The Holton Recorder

Hoyt. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith passed away on the 16th … The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922. 12109

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12108. Hoyt. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith passed away on the 16th … The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
12109. Raymond Taylor, son of Mrs. Nellie Taylor, who lives southwest of Soldier, died in a hospital in Dakota last week and was brought here and buried on Christmas day in the Circleville cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 27, 1922.
12110. Lyman Mundell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Mundell, died last night at the home of his parents in east Soldier after ailing for some months. Burial will be at Salem, Nebr. The Holton Recorder, December 27, 1922.
12111. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Green Tuesday morning. The child was still-born and the burial took place Wednesday morning. The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
12112. Mrs. John Juelke died at her home near Larkinburg, Monday, December 25 … burial made in Mt. Calvary cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
12113. November 29, 1922, twins - a girl and a boy - came to gladden the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Linscott, but their stay was not long. The girl, Mary Blake Linscott, departed this life Friday morning at 8:30, December 22, 1922, and the boy, George Churchill Linscott, followed Sunday morning at 3:35. The funeral was private, on account of the serious illness of John Jr., bronchial pneumonia, and was held … at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Linscott. The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
12114. William V. McCreight, of Wilsey, Kan., died December 11, aged 60 years, 7 months and 16 days. He lived all his early life in Jackson county, leaving about 17 years ago for Wilsey. He leaves a widow, five children, four grandchildren and one brother, J. O. McCreight, of this vicinity, who is the last survivor of a family of 12 children. … The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
12115. T. K. Tousey was born in Covington, Ky., August 29, 1852, and died at Houston, Texas, December 19, 1922. Mr. Tousey came to Holton, Kan., in 1874. Was married in 1878 to Miss Etta M. Robinson of this county. Moved to Buffalo, Mo., in 1884, where with his brother, Moses Tousey, he engaged in the banking business. A year later he moved to Clay Center, Kan., where he lived and engaged in business twelve years. From Clay Center he moved to Houston, Texas, where he engaged extensively in buying and shipping to market horses and mules. Some seven years ago, on account of declining health he retired from business. Mr. Tousey is survived by his widow and two sons. … Interment in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
Thomas Tousey … Mr. Tousey had been suffering for some years from paralysis, of which he died. The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
12116. Fred Leo Reed was born August 12, 1883, at Blue Rapids, Kansas, and departed this life at Oklahoma City, Okla., on December 13, 1922, at the age of 39 years, 4 months and 1 day. … When Fred was four and one-half years old he moved with his parents from Blue Rapids to Holton, Kan., and at the age of seven he entered the Holton Public schools and graduated from the Holton High school with the class of May, 1901. Following this he completed a business course at Campbell College then located in Holton. He was made a Master Mason in Holton Lodge No. 42, A. F. & A. M., and prior to coming to Topeka to reside he had advanced to the station of the senior warden of the lodge which service was ended at the time he was admitted to Siloam Lodge No. 225 and was a brother of this order at the time of his death. He was married November 7, 1906, to Cressie D. Becker of Holton, Kan., who with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Reed of Topeka, and one brother, John Albert Reed of Cheyenne, Wyoming, are the surviving relatives. One brother, Kenneth, preceded him to his final resting place. He became associated with the Santa Fe Railway Company on April 22, 1909, beginning in the office of the Auditor of Disbursements at Topeka and was transferred to the General Auditor’s office at Chicago June 1, 1913. On May 10, 1921, he was appointed assistant auditor and secretary of the Coline Oil company, at Oklahoma City, Okla., which position he held at the time of his death. … The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Reed … Mr. Reed’s brother, Fred Reed. Mrs. Reed is the daughter of Mrs. Julia Fletcher of Circleville. The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
… appendicitis … The Holton Signal, December 21, 1922.
