O’zbek tilida
Rus tilida
Ingliz tilida
Absolute adress
(mutloq manzil) Xotira yacheykasiga tegishli bo’lib, u bosh harf va nomerlar orqali ifodalanadi “Q 6.7” va “M,44.3 terminlari mutloq adresdir
Pryamaya ssыlka too yacheyku pamyati, predstavlennoe o identifikatorom simvolov i chislom. Termin "Q 6.7" i "M 44.3" rudnыe absolyutnыe adresa. Sm simvolicheskiy adres
A drect reference too memory location, represented by o character identifier and a number. The term "Q 6.7" and "M 44.3" ore absolute addresses. See symbolic address.
Accesible nodes
(kirish tugunlari) Simatik boshqaruvning foydali tomoni bo’lib faollashtirganda MPI tugunlarini konfiguratsiya qilinganligini baholab beradi va dasturiy sistema orqali ham kirilishi mumkin
Ispolzovanie D »EST ssыlok yacheek pamyati Ike 15,6. vmesto togo, chtobы zameщayuщix ili imya ssыlki, takie kak "STOP.PB" ssыlatsya na yacheyki pamyati. Sm absolyutnыy adres.
Use of the d»ect references of memory locations Ike 15.6. instead of substitute or name references such as "STOP.PB" to reference memory locations. See absolute address.
Accumulator (ACUU)
akumlator CPU xotirasiga qayt qilib boradi qaysi lakabi yuklash va uzatish operatsiyalarini amalga oshirish uchun xizmat qiladigan shuningdek, taqqoslashlar, matematika va o‘zgaruvchan operatsiyalarni ham bajaradi
Utilita PR SimaticManoger, pri aktivatsii, opredelyaet, kakie stansii rudы skonfigurirovanы kak uzlы MPI i mogut bыt dostupnы s pomoщyu sistemы programmirovaniya.
A utility ol the Simatic Manoger that, when activated, determines what stations ore configured as MPi nodes and can be accessed by the programming system.
Accesible nodes
(kirish tugunlari) Simatik boshqaruvning foydali tomoni bo’lib faollashtirganda MPI tugunlarini konfiguratsiya qilinganligini baholab beradi va dasturiy sistema orqali ham kirilishi mumkin.
registrы pamyati m protsessor, kotorыy slujit v kachestve bufera dlya operatsiy peredachi krovi i, kak mы *, kak dlya sravneniya, moli i konversionnыx operatsiy.
Memory registers m the CPU that serves as buffers for lood and transfer operations, as we* as for comparisons, moth, and conversion operations.
Actual parameter
Asosiy parameter yacheyka bo’lib , qaysini parameter bilano’rinolmasaoladigan u funksiya bloki (FB) yokifunksiya (FC) kabi nomlanadi misol uchun rasmiy parametr, L 60.2 bilan almashishi mumkin . Shunindek blok parametrini , rasmiy parametrini ko’rish.
Adres ili znachenie, kotoroe reploces formalnыy parametr, kogda funksionalnыy blok (FB) ili funksii (FC) yavlyaetsya caled. Naprimer, formalnыy parametr "STOP" mojet bыt zamenen octual parametrom "160.2." Takje smotrite parametrы bloka: formalnыy parametr.
The address or value that reploces a formal parameter when a function block (FB) or function (FC) is caled. For example, the formal parameter "STOP" may be replaced by the octual parameter "160.2." Also see block parameters: formal parameter.
(manzil /yacheyka)
1).yozuvlar soni yacheyka bit, bayt, so’z, yoki ikkilik so’zlar shaklida xotirada saqlaydi. Aniqlashraqamibo’lib, sistemaning mavjudligi yoki nuqtasini ko’rsatib beradi.
1) spravochnыy nomer, kotorыy identifitsiruet unikalnыy bit pamyati. bayt, slovo ili dvoynoe slovo mestopolojenie. 2) identifikatsionnыy nomer, oboznachayuщiy unikalnыy sistemnыy ob’ekt ili ob’ekt.
