Аниқ фанларни ўқитишни модернизациялаш: инновацион таълимнинг янги моделлари ва амалиёти, 2020 йил 17 апрель
as well as with video lessons. But it was their choice to participate in their study,
they did it willingly, nobody forced them. As the fourth principle of student centered
learning says that, when students are given autonomy in their learning they are more
likely to better develop their 21st century or “character” skills in critical thinking,
problem solving,
teamwork, creativity, grit, perseverance, and time management.
(Kaput, 2018) And
I felt myself as facilitator, adviser and a guide rather than a
teacher, since we began to teach remotely, as it was said by Kaput (Kaput, 2018)
students have freedom to exercise choice in pursuing interests, with teachers serving
as guides and facilitators.
When it comes to inclusivity in assessment process of this test, I can tell
was constructed fairly, this test measures a students’ not only
knowledge but an ability to solve problems on the topic they have studied. Because,
as it was mentioned above, questions
of the test were designed so, that they can
effectively differentiate students’ performance. To earn the required passing 50
points students had to answer easy questions and solve problems, which are not
complicated. And after that it was their decision to continue the test or not, if they
were satisfied with earned points they could submit the test not continuing it till the
end. As according to Oxford International AQA examinations site (Oxford, no date),
for an assessment to be fair, it must: measure a student's ability in the subject they
have studied and effectively differentiate student performance.
Also, inclusive in this test was that the Google Сlassroom platform allows you
to leave personal comments or recommendations for students, which may look like
a two-way dialogue. In which the teacher also writes
his feedback on student
assignments. Providing feedback on students’ performance is a practice of inclusive
teaching, as stated in the article of Fluckiger, Tixier, Vigil, and Yvonne (Fluckiger
et al., 2010) descriptive feedback is an inclusive and empowering practice that
invites and encourages all learners to participate as members of the learning
Considering how much this test has increased students’
deep approach to
learning, I can say that the test included questions which can enhance students’ deep
Аниқ фанларни ўқитишни модернизациялаш: инновацион таълимнинг янги моделлари ва амалиёти, 2020 йил 17 апрель
approach to learning, especially the penultimate question requires analyzing and
making a comparison of two ways for solving and write the preferable method. This
question requires not
showing only basic knowledge, but ability to analyze and
synthesize information and give their own opinion, because according to Houghton
W. (Houghton, 2004) one of the characteristics of deep approach to learning is using
assessments that require thought, and requires ideas to be used together.
In conclusion, we can say that despite the fact that this topic was studied by
students on their own, the result was better than expected. Almost all students tried
to answer all the questions of the test, even they had a chance to submit their answers
after 10 questions. The mean point of the test was 78 %. And for us, reading answers
for the penultimate question was the most interesting part of analyzing process of
this test. There
were very interesting answers, showing that most of students have a
deep understanding on this theme.
ANDRADE, H., HUFF, K. and BROOKE, G. (2012). Assessing Learning - A
blend of practices can create a balanced, student-centered assessment system.
=ehost-live [Accessed 15 April 2020].
Fluckiger, J. et al. (2010). Formative Feedback: Involving Students as Partners
in Assessment to Enhance Learning. 58, 136–140. Available from
Houghton, W. (2004). Learning and Teaching
Theory for Engineering
Academics. EngSC, (March).
Kaput, K. (2018). Evidence for Student-Centered Learning. (January), 28.
Available from www.educationevolving.org.
Oxford. (no date). Oxford International AQA examinations. Available from