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Code: PZ4

Developmental psychopathology and prevention

General information

Study program

Prevention Science - Prevention of mental and behaviour disoders and mental health promotion

Year of Study

1 year

Course supervisor

Prof. dr. sc. Clemens M.H. Hosman


Maastricht University and Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Teaching associates

Conditions for course attending

Type of course


o optional

Course contents

This course aims to educate students in the basic concepts and principles of developmental psychopathology, its interdisciplinary studies of pathological and normal development from early childhood to adulthood, and its meaning for grounding the development of effective prevention and mental health promotion.

Special attention will be given to scientific knowledge on the transgenerational transmission of mental disorders and its meaning for preventing mental problems and psychopathology in children of mentally ill or addicted parents.

Developmental psychopathology is a field of interdisciplinary science that links and integrates knowledge from disciplines, such as psychiatry, clinical and developmental psychology, pedagogical sciences, developmental epidemiology, neurobiology and neuropsychology, genetics, experimental psychopathology, sociology and educational sciences. It serves as one main of the scientific foundations of prevention science and early interventions. It studies multiple developmental pathways in the onset and course of single disorder (equifinality), as well the multiple outcomes of a common risk or protective factor (multifinality). Knowledge on developmental pathways will also be used to understand the high prevalence of comorbidity. Developmental pathways of both mental health (resilience) and mental disorders are studied. In addition to the identification of risk and protective factors that could be identified as targets of prevention and promotion interventions, psychopathology also offers information on the best timing of such interventions and on the settings and system levels that needs to targeted to generate a significant change in the multicausal developmental trajectories. Intervention strategies include especially early interventions and primary and secondary prevention directed at changes in individuals (especially children and adolescents), their educational environment and other relevant social systems and conditions.

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • The ability to understand the concepts, principles and theories of developmental psychopathology and their meaning for prevention of mental disorders and promotion of mental health.

  • The ability to identify evidence-based developmental pathways of mental disorders and mental health across the life span, including pathways defined by equifinality and pathways defined by multifinality.

  • The ability to link knowledge on risk and protective factors from different disciplines, systems levels and stages of the life span, and to integrate this knowledge in a comprehensive view on the development of mental health and mental disorders.

  • The ability to use knowledge from developmental psychopathology for the selection of determinants, populations at risk and sensitive periods as targets for effective prevention and mental health promotion.

  • The ability to understand the epidemiology of the transgenerational transfer of psychopathology, the active mediating processes and moderating factors in this process, and related opportunities to prevent the transfer of mental and behavioral problems from parents to their children.

  • The ability to understand parallel and sequential comorbidity among mental disorders and with physical and social problems using knowledge from developmental psychopathology; and its implications for designing effective prevention programmes and public mental health policies.

Quality assurance and assessment of course performance

  • Literature study 55%

  • Participation and attendance 15%

  • 1 Paper (15 pages) 25%

  • Paper presentation 5%

  • Student assessment survey

Number of ECTS credits allocated

Hours per week

Lectures: 15

Seminars: 5

Exerc.: 5

Total hours: 25
Assessment methods

þoral examination

þ written


þ continual assessment

þ independent student work

Teaching methods

þ lectures

þ seminars

þ research study

þ exercises

þ literature/internet

þ laboratory

þ practical work

þ tutorial

Required literature

Cicchetti, D., & Toth, S.L. (1997). Transactional ecological systems in developmental psychopathology. In: S.S. Luthar, J.A Burack,, D. Cicchetti, & J.R. Weisz (1997). Developmental psychopathology: Perspectives on risk, adjustment and disorder. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (pp.317-347)

Cicchetti, D., & Cohen, D. (2000). Perspectives on developmental psychopathology. In D.Cicchetti & D.Cohen (Eds.), Developmental psychopathology: Theory and methods. Volume 1. New York: Wiley. (pp.3-20)

Denham, S.A. et al. (2000). Prediction of externalizing behavior problems from early childhood to middle childhood: The role of parental socialization and emotion expression. Development & Psychopathology, 12, 23-45.

Greenberg, M. (1999). Attachment and psychopathology in childhood. In Ph. R. Shaver, R. Phillip & J. Cassidy, Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications. (pp.469-496). New York, NY, US: Guilford Press.