12117. Raymond Thomas Taylor. Son of Nellie J. and John W. Taylor, was born near Avoca, Kan., April 8, 1899; departed this life at Aberdeen, South Dakota, December 22, 1922, aged 23 years, 8 months and 14 days. He was united in marriage to Nettie F. Perry of Emmett, Kan., June 1, 1921, to which union was born one son, Raymond Thomas Jr. On Wednesday, December 13, he suffered an attack of appendicitis, which seemed of no great consequence, but later proved to be serious. On the following Saturday he underwent an operation, which proved fatal. … he passed peacefully away at 7 o’clock Friday evening, December 22. He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, Nettie F. Taylor, one sister, Mrs. Eva Diggs; two brothers, George W. and John A. Taylor, one son Raymond Thomas Jr., besides many other relatives … laid to rest in the Circleville cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
12118. August Ernst, the sixth child of Joseph and Thresia Ernst, was born in Folsen Kreis Warburg, Prussia June 24, 1838. After serving three years in the German army he came to America in 1861 stopping first in New York, then in Iowa. On the 25 day of August 1863 he was united in marriage to Margaret Segrist, who died May 20, 1905. To this union six children were born, two of whom, John Anthony and Joseph Michael, preceded the father in death. The surviving children are: E. R. Ernst, of Washington, D. C., Frank Albert, of Holton; Anna Ellenore, of Cummings, Kans.; and Joseph Martz, of Pasadena, Calif. About the year 1870 he took western fever and came to Kansas, settling in Pottawatomie county, where he spent the greater part of his life until he came to live with his son Frank in Holton in 1907. About three years ago he had an attack of heart trouble which enfeebled him so that he could hardly get around and last July he took to his bed from which he quietly passed away December 21, 1922, at the age of 84 years, 5 months, 27 days. … body being laid to rest in Mt. Calvary cemetery.
Card of Thanks. … death of our father and grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ernst and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wagner and family. Mrs. Jennie Ernst and family. The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
12119. Soldier High School Notes. The girl’s quartet was requested to sing at the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Stohr’s oldest son, Francis, Wednesday afternoon. … The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
Marion Francis Stohr eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stohr, was born July 5th, 1920, at Soldier, Kans., and died at the home of his parents near Bancroft, on Tuesday, December 12, 1922, at the age of 1 year, 5 months and 7 days. Little Francis was taken seriously ill on Tuesday 5th with bronchial pneumonia … He leaves to mourn his loss, his parents, a baby brother, Dale Lee, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Blanc, and Mrs. Reka Stohr and other relatives. … Burial was made in the Soldier cemetery. Card of Thanks. … Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Blanc and family. The Holton Recorder, December 20, 1922.
12120. The baby son born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green Tuesday only lived a short time. Burial was in the Holton cemetery Wednesday afternoon. The Holton Signal, December 28, 1922.
12121. Calvin A. Long was born at Ringgold, Pennsylvania, March 7, 1858. He passed from this life December 21, 1922. At the age of 12 he moved with his parents to Galesburg, Illinois, where he grew to manhood, engaging in farming with his father. In the spring of 1880 he came to Kansas, settling on a farm near Huron. On December 21, 1882, he was united in marriage to Mary H. Sloan, Huron, Kansas. To this union the following children were born; Mrs. F. E. Gurtler, Council Grove, William F. Long, Osage City; Harry K. Long, Salina; and Joseph D. Long, Council Grove, all of whom with the mother survive. He is survived also by a sister, Mrs. Isabelle McCluhan, North Bend, Nebraska, and ten grandchildren. … The Holton Recorder, January 3, 1923.
12122. Mrs. Con Williams, of Leavenworth, died on Friday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Pugh, in Soldier, and was buried in the Soldier cemetery on Saturday afternoon. The Holton Recorder, January 3, 1923.
12123. Arthur Maxwell, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Myers, died December 28, 1922, aged 7 days. … burial made in Bucks Grove cemetery. The Holton Recorder, January 3, 1923.
12124. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sudlow Monday. The baby lived only a few hours and was buried in the Holton cemetery the same day. The Holton Recorder, January 4, 1923.
Gerald, the baby son born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sudlow New Year’s day only lived a few hours and was buried in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Signal, January 4, 1923.
Rev. D. F. Newton, father of Mrs. Fred Sudlow, died at this home in Meriden, Wednesday, May 9, at the age of 76. … those from Holton who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sudlow, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sudlow, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rings, Rev. L. F. Waring. Rev. Newton was a United Brethren minister and had been in the ministry for twenty years. The Holton Recorder, May 17, 1923.
12125. D. L. Thompson, for many years a respected citizen of Holton, and a veteran of the Civil War, died suddenly of heart failure last Tuesday night. He had been around town apparently in his usual health up to the first of this week. The Holton Recorder, January 4, 1923.
