Бола шахсида салбий ўзгаришларни келтириб чиқарувчи ташқи таъсирларнинг психологик-педагогик асослари
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Atakhujaeva Shahlo Anvarovna
The muster student of the ChSPI, The faculty of Pedagogics,
The department pedagogics and psychology
This article is about self-destructive behavior and controlling the pupils with the
self-destructive behavior. In our pedagogical life we meet some pupils with bad
behavior. In this position every teacher has problems to
find the contact with these
pupils. The article can help solve our problems.
Key words: definition, mental health,
formulate, behavior, semantic
confusion, taxonomirs, risk.
It is rather hard to formulate a clear cut definition
on concept regarding human
behavior and disorders of mental health. The study of self-destructive behavior has been
hampered by semantic confusion, protean concepts and contradictory taxonomies. In a
very broad sense self-destructive behavior can be defined to consist either in taking or
in considering to take a life threatening risk, that need not necessarily aim at or lead to
self-destruction. Thus, it has nowadays become increasingly common to speak
separately of indirect self-destruction and on the other hand direct self-destruction in a
narrower sense, the latter includes three phenomena: suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts
and suicides. Indirect self-destructive behavior may be defined as a behavior
characterized by taking a life threatening risk
without the intention of dying, mostly
repeatedly and often unconsciously, in such a way that the consequences are likely to be
destructive to the individual before long (Lounqvist, 1978).
Self-destructive behavior was first studied in 1895
by Freud and Ferenczi when
they first recognized how traumatic experiences affected the development of children.
Freud and Ferenczi noticed that children who were raised in an unhealthy environment
were more often the ones to act out and take part in self-destructive behavior. Freud
concluded that self-destructive behavior is influenced by one's ego or superego and
aggression. Depending on how strongly influenced one is, it will increase the intensity
of one’s destructive behavior. Guilt is a leading factor for one's superego. For instance,
growing up with alcoholic parents can increase one’s self-destructive behavior because
they feel guilty that they didn't provide them with the help they needed. Since they
failed to help their parents overcome these obstacles, they feel as if their parents failed
because of them. Then, they use harming themselves as
a coping mechanism to their
guilt and failure.