Quarterly Report on Work Streams to support the Police and Crime Plan January – April 2015 Contents

Equality Impact Assessments (EIA)

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Equality Impact Assessments (EIA)
The Diversity Unit continues to review the completed EIA screening templates and full EIAs associated with the Financial Savings Programme work streams, and feedback provided where necessary.

North Wales Police Innovation Fund
A total of 104 suggestions have been submitted to the North Wales Police Innovation Fund. As usual, all suggestions are personally reviewed by T/ACC Simon Shaw, and are forwarded to the subject matter experts for full review and preparation and submission of a response. The Programme Team are also working closely with the coordinator of the Staff Suggestion Scheme to ensure all opportunities for cashable savings are captured and progressed where possible.
The majority of the suggestions can be grouped under the following headings:

  • fuel and utility efficiencies

  • renewable energy

  • process improvements for custody and frontline staff

  • greater use of technology in specialised fields

  • introduction of electric cars

  • mobile data.

The suggestions put forward in the main relate to Facilitates and Fleet. These have been around doing small things to save money such as raising awareness of switching things off and managing the way we heat our buildings more efficiently. Facilities have produced a ‘Hot Topics’ information document to circulate to staff which addresses these concerns.

Whilst many of the suggestions do not propose cashable savings in their own right they have assisted ongoing work to make savings. One such suggestion which has been implemented is an agreement to allow recently retired police officers who are now PCSOs to undertake statements for other offences as long as they had written District Inspector approval.
The very first suggestion received under the Fund related to the cost of ordering bottled water for meetings. The Force has recently procured re-usable large bottles which can be filled from the water coolers in buildings. This is estimated to save £3,000 a year.
Local Policing Services have recently supported a suggestion to introduce mobile dog scanners to Western police stations, and this piece of work is now under development.
Scoping has taken place on an improved method of substance testing which is intended for identifying unknown substances, and although this method potentially has many benefits, it has not been possible to determine what if any cost savings could be realised to justify the expenditure at this time.
Fleet has also explored the potential of purchasing fuel from cheaper outlets. It is estimated that a total saving possible over 12 months is just under £9,500 although

there would be a minor trade off with travelling a little further in some cases to purchase the cheaper fuel.

Due to operational requirements, it has not been possible to display the North Wales Police Innovation Fund banner on the Force intranet site however the Web Team will publicise the Fund on the intranet where possible.
Despite the low number of suggestions that generate a cashable saving, it has provided staff with an opportunity to be involved in the financial savings effort.
Police Innovation Fund
The Home Office received a total of 166 bids for the 2015/16 Police Innovation Fund, of which a total of 71 were successful. Several of the projects were funded over two years, which allows forces to implement schemes which will deliver long-term benefits.
North Wales Police submitted the four following bids:

  1. Raising awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Improving the Outcomes for young people identified at risk of CSE

  2. Street Triage – North Wales Police and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

  3. The smart phone application – One Stop Cop!

  4. Integration of emergency services estate in Pwllheli.

The first two bids were successful, with funding of £161,438 and £85,060 awarded respectively.

The North West forensic collaboration bid was unsuccessful.
All funding for successful bids is subject to conditions such as sharing learning and working with the Police ICT Company and the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners to develop a coordinated approach.
North Wales was also listed as a beneficiary in four further collaborative bids, as follows:

  1. Youth Crime Reduction and Sport – Derbyshire was lead force, working collaboratively with 5 other forces, and organisations such as Network Rail and Street Games. Awarded £59,650

  1. Demand reduction and enhanced Policing Experience across all police force areas in Wales – Gwent as the lead force, in collaboration with Dyfed Powys and North Wales (who will benefit from the learning only), with total funding of £142,688

  1. eCommerce for Policing Programme (Firearms Licensing Transformation Project) – 24-force joint bid, totalling £896,245. North Wales has previously signed up to this programme of works

  1. Minerva multi-force collaboration bid, totalling £300k.

Knowledge Fund
An update was provided to the Financial Savings Programme Board on the £10m Police Knowledge Fund which was announced by the Home Secretary. The Fund aims to support the development of sustainable education and research collaborations between police forces and academic institutions in England and Wales. The Fund will contribute to the evidence base in priority areas of policing. It will also develop the skills of frontline officers and staff, build their knowledge and expertise about what works in policing and crime reduction, and put it into practice.
The Fund will support partnerships over a two-year period, up to the end of March 2017, and the closing date for applications is 15th May 2015. Decisions on successful projects will be made in June 2015, and individual projects will likely have their own specific start dates but the Home Office expects the majority of projects to be underway by September 2015.
Following consultation with Service Leads, a bid with Bangor University is expected to be submitted to the Fund.
HMIC Recommendations
A template was presented to the Financial Savings Programme Board, which will be used to capture any costs (or savings) relating to national inspection recommendations. Following agreement on its structure, this template will now be circulated to the nominated leads for completion with highlights reported to the Strategic Planning Board.