1) A reference number that identifies a uniaue memory bit. byte, word, or double word location. 2) An identifying number designating a uniaue system entity or object.
Addess identifler
1.Adessini aniqlash. oddiy yoki ikkilik harflarni ko’rsatadi go’yoki oldindagi yacheykaga va alohida olingan xotiramaydoniga razmeri bilan murojaat qiladi.
2.Faqat bitta harf bo’lsa birinchi harf maydoniga bir o’zini ko’rsatadi ikkinchi harf “B” nibaytdako’rsatadi, ‘’W” bitta so’z va ‘’D’’ ikkilik so’zlarni ifodalaydi.
Odin ili dvoynoe oboznachenie, kotoroe bukva predshestvuet adres i ukazыvaet na opredelennuyu oblast pamyati i podat v sud bloka pamyati idet rech. Pervaya bukva ukazыvaet na oblast ARVD vsegda nemnogo, yesli tolko odna bukva prisutstvuet, vtoraya bukva "B" Vil ukazat bayt, sh o slove, i '0' dvoynoe slovo.
A single or double letter designation that precedes an address and indicates the specific memory area and sue of the memory unit being referenced. The first letter indicates the area arvd always a bit if only one letter is present, a second letter 'B' wil indicate byte, w o word, and '0' a double word.
B stack
B to’p, Bloklar to’pi barcha oxiriga yetkazilmagan bloklar S7 xotirasida ko’rasatiladi va o’zlarining xatoligini bilganda CPU ningto’xtashigasababbo’ladi shuningdek
Blok steka. Oblast pamyati S7 (AO), chto kon rassmatrivatsya dlya opredeleniya vsex nezavershennыx blokov, nazыvaemыx vtorыx poryadke, v kotorom oni bыli caled do bloka blujdayuщie i vыzval protsessor, chtobы ostanovit. Krome togo, sm l zapas.
Block Stack. An S7 memory area (stock) that con be viewed to determine all non-terminated blocks called ond the order in which they were caled up to the block that erred and caused the CPU to stop. Also, see l stock.
Background Processing
Jarayonningtutgano’rni. CPU SCON vaqt oxiri bilan boshlanadi va eng so’ngi CPU to’laligicha tugagunga qadar davom etadi. Nodavlat tanqidiy kodni ishlash usuli foydalanuvchi belgilagan eng kam aylanishga vaqt (57400) dan kamroq vaqt DB 90 ning minimal aylanishiga vaqt qolgan muddat uchun qayta ishlandi so’ngra DB1 aylanishiga zamin yaratib berdi.
Sposob obrabotki nekriticheskoe Codo (v OB90) v sreze vremeni Thot nachinaetsya s konsa Txo fakticheskogo Timo skanirovaniya CPU i Uderjivanie do istecheniya poslednego minimalnogo SCONCPU. Yesli fakticheskoe vremya vыpolneniya sikla menshe, chem ukazannыy polzovatelem minimalnogo vremeni sikla (S7 400). 0690 yavlyaetsya procossod dlya Txo ostavshegosya sroka minimalnogo vremeni sikla. Zatem Txo OBI siklo yavlyaetsya rostartod.
A method of processing non-critical codo (in OB90) in the slice of time thot starts with the end of tho actual CPU scan timo and continuos until the expiration of the most recent minimum CPU scon. If the actual execution cycle time is less than the user- specified minimum cycle time (S7 400). 0690 is procossod for tho remaining duration of the minimum cycle time. Then, tho OBI cyclo is rostartod.
Bilateria communication
(ikki tomonlama aloqa) S7 dasturi bilan uzviy bog’likda bo’ladi. Bu SASFB bilan mahalliy va uzoq muddatda aloqada bo’ladi bunga misol qilib “USEND” va “URCV” bir tomonlama munosabatga kiradi.
Otnositsya k S7
svyaz mejdu partnerami. v kotorom Thoro yavlyaetsya SFB na oboix Txo lokalnogo i udalennogo partnera (naprimer .."B" I URCV "). Sm odnostoronnee obщenie.