Daniel Laurens Thompson was born in Putnam county, Ohio, December 18, 1845, and passed away at this home in Holton, Wednesday morning, January 3, 1923, at the age of 77 years and 16 days. He was the son of Oren and Charlotte Thompson and was one of a family of eight children. One member of the family, a sister, survives. His early boyhood days were spent in Ohio. Later his parents moved to Logansport, Ind., and it was here his schooling was obtained in the log school house of the day. At the age of seventeen he with an older brother enlisted in the Civil war. He and the three brothers survived and received honorable discharges. On his return home he learned his trade from his father who was a carpenter. On August 18, 1870, he was married to Jane Barrett at Kewanee. Of this family there were four children, Hal B., Frank and Martha and one who died in infancy. The mother died when the youngest child, Martha, was three years old. On May 23, 1887, Mr. Thompson and Mary C. Manley were married at Osborne City, Kansas. Three girls came to bless this family, Mabel, Ellen and Emma. Emma died in infancy. In 1874, he came to Portis, Kansas, and experienced the hard times associated with the grasshopper year. He lived in Smith county, also Osborne county and for the last twenty-five years has lived in Holton. His war record shows he was a member of Co. B, 128th Regiment, of Logansport, Ind. He was a member of the Will Wendell Post of this place and at different times held the office of post commander. He will be missed by his wife, five children and seven grandchildren … he united with the United Brethren church soon after coming to Holton. … Those who survive are his wife, two sons, Hal B. and Frank, three daughters, Mrs. Martha Ernst, Miss Mabel Thompson and Mrs. Ellen Butrum, all but one of whom reside near Holton … interment was in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, January 11, 1923.
12126. Ellis Ransom Baber was born at Polk City, Polk county, Iowa, March 30, 1859, and died at the home of his son, Carroll, at Norman, Okla., aged 63 years, 8 months and 13 days. On December 31, 1882, he married Sarah Ellen Perkins, who was born at Sumner, Brenner county, Iowa, July 5, 1862. The following children were born to them: Mrs. S. C. Sarensen, of Netawaka, Kan.; Carroll P., on the faculty of the State University of Oklahoma; Ernest M., on the Y. M. C. A. secretarial staff at Lincoln, Neb., Ray E., on the instructional staff of the University of Wisconsin; Mrs. Lee Fletcher, of Monroe Center, Illinois; Harold E. Baber, of Concordia. Mr. Baber was granted a license to preach in 1890 at Hill City, Kan, … he joined the Northwest Kansas conference at Concordia, Kan., September, 1892 … and at the annual conference held at Cawker City, Kan., he was ordained October 3, 1897 … His first regular pastorate beginning in 1892 was at Woodston, Kan., where he remained two years. Following this he served at Beloit two years, and Republic three years. At the end of this time he was elected Presiding Elder over what was then the Northwest Kansas Conference. He served in that capacity for ten consecutive years, during the first two years of which he resided at Solomon, Kan., and the last eight years at Cawker City. … in 1909, accepted the college pastorate at Holton, Kan. One motive for this change in harmony with his characteristic thoughtfulness for his family, was that he might better help the older children to a college education. He served at Holton three years, followed by a year in Topeka. In 1913 he fulfilled a desire long cherished by transferring to the Iowa Conference where he served for three years on the same ground where his father had served before him. He then accepted the pastorate at Geneva, Nebr., near York College in the hopes of helping the younger children through college. After two years in Geneva where he built a church he moved to Concordia in 1918. Here he finished his work after having completed a four year pastorate. In the fall of 1921, in the midst of his activities he was stricken with the illness which ultimately resulted in his death. … after being returned to the work by the 1922 conference he was generously granted an indefinite leave of absence … The Holton Recorder, January 4, 1923. (cont’d)
12126. (cont’d) Muddy Creek. Mrs. Saren Sarenson … His funeral services were held at Concordia Monday. … The Holton Signal, December 21, 1922.
12127. Ben L. Mickel was called to Marshalltown, Iowa, to attend the funeral of his brother, Anderson E. Mickel, of that place, who died Friday, Dec. 22 after a short illness and an operation. He was 61 years of age, and leaves a wife and six children. He had large business interests. Recently he had a premonition of his death and had his will made and everything arranged for his going. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon and burial made in the beautiful Riverside Cemetery, at Marshalltown. - Soldier Clipper. The Holton Recorder, January 4, 1923.
12128. Bancroft. Pat Driscol received word of the death of a sister, Mrs. Jackson of Denver, Colo., Saturday. He was unable to attend on account of being quarantined. The Holton Recorder, January 4, 1923.
12129. Hoyt. Sad news was received by Ed Oelke of the death of his sister, Mrs. Fenske of Brazoria, Texas. Mr. Oelke and Mr. R. R. Fenske left Saturday … The Holton Signal, January 4, 1923.
12130. Circleville. Dr. Luscombe received word Friday that his nephew, Raymond Taylor had died at a hospital in South Dakota from an operation for appendicitis. The body was brought here for burial. The Holton Signal, January 4, 1923.
