3.4. Calque.
Calque is one of the most common methods of transferring realias into another language. Calque is a translation technique in which "the components of an equivalent lexical unit are replaced by their literal correspondences in the target language" [15, p. 168]. Calque makes it possible to convey the realias "with maximum preservation of semantic content" [8, p. 88]. This transformation is widely distributed in areas with a mixed ethnic composition of the country, but this principle is not always observed. Calque can get a certain distribution in the language, but at the same time remaining exotic for a particular locality, since the corresponding denotation is alien to this culture. Due to differences in lexical and semantic systems, calque is not always perceived by native speakers as familiar, and which corresponds to the norms of this language. When using this technique, it is necessary to take into account the cultural component of the word, which should not be lost or replaced by a component of another culture. Quite often, the calque technique is used when translating socio-political realias, for example: • Candidate of Science – Fan nomzodi; • the Fifth Column – Beshinchi kolonna; • The Nazi regime- Natsist rejimi. When creating a calque, the translator must take into account that the translation should not lose its national coloring, its uniqueness, and even more so be replaced by an existing component of another culture. Assimilation of calque is an extremely complex phenomenon, subject to consideration in diachronic terms and caused not only by intra—linguistic, but also by a number of cultural and social factors [11, p. 21].
A great white shark thwarted a Northern California man’s quest to become the first person to swim from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Farallon Islands (July 31, 2015). –- Katta oq akula Shimoliy Kaliforniya aholisining Oltin Darvoza ko'prigidan Farallon orollariga oqib o'tadigan ilk odam bo'lish rejalariga to’sqinlik qildi. “Oltin Darvoza ko’prigi” –the bridge passing over the Golden Gate Strait. It is one of the largest bridges in the USA [31, p.177]. This toponym is a landmark of the USA, so it seems to us that it is necessary to convey in the name itself the features of the bridge's appearance, and the method of calque is best.
Unofficial names of districts are of great interest for translation studies, since these names are the subject of word-making by people living in this territory.
12. Developers, corporations, educators and others have pumped about $5 billion into the city’s downtown, also called the Golden Triangle, over the last decade. ( February 17, 2016). –. O'tgan o'n yil mobaynida ishlab chiquvchilar, korporatsiyalar, ta'lim xodimlari va boshqalar shaharning"oltin uchburchak” deb ataluvchi biznes qismiga 5 milliard sarmoya kiritdilar. “Oltin uchburchak” –the reconstructed central part of the city of Pittsburgh, which is known as a business and entertainment center [36, p. 374]. This toponym indicates the shape of the city center, where three rivers and golden bridges connect. To convey a feature, the calque technique best reflects the features of realia.
This year the historian Nancy Isenberg spent 11 weeks on the hardcover nonfiction list with “White Trash,” tracing the role of poor white people from colonial times to the present (November 18, 2016) – В этом году, историк Нэнси Айзенберг потратила 11 недель для написания в жесткой обложке документальной книги, под названием «Белый мусор», изучив роль бедных белых людей, начиная с колониальных времен до настоящего времени. Bu yil, tarixchi Nensi Eisenberg mustamlakachilik davridan hozirgi kungacha kambag'al oq tanli aholining rolini o'rganib 11 haftani "oq chiqindi" deb nomlangan hujjatli asarni yozish uchun o'tkazdi. «White Trash» – “Oq chiqindi” - the nickname of white Americans without education, work [36, 1078]. The realia is translated using the calque technique.
«We've entered a post-truth world and there's no going back» (November 8, 2016) –Biz "haqiqatdan keyingi dunyo" ga kirdik va endi orqaga hech qanday yo’l yo’q. Post-truth world – “haqiqatdan keying dunyo” -. circumstances in which the facts of objective reality have less influence on the audience than a direct appeal to emotions. This realia is translated using calque.
2. That could mean less attention to white-collar crime as the Justice Department puts a greater emphasis on more common street crimes( March 13, 2017) –Bu ofis xodimlari tomonidan sodir etilgan jinoyatlarga kamroq e'tibor qaratilishi mumkin degani, chunki Adliya vazirligi odatiy ko'cha jinoyatlariga ko'proq e'tibor qaratmoqda. White-collar – “oq yoqa” –employee who performs office, administrative and other tasks. When translating, the calque technique is used. Justice Department – "AQSh Adliya Vazirligi" is a government agency representing the American state in all legal cases [36, p. 247]. When translating, the calque technique is used.
3. A political prisoner escapes from a high security penitentiary (May 13, 2016) –Siyosiy mahbus qattiq rejimli ahloq tuzatish muassasasidan qochib ketdi. Penitentiary – “ahloq tuzatish muassasasi”– state or federal prison for convicted criminals. We translate the name of the prison using calque.
Diplomatic cables sent last week from Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson to all American embassies instructed consular officials to broadly increase scrutiny ( March 23, 2017) –. AQSh davlat kotibi Reks Tillerson o'tgan hafta diplomatik depeshalarni barcha AQSh vakolatxonalariga jo'natib, konsullik mulozimlarini diqqat bilan tekshirishni buyurdi. Secretary of State – «AQSH davlat kotibi» -- an official corresponding to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in other states [36, p. 856]. This realia is translated using calque.
1) Strategies in simultaneous translation are represented by four main groups: the transformation group of calque, transcription, addition, and explanation.
• additions is determined through the type of completions that are made in the target language.
• additions are related to the area of expression of communicative intention. In simultaneous translation, they include a small group of correction additions.
• Semantic-syntactic additions implement the explication of information presented implicitly in the source language.
• The low degree of distribution of additions in comparison with other types of transformations in simultaneous translation is due to the time limit and in some cases the need for compression. The prevailing proportion of intentional-semantic additions indicates a tendency to deviate from the neutral presentation of the translation and the use of such additions as a means of replenishing other components of the utterance.
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