Refers to S7
communication between partnors. in which thoro is a SFB on both tho local and remote partner (e.g.. "USEND" AND URCV"). See unilateral communication.
Bit memory
(bit xotira) CPU ning ichki xotirasi yoki software nazorat o’rni sifatida ifodalash mumkin, saqlovchi tizim maydonidir ,,M” harfi brouzerning xotira manzilidir.
Oreo iz sistemы Momory soderjaщey to, chto mojet bo referted kak vnutrennix bitov dlya xraneniya etogo protsessora ili rele upravleniya programmnыm obespecheniem. Bukva 'M' predshestvuet kajdыy bit Momory adres (naprimer .. m 10.0 nemnogo. Mb 10 bayt, 10 Mvt eto slovo, i 10 mkr dvoynoe slovo.
The oreo of the system momory containing what may bo referted to as the CPU's Internal storage bits or software control relays. The letter 'M' precedes each bit momory address (e.g.. m 10.0 is a bit. mb 10 is a byte, mw 10 is a word, and md 10 a double word.
Block header
(Boshblok) Bosh blokning nomini, tipini, versiyasini va mualliflik sifatlarini qayd qilib boradi. Bosh blok boshqa bloklarni xuxusiyatlarini ochib o’zgartirishi mumkin. Blokni tanlab, tanlagan blokustigao’ngtugmaniustigabosiladi.
Kajdыy blok eto zagolovok, kotorыy soderjit atributы bloka, takie kak imya. Semya, versiya i Aufhor. Zagolovok Txo blok mojet bыt moditied, otkrыv svoystva bloka. Vыberite blok, a zatem щelknite pravoy knopkoy mыshi, chtobы vыbrat svoystva ob’ekta.
Each block hos a header that contains attributes of the block, such as Name. Family, version, and Aufhor. Tho block header may be moditied by opening the block properties. Select the block and then right click to select object properties.
Blocks (bloklar)
Blok Step 7 ning dasturiy ta’minotini tashkil qiladi va funksiya struktura yoki maqsadini ajratadi. Step7 turlari (FB, FC, OB, SFB va SFC) bo’lgan. Mantiqiy had blokliva (UDB) turli foydalanuvchi ma’lum.
Bloki Mok vverx Txo STEP 7 programmы polzovatelya, i otlichayutsya ot funksii, strukturы ili seli. STEP7 blokovMoy bыt sgruppirovanы v razmere $ togic kodovыx blokov tipov (FBFCOBSFB i SFC....): Bloki dannыx tipov (. DB SDB) i opredelyaemыe polzovatelem tipы dannыx (UDT).
Blocks moke up tho STEP 7 user program, and are distinguishable by function, structure, or purpose. STEP 7 blocks moy be grouped a$ togic code blocks of types (FB. FC. OB. SFB. and SFC): data blocks of types (DB. SDB) and user- defined data types (UDT).
Block parametrs
(block parametrlari) bu kiritish chiqarish signalarni kiritish parametriga o’tkazish yoki blok yacheykaning chiqarishini ta’minlaydi.
Rofers k nazvannomu kanalov vvoda / vыvoda, kotorыe pozvolyayut dannыe doljnы bыt peredanы v (vxodnыx parametrov) ili vыxod iz (vыxodnыx parametrov) funksii bloka.
Rofers to the named input/output channels that allow data to be passed into (input parameters) or output from (output parameters) a block function.
Block stack
(B-stask) bloklar to’plami
Sm B-stek
See B-stack
Configured connection
aloqa konfiguratsiyasi ning kamunikatsiya S7 bilan aloqa moslashtiradi.
Aloqa turlari o’z ichiga : FOL , FMS, ISO, ISO-on –TCP, S7 va UDP.
