Key words 1. Assessment: is a process of gaining information about students’ learning
and making value judgments about their progress.
2. Evaluation : To calculate or judge the value or degree of.
3. Formative evaluation (internal): is a method of judging the worth of
a program while the program activities are forming (in progress). The
focus is on the process.
4. Measurement: 5. Reliability : That which may be trusted and is dependable.
6. Standardized Tests: Compares the performance of every individual sub-
ject with the norm or criterion.
7. Summative evaluation (external ): is a method of judging the worth of
a program at the end of the program activities (summation). The focus
is on the outcome.
8. Test or Test item: assessment administered on paper intended to
measure the learners knowledge, skills, aptitude of the content learnt
9. Validity : measures what it is supposed to measure.