3.2. Explanation.
Descriptive or explanatory translation (replacing the word-realias with a detailed interpretation of its meaning). To translate an equivalent word, a description is used that reveals the meaning of an equivalent word using an expanded phrase [14, p. 181]. This method of translation completely eliminates the misunderstanding of realia that may arise during transliteration, transcription, calque, but the disadvantage is the fact that realia is transmitted to another language, completely losing its national and cultural coloring (non-reader – o’quv jarayonida qiynalayotgan o’quvchi).
These are homes for people who don’t need a big house, but don’t want to go to a condo (April 04, 2017) – Katta uyga muhtoj bo'lmagan ammo kooperariv turar joylarda yashashni istamaydigan odamlar uchun uylar bor. A condo is an apartment in a residential complex, where tennis courts, laundries, and gyms are usually located. This realia is unfamiliar to the Uzbek recipient, so a descriptive translation (kooperativ turarjoy binosi) is best suited.
Having a teacher stay with a class for more than a year – or looping, as it is known – is on the rise, according to many experts –O'qituvchi bir yildan ortiq vaqt davomida sinf bilan qolsa, bu hodisa ko'plab mutaxassislarning fikriga ko'ra, ta'lim sikli sifatida ham tanilgan.
Looping –“ta’lim sikli”- a type of training in which a teacher stays with the same class for more than a year. Educational realia is completely absent in the Uzbek language, so the most preferred option would be a descriptive translation.
The men have been injured in “the War,” and their dog tags are missing (October 14, 2016) –. "Urush" paytida erkaklar yaralangan va ularning harbiy xizmat jetonlari yo'qolgan. Dog-tag – “Harbiy xizmatchi jetoni” - a personal identification mark that allows you to identify a serviceman. Descriptive translation is used for translation, since realia has an emotional connotation, is used as military jargon and literally means "dog tag"- “it jetoni” [36, с.259].
At some colleges, advanced standing and credit are granted for students who have scored well on Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or A level results (September 28, 2016) –Ba’zi Oliy o’quv yurtlarida xalqaro bakalavr imtihonlarining murakkablashtirilgan kurslarida yaxshi ball to’plagan yoki yuqori natija ko’rsatgan yuqori kurs talabalariga o’qishini boshqa Oliy o’quv yurtiga ko’chirish kafolatlangan. Advanced standing –"oliy o'quv yurtlari talabalarining boshqa ta'lim muassasalaridan o’qishini ko’chirishi" - a system in which any undergraduate student has the opportunity to transfer to another university, subject to the availability of all credits and exams. This realia is translated by a descriptive translation, since this concept is absent in Uzbek culture.
Trumpcare, cleverly, doesn't ban insurers from covering the procedure (March 7, 2017) –Tramp tomonidan ilgari surilgan sog'liqni saqlash islohoti, sug'urtalovchilarni protseduralarni himoya qilishga to'sqinlik qilmaydi. Trumpcare – “Tramp tomonidan ilgari surilgan sog’liqni saqlash islohoti” -The healthcare reform initiated by President Donald Trump as a repeal of the healthcare reform of his predecessor, President Barack Obama (Obamacare), which caused a wide public outcry due to too high insurance prices, as a result of which many Americans could not afford to purchase it. This realia is a calque, from the previous name, but for the Uzbek-speaking recipient it is known simultaneously as Trumpcare and Trump's healthcare reform (descriptive translation)
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