolga, janubga, g'arbga, sharqga
To the right (left) - o'ngga, (chapga)
In reply (answer) - javoban
1. Yo'nalishda, - ga qarab
He was walking towards the sea.
2. - ga nisbatan
His attitude towards this matter is favourable.
3. - ga yaqin vaqt ma'nosida
The rain stopped towards morning.
1. Tagida
He was lying under a tree.
2. Ozroq, kamroq ma'nosida
There were under fifty people there.
Under bilan bog'liq birikmalar
Under the guidance (control, management, commound) - boshchiligi, (nazorati, boshqaruvi, buyrug'i) ostida
Under the title (heading) - mavzusidagi
Under the name - nomli
Under fire - yong'inda
Under the influence - ta'siri ostida
To be under construction - qurilish jarayonida bo'lmoq
To be under discussion - muhokamada bo'lmoq
To be under repair - ta'mirda bo'lmoq
To be under consideration - ko'rib chiqilmoq
Under the circumstances - shart sharoitda
Under the contract (agreement) - kelishuvga asosan
Tepaga, tepada
He walked up to the strairs
Up bilan bog'liq birikmalar
To come (go, walk) up - yaqin kelmoq
To fill up - to'ldirmoq
To get up - o'rnidan turmoq, uyg'onmoq
To give up - tashlamoq (odatni)
To look up - qaramoq
To make up - tuzmoq
To make up for - o'rnini qoplamoq
To pick up - ko'tarmoq
To ride up - tepaga
To ring (call) up - qo'ng'iroq qilmoq
To stand up - turmoq
To wake up - uyg'onmoq, uyg'atmoq
Up bilan bog'liq birikmalar
Up to - gacha
Up to date - zamonaviy
Up and down - uyoqdan buyoqqa
Up to here - shu yergacha
Up to now, up to present time - shu paytgacha
To come up to one's mind to do something - biror narsa qilishga qaror qilmoq
I was up at six o'clock - soat 6:00 da o'rnimdan turgandim.
It is up to you (him, her) to decide - buni u o'zi hal qilishi kerak.
The time's up - vaqt tugadi.
What's up ? - nima bo'ldi ?
1. Bilan
He lives eith his brother
2. - hi
I have bought a book with pictures for my little daughter.
O'zidan keyin withni talab qiluvchi fe'llar
To agree with -fikriga qo'shilmoq
To compare with - ga taqqoslamoq
To deal with - bilan ish olib bormoq
To fill with - ga to'lamoq
To insure something with - da sug'urta qilmoq
Leave with - ga qoldirmoq
To open an account with - da xisob raqam ochmoq
To supply (provide) with - bilan ta'minlamoq
To tremble (shake, shiver) with - dan titramoq
To be angry with - dan jahli chiqmoq
Pale (red, tired) with - dan oqarib (qizarib, charchab) ketmoq
Pleased (displeased) with - dan ko'ngli to'lmoq (to'lmaslik)
Popular with - orasdia mashhur
Satisfied with - dan qoniqmoq
The fire was put out by the fireman.
They put out the fire with water.
Ichida (hech qolmagan holda)
I shall give you an answer within a week.
Within bilan bog'liq birikmalar
Within reach (sight, hearning) - yetib borish doirasida mumkin bo'lgan (ko'rish, eshtish)
Within three miles of the station - stansiyadan 3 mil doirasida
- Siz
I cannot do it without your help.
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