Hudson, J.L., et al. (2004). The other side of the coin: Using intervention research in child anxiety disorders to inform developmental psychopathology. Development & Psychopathology, 14, 819-841.

Jaffee, S.R. et al. (2005). Nature x nurture: genetic vulnerabilities interact with physical maltreatment to promote conduct problems. Development & Psychopathology, 17, 67-84.

Kelly, Y.J., et al. (2001). Birthweight and behavioral problems in children: a modifiable effect. International journal of Epidemiology, 30, 88-94.

Masten, A., & Curtis, J. (2000). Integrating competence and psychopathology. Development & Psychopathology, 12, 529-550.

McEwen, B.S. (2003). Early life influences on life long patterns of behavior and health. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 9, 149-154.

Tolan, P.B., & Gormann-Smith, D. (2002). What violence prevention research can tell use about developmental psychopathology. Development & Psychopathology, 14, 713-729.

Schore, A. N. (2001a). Effects of a secure attachment relationship on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health. Infant Mental Health Journal, 22, 7-66.

Seidman, E., & French, S.E. (2004). Developmental trajectories and ecological transitions: A two-step procedure to aid in the choice of prevention and promotion interventions. Development & Psychopathology, 16, 1141-1159.

Required literature: transgenerational transfer of psychopathology

Goodman, S. H., & Gotlib, I. H. (1999). Risk for psychopathology in the children of depressed mothers: A developmental model for understanding mechanisms of transmission. Psychological Review, 106, 458-490.

Hammen, C. (2002). Context of stress in families with depressed parents. In S.H. Goodman, & I.H. Gotlib, (Eds.) (2002). Children of depressed parents: Mechanisms of risk and implications for treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (pp.175-199).

Phares, V., Duhig, A.M., & Watkins, M.M. (2002). Family context: Fathers and other support. In S.H. Goodman, & I.H. Gotlib, (Eds.) (2002). Children of depressed parents: Mechanisms of risk and implications for treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (pp. 203-226).

Steinhausen, H. (1995). Children of alcoholic parents. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 4, 143-152.

Van-Doesum, K.T.M, Hosman,-C.M.H., & Riksen-Walraven J.M. (2005). A Model-Based Intervention for depressed mothers and their infants. Infant-Mental-Health-Journal, 26, 2, 157-176.

Van Doesum, K.T.M., Riksen-Walraven, J.M.,Hosman, C.M.H., & Hoefnagels, C. Preventing early relationship problems of depressed mothers and their infants: A randomized controlled trial of a preventive intervention for mother and child. (Submitted).

Van Doesum, K.T.M., Hosman, C.M.H., Riksen-Walraven, J.M., & Hoefnagels, C. (in press). Predicting depressed mothers’ sensitivity towards their infants: the role of maternal, child, and contextual characteristics.

Weissman, M.M, Warner, V., Wickramaratne, P., Moreau, D., & Olfson, M. (1997). Offspring of depressed parents: 10 years later. Archives of General Psychiatry. 54, 932-940.
(around 400 pages, of which 50 pages of scientific articles on developmental trajectories of a specific mental health problem or related preventive interventions (student paper), selected by the student from peer-reviewed international scientific journals)

Recommended literature

Recommended literature on developmental psychopathology

Bradley, S.J. (2000). Affect regulation and the development of psychopathology. New York: The Guilford press.

Buckner, J.C., Mezzacappa, E., & Beardslee, W.R. (2003). Characteristics of resilient youth living in poverty: The role of self-regulatory processes. Development & Psychopathology, 15, 139-162.

Carlson, E. A., & Soufre, L. A. (1995). Contribution of attachment theory on developmental psychopathology. In D. Chiccetti & D. J. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental psychopathology: Theory and models (Vol. 1, pp. 581-617). New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Conduct Problem Prevention Research Group (2002). Using the Fast-Track randomized prevention trial to test the early starter model of the development of serious conduct problems. Development and Psychopathology, 14, 925-943.

Gilliom, M., & Shaw, D.S. (2004). Codevelopment of externalizing and internalizing problems in early adulthood. Development & Psychopathology, 16, 313-333.

