think I always knew I would write books someday . . . What I didn’t know was
how much time, energy, effort, and sacrifice it would require of a whole team of
people to make a book possible.
And it starts with the youngest, my sweet kiddos. Arn and Aune, thank you
for sharing your life with this book. Thank you for waiting so patiently when I
needed just a few more minutes to wrap up a chapter. Thank you for
brainstorming titles and mocking up covers.
Thank you for celebrating so
genuinely when the manuscript was finally done. Thank you for traveling the
country with me to get the book off the ground, forgoing lunch and finding your
own way to the bathroom when the line for preorders stretched on for hours.
Thank you for telling your teachers and your classmates and random people in
airport lounges that your mama wrote a book and they should go buy it. You are
the best six-year-old and seven-year-old a mama, or author, could ask for.
Though it may seem strange to thank someone whose name you don’t know,
this book wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the people sitting in the
audiences of the conferences where I have had the honor to present. Thank you
for listening, thank you for asking questions and sharing your stories, thank you
for challenging me to shape this storytelling-thing that I’ve always just known
how to do into a message that can be used. Even when the lights were too bright
see your faces, I could feel your energy, and I don’t know where I’d be
without you.
To those who read the early version of book and offered your endorsements,
thank you. Your words of encouragement meant the world to me at that very
vulnerable time. I’ll admit—I fell out of my chair a couple of times with
excitement, but the bruises were worth it.
I’ll never forget the first time I heard about Kathy Schneider, my agent. I was
an airport, in the gate area, on the phone with Kate White, former editor-in-
chief of
magazine. She was generously
giving me some book
publishing advice, for which I am so grateful, and mentioned a friend of hers
who was launching a new career as an agent at an agency looking to build their
business book repertoire. A few days later, I was on the phone with Kathy. A
few weeks later, I met with her at her office. A few minutes after meeting her, I
knew she was the one. Thank you for your
hard work and your emotional
support—this book publishing thing is not for the weak! We set some high goals,
Kathy, and I’m pretty proud of what these two first-timers accomplished. So
much gratitude to you, Chris Prestia, and Julianne Tinari, and the whole JRA
A big thanks to Dan Clements, who helped get the words out of my head and
onto paper for the first time. There is nothing worse than staring at a blank page;
you made sure my pages were full from the start.
To Beth Wand and Kristina
Brune, thank you so much for showing up at crunch time. When the deadline
was fierce and the time was limited, you stepped in and stepped up, and I am so
I’ll never forget the first time I talked to my editor, Jessica. Of course, she
my editor yet; she was interviewing me to see if it was a good fit. The
interview happened via conference call, and I was sweating. Literally and
figuratively. Jessica wasn’t afraid to ask the tough questions and pushed me to
clarify what this book was about and who would want to read it. When the call
was over,
I sunk back in my chair, exhausted. And I knew that if Jessica said
yes, this book would be great. She did. And it is. With Jessica came the whole
HarperCollins Leadership team: Jeff, Amanda, Hiram, Sicily, and many others.
Thank you for believing in me and this message and bringing it to the world.
To my internal team—Tiffany, for helping me tell my stories on a daily basis
via Instagram. To Meg, for spreading the word on social (and for being there to
help that first crazy day we offered preorders). And to Andrea, my right hand.
Thank you for making sure the rest of my business kept running while I was in
and out of author mode.
Thank you to my friends and family who supported me and cheered me on
and listened to me talk shop, even when you didn’t want to. I couldn’t have done
this without you.
Finally, to Michael. The book starts with you, and it ends with you. As it
should. I love you.