The Holton Recorder

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12076. Denison. Mrs. Marriah Jordan of Oakland, Calif., formerly of Jackson county, Kansas, and Denison, Kansas. The remains were buried at the North Cedar cemetery, of Jackson county, Kansas, by the side of her husband. … Mrs. Jordan was a little past 82 years old. The Holton Recorder, November 16, 1922.
12077. Denison. Julia Thompson White was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, July 16, 1845, and died at Eskridge, Kan., Nov. 9, 1922. She came to Kansas in 1878, was married in 1888 to David Emery White, and moved with him to Wakefield, Kan., where she has since made her home. She was a charter member of the United Presbyterian church of Denison. After moving to Wakefield she united with the Congregational church … Her husband died in December, 1919. She is survived by two brothers, Philip Thompson of Los Angeles, Cal., R. D. Thompson of Indiana, Mrs. Such of Pennsylvania and Misses Kate and Agnes Thompson of Eskridge. The remains were brought to Denison … Interment was made in the R. P. cemetery. The Holton Recorder, November 16, 1922.
12078. Denison. Miss Sarah McMains was born May 20, 1840, in Indiana and died November 11, 1922 in Denison, Kan., at the age of 82 years 5 months and 21 days. The family moved from Indiana to Clarinda, Iowa, from there to Winchester, Kan., then to Superior, Neb., where she has lived with her sister, Miss Rebbeca McMains, for the past 16 years. She was a life-long member of the Reformed Presbyterian church. In February of this year she suffered a paralytic stroke … she is survived by one sister. … The remains were laid to rest in Winchester cemetery bedsides those of her mother. The Holton Recorder, November 16, 1922.
12079. Wigwam. L. E. Gilliland received a message Friday morning announcing the death of his mother. The Holton Signal, November 9, 1922.
12080. Martha Helen Woods was born near Larkinburg, Kansas, July 16, 1893, where she grew to womanhood and was married November 25, 1914, to Wm. Keys of Denison. To this union were born three children, now aged 7, 4, and 2 years respectively. She united with the Christian church at the age of 12 years. She died Monday, October 30, 1922, aged 29 years, 3 months and 14 days. She leaves father, and mother at Denison, one sister, Mrs. Maude Hickman of Holton and five brothers, Fred C. Woods of Cumberland, Iowa; Roy M. Woods of Ft. Morgan, Colo.; Arch Woods of Nelson, Nebraska; Ernest Woods, of Henderson, Iowa; Lee M. Woods of Sioux City, Iowa. … the burial was in the cemetery south of Denison. The Holton Recorder, November 23, 1922.
Martha H., wife of Wm. Keys, died Tuesday, October 31, at Denison, Kansas. …
Brightside. Mr. Arch Keys’ sister from Clarinda, Iowa, who was called here one day last week on account of the serious illness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Will Keys, had been visiting Arch Keys and family. The Holton Recorder, November 2, 1922.
Denison. … died at her home here the result of a third stroke of paralysis … The Holton Recorder, November 9, 1922.
12081. Denison. B. C. Hartwell of Mullon, Idaho, a brother-in-law of Mrs. S. W. Peterson, was buried last Thursday at Freeport, Mo. … The Holton Recorder, November 23, 1922.
12082. Prairie View. Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell and children attended the funeral of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Graff, at Wheaton Friday. …
From the Holtonian.] Lillie Farrell was absent from school a few days last week on account of the death of her grandmother. The Holton Recorder, November 23, 1922.
12083. Pawnee City, Neb., Nov. 19 - Edward Chapman of Wymore, a laborer, was burned to death here yesterday when a boiler of a wrecker exploded, enveloping him in steam. His wife was at the death bed. They were married only a few weeks ago, after having kept company more than fifteen years. Ed Chapman lived in this township for a couple of years some five years ago. The Soldier Clipper, November 29, 1922.
12084. The accident which killed Albert Hines last week in Colorado was another case of death at a railroad crossing. He and his daughter Phillis, aged 15, were returning from a visit at the Clarence Beach home at Boulder. On attempting to cross the D. & R. G. tracks at the Mexico Avenue crossing in Denver, his car was struck by the locomotive of a train from Ft. Loaan, into Denver, and he was thrown 50 feet and instantly killed. His body was badly mangled, the head being almost severed. His daughter was thrown 30 feet against a freight car on another track. She was badly injured with a possible facture of the skull and internal injuries. She was taken to a hospital.