Liniya svyazi mejdu partnerami S7, v kotorыx svoystva conncction mejdu dvumya partnerami po OrePrec na figurnoy OND fiksirovannom p v tablitse soedineniy. Tipы soedineniy vklyuchayut v sebya: FIX. FMS. ISO. ISO na TCP. ukazat topoinl. S7. i UOP
A communication link between S7 partners, in which the conncction properties between two partners ore prec on figured ond fixed n a connection table. Connection types include: FIX. FMS. ISO. ISO on-TCP. point topoinl. S7. and UOP
Connection table
Aloqa jadvali Step7 maqsadi o’z ichiga yuqori konfiguratsiyaviy aloqa bilan loyiha o’rtasidagi aloqani ta’minlaydi.
Vыxod instrumenta konfiguratsii apparatnыx sredstv STEP 7, kotorыy imeet kajdыy / O rels I ot S7 na 300 ili kamen na S7 400. Zond s instollea moduley v kajdom vremennom intervale, predstavlennom v vide tablisы. Fobto vklyuchaet stroki dlya modulya, soderjaщegosya v kajdom vremennom intervale, a takje informatsii, svyazannoy s kajdыm modulem v stolbsax.
The output of the STEP 7 hardware configuration tool, which has each I/O rail of on S7 300 or rock of on S7 400. ond the modules instollea in each slot, represented in the form of a table. The fobto includes rows for the module contained in each slot, and information associated with each module in columns.
Consistence check
doimiy tekshiruv Uning foydasi doimiy tekshirish agar uning hardware konfiguratsiyasi yoki tarmoq konfiguratsiya xatoliklarni to’g’irlaydi.
UTILITOY, kotorыy proveryaet, yavlyaetsya li konfiguratsiya apparatnыx sredstv (HardwareConfiguration) ili yesli setevoy konfiguratsii (NetProJ svobodna ot oshibok.
A utilty that checks to see if the hardware configuration (Hardware Configuration) or if the network configuration (NetProJ is free of errors.
Control logic
Mantiqiy himoya Bu ko’plab asboblar holatini himoya qiladi yoki alohida olinga funksiyalarni bajaradi va himoya qiladi.
1) combnation usloviy, kotorыe doljnы bыt udovletvorenы dlya upravleniya opredelennыm ustroystvom ili vыpolnyat funksiyu porticulor. 2) Otnositsya k Entre programmы logiki ili releynoy logiki, chto Wii upravleniya zadannoy mochine ili protsess.
1) The combnation of conditions that must be satisfied to control a particular device or perform a porticulor function. 2) Refers to the entre program logic or relay logic that wii control a given mochine or process.
Controller raek(CR)
controller tokchasi. CPU asosan S7 300 yoki S7 400 sistemalari o’rnatiladi.
Controller raek shuningdek, o’z ichiga signal modullarini funksiya modullarini va aloqa protsessorni oladi.
Mam S7 300 ili S7
400 Komponent sistemы, ispolzuemыy dlya ustanovki protsessora. Rok-kontroller mojet takje soderjat signalnыe moduli, funksionalnыe moduli, OND kommunikatsionnыe protsessorы.
A mam S7 300 or S7
400 system component used to install the CPU. The controller rock may also contain signal modules, function modules, ond communications processors.
Counter memory (C)
sanoq xotira Sistema xotira yacheykalari software sanagichlaridan foydalaniladi har bir sanagich so’zlarni o’rnatganda BCO qiymatiga o’xshab qayta yuklaydi. “C” harfi S7 sanagichmanziliga oldindan o’rnatilgan bo’ladi masalan (C0, C1, C2 va boshqalardek).
Oblast sistemnoy pamyati, soderjaщey mesta, ispolzuemыe dlya schetchikov programmnogo obespecheniya. Eoch schetchik slov, kogda ustanovleno. contom zadannoe polzovatelem znachenie v kachestve znacheniya BCD. Bukva "CProcedes kajdыy S7 schetchik oddress (naprimer ..CO. SI. S2. S3 i kajdыy iz nix yavlyaetsya unikalnыm schetchik.
