Policing Objective: Reduce Harm and the Risk of Harm
Work Stream: To work with partners in the commissioning and delivery of services that reduce the harm caused by substance misuse
Chief Officer Lead: T/ACC Simon Shaw
SMT Lead: Ch/Supt. Jeremy Vaughan
Current status:
NWP continue to be actively involved in the work of the North Wales Area Planning Board (APB) with T/ACC Shaw acting as Vice Chair of the APB Executive Group and Chair of the APB Delivery Group. In addition T/ACC Shaw is continuing in the role as Chair of the North Wales Community Justice Integrated Services Strategic Board. The aim of these arrangements is to ensure a joined up approach for substance misuse commissioning and delivery and to optimise communications and opportunities for efficiencies. This remains ongoing but has and continues to make significant progress.
During quarter 4 there have been a number of work streams progressed. Headlines are as follows:
At the end of the financial year the APB are pleased to report full expenditure against the Substance Misuse Action Fund (SMAF) Revenue Grant of £4,924,576. Despite considerable slippage having been accrued due to delayed start of new services/ projects, underspend has been identified early and reinvested in short term initiatives which has added considerable value.
In February, Welsh Government confirmed the 2015/16 Substance Misuse Action Fund Revenue Grant allocation to North Wales APB as £4,924,576, the same amount as 2014/15. The indicative allocation for 2016/17 is at the same level. The Capital allocation has been confirmed as £1,121,926, again the same as previous and set to remain so for 2016/17.
APB Expenditure Plan and Commissioning
A draft 2015/16 Substance Misuse Action Fund (SMAF) Revenue Expenditure Plan was approved at the APB Executive on 17th March 15. This has been completely reviewed from previous versions to reflect the APB commissioning priorities and a national model of substance misuse provision.
A large scale mapping exercise of APB SMAF commissioned services has been carried out which for the first time demonstrates a coherent regional picture and marks a basis or benchmark for developing services/ initiatives in the future.
Appendix 1 shows two draft diagrammatic representations of the SMAF and Health
Board funded adult and children and young people’s services across North Wales.
A number of substantial Capital projects are underway and all projected for either full or phased completion before end of financial year, these include substantial work to the Dewi Sant Centre in Rhyl to increase temporary supported accommodation and remodelling of Rhyl substance misuse service accommodation to better meet needs of the client group and increase capacity.
Dashboard Area
Some Progress
In Progress
APB Guidance
May 14
Sept 14
Jan 15
Delivery Plan
May 14
Sept 14
Jan 15
Core Standards
May 14
Sept 14
Jan 15
Since September 14, the APB Commissioning and Development team have invested a considerable amount of time to resolve some apparent performance issues against Welsh Government KPI’s. Although, this work is on-going, most recent data demonstrates a noticeable improvement in reporting and interpretation of data by service providers which will, in time, provide us with a more accurate picture and better reflect actual performance of services across North Wales.
In addition to KPI’s, each APB is required to provide a self assessment against the Welsh Government (WG) dashboard performance information. There are 3 parts to the assessment as follows:
APB Governance Arrangements
Progress against WG Strategy delivery plan
Implementation of Core Standards
The required performance reporting is provided on a quarterly basis the most recent having been submitted in January. The following table provides a comparative summary of performance from May 14 to Jan 15.
The table shows very positive performance with the majority of areas being assessed as Green status.
APB Commissioning and Development Team
The substantive APB Commissioning and Development Team were formally established on 2nd February 2015.
Alcohol Harm/ Demand Reduction
A further workshop relating to reducing the demand of alcohol on Public services across the region was held on 30th January 15. Although this is not an APB specific initiative, both Chair and Vice Chair T/ACC Simon Shaw are leading the project alongside Project Sponsor, Iwan Davies, Chief Executive, Conwy County Council.
The second workshop enabled participants to agree a common ambition and goal alongside 3 key areas of concentration as summarised in the following table:
AMBITION: Act together to reduce alcohol harm and its economic impact, so we can all have healthier, safer lives
GOAL: Reduce public sector costs by 10% over 5 years (£40 m)
T/ACC Simon Shaw
Vicky Jones
Educating Public Sector Workforce via targeted and coherent Brief advice training- reach of this is 80,000 people and many more when considering their children, families and significant others.