Mrs. DeGraw went to Littleton, Colo., last Tuesday in response to a telegram, announcing the death of her son-in-law, Albert Hines … The Soldier Clipper, November 29, 1922.
Mrs. Reba DeGraw of Soldier … son-in-law, A. S. Hinds. … The Holton Signal, April 12, 1923.
12085. Josephine Enright-Linscott was born in Syracuse, N. Y., June 3, 1882; died in Lincoln, Nebr., Nov. 20, 1922. She was married to Clare M. Linscott March 21, 1908. They made their home in Holton, Kan., for a year; then moved to their farm “Seven Oaks” near West Columbia, Texas, where they lived until 1913, when they moved to Port Arthur, Texas, then to Kansas City, and then to Bellevue, Nebr. No children were born of this union, and in 1913 they adopted Mary Elizabeth Linscott and in 1915 Judd Mortimer Linscott … her husband brothers and sisters and other relatives … while in Holton she became a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. As a child she was baptized and conformed in the Roman Catholic church, of Bellevue, Nebr., from which her body was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery overlooking the river. The Holton Recorder, November 30, 1922.
12086. Bancroft. Mr. Charles Adams of Idaho died in a hospital there and the body was shipped to Wetmore. … Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Holt and Mrs. Daisy Foster and Mr. Ed Adams from Blain were here for the funeral of their brother, Charles. Grandpa Adams came from Iowa Wednesday. He will stay with his son Henry this winter. The Holton Recorder, November 30, 1922.
12087. Clay Northcot Hurst, son of Alfred and Susannah Hurst, was born in Fleming county, Kentucky, April 21, 1856. He departed from this life November 23, 1922, at five minutes past eight o’clock. He was sixty-six years, seven months and two days of age. He was united in marriage to Miss Amanda E. Ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asiel Ham, November 20, 1891, at the home in Fleming county, Kentucky. … converted in his thirteenth year. Soon after this he united with the Methodist Episcopal church … About three months ago he was taken down with his last sickness … He leaves to mourn his departure a loving companion, two brothers, Rev. A. P. Hurst of Albany, Mo., S. M. Hurst of Fleming county, Kentucky; two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Muse of Muses’s Mills, Kentucky and Mrs. Geo. W. Wheat of Sabetha, Kan., and a host of other relatives … The Holton Recorder, November 30, 1922.
… burial in the Holton cemetery.
Card of Thanks. … Mrs. M. E. Wheat.
Those in attendance from a distance at the funeral of C. N. Hurst were, Rev. A. P. Hurst and wife, and Rev. G. W. Wheat and wife of Sabetha, Kansas, W. R. Brammer and wife of Woodlawn, Kan., Thomas Brammer and wife, Woodlawn, Kansas, Preston Hartly of Horton, Henry Lewman and wife, Woodlawn, Kansas, Edgar Humphrey and wife, Woodlawn, Kans., R. K. Stalcup and wife, Woodlawn, Kansas, Lloyd Stalcup and wife, Woodlawn, Kansas, G. W. Bair and wife of Sabetha, Rev. Grant Hamm and wife, Ontario, Kansas. The Holton Signal, November 30, 1922.
12088. Mayetta Department. Card of Thanks. … death of our little twin boy. Mr. and Mrs. Melenson. [Later in column.] One of Mr. and Mrs. Melenson’s twin babies died one day last week. This baby was about a month old. … The Holton Recorder, November 30, 1922.
Sunny Brook. Little William Oliver Melenson was born October 18, 1922, and departed this world November 23, 1922, age one month and six days. He was one of the twins of Arch Melenson’s. His little twin sister is doing nicely. … the little darling was laid to rest in the Coleman cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 7, 1922.
Nocks Creek. … died at their home on Dutch Creek … The Holton Signal, November 30, 1922.
12089. Philander Chilson passed away at Cassadaga, Florida, after an illness of three months, age 88 years. Mr. Chilson came to Kansas, 1871, and was a resident of South Cedar for 18 years working at his trade as blacksmith. The Holton Recorder, November 30, 1922.
