I. Nutqni tekshirish
. Tekshirish jarayonida fonematik eshitish (nutqdagi
tovushlarni idrok etish) holati, alohida soʻzlarning ma’nosini, jumlalarni va soʻzlab
berilgan yoki oʻqib berilgan kichik hikoyaning mazmunini tushunish aniqlanadi.
II. Fonematik eshitish.
Fonematik eshitishni tekshirish nutqdagi tovushlarning
differensiyasini aniqlashga qaratiladi. Dastlab fiziologik eshitishning saqlanganligiga
amin boʻlish lozim. Soʻngra bolaga bir-biridan keskin farq qiladigan, shuningdek,
oʻxshash tovushlarni boshqa tovushlar orasidan ajratish taklif etiladi. masalan, unli
a, o, u
b, d
ni ajratish. Bola ushbu tovushlarni
eshitganida qoʻlini koʻtarishi lozim.
III. Lugʻat boyligi.
Lugʻat boyligini tekshirishda bolaning soʻzni (tovush
kompleksi sifatida), predmetning belgisi, harakatiga moslash va nutqda undan toʻgʻri
foydalanish koʻnikmasi aniqlanadi.
Yuqoridagilarga asoslanib xulosa qilib shuni aytishimiz mumkinki, rinolaliya
kabi murakkab nutqiy nuqson faqatgina to‘g‘ri tashkil etilgan kompleks chora-tadbirlar
Document Outline - Что такое «грамотная речь»?
- Литературный язык как составляющая грамотной речи
- Словарный запас для красивой грамотной речи
- 2. Learn common vocabulary
- 3. Find a style that works for you
- 4. Practice speaking
- 5. Connect with a native speaker
- 6. Consume media
- Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar
- Практическое применение
- Возможные проблемы
- Аnnotatsiya: mazkur maqolada maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalarning tafakkurini rivojlantirish uchun bir qancha o’yin va tavsiyalar yoritib berilgan.
- Kalit so’zlar: ertak, didaktik o’yinlar, rasm chizish, bo’yash, pazl yasash, origami
- ABSTRACT: This article is devoted to the learn of memory in school-age children. Used as a guide for learners. The aim of this study was to explore the role of working memory processes as a possible cognitive underpinning of persistent speech sound di...
- KEYWORDS: speech sound disorders, working memory, school-aged children, Baddeley’s working memory model, nonverbal intelligence
- INTRODUCTION: Speech sound disorders (SSD) are characterised by delays in the accurate production of age-appropriate speech sounds. As the speech sound system develops, children rely on emerging skills in multiple domains including perceptual, ...
- 1. One of the great joys of parenthood is introducing your kid to the world and giving them a foundation of good childhood memories on which they can start building their life. A major way that parents try to build childhood memories is through ...
- 2.PM is usually assessed in laboratory experiments where participants are engaged in an ongoing task, such as rating the pleasantness of words, while they must simultaneously remember to perform a predefined action (i.e., PM task) whenever a d...
- 3.The contribution of executive and control processes in PM has been shown, for example, in studies examining attentional monitoring costs, which is represented by slower response times (RTs) or lower accuracy rates in an ongoing task when a ...
- 4. Over the preschool years, children become more effective at keeping task-irrelevant thoughts out of short-term memory, thereby reducing the potentially interfering material that otherwise would limit capacity.
- Abstract:
- Annotatsiya:
- Kalit so’zlar:
- Introduction:
- Etymology and origin of critical thinking
- Main:
- Conclusion:
- 2. Goddard, Cliff
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