Iwan Davies/ Andrew Jones
Target North Wales specific media to change large scale messages and challenge long held assumptions and views. To get media on board with our messages.
Andrew Jones
Chief Supt Jeremy Vaughan
Reduce Availability and Affordability in a consistent and coherent way across the region
A further overarching area of work was outlined as the need to IDENTIFY MEASURABLE GOALS to underpin the success of the project and work to be undertaken and the Project Lead identified is Dr Rob Poole, University of Wales,
A progress report has been written for the Cross Sector Chief Executives which was delivered by Iwan Davies on the 11th March, continued communications.
A presentation was made by APB leads to Local Policing Services Senior Management Team (LPS SMT) to increase communication and information exchange about APB business with a specific focus on recovery. Service users in recovery told their stories to LPS SMT which aided a greater understanding of the issues of substance misuse and how those in recovery can be mobilised to help others follow the same path.
Progress planned for next quarter:
Ongoing work is being undertaken on an APB performance management framework to ensure that the APB are setting clear performance measures to assess themselves against rather than being solely reliant on National KPI’s.
Mapping and gap analysis are set to continue into the new financial year and a contract review methodology will be formulated to ensure that each commissioned services can be assessed to ensure it remains relevant.
A Capital strategy will be finalised to ensure Capital monies can be prioritised for areas of greatest need.
The programme to address reducing the demand of alcohol on Public services across the region is set to continue with much momentum having been gathered.
Plans will be progressed for a promotional film containing recovery stories to raise awareness amongst Police Officers and support staff of substance misuse.
Work continues to ensure the APB is cited within the integrated regional and local planning mechanisms originating from the Safer Communities Board.
To continue progressing joint commissioning and alignment of budgets with the PCC and Health Board.
APPENDIX 1- SMAF funded Adult projects and CYP projects
4. Build Effective Partnerships
Policing Objective: Build Effective Partnerships
Work Stream: To complete a stocktake of existing partnerships arrangements and pursue opportunities to improve
Chief Officer Lead: Chief Constable Mark Polin
SMT Lead: Ch/Supt. Jeremy Vaughan
Current Status:
A great deal of discussion and consideration was given to development of the Safer Communities Board (SCB) Board Plan with a refreshed list of actions which are derived from the Regional Strategic Assessment and also capture the Police and Crime Plan priorities. In addition explicit within the plan is those actions which are to be delivered by the SCB and also those areas the region would wish the local Community Safety Partnerships(CSP) to focus on. A suite of measures to help track outcomes has been developed.
The Chief Constable has facilitated forums to bring together the LSB Chairs and also leads for CSPs to allow for the collective vision to be shared which has allowed for progress to be made around dovetailing priorities and subsequent actions at the appropriate partnership.
Significant progress has already been made on a number of the actions contained within the SCB plan.
Progress planned for next quarter:
To continue to make progress on the delivery of the SCB plan
Policing Objective: Build Effective Partnerships
Work Stream: To progress further collaborative opportunities with other police forces and partners
Chief Officer Lead: DCC Gareth Pritchard
SMT Lead: Supt Gareth Evans
Current status:
All Wales
The Four Police and Crime Commissioners and the Four Chief Constables in Wales have agreed to the undertaking of an independent and objective assessment of the scope for potential collaborative opportunities within and out of the police family in Wales.
The review will also identify the potential for service and cost improvement in each area under review if collaboration is not deemed to be viable or cost effective.
The review will be undertaken by external consultants (Capita) supported by heads of change management, Senior Leaders and Departmental Heads of each function
under review (the scope) as listed below:
Business Area
Collaborative Area
Refining Joint Legal, Insurance, Risk
Corporate Communications
Printing & Video Production elements of Corporate Communications
Corporate Finance: Accountancy, Payroll, Ledgers
Force Business Centre: Helpdesks, Purchasing, Travel
HR including Occupational Health
Learning & Development
Driver Training
Information Management
Information Management, Disclosure, Vetting
Firearms Licensing
Information Technology as well as Information Systems
Welsh Language
Project Management
Project & Programme Management
The timescales for the review are challenging, but have been designed to minimise disruption and delays to existing Value for Money programmes within each force.