12090. J. K. Eskridge was born in Hancock county, Indiana, January 5, 1845, and died September 15, 1922, aged 77 years, 8 months and 10 days. In young manhood he met Eve A. Dean, a young woman of the state of his birth, and they were married in the year 1864. To this union were born ten children; one son died when nine months of age; a daughter died at the age of 22 years; and one at the age of 30 years. The family came to Kansas in the year 1876; coming from Indiana to Nebraska, and from there to Kansas and located on the farm northeast of Meriden, where they have resided 44 years. … His death was due to apoplexy and Bright’s disease. The aged widow of 75 years, a daughter, Martha Richey, of Nyssa, Ore.; a son, James R. Eskridge of Charleston, Wash.; George Edgar Eskridge of Fort Bridger, Wyo.; a daughter, Susa Cunningham, of Nyssa, Ore.; Jesse Eskridge of Fairbury, Neb.; Mrs. Zada Plaisted of Meriden, Kan.; and Ellery, the youngest son of the home address, with other relatives … The Holton Recorder, December 7, 1922.
James K. Eskridge, 77, old resident of Jackson county died at his home four miles northwest of Meriden Friday. Mr. Eskridge settled on a farm along Muddy Creek in Jackson county in 1876 and for 45 years lived on the same farm. He was a member of the Muddy Creek Grange. … Mrs. Lewis Cunningham … The Holton Signal, September 21, 1922.
12091. Sunny Brook. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Jacob Bausch of Hoyt. The Holton Recorder, December 7, 1922.
Hoyt . We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Jacob Bausch, Sr. which occurred Saturday evening, November 25th. … The Holton Signal, November 30, 1922.
12092. James Nels, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson of Hoyt, Kansas, died Thursday morning of pneumonia. He was born October 24, 1922, aged five weeks and one day. He is survived by his parents, two sisters, Emma and Bernice, and his brother William. … The Holton Recorder, December 7, 1922.
Hoyt. … died November 30, 1922. … The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
12093. Central School - Holton. Scott and Clarissa Gross were absent on account of their grandmother’s death, last week. The Holton Signal, December 7, 1922.
12094. Grant Arnold, well known farmer, 55 years of age, died at his home northeast of Holton Tuesday night after a short illness. His death resulted from heart trouble that developed very suddenly. A few weeks ago he suffered an injury when a horse stepped on his foot. He had been recovering nicely from that, but the last few days complained of heart trouble. … The Holton Recorder, December 14, 1922.
Grant Arnold was born at the old Arnold home east of Holton, October 7, 1868. It was in this same neighborhood that he grew up, attended school and lived his entire life. December 14, 1892, he was united in marriage with Miss Lena Kaul. This union, which proved a very happy one, continued for 30 years, less one day. Their entire married life was spent on the present home site. … ten years ago … united with the Evangelical church … Wednesday morning, December 13, he fell asleep. His age was 54 years, 2 months and 6 days. … He is survived by his widow, three sons, two daughters, two grandsons, two brothers and two sisters. … Interment was made in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
Mary Catharine Arnold. Fourth child of John and Marie Arnold, was born in Jackson county, Kansas, April 8, 1864, and died at her home five miles northeast of Holton, May 23, 1923, age 59 years, 1 month and 15 days. ... She had lived most of her life in the community where she was born excepting eight years spent in Oklahoma. On November the 16th, she was united in marriage to Sanford A. Eubanks. To this union were born five children, who with the bereaved husband and father, mourn her death. The children are Tom Arnold, Ethel Catherine Hill, Frank, Ralph and Roy. All reside close to home except Frank who moved this spring to Iowa. She also leaves three grandchildren, Mildred Rose Eubanks, Joseph Oscar Hill, Jr., and Roger Eugene Eubanks … Two brothers and a sister mourn her going, Leonard Arnold and Frank Arnold of Holton, and Mrs. Adeline Strowig of Paxico. A brother, John, died when a young man. Another brother, Grant Arnold, preceded her to the eternal home just six months ago. … She was a member of the Presbyterian church of Holton … Interment was in the Holton cemetery.
Drake. … she was a charter member of the Violet Club and had been president of the club for several years. She was also a charter member of the Elk Valley grange. … The Holton Recorder, May 31, 1923.
12095. George Neal, age 18, a young man formerly of the Pleasant Grove neighborhood, but living with his parents near Ontario, was killed last Saturday while helping his father cut wood. The two were felling a tree which was not sound, and it dropped prematurely, catching the boy under it and crushing his chest. … burial was at Whiting. The Holton Recorder, December 14, 1922.
Pea Ridge. … formerly of this place … The Holton Recorder, December 14, 1922.
George Neal, 19 years old, was instantly killed when working timber on the Tribble farm three miles east of Soldier. … He was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Neal, who live near Ontario. They have had many hard experiences during the past year of sickness and this comes as the climax. … Soldier Clipper.