Luthar, S.S., Burack, J.A., Cicchetti, D., & Weisz J.R. (1997). Developmental psychopathology: Perspectives on risk, adjustment and disorder. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Masten, A. et al. (2004). Resources and resilience in the transition to adulthood: Continuity and change. Development & Psychopathology, 16, 1071-1094.

Schneider, W.J., Cavell, T.A., & Hughes, J.N. (2003). A sense of containment: Potential moderator of the relation between parenting practices and children’s externalizing behaviors. Development & psychopathology, 15, 95-117.

Schore, A. N. (2001b). The effects of early relational trauma on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health. Infant Mental Health Journal, 22, 201-269.

Rolf, J., Masten, A., Cicchetti, D. et al. (Eds.) (1990). Risk and protective factors in the development of psychopathology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Sroufe, L.A., Egeland, B., Carlson, E.A., & Collins, W.A. (2005). The development of the person: The Minnesota study of risk and adaptation from birth to adulthood. New York: The Guilford press.

Werner, E.E. (1993). Risk, resilience and recovery: perspectives from the Kauai Longitudinal Study. Development & Psychopathology, 5, 503-5015.

Werner, E..E., & Smith, R.S. (2001) Journeys from childhood to midlife: Risk, resilience, and recovery. Ithaca, NY, US: Cornell University Press.

Recommended literature on transgenerational transfer of psychopathology, especially depression

Beardslee, W.R.(2002). Out of the darkened room: When a parent is depressed, protecting the children and strengthening the family. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Beardslee, W.R., Gladstone, T.R., Wright,E.J., & Cooper, A.B. (2003). A family-based approach to the prevention of depressive symptoms in children at risk: evidence of parental and child change. Pediatrics, 112, 119-131.

Beardslee, W.R., Hoke, L., Wheelock, I., Rothberg, P.C., van de Velde, P., & Swatling, S. (1992). Initial findings on preventive intervention for families with parental affective disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 1335-1340.

Beardslee, W.R., Keller, M.B., Lavori, P.W., Staley, J., & Sacks, N. (1993). The impact or parental affective disorder on depression in offspring: a longitudinal follow-up in a nonrefferred sample. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 32, 723-730.

Beardslee, W.R., & Podorefski, D. (1988). Resilient adolescents whose parents have serious affective and other psychiatric disorders: importance of self understanding and relationships. American Journal of Psychiatry, 145, 63-69.

Beardslee, W.R., Salt, P., Versage, E.M., Gladstone, T.R., Wright, E.J., & Rothberg, P.C. (1997). Sustained change in parents receiving preventive interventions for families with depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 154, 510-515.

Beardslee, W.R., Versage, E.M., & Gladstone, T.R. (1998). Children of affectively ill parents: a review of the past 10 years. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 37, 1134-1141.

Beardslee, W.R., Versage, E.M., Wright, E.J., Salt, P., Rothberg, P.C., Drezner, K., & Gladstone, T.R. (1997). Examination of preventive interventions for families with depression: evidence of change. Development and Psychopathology, 9, 109-130.

Beardslee, W.R., Wright, E., Rothberg, P.C., Salt, P., & Versage, E. (1996). Response of families to two preventive intervention strategies: long-term differences in behavior and attitude change. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35, 774-782.

Beardslee, W.R., Wright, E.J., Salt, P., Drezner, K., Gladstone, T.R., Versage, E.M., & Rothberg, P.C. (1997). Examination of children's responses to two preventive intervention strategies over time. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 196-204.

Beidel, D.C., & Turner, S.M. (1997). At risk for anxiety: I. Psychopathology in the offspring of anxious parents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 918-924.

Biederman, J., Faraone, S.V., Hirshfeld-Becker, D.R., Friedman, D., Robin, J.A., & Rosenbaum, J.F. (2001). Patterns of psychopathology and dysfunction in high-risk children of parents with panic disorder and major depression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 49-57.

Black, D.W., Gaffney, G.R., Schlosser, S., & Gabel, J. (2003). Children of parents with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a 2-year follow-up study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 107, 305-313.

Bijl, R.V., Cuijpers, P., & Smit, F. (2002). Psychiatric disorders in adult children of parents with a history of psychopathology. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 37, 7-12.

Christoffersen, M.N., & Soothill, K. (2003). The long-term consequences of parental alcohol abuse: a cohort study of children in Denmark. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 25, 107-116.

