Work Stream: To review the deployment of PCSOs across the Force and implement agreed recommendations
Chief Officer Lead:ACC Richard Debicki
SMT Lead: Ch/Supt. Jeremy Vaughan
Current status:
Following recommendations made by the Operational Futures project on 15th September 2014, the Force Strategic Planning Board agreed to reduce the PCSO establishment across the Force area by 59 posts over the next three years.
A Force-wide communication has been issued to communicate the decision to the affected staff. Staff Associations have been engaged throughout the process and supported the decision to use the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) as a tool to both deploy PCSO resources including where establishments will reduce over the next three years.
A fully detailed plan has now been written, highlighting the process by which the PCSO establishment will reduce. This document explains which LPAs will lose posts and clarifies the reductions required in each of the three years.
Progress Planned for Next Quarter: Local Policing Services Operational Futures Board to continue to progress whilst engaging with the Force Strategic Planning Board.
Policing Objective: Deliver an Appropriate Response
Work Stream: To further develop Force communication systems to improve the availability of information on the work of the Force and public safety
Chief Officer Lead: DCC Gareth Pritchard
SMT Lead: Supt. Gareth Evans
Current status: ICT Developments: Hootsuite Hootsuite solution ready for installation. This will allow JCC to monitor and update multiple accounts and social media channels from a single interface and maximise the reach of messages sent out.
At present, the delay is down to ICT concerns relating to installation of new software onto JCC machines, and the fact that the current version of Internet Explorer is outdated and Hootsuite will not function within the browser. ICT are progressing this with CGI.
IMSupporting Live Chat.
The IMSupporting live webchat facility has been evaluated, reviewed and approved for implementation into the JCC. Supt. Alex Goss has indicated the system will be live from 01 July 2015.
At present, ICT are seeking a technical solution, in conjunction with CGI to allow both the Hootsuite and IMSupporting software to be installed into the JCC.
Website continuing to develop. Advice and Support sections undergoing review to ensure content is user friendly and up-to-date. Amendments to contact section in progress to include departmental contact numbers (most asked for departments at JCC), promoting electronic contact before telephone numbers and revamp pages to highlight live chat facility when implemented.
Developing analytics reports reviewing the use of the contact section.
Social media: Around 25% of the Force twitter accounts have been closed, or users notified that
the accounts will be closed due to inactivity. New accounts are being regularly requested and reviewed before being rolled out.
Progress planned for next quarter:
Trial of CoveritLive chat sessions at NPT area level. This will be trialled at the request of a PCSO in Wxm Rural area.
Implementation of Hootsuite and Live Chat to the communications team and JCC.
Amendments to NPT section of the website to further support Welsh Language use.
Production of multimedia video supporting illegal driver campaign launch.
3. Reduce Harm and the Risk of Harm
Policing Objective: Reduce Harm & Risk Of Harm
Work Stream: To continue to enhance our cyber and hi-tech crime capabilities
Current status: Following the introduction of an interim network security solution in January 2015, members of the Force Cyber Crime Team with colleagues from the Training Department have delivered the one week ‘Mainstream Cyber Crime Training (MCCT)’ course to 100 Police officers and staff from different departments throughout the organisation. This training has been delivered within the time parameter set by the College of Policing and as a result the force has been able to claim a financial reward that was offered to incentivise and progress this training.
Internal advice and guidance continues for staff regarding the RMS flagging of cyber related incidents and crimes. All cyber related incidents and crimes are now routinely flagged by the IST allowing the Cyber Crime Team to review all events of this nature on a daily basis and to provide specialist support, advice and guidance where necessary and appropriate. This flag also allows colleagues in Business Services to extract data from cyber dependant and cyber enabled events to prepare information reports that identify emerging issues and patterns, and data that will be used to prepare cyber profiles that are specific to North Wales.
The internal and external internet and intranet pages are now established with up to date security and prevention advice for children, parents and business colleagues. It is through this forum and social media that emerging issues are highlighted and security advice and signposting is offered. The external internet site was marketed and publicised extensively as part of national Cyber Action Week. A series of events were coordinated between 2 - 6 March 2015 with the media including televised coverage of the launch of the Cyber Crime Team and the PCC’s visit to MCCT training at Pen Y Groes.
The development of effective partnerships with representatives from the business, commercial and academic communities continues through the North Wales Police Cyber Task & Finish Group.
Progress planned for next quarter: Formalising the development of the North Wales Cyber Trust Group, a partnership that will facilitate and provide a gateway to cyber expertise in business, commerce, academia and law enforcement. Continuing to participate and support the development of regional cyber expertise (North West England & Wales) and continuing to support the development and creation of a Cyber Information Sharing Protocol (CISP) in Wales with partners from business, commerce and academia.
Newly identified barriers/risks/issues and any mitigating factors: Ongoing Microsoft licence costs linked to the MCCT courses.
Policing Objective: Reduce Harm and the Risk of Harm
Current status: Funding for the three Barnardo’s Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) practitioners has been secured for a further 2 years. The progress and impact of this project is being underpinned by academic research with Glyndwr University.
Training continues to be delivered in force with regards to CSE for all operational staff.
CSE continues to be a key priority for the Regional Safeguarding Children's Board (RSCB). The CSE task and finish group has met and has scoped out the pan north Wales position with regards to CSE. There have been a number of associated recommendations which were agreed for progression at the RSCB on 8/5/15. These are around the appropriate identification of risk, information sharing and awareness raising. The task and finish group has taken on additional piece of work to scope out what CSE service provision is actually being delivered to who and by whom. This piece of work will enable service demand and provision to be understood across the area.
The flagging of CSE victims and perpetrators on North Wale Police information systems is now business as usual.