George Mason Neal was born December 25, 1903, at Joplin, Mo., and died at Ontario, Kan., Dec. 9, 1922, aged 18 years, 11 months, 14 days. … George leaves to mourn their loss, a loving father and mother, four sisters and three brothers, and an aged grandmother … The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
12096. Ada Belle Bradley, daughter of William A. and Bertha E. Bradley of this city was born January 8, 1914, and passed from this life at the home of her parents, December 5,1 922, aged 8 years 27 days. … She had just been graduated with her class from the primary department into the junior department of the school. She leaves besides her parents, three brothers, Ray H., and Lloyd J. and Merle G.; two sisters, Fay E. and Rosa May; besides many other relatives …laid to rest in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 14, 1922.
… died Tuesday night of peritonitis the result of appendicitis. … The Holton Recorder, December 7, 1922.
12097. Word has been received in Holton telling of the death of Mrs. A. L. Baker at the home of her mother at Capes, Ind., last Friday morning following a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Baker left Holton last fall to make her home with her son, Carl, in St. Louis, and had been with her mother only a few days when she passed away. The Holton Recorder, December 14, 1922.
Brief Local News. … burial took place at Cates. … The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
Alice Letitia Suttles, daughter of Sarah A. and Gaton Suttles, was born in Vermillion county, Illinois, near Danville, March 8, 1864. Departed this life at the home of her mother in Cates, Indiana, Dec. 8, 1922, aged 58 years and 9 months. She was united in marriage to Thomas C. Baker of Hoyt, Kansas, Sept. 5, 1887, at Topeka, Kan. To this union two sons were born, both living and have homes of their own. After the death of her husband, which occurred August 3, 1912, she continued her residence in Holton, Kan., until a short time ago she decided to live with her son in St. Louis, Mo. On Thursday morning, December 7, she came to the home of her mother to visit with her … suffered a stroke of paralysis and passed away at 3:30 the following morning … Mrs. Baker has been a consistent member of the First Baptist church of Holton, Kansas, for about 25 years … she leaves to mourn her departure two sons, Karl G. Baker of St. Louis, Mo., and Hugh G. Baker of Patagonia, Arizona; three granddaughters, Lillian and Kathryn Baker of St. Louis, Mo., and Ruby Baker of Patagonia, Arizona; her mother, Sarah A. Suttles of Cates Ind.; four sisters, namely: Mrs. Ida Marshall, Crawfordsville, Ind., Mrs. Celesta Holland, Kingman, Ind., Mrs. Estella Allen and Miss Katie V. Suttles of Cates, Ind., one brother, Wm. P. Suttles of Crawfordsville, Ind. … The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
12098. Mayetta Department. Elmer Higgens went to St. Louis Thursday evening to be present at an aunt’s funeral. The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
12099. Muddy Creek. The people of the community were sad to hear of the death of Ed Peterson’s four months old baby girl. She died of pneumonia in Horton Saturday. Funeral services were held at Powhattan Monday. The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
12100. Gilbert Bishop of Blaine, Kansas, died Wednesday, November 29. He was born in Logan county, Ohio, in 1841. At the out break of the war of 1861 he immediately volunteered and served all through the war. In 1866 he emigrated to Holton, Kansas. In 1872 he married Nancy Scanton of Champaign, Illinois. To this union was born four children, Lawrence Bishop, now deceased; Mrs. J. F. Reed, Frank Bishop and M. E. Bishop. … He moved to Blaine, Kansas from Holton in 1884 and has since continued to reside there until his death. He owned and operated a drug store during all these years and no matter what hour of the night people that were sick they always could depend on him to go to the store and get them any relief possible. … The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
12101. The friends and acquaintances in this community were shocked to hear of the accident on a Rock Island crossing near Topeka Saturday when Father McNeive and lay Brother Wm. Ryan of St. Marys were riding resulting in the death of both of them and demolishing the automobile completely. Father McNeive was killed almost instantly, the body was taken up to Topeka, and Brother Ryan was taken to a hospital where he lived about two hours. … The bodies were taken to St. Marys … The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
12102. Emmett. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Cowan who buried their baby last week. The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
12103. Nocks Creek. John Vender Bloomin, brother of James near Hoyt, died last week, west of Emmett. The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
12104. Mrs. Jane Woodyard died at her home Wednesday … The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