Clark, D.B., Cornelius, J., Wood, D.S, & Vanyukov, M. (2004). Psychopathology risk transmission in children of parents with substance use disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 685-691.

Crockenberg, S.C., & Leerkes, E.M. (2003). Parental acceptance, postpartum depression, and maternal sensitivity: mediating and moderating processes. Journal of Family Psychology, 17, 80-93.

Downey, G., & Coyne, J. C. (1990). Children of depressed parents: An integrative review. Psychological Bulletin, 108, 50-76.

Field, T. (1998). Maternal depression effects on infants and early interventions. Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 27, 200-203.

Field, T. Grizzle, N., Scafidi, F., Abrams, S. , Richardson, S. , Kuhn, C. , & Schanberg, S. (1996). Massage therapy for infants of depressed mothers. Infant Behavior and Development., 19, 107-112.

Gelfand, D. M., Teti, D. M., Seiner, S.A., & Jameson, P.B. (1996). Helping mothers fight depression: Evaluation of a home-based intervention program for depressed mothers and their infants. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 25, 406-422.

Goodman, S.H., & Gotlib, I.H. (Eds.) (2002). Children of depressed parents: Mechanisms of risk and implications for treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hammen, C., Brennan, P.A., Shih, J.H. (2004). Family discord and stress predictors of depression and other disorders in adolescent children of depressed and nondepressed women. J. Am. Acad. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 994-1002.

Lieb, R., Isensee, B., Hofler, M., Pfister, H., & Wittchen, H.U. (2002). Parental major depression and the risk of depression and other mental disorders in offspring: A prospective-longitudinal community study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 59, 365-374.

Lizardi, H., Klein, D.N., & Shankman, S.A. (2004). Psychopathology in the adolescent and young adult offspring of parents with dysthymic disorder and major depressive disorder. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192, 193-199.

Lyons-Ruth, K., Connell, D.B., Grunebaum, H.U., & Botein, S. (1990), Infants at social risk: maternal depression and family support services as mediators of infant development and security of attachment. Child Development, 61, 85-98.

Murray, L., & Cooper, P. (1996). The impact of postpartum depression on child development. International Review of Psychiatry, 8, 55-63.

Nomura, Y., Warner, V., & Wickramaratne, P. (2001). Parents concordant for major depressive disorder and the effect of psychopathology in offspring. Psychological Medicine, 31, 1211-1222.

Park, R.J., Senior, R., & Stein, A. (2003). The offspring of mothers with eating disorders. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 12, 1110-1119.

Rutter, M. & Quinton, D. (1984). Parental psychiatric disorder: Effects on children. Psychological Medicine, 14, 853-880.

Weissman, M.M., Wickramaratne, P., Nomura, Y., Warner, V., Verdeli, H. Pilowsky, D.J., et al. (2005). Families at high and low risk for depression: a 3-generation study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 29-36.

Scientific papers that qualify professor for teaching the course

Allart-van-Dam, E., Hosman, C.M.H., Hoogduin, C.A.L., & Schaap, C.P.D.R. (2003). The Coping With Depression course: Short-term outcomes and mediating effects of a randomized controlled trial in the treatment of subclinical depression. Behavior Therapy, 34, 3, 381-396.

Allart-van-Dam, E., Hosman, C.M.H., & Keijsers, G.P.J.A. (2004). New Instrument to Assess Participant Motivation for Involvement in Preventive Interventions. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60, 6, 555-565.

Hosman, C.M.H. (2001). Prevention programs on reducing stress and depression related problems. In: Coping with stress and depression related problems in Europe. (pp. 58-60). Brussels: European Commission/World health Organization.

Hosman, C.M.H. (2002). Progress in evidence-based Prevention and promotion in mental health. In P. Mrazek & C. Hosman (Eds.), Toward a strategy of worldwide action to promote mental health and prevent mental and behavioral disorders. Alexandria, VA: World Federation for mental Health. (p. 33-36).

Hosman, C.M.H. (2004). Evidence-based prevention of mental disorders: A World health Organization Project. In E. Berger (Ed.), Developing partnerships: Science, policy and programs across cultures. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services.

