ФИО авторов:
Namtullaeva Juldiz
Student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Pishenbaev Azamat
Student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Название публикации:
Human anatomy is the study of the shape and
structure of the human body, its
developmental process, as well as the sexual and age differences of each organ, as well
as the influence of the external environment on the structure and function of the organs.
Anatomy is Greek for anatome. The structure of the human body is divided into age-
specific, sexual and personal characteristics. During childhood and adolescence, the
body is immature and the tissue elements are not fully developed. Anatomy is the study
of the human body as a whole because the body is made up of many organs that are
interconnected by the nervous and vascular systems.
Anatomy, like other sciences, has come a long way. But in ancient times it was
considered a sin to cut off a corpse, and those who tried to do so were even sentenced
to death. In fact, the study of the human body began much later than the era of scientific
medicine. The period of true development of anatomy began in ancient Greece. The
Kos and Knidos medical schools were established, where many Greek scholars studied.
Pythagoras (lived 590 BC). He said that everything comes from a seed, and he
studied the origin of living things. Alkmeon Krotonsky (500 BC)
wrote a book on
anatomy after dissecting a corpse. He was the first to prove that the brain is the center
of mental activity. Hippocrates (460-377 BC), the father of medicine, developed the
doctrine that the body is made up of four different fluids: blood, mucus, grass, and
black grass. It is believed that changes in fluid intake can lead to various diseases. Of
the 72 works he wrote, 2,000 were used in medicine. At the same time, he could not
distinguish the nerves from the stakes, and had a misconception that air flows in the
arteries (aer - air, terio - flows).
LV Buyalsky (1789-1866) was a student of Zagorsky. In his 1844 Handbook of
Brief General
Anatomy of the Human Body, he laid out the general laws of the
structure of the human body and laid the foundations for the doctrine of the individual
characteristics of the organism. In his Anatomical-Surgical Drawings, he linked
anatomy with surgery. NJJPirogov (1810-1881) was
the founder of topographic
anatomy and military field surgery. He proposed a method of freezing the corpse and
cutting it in layers to determine the location of human organs. His works include
Surgical Anatomy of Blood Vessels and Fascia (1837), A Complete Course in Applied
Anatomy (1844), and A Topographic Anatomy of Sawing Frozen Carcasses (1859). In
the field of anatomy, N.I. Pirogov made a lot of discoveries, and the lymph node in the
triangle of the neck and in the deep ring of the femoral canal is named after him.
Fredrik Ruysh (1638-1731) was a Dutch anatomist who made significant
contributions to the study of vascular anatomy. He studied the delivery of colored
substances into blood vessels and developed a new
method of embalming corpses,
creating the best anatomical museum of his time. In addition to anatomical
preparations, his museum also houses developmental defects and anomalies. Russian
Tsar Peter I was interested in anatomy and bought 1,500 drugs from F. Ruysh to
establish the first anatomy museum in St. Petersburg, the Kunstkamera.
D.J.Zernov (1843-1917) Professor of Moscow University, anatomist. He studied
the cortex and limbs of the brain and created a convenient classification. He proved
that there is no difference in the structure of the brains
of people of different
nationalities around the world, and rejected the idealistic doctrine that prevailed. His
Handbook of Human Illustrative Anatomy has been published 14 times. VP Vorobyov
(1876-1937) Professor of the Kharkiv Medical Institute. He founded the macro-
microscopic study of the peripheral nervous system. Compiled a 5-volume Atlas of
Khudoiberdiyev Rahim Egamberdiyevich (1922-2003) - anatomist,
Scientist of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Head of the
Department of Human Anatomy, Tashkent State First Medical Institute (1960-1992).