Cynthia Alexander was born in Union county, Indiana, January 4, 1835, and died in Holton, Kan., December 20, 1922, at the age of 87 years, 11 months and 17 days. On October 14, 1852, she was united in marriage to Dr. Daniel W. Taylor who died Wednesday, May 27, 1868. To this union were born six sons, Austin, Orville, Oscar, Thirston, Preston, and Orren. Only one son, Preston, survives his mother. On Sept. 6, 1969, she was married to John Woodyard who is left to mourn the companion of fifty years. In March, 1863. She took her three small sons, the oldest about 10 years of age, to visit her husband, Dr. Taylor, who was a surgeon in the army, then stationed at Helena, Arkansas. When the troops had been ordered down the river, she in company with another lady who had been visiting at the same place, through a mistake were put on a boat that was going down the river and she had the privilege of being an eye-witness to what but few, if any other northern woman had the opportunity to see, running the blockade at Vicksburg. For the past 50 years Mrs. Woodyard has lived in Holton. She had watched it grow from a pioneer town to a beautiful little city and often spoke of how glad she was that they had chosen Holton as their home. Besides her husband and son she leaves a brother, Dr. T. C. Alexander of Oakland, Iowa, six grandchildren, Mrs. Alex Latta, Mabel and Chester Taylor, Mrs. R. L. Metzker, Virgil P. Taylor, all of Holton, and Orville C. Taylor of Sterling, Colo., and two great-grandchildren, Dale and Donald Metzker. …. last resting place in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, January 4, 1923.
Jennie Agnes Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Taylor, was born in Holton, Kan., February 11, 1886, and died January 15, 1923, at the age of 36 years, 11 months and 27 days. On June 78, 1913, she was married to Alex C. Latta. To this union was born one child who died in infancy. A year ago last October they took into their home two foster-children, Edward and June, who have called her “mother” and on these children she lavished the affection she longed to give to her own baby. Mrs. Latta spent her girlhood and young womanhood in Holton and vicinity. She attended the Holton Public schools and graduated from the commercial department of Campbell college. For some time she did stenographic work in Holton and then filled that position at the Potawatomi Agency at Nadeau and the Navajo Agency at Ft. Defiance, Arizona. Mrs. Latta had been in failing health for a number of years … Besides her husband and two foster children she leaves her mother and sister Mabel and brother Chester, her father and one sister preceding her in death. … burial was in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, January 18, 1923.
12105. Michael Wolpert died Monday at St. Francis hospital, Topeka. His disease was cancer and he was taken to the hospital a week ago last Sunday. He has been afflicted with the trouble for several years.
The funeral services of Michael Woolpert were held at St. Dominick’s church Tuesday morning and burial was made in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
Michael Woolpert, 85, for many years a resident of Holton, died Monday at St. Francis hospital, Topeka. … The Holton Signal, December 14, 1922.
12106. Rudolph Boettcher was born in Vreitzen, Prussia, May 6, 1837. In 1853, at the age of 17, he immigrated to America stopping first in New York and later in Iowa. Soon he caught the spirit that tended westward and about 1856 came to Kansas and settled near Holton. Since that time he has lived in and near Holton uninterruptedly until the time of his decease which occurred December 17. … In 1869 he was joined in wedlock with Engel Wehmeier, who survives him. To them six children were born, one of whom preceded the father in death. The surviving children are: Mrs. Emma Kaul, Mrs. Ida Hochuli, Mrs. Hulda Knouft, Ernest and Otto Boettcher, all of Holton. There are 29 grandchildren. Also two brothers remain. Thirty-six years ago he united with the church … On Wednesday night he suffered a stroke and declined steadily until late Sunday afternoon when he quietly passed away. His age was 85 years, 7 months, 11 days. The service … at the Evangelical church … the remains were deposited in the Holton cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
12107. Mayetta Department. Margaret Whelan Quick was born near Mayetta January 22, 1895, and departed this life December 11, 1922, in a hospital at Norton, Kan., after a very brief illness of appendicitis. Word came of the seriousness of her condition Sunday and her father and sister, Mrs. W. C. Cooney left immediately, reaching her bedside a few hours before the end came. … She lived in Mayetta and went to school here, grew to womanhood and was married March, 1918, to Ernest Quick and has since resided in Goodland, Kan., the last station on the Rock Island Railroad before it enters the Colorado line. She leaves her husband, two small children, father and mother, five brothers, four sisters … one sister, Gertrude, having preceded her June 17, 1921, of the same disease. … taken to Holton … Interment took place in Mt. Calvary cemetery. The Holton Recorder, December 21, 1922.
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