Hosman, C.M.H., & Clayton, R. (2000), Prevention and health promotion on the international scene: The need for a more effective and comprehensive approach. Addictive Behaviors, 25, 6, 943-954.

Hosman, C., Dadds, M. & Raphael, B. Evidence-based prevention of anxiety disorders. In C. Hosman, E. Llopis, & S. Saxena. Evidence-based prevention of mental disorders. Oxford University Press. (in press)

Hosman, C.M.H., Jane-Llopis, E., & Saxena, S. (eds.) (2004). Prevention of Mental Disorders: Effective interventions and policy options. Geneva: World Health Organization (Summary Report, 70 pp.)

Hosman, C.M.H., Jane-Llopis, E., & Saxena, S. (Eds.) (In press). Evidence-based Prevention of Mental Disorders. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Jané-Llopis, E., Hosman, C., Jenkins, R., & Anderson, P. (2003). A meta-analysis of depression prevention programmes : What predicts effect ? British Journal of Psychiatry, 183, 384-397.

Jané-Llopis, E., Barry, M.M., Hosman, C. and Patel, V. (2005) Mental health promotion works: A review. In: E. Jané-Llopis, M.M. Barry, C. Hosman and V. Patel (Eds.). The Evidence of Mental Health Promotion Effectiveness: Strategies for Action. Promotion & Education, Special Issue, Supplement 2, 2005, 9-25.

Jané-Llopis, E., Barry, M.M., Hosman, C., & Patel, V. (Eds.). The Evidence of Mental Health Promotion Effectiveness: Strategies for Action. Promotion & Education, Special Issue, Supplement 2, 2005, 9-25.

Mann,-M., Hosman,-C. M.H., Schaalma, H.P., & de Vries, N.K. (2004). Self-esteem in a broad-spectrum approach for mental health promotion. Health-Education-Research, 19, 4, 357-372.

Lecic-Tosevski, D., Christodoulou, G.N., Herrman, H., Hosman, C., Jenkins, R., Newton, J., Rajkumar, S., Saxena, S., Schmolke, M. (2004) WPA Consensus Statement on Psychiatric Prevention. Dynamische Psychiatrie (Dynamic Psychiatry), 36, 5-6, 307-315. 

Molleman, G.R.M., Ploeg, M.A., Hosman, C.M.H., & Peters, L. (2004). Preffi 2.0: un outil néerlandais pour analyser l’efficacité des interventions en promotion de la santé. Promotion & Education, 11, 4, hors serie 1, 22-27.

Molleman,-G.R.M, Peters, L.W.H, Hosman,-Clemens-M.H., & Kok, G.. (2005). Implementation of a quality assurance instrument (Preffi 1.0) to improve the effectiveness of health promotion in The Netherlands. Health-Education-Research, 20, 4, 410-422.

Molleman, , G.R.M., Peters, L.W.H., Hosman, C.M.H., Kok, G., & Oosterveld, P. (2005). Project quality rating by experts and practitioners with preffi 2.0 as a quality assessment instrument. Health Education Research, advance access publication, October 12, 2005.

Mrazek, P. & Hosman, C.M.H. (Eds.) (2002). Toward a strategy of worldwide action to promote mental health and to prevent mental and behavioral disorders. Alexandria: World Federation for Mental Health.

Peters, L., Molleman, G., Hommels, L. Ploeg, M., Hosman, C., & Jane-LLopis, E. (2003). Health Promotion Effect Management Instrument Preffi 2.0: Explanatory Guide. Woerden, NL: Dutch National Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.

Van-Doesum, K.T.M, Hosman,-C.M.H., & Riksen-Walraven J.M. (2005). A Model-Based Intervention for depressed mothers and their infants. Infant-Mental-Health-Journal, 26, 2, 157-176.

Van Doesum, K.T.M., Riksen-Walraven, J.M.,Hosman, C.M.H., & Hoefnagels, C. Preventing early relationship problems of depressed mothers and their infants: A randomized controlled trial of a preventive intervention for mother and child. (Submitted).

Van Doesum, K.T.M., Hosman, C.M.H., Riksen-Walraven, J.M., & Hoefnagels, C. (in press). Predicting depressed mothers’ sensitivity towards their infants: the role of maternal, child, and contextual characteristics.

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