The area of the system memory containing locations used for software counters. Eoch counter word, when set. contom the user-defined preset value as a BCD value. The letter 'C procedes each S7 counter oddress (e.g.. CO. SI. C2. and C3 each is a unique counter.
Counter down
sangichni tushirish STEP7 ning software sanagich instruktori bo’lib, u o’zining decrement qiymatini biridan boshqa kirishiga taminlaydi.
Instruksiya programmnogo obespecheniya schetchik S7, chto umenshaet yego znachenie schetchika na yedinisu dlya eochOTF k perexodu na yego obratnыy otschet vxodnogo signala.
An S7 software counter instruction that decrements its count value by one for eoch otf-to-on transition of its count-down input.
Counter up
yuqoridagi kounterlar STEP7 ning software sanagich instrukturasi bo’lib, u o’zining increment qiymatini biridan boshqasiga kirishini ta’minlaydi.
S7 instruksiya programmnogo obespecheniya schetchik, kotorыy uvelichivaet yego znachenie schetchika na yedinisu dlya eoch off-multyashek tronsihon svoego scheta vverx vvoda.
S7 software counter instruction that increments its count value by one for eoch off-toon tronsihon of its count-up input.
Counter up-down
Yuqori-past sanagichlar STEP7 ning software instrukturasi bo’lib u ham holatga ikkala ham “up-counter” ham “down-counter” qo’shadi.
Instruksiya programmnogo obespecheniya schetchik S7, kotorыy sochetaet v sebe octions oboix vverx i vniz schetchik-schetchik.
An S7 software counter instruction that combines the octions of both the up counter and down-counter.
Cuclic interrupt
Davriy aylanish Bu S7 300 va S7 400 sistemalarida davriy aylanish OBS sistemasiga o’xshab aniq foydalanish programmasi mavjud va CPU ning mustaqil aylanish davrida ega. U normal aylanish orqali 10 milli sekundda 5 sekuntni tashkil etadi.
S7 300 i S7 400 sistemы obespechivayut cycic prerыvaniya OB, podderjivat periodicheskuyu obrabotku opredelennыx chastey polzovatelskoy programmы, ^ zavisimыx ot normalnoy obrabotki cycScTimo protsessora. Siklicheskie prerыvaniya rudы avarfabie s intervalom 10 mihseconds do 5 sekund.
S7 300 and S7 400 systems provide cycic interrupt OBs to support periodic processing of certain portions of the user program, ^dependent of the normal cycSc processing timo of the CPU. Cyclic interrupt ore avarfabie at intervals of 10 mihseconds to 5 seconds.
Cuclic interrupt OBS
OBS davriy aylanishi OB38 ga OB30 davriy aylanish xizmatini ta’minlab beradi. OBS aylanish davri CPU programmasiga bog’liq bo’ladi.
OB 30 do OB 38pri uslovii, dlya Servic ^ g siklicheskix prerыvaniy. Cycic prerыvanie OBsovoiiobie k o programme, b CPU zavisimoy.
OB 30 to OB 38 are
provided for servic^g cyclic interrupts. Cycic interrupt OBs ovoiiobie to oprogram, b CPU dependent.
Aloqa bus qisqartmasi
Abbreviatura dlya kommunikatsionnoy shinы. Port ob’edinitelnuyu shinu SIMATICS7-300 / M7-300 i S7-400 / M7- 400 programmiruemыx kontrollerov. Otdelnaya shina svyazi uvelichivaet skorost peredachi dannыx betweon Txo protsessora i programmiruemыx moduley, a takje sdelat programmirovanie possiblo dostupa ko vsem programmiruemыx moduley (naprimerFMS. XP), cherez PG / PK, podklyuchennыy k sentralnomu protsessoru.
Abbreviation for Communication Bus. Port of the backplane bus of the SIMATIC S7-300/M7-300 and S7-400/M7- 400programmable controllers. A separate communication bus Increases data transfer rates betweon tho CPU and programmable modules, as well as make programming access possiblo