«Yangi O‘zbekistonda islohotlarni amalga oshirishda zamonaviy axborot-kommunikatsiya
texnologiyalaridan foydalanish» mavzusida Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferentsiya
27-29 oktabr 2021 yil
authorized person (unit) is appointed in accordance with the organizational structure,
staff size and nature of activities.
The implementation of a comprehensive antimonopoly system in business
entities, the provision and control of its functioning can be entrusted to the internal
audit service.
The creation and assessment of the effectiveness
of a comprehensive
antimonopoly system in public administration, local executive bodies and business
entities is carried out by the head of state administration,
the governor of local
executive power and the executive body or supervisory board of business entities.
The introduction of a comprehensive antimonopoly system in public
administration, local executive bodies and business entities
and monitoring of its
activities is carried out by an authorized person (subdivision).
Authorized person (department):
- monitors violations of antimonopoly legislation;
- analyzes materials related to the activity (including the preparation of
internal documents aimed at identifying norms that restrict competition and (or) the
rights and interests of consumers), develops measures
to eliminate the identified
- identifies factors that can cause restrictions on competition, and develops
proposals for their elimination;
- Coordinates interaction with other structural divisions on the functioning of
the integrated antimonopoly system;
- organizes internal research for violations of the requirements of
antimonopoly legislation;
- exchange mutual information with the antimonopoly authority on violations
of competition law;
- develops and ensures the implementation of the annual "roadmap" in order
to reduce the risk of violation of the requirements of antimonopoly legislation;
- develops internal regulations for the
organization of a complex
antimonopoly system and ensures its approval in accordance with the established
- monitors changes in competition law, as well as makes proposals on making
appropriate changes to departmental documents;
- identifies the risks of violating the requirements of antimonopoly legislation,
keeps records of risks and determines the likelihood of their occurrence;
- identifies conflicts of interest in the activities
of state authorities, local
executive bodies and business entities that can lead
to restriction of competition,
develops proposals for their elimination;
- advises employees of government bodies,
local executive bodies and
business entities on compliance with the requirements of antimonopoly legislation;
- conducts regular trainings on complex antitrust issues;