302-guruh informatika Boboyev Saidshoh Lesson 11.
The territory of the present-day Uzbekistan has been densely populated since time immemorial and numerous archeological discoveries and historical monuments prove that Central Asia particularly Uzbekistan was one of the oldest centers of human culture.The history of the peoples of Central Asia is full of important events. From 800 B.C. to 500 A.D. Central Asia witnessed the rise and fall of the ancient slave –owning states of Bacteria, Sogdiana and Khorezm, the states of the Achamonids, Alexander the Great and the Seleucids and the Greco- Bactrian, Parthian and Kushan kingdoms.The Turkic Khaganate, a huge Turkic state, appeared in 500-600 A.D. As a result of the union of different nomadic tribes and peoples of the Altai. In the middle of the 6 the century the Turkic Khanate extended its rule over the territory of Central Asia.The colonization of Central Asia at the end of 7th–at the beginning of the 8th century brought great social and economic changes in the countries conquered by the Arabs for two centuries. The peoples of Central Asia resisted the Arab conquerors and finally defeated them.
Hozirgi O'zbekiston hududi azaldan zich joylashgan bo'lib, ko'plab arxeologik kashfiyotlar va tarixiy yodgorliklar Markaziy Osiyo, xususan, O'zbekiston insoniyat madaniyatining eng qadimgi markazlaridan biri bo'lganligini isbotlaydi.O'rta Osiyo xalqlari tarixi muhim voqealarga to'la. 500 A. D. 800 B. C. dan O'rta Osiyo bakteriyalar, So'g'diyona va Xorazm, Ahamoniylar, Iskandar Zulqarnayn va Salavkiylar davlatlari hamda Yunon –Baqtriya, Parfiya va Kushon podsholiklari qadimgi quldorlik davlatlarining yuksalishi va qulaganiga guvoh bo'lgan.Ulkan turkiy davlat bo'lgan turkiy xoqonlik 500-600 y. larda turli ko'chmanchi qabilalar va Oltoy xalqlari Ittifoqi natijasida paydo bo'lgan. 6 asr o'rtalarida Turk xoqonligi o'rta Osiyo hududida o'z hukmronligini cho'zdi.7–asr oxiri-8-asr boshlarida O'rta Osiyoning mustamlakachiligi arablar tomonidan bosib olingan mamlakatlarda ikki asr davomida katta ijtimoiy va iqtisodiy o'zgarishlar olib keldi. O'rta Osiyo xalqlari Arab istilochilariga qarshilik ko'rsatdilar va nihoyat ularni mag'lubiyatga uchratdilar.
Questions to the text:
What important events were there between the 8th B.C and the 5th centuries A.D?
How did the Turkic tribe appear in Central Asia
When did the Turkic state appear?
What changes did Arab caliphate bring to Central Asia?
Did Central Asian people defeat the Arab conquerors?
How many centuries did Arab Caliphate rule Central Asia?
Answers: The territory of the present-day Uzbekistan has been densely populated since time immemorial and numerous archeological discoveries and historical monuments prove that Central Asia particularly Uzbekistan was one of the oldest centers of human culture.The history of the peoples of Central Asia is full of important events. From 800 B.C. to 500 A.D.
Central Asia witnessed the rise and fall of the ancient slave –owning states of Bacteria, Sogdiana and Khorezm, the states of the Achamonids, Alexander the Great and the Seleucids and the Greco- Bactrian, Parthian and Kushan kingdoms.The Turkic Khaganate, a huge Turkic state, appeared in 500-600 A.D.
As a result of the union of different nomadic tribes and peoples of the Altai. In the middle of the 6 the century the Turkic Khanate extended its rule over the territory of Central Asia.
The colonization of Central Asia at the end of 7th–at the beginning of the 8th century brought great social and economic changes in the countries conquered by the Arabs for two centuries.
The peoples of Central Asia resisted the Arab conquerors and finally defeated them.
The territory of the present-day Uzbekistan has been densely populated since time immemorial and numerous archeological discoveries and historical monuments prove that Central Asia particularly Uzbekistan was one of the oldest centers of human culture.