The objective of the work is to answer the following question:
‘What is the optimum delivery model for a service currently being provided in each of the policing services in Wales and how does the preferred model of joining support/operational services together, make significant cost savings, without losing the relationship with local communities and each partners local objectives.”
The terms of reference, together with the project approach and project plan have been received, and the methods proposed for the work to progress are to be developed in forthcoming weekly quad-force teleconferences with the consultants.
The current proposal (as at 29/4) is that the consultants come into force on 11th May, and spend that week obtaining financial baseline date, together with detailed understanding of process, priorities and activity.
The objectives of the first stage, referred to as the Define stage which will last five weeks are defined below:
The milestone for the completion of the Define stage will be the production and sign-off of the following deliverables:
Current operating model baseline for the functions in scope for each force
Agreed preferred set of delivery model options to be explored further
An agreed and signed off benefits and funding sharing model.
The force resource requirement during the project is requested by the consultants as follows:
HR and Finance functions on a full-time basis
ICT on a part-time basis (approximately 25% commitment)
The other Business Areas in scope on a low level part-time basis (primarily in workshops and to attend meetings to test our designs)
An operational policing perspective to give a view on the impact this will have on front-line public service delivery and primarily to attend meetings to test our designs.
The next phases of the project are detailed within the Project approach.
Further information is received from Capita and South Wales Police on this work on a daily basis, to confirm the governance and communications arrangements.
North West Region
The findings of the opportunities assessment reviews were presented to the Chief Constables on Friday 24th April 2015, and it was agreed that work would continue to the next stage of the programme, known as Model Development, with priority given to progressing the Scientific Support project and conducting a review of Niche capability.
Corporate Support - Procurement and Vehicle Fleet (Cheshire Constabulary)
Call Handling and Deployment (Cheshire Constabulary)*
Criminal Justice (Merseyside Police)
Scientific Support (North Wales Police)**
Uniform Operations Support (Merseyside Police)
*Cheshire Constabulary and Merseyside Police only.
**The Scientific Support workstream will follow amended timelines and stages.
The findings of the review were presented to the Chief Constables on Friday 24th April 2015, and it was agreed that work would continue to the next stage of the programme, with priority given to progressing the Scientific Support project and conducting a review of Niche capability.
In the Scientific Support workstream, over the next few months, further work will be completed in order to identify and evaluate service improvements and establish opportunities to maintain and / or improve operational capability, whilst delivering financial savings.
North Wales Police will lead the review of Scientific Support, reporting to a project board that is chaired by DCC Gareth Pritchard.
A detailed plan has been formulated by the project team, which includes three key dates on which meetings of the Deputy Chief Constables will convene to approve any recommendations at a ‘Tri-force’ level.
Over the next few months, further work will be completed Corporate Support, Uniform Operational Support and Criminal Justice in order to identify options for potential operating models for each function, which maintains and / or improves operational capability, whilst delivering financial savings.
The Chief Constables will consider the models/options over the summer period and it is anticipated that decisions, in relation to which projects should progress to become Outline Business Cases, will be made in September 2015.
Scientific Support / Forensic Collaboration
North Wales Police are leading this piece of work reporting to a project board represented by the three forces and chaired by DCC Gareth Pritchard. This work is being managed by DCI Dan Tipton.
A detailed communication and engagement strategy has been developed, and a comprehensive project plan has been formulated. There are three key dates on which meetings of the Deputy Chief Constables will convene to approve any recommendations at a ‘Tri-force’ level.
Over the next few months, further detailed work will be completed in order to identify and evaluate service improvements, confirm where opportunities lie, and to confirm
This work will be focussed on maintaining and / or improving operational capability, whilst delivering financial savings.
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