Cases of CSE are discussed in the THREAD meeting.
The Denbighshire Coastal project continues to identify those at medium risk of CSE and to work with them to reduce that risk.
Contact has been made at a strategic level with the Director of Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and the interface between mental health and CSE has been discussed. This is a relationship which is in the early stages but will be very positive for service users.
The College of Policing are conducting a CSE peer review on11/5/15 of the approach North Wales Police and partners take to CSE.
Updates are awaited from Barnardo’s with regards to the experiences of children
who have gone through a CSE intervention.
Progress planned for next quarter: The CSE summit is scheduled for 14th May 2015 which will be facilitated by Dr Helen Beckett.
The formation of the new CSE team is underway with two out of the three officers having been appointed (third selection process is due to be completed by 11/05/15).
The team will be overseen by a strategic steering group. It is anticipated that the team will begin to operate by late Summer 2015.
The CSE Task and Finish Group will have completed their additional work around service provision.
Policing Objective: Reduce Harm and the Risk of Harm
Work Stream: To continue to work with partners to build on our public protection arrangements, including the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub being piloted in Wrexham
Chief Officer Lead: ACC Richard Debicki
SMT Lead: D/Ch/Supt. Wayne Jones
Current status: Wrexham Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Between March and December 2014 North Wales Police (NWP), Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC), Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) and Wales Probation had been co located managing police referrals for child protection, domestic abuse and vulnerable adults. To date MASH has managed all referrals submitted by police officers.
In December 2014 WCBC made a decision to relocate their resources into WCBC premises. Following a period of being located on two separate sites, the MASH will resume co-location in WCBC premises before the end of May 2015.
The MASH operational group have scoped out triage opportunities within the current process which will help to streamline matters.
The IT system to underpin the MASH in Wrexham has been selected following a period of due process.
Other Local Authorities North Wales Police continues to liaise with Conwy Council regarding the development of a MASH for which there remains considerable appetite.
An improvement in local authority IT will allow us to scope out with Ynys Mon a move towards a virtual MASH for example, by using a system similar to our use of Microsoft Lync for meetings.
Progress planned for next quarter:
During the next quarter the relocation of Wrexham MASH will take place.
IT system to be implemented to support MASH
A review of vulnerable person referrals using systems thinking methodology will be undertaken.
Policing Objective: Reduce Harm and the Risk of Harm
Work Stream: To work with partners to determine the scale of human trafficking and modern slavery across the Force area and develop responses
Current status (October-December 2014): The All Wales Modern Slavery (MS) Conference was held in Llandudno on the 23/1/2015.
Kevin Hyland, the national lead for modern slavery gave a keynote speech at the conference making reference to the national action plan.
An action plan for North Wales Police has been drafted following the last meeting of the Force Anti-Slavery Working Group on 3rd March 2015. The action plan links directly into the areas identified on the national plan and has been considered by colleagues in a number of different departments including CS, LPS, Training, Corporate Comms, OSS, the Diversity Unit and the North Wales MS co-ordinator Jim Coy.
The action plan will be managed by the NWP Anti-slavery Working Group (chaired by D/Supt Mark Pierce).
On 20th February the first meeting of newly formed MARAC group in Wrexham was held. Jim Coy was also present. The MARAC is bespoke to MS. It’s format and terms of reference are still in draft and D/I Kelly is working to finalise. PPU Area D.I.s will Co-Chair these meetings with D/I Kelly. The have now been 2 modern slavery MARAC meetings in North Wales.
On 11th March 2015, the inaugural multi-agency local intelligence meeting took place at Holyhead Port.
Kevin Evans in the Force Media Office has re-vamped the Force Intranet site / external website to manage the volume of documentation displayed to provide a more user friendly experience.
Jim Coy is liaising with RPU and the Firearms Unit to arrange the delivery of MS training to front line staff -particularly those routinely involved in vehicle road-checks.
A visit to meet the Cambridgeshire Constabulary MS operations lead was held on 5/6/15. D/Supt Pierce and DI Kelly attended. A similar meeting was held on 8/6/15 with Greater Manchester Police to discuss best practice around intelligence gathering and sharing.
On 22/3/15, North Wales Police supported a multi-agency operation in Flintshire during which 111 migrant workers (predominantly Rumanian, with up to 8 Bulgarian nationals) were identified. The conditions in which the workers were living inside the main building can only be described as ‘squalid’, with some rooms containing 10 residents.
The chair of the North Wales strategic MS Group will change w.e.f June 2015. With the retirement of Mr Richard Parry-Jones (CEO, Anglesey CC). Mr Parry-Jones’ successor will be taking on this role.
All Districts have returned an initial intelligence profile for their respective areas. An initial meeting has taken place with Ch. Supt. Jeremy Vaughan (LPS) to discuss how these plans will be further developed. This will be discussed in more detail at the forthcoming LPS SMT meeting.
Progress planned for next quarter:
Progression of work to develop intelligence profiles within each LPS District as above.
Further roll out of training – Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) hydra dates to be confirmed.
A North Wales Gain Board is to be set up – the first meeting is scheduled for the 10th July 2015. MS will form a part of this.
Further development of the force action plan
Meetings with partner agencies (via DI Kelly FIS) to discuss intelligence sharing arrangements
Operation Sail is being held at Holyhead Port in June 2015 jointly with BF – to include MS.
Newly identified barriers/risks/issues and any mitigating factors: Creating a meaningful intelligence profile in respect of MS is proving challenging given the intelligence currently held on Force systems. A lot of work is being put into extending training across the Force to raise awareness, and also in terms of linking in with other agencies to understand their intelligence collection processes and facilitate sharing of the intelligence.