12131. Eliza Scott Dunn was born the 23rd day of July, 1844, at Glascow, Scotland, and died at her home at Holton, Kans., January 2, 1923. On August 18, 1865 she was married to Wm. Fairley, to this union seven children were born, all of whom have gone before to the other land except one daughter, Mrs. Harry Fortune. Shortly after her marriage she with her husband came to America and for some time they made their home in Brooklyn, New York: it was here were all the children were born. They came to Holton in the year 1884 and made this their home since that time. When she was but a young girl … united with the Presbyterian church in Glascow, Scotland, later uniting by letter with the Presbyterian church at Brooklyn, and when she came to Holton uniting with the Presbyterian church of this place. … Besides her only living daughter she leaves to mourn her departure, five grandchildren, two brothers, one sister … the home on Kansas avenue. … The Holton Signal, January 18, 1923.
… Burial in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Signal, January 4, 1923.
12132. Mrs. Geo. Randall, who lived north of America City on the Randall homestead, died on Friday. She leaves thirteen children. The Soldier Clipper, January 10, 1923.
12133. Willow Glen. Mr. Avery of Goff, one of our Civil war veterans, was buried in the Fairview cemetery Sunday, January 7. The Holton Recorder, January 11, 1923.
12134. This community was very much shocked Thursday to hear of the death of Mrs. Clifford Jerome of Seneca. She was buried in the Fairview cemetery Sunday, January 7. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, five sons and many other relatives. … The Holton Recorder, January 11, 1923.
12135. Mrs. Margaretta Elizabeth Platz, nee Ruffel, wife of Rev. C. E. Platz, a former pastor of the Evangelical church of Holton, departed this life at Leonardville, Kansas, January 6, 1923, aged 62 years, 9 month and 17 days. … Rev Platz is at present the successful and beloved pastor of a large and prosperous congregation at Leonardville. Mrs. Platz’s health had been failing for some time and a severe attack of pneumonia hastened her end. The departed was born in Germany. In early childhood she came to America and presided at Glascow, Mo., until 1892. In 1890 she was united in holy wedlock to her now bereaved husband to whom she proved a real helpmate during the more than 32 years they spent together in the ministerial itinerary of the Evangelical church. … leaves a husband and only son Charles R., who is a teacher in the High school at Riley, Kansas. Laid to rest in the beautiful Holton cemetery. … The Holton Signal, January 11, 1923.
12136. Columbus Judson Martin was born at Livonia. Ind., on the 16th day of January 1855. Died at the Wesley hospital, Wichita, Kans., December 25, 1922. Age 67 years, 11 months and 9 days, after an illness of three weeks. Mr. Martin had been in poor heath for several years. … He was a member of the Methodist church … He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, Alice Martin, three sons and four daughters: Mrs. Robert Little, Emporia; Mrs. O. W. Downing, Wichita; Mrs. R. J. Horton, Hartford, Kansas; Mrs. J. Porter, Emporia; Verne J. Martin of Argonia, Kans.; Lauran M. Martin, Milan, Kans.; Dewey Martin, Wichita, Kans.; and one sister, Mrs. S. Brown, Salem, Ind. All were at the funeral except Mrs. Porter who was not able to be there and Mrs. Brown being in Florida was not able to get there. … His remains were laid to rest in the Maple Grove cemetery. Mrs. Rice Martin of Holton, Kans., attended the funeral. The Holton Signal, January 11, 1923.
12137. Mrs. Matt Edmonds died last Tuesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred McLeod. … the body was taken to her old home town, McLouth … Interment in the McLouth cemetery. - Valley Falls Vindicator. The Holton Signal, January 11, 1923.
12138. Witchewah. The aged Indian, age 82 years, who has been making his home with his cousin, Mrs. Nancy Waqua Bushkook, died Friday night.
Nocks Creek. An old Indian, We-skuk-yesh-kuk who has been blind for a number of years passed away last Friday at Mrs. Nancy Waquaboskuk’s. Sunday friends and relatives laid him away at the Waquaboskuk home cemetery. The Holton Signal, January 11, 1923.
12139. Netawaka. Fred Klahr and George Klahr went to Glen Elder, Kan., to attend their cousin‘s funeral. The Holton Signal, January 11, 1923.
