Government programs in this area provide for both general goals and large-scale
tasks, as well as clearly formulated specific measures (legislative, financial,
insurance, etc.).
Impressive monetary, material, technical, and significant financial
resources are allocated for the development and implementation of environmental
policy. Currently, the share of environmental protection
expenditures in GDP is
2.5 % in the Netherlands, 1.9 % in Austria, 1.7 % in Germany, 1.5 % in Japan, and
1.3 % in the USA.
Countries such as Italy, Greece, Spain, and Portugal are less active in their
environmental policy. These countries allocate less than 1 % of GDP to
environmental protection. Due to insufficient funding, many environmental programs
are not being implemented, and existing technical services are falling into disrepair.
Environmental policy in these countries is fragmented, due to the relative weakness
of ministries dealing with environmental issues, the unclear division of competence
between central and regional authorities, the lack of coordination of regional bodies,
the insufficiently serious attitude of the population to environmental laws (the so-
called Mediterranean syndrome).
After joining the EU, environmental policy in the
countries of Central and
Eastern Europe became more active. The costs of combating environmental pollution
have increased. So, in Poland and Slovakia, they currently account for 1.7 %, in the
Czech Republic and Hungary-about 1.3 % of GDP. The State programs developed in
these countries for the preservation of the environment provide for strengthening the
bodies of control and enforcement of environmental management rules, as well as
increasing their role in coordinating environmental and economic policies
The economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has a diverse, multi-sectoral nature,
in which such industries as coal, mining, non-metallic industry,
chemical, oil and gas production, oil and gas processing, defense and a powerful
agro-industrial complex are simultaneously represented, and therefore the problem of
forming effective mechanisms for social protection of workers and labor protection in
the Republic from complex combinations of occupational risks is becoming more and
more urgent.
In these conditions, the creation of safe working conditions that preserve the life
and health of employees in the course of their work is one of their priority areas of
socio-economic development of the Republic.
Uzbekistan ranks 11th in the world in natural gas production, third in the world
in exports and sixth in cotton production, seventh in the world in uranium reserves
(4 % of the world’s uranium reserves), Uzbekistan ranks fourth in the world in total
gold reserves, and seventh in terms of gold production. In 1991-2020, the structure of
the economy has changed dramatically.
According to the results of 2020, in the sectoral structure of GDP, the share of
agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the sectoral structure of GDP (GVA) increased
from 28.0 % to 28.2 %, construction-from 6.6 % to 7.0 % and the service sector-from
36.1 % to 36.3 %, while the share of industry decreased from 29.3 % to 28.5 %
compiled by the authors according of the international statistics
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries showed a positive growth rate of 3.0 %. The
positive dynamics in this industry is due to the growth of crop production by 3.4 %
(in 2019 - an increase of 4.8 %, in 2018 - a decrease of 4.2 %) and animal husbandry-
by 2.1 % (in 2019 - an increase of 1.6 %, in 2018-an increase of 5.7 %).
The share of the manufacturing industry in the structure of the value added of
the industrial sector increased to 76.5 % against 69.6 % in 2019. Accordingly, there
was a decrease in the share of the mining industry and quarrying in the structure of
the value added of the industrial sector to 15.2 % (in 2019 - 23.0 %).
According to the results of 2020, the largest share in the structure of the value
added of the manufacturing industry fell on the metallurgical and metalworking
industries (except machinery and equipment), which reached 40.5 %.
The share of production of food, beverages and tobacco products was 14.5 %,
clothing, leather products and related products -12.7 %, rubber, plastic
products and other non-metallic mineral products - 8.5 %, chemical products -7.1 %,
motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers and other transport equipment-5.6 %, coke and
refined petroleum products -2.4 % and other manufacturing products -8.7 %.
In 2020, the volume of construction works amounted to 77823.8 billion UZS. Of
the total volume of construction work, large organizations account for 27.6 %, small
enterprises and microfirms-52.8 %, individuals-19.6 %.
At the end of 2020, the gross value added of the service sector amounted to
194363.5 billion UZS and, compared to 2019, increased by 0.1 %. Including trade
services (including repair of motor vehicles) increased by 1.7 %,
information and
communication-by 15.7 %. At the same time, transportation and storage services
decreased by 6.7 %, accommodation and food-by 14.1 %.
In 2020, 93.2 thousand new small enterprises and microfirms were created in the
republic (excluding dehkan and farm farms). The largest numbers of them were
created in the sphere of trade (38.8 %), industry (19.9 %), agriculture, forestry and
fisheries (6, 6.1 %), construction (6.4 %), accommodation and food services (6.0 %),
transportation and storage (2.6 %).
One of the essential factors in the implementation of the priorities of the «green»
economy is the provision of decent work, an integral
element of which is the
preservation of human life and health through the improvement of labor market
institutions and the creation of more inclusive social protection systems. In this
regard, in the context of the transition from a «brown» economy to a «green» one, the
creation of truly «green» jobs is the urgent problem. Therefore, considering the
requirements of preserving jobs through affordable high-quality training-retraining of
employees, providing
them with social protection, ensuring labor protection in the
design, construction and operation of such workplaces occupies a leading position.
For the sustainable development of the economy, it is necessary that labor
protection and environmental protection have a close internal relationship. Safe and
healthy production environment and environmental protection are two sides of the
same coin. When developing measures to protect the environment from the adverse
effects of production processes, the issues of protecting the health of employees, their
families and society as a whole are considered.