Progress planned for next quarter:

  • The next Financial Savings Programme Board will be held of the 2nd of July where updates on all work streams will be presented and initial plans for the £0.5m additional savings required. Progress will then be reported to the Strategic Planning Board on the 27th of July 2015.


Policing Objective: Organisational Development

Work Stream: To develop and pursue a new Information, Communications & Technology Strategy to underpin operational service delivery and our savings plan

Chief Officer Lead: T/ACC Simon Shaw

SMT Lead: Geoff Bradley

Current status:
Draft ICT Strategy

The draft ICT Strategy will be presented for scrutiny and technical approval at the Technology and Strategy Board that has been formed as part of the governance structure of the new ICT Managed Service contract with CGI.

Thereafter the ICT strategy will be tabled at an ACPO/Service Leads Fortnightly Meeting and SPB for final approval.

The Technology and Strategy Board has three key objectives:

  1. To ensure all ICT projects are supportive of the ICT Strategy and included in a coordinated programme with costs, timescales and delivery responsibilities articulated in detail, this will include:

The ICT projects that are currently being pursued, or considered, to support digital engagement work streams, namely:

  • The Public Experience - Sue Appleton, Communications Work Steam / Communication Futures Programme

  • The Public Experience - Paul Shea, Telephony Work Steam / Communication Futures Programme

  • The Public Experience / The Criminal Justice Experience - Andrew Lohman,

  • E-Commerce for Policing Work Stream / Communication Futures Programme / Digital North Wales Project

  • The Public Experience - Track My Crime, Unassigned Work Stream

  • The Public Experience - Christine Rose (Business Services), Customer

  • Satisfaction

  • The Criminal Justice Experience - Simon Noton, Criminal Justice Efficiency


  • The Criminal Justice Experience - Ian Davies (Business Services), Body

  • Worn Video Project / Keith W Williams, (Business Services), Mobile Data

  • Work Steam / Communication Futures Programme

  • The Officer Experience - Keith W Williams, (Business Services), Mobile Data Work Steam / Communication Futures Programme

ICT infrastructure projects, namely:

  • Transition of NWP Network

  • Transition of RMS Service (HP to CGI)

  • Transformation Phase of CGI Contract

  • PSN Compliance & Transfer of CJX, xCJX to PSNP

  • ANPR (WAG)

  • CRE implementation CAD

  • Schengen/CAD changes

  • Control Room Future (Telephony)


  • Mobile Data (Smartphone) Phase 1

  • Mobile Data (Smartphone) Phase 2

  • Win Server 2003 to 2008 Migration

  • SharePoint Business Intelligence

  • Gazetteer (Compass to ESRI) Migration

  • HOLMES 2 to HOLMES (hosted)

  • Digital North Wales (Kiosk/Repository)


  • ERP/Business System ICT - Back Office Replacement System/Service

  • Systems Decommissioning

  • CAID Implementation

  • Application/Systems consolidation

  • Perimeter Security Upgrade

  • Security Systems upgrade (ip enabled Alarms, access Controls)

  • RPU/Firearms in-vehicle ICT upgrade

  • Continuous Service Improvements - ICT Managed Service Contract

  • Estates (Rationalisation & upgrades/new builds) ICT Support

  • LAN Refresh

  1. To ensure that ICT is fully transformed to secure the savings already identified and in the savings plan.

  1. To identify opportunities for Business Transformation and further savings to be delivered as opportunities are created by the new technology and services. Such savings are unknown at this stage.

Progress planned for next quarter:

  • Circulation and approval via the Force governance structure of an updated ICT Strategy

  • Draft ICT Programme plan – To include timelines, costs and responsibilities

  • First thoughts on Business Transformation opportunities.


Policing Objective: Organisational Development

Work Stream: To review our existing health and well-being initiatives and develop a programme to maximise the performance and availability of our workforce in this regard.

Chief Officer Lead: T/ACC Simon Shaw

SMT Lead: Director of Business Services, Geoff Bradley

Current status:
Specific activity:

  • Chief Superintendent Jeremy Vaughan is now the strategic lead for Well-being.

  • Chief Officers approved the new People Strategy at the Force Executive Board on the 23/03/2015. The People Strategy sets out our people priorities and how the Force intends to achieve them. The strategy brings together the links between Engagement, Leadership, Well-being and Culture.

  • On 13/05/2015 we successfully achieved re-validation of the gold award of the Welsh Assembly’s Corporate Health Standard (a quality mark for workplace health promotion).

  • Cycle to Work Scheme - March 2015, a total of 40 staff participated in the scheme. The scheme will continue to run periodically throughout the year.

  • The Lifestyle Matters logo has been rebranded and the Lifestyle Matters intranet site is in the process of being updated. The new logo and intranet site will be re-launched in the summer. The idea behind the site is that it will become an interactive source of support/signposting/guidance to all staff and managers around all elements of well-being, including financial guidance.

Progress planned for next quarter:

  • Further work underway, includes:

  • Development of a Health and Well-being Plan, to include costings. It will be vital that interventions are linked to the evidence base so that investment in well-being can deliver tangible results.

  • Further health and well-being initiatives to be diarised as part of the health and well-being plan.

  • A number of well-being initiatives are planned for 2015-2016, including the provision of Stop Smoking Wales on-site support sessions for smokers. Work is being progressed to introduce a Volunteer Chaplaincy Programme and the re-introduction of Local Area Welfare Officers.

  • Employee Health Checks - Prevent plc health screening (sponsored by Police Mutual Foundation) to re-commence in July 2015, to test cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose etc.

  • Health and wellbeing survey – linking in with the Leadership Academy.

An assessment on whether NWP will apply for an upgrade to the Platinum award of the Corporate Health Standard.


Policing Objective: Organisational Development

Work Stream: To review our approach to leadership within the organisation and develop and instigate a leadership programme in keeping with the challenges we face

Chief Officer Lead: T/ACC Simon Shaw

SMT Lead: Director of Business Services, Geoff Bradley

Current status:
Specific activity:-

  • Chief Superintendent Jeremy Vaughan is now the Strategic Lead for Leadership Development.

  • The People Strategy was approved by the Force Executive Board on 23rd March 2015. The Strategy sets out the people priorities for leadership development and the Leadership Academy will oversee the implementation of these priorities in conjunction with the Service Lead.

  • The Hydra People Management training (2 days) part of the Core Leadership Development Programme aimed at sergeants, inspectors, those officers aspiring to these ranks and police staff equivalents was positively endorsed by the Chief in May 2015 to continue. Further sessions will be rolled out in July, September and November to be reviewed thereafter with a view to continue the programme on a permanent basis.

  • The Leadership Academy has met monthly since its inception at the end of January 2015. The membership is progressing with the Institute of Leadership and Management accredited Level 5 diploma in coaching and mentoring due to completed by September 2015. Each member of the team has initially identified three individuals to coach during the process and should complete a number of coaching sessions with each prior to being awarded the qualification. This is working towards embedding a coaching culture and promoting a new coaching and mentoring scheme in line with the Leadership Development strand of the People Strategy.

  • The Academy has developed a behavioural framework for use in all people management processes. The Framework has embedded the Code of Ethics into the current Policing Professional Framework to underpin the People Strategy and these will be presented to Chief Officers for final approval.

  • A presentation on the Leadership Academy has been given to all Senior Management Teams.

  • The Academy has drafted its Terms of Reference with the overall objective to develop and strengthen leadership within North Wales Police (NWP) comprising:-

  • Development and implementation of an effective coaching and mentoring scheme within NWP and monitor scheme post implementation.

  • Development and implementation of a behavioural framework to embed values, standards and strategic behaviours to underpin a coaching and culture within NWP.

  • Development of talent management process focusing on talent acquisition, identification, development and deployment.

  • Develop a Leadership Development Strategic Action Plan for implementation of the Leadership Programme.

  • Develop a long term plan for the future of the Leadership Academy to review function, membership, governance and communication strategy.

Progress planned for next quarter:
Future work includes:-

  • Implementation of the behaviours framework for use initially in the new appraisal, selection and promotion processes.

  • Oversee review of promotion processes taking into account the recommendations from the Interim Report on the Leadership Review from the College of Policing published in March 2015.

  • Oversee implementation of new appraisal system.

  • Development of a 360 feedback tool to be utilised by inspectors and above, and police staff equivalents in line with the priority within the People Strategy to provide information to leaders on their leadership style and effectiveness, and the coaching and mentoring scheme will be used upon the identification of a development need.


Policing Objective: Organisational Development

Work Stream: To further develop the skills of our police commanders in the handling of critical and major incident command having regard to the lessons learnt from recent national and local events

Chief Officer Lead: DCC Gareth Pritchard

SMT Lead: Ch/Supt. Neill Anderson

Current status:
The completed course has been delivered to members of the OSS SMT and following feedback is now ready for full roll out. This will commence imminently following RMU scheduling an appropriate number of courses to accommodate all silver and gold commanders in the force. In addition to these officers FIMs will also attend the training.

Progress planned for next quarter:

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