12140. Whiting Journal.] Mrs. Alice (Brown) Love was born June 6, 1866, in Kentucky. She was the daughter of J. J. and Sarah R. Brown. She removed with her parents, from Kentucky to Kansas and lived near Mt. Pleasant, in Brown county, Kansas. Her early girlhood was spent here, attending the local Mt. Pleasant school and then later she became a student of Baker University. She joined the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Episcopal church in her early girlhood, later transferring her membership to the Methodist Episcopal church at Whiting, where her membership remained. She married Frank Love, of Whiting, thirty-three years ago, and to this union were born two children - Paul Love, of Niles, Mich., and Mrs. Mary McGucklin, of Pasadena, Cal., who survive her. She also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Jeff Miller, of Horton, Kan., Mrs. Robert Kistler, of Albuquerque, N. M., and Mrs. Wallace Canfield, of Holton, Kan., and one brother, John Brown, of Vernon, Texas. She passed away January 8, 1923, in Topeka, Kan., and her remains were brought to Whiting, Kan., for interment. … laid to rest in the Spring Hill cemetery … The Holton Recorder, January 18, 1923.
Whiting. … died Sunday night at the State hospital at Topeka … The Holton Signal, January 18, 1923.
12141. Martha Elizabeth Bradley, daughter of Mary E. and Elvis A. Bradley, was born in Gibson county, Indiana, Nov. 21, 1868. Departed this life at St. Francis hospital, in Topeka, Kansas, Dec. 22, 1922, aged 54 years and 31 days. At the age of seven years she moved with her parents to Missouri where she resided until she was sixteen when they moved to Kansas. She was united in marriage to John A. Elliott in Kansas City, Kansas, June 19, 1889. To this union five children were born, three daughters and two sons, all of whom are living. During her early childhood she united with the Methodist church … she leaves to mourn her departure her husband and five children: Essie, of Topeka, Mrs. Myrtle Wendt of Herrington, John Jr., of Leavenworth, Loren and Velma at home; two sisters, Mrs. Carla Hubbard of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Mahala Hanna of Topeka, and one brother, Wm. H. Bradley of Kansas City, Mo., besides many other relatives … Interment was in Sunset cemetery. From a distance to attend the funeral were W. J. Bradley, Kansas City, Mo., L. M. Elliott, Holton, Kansas, C. F. Elliott, Wetmore, Kansas, Mrs. Webb Disney, McFarland, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Elliott, Leavenworth, Mrs. C. R. Hanna, with Misses Essie and Velma Elliott, of Topeka. - Herrington Sun. The Holton Recorder, January 18, 1923.
County Treasurer L. M. Elliott was called to Herrington, Kan., last Saturday to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. John Elliott, on Sunday. Her death occurred following an operation at St. Francis hospital in Topeka. The Holton Recorder, December 28, 1922.
12142. Robert Strohwig was born at Sheboygan, Wis., on July 13, 1853. He came to Kansas with his parents in 1858. This was before Kansas was admitted into statehood, and his parents pre-empted a tract of land near Holton, Jackson county, where he was reared to manhood. He was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Riederer of Arrington, Kan., on January 1, 1879. To this union five children were born: Otto, now of Kansas City, Mo.; Mable, now Mrs. J. E. Crawford, of Berryton, Kan.; Milton, of Omaha, Nebr., and Homer of Paxico, all of whom survive; and Louise, who died at the age of five years. His business career in this county extended for a period of 44 years. He was a miller by trade and in the spring of 1879 he and his young wife came to Wabaunsee county, where in partnership with his brother Will, built the flour mill, where the original town of Paxico was first located. This partnership extended for a term of 22 years, and this enterprise contributed largely to the upbuilding of Paxico and its community. In public served he was elected county commissioner and again re-elected to succeed himself and served six years in that capacity. He was elected to the office of register of deeds and again re-elected to succeed himself, serving four years in that capacity. After serving the county as official, he returned to his former occupation, retiring from business a few years thereafter, and the balance of his later years were spent in operating his farm near Paxico, with the assistance of his son Homer. … Mr. Strohwig was first stricken on February 19, 1921, his illness lasted for nearly two years. … January 9, he received a second severe stroke … passed peacefully away at the age of 69 years 5 months and 28 days. … He leaves besides his wife and the four children, previously named and their families, including the five grandchildren, three brothers and one sister, who are A. W. Strohwig and A. R. Strohwig of Paxico, Frank R. Strohwig and Alice, now Mrs. Ora Macumber of Holton, Kan. Besides these surviving brothers and sister, there preceded him in death, two brothers and three sisters. … The Holton Recorder, January 18, 1923.
Mrs. Charles Morris, Miss Hattie Riederer, Mrs. A. W. Rolley and Harold Rolley motored to Paxico, Thursday and attended the funeral of Robt. Strowig. John Riedrerer of Salter, Mo., who also attended the funeral, accompanied by his sisters, Mrs. Morris, and Miss Riederer to Holton and visited his mother, Mrs. E. Riederer, who is ill, until Friday. The Holton Signal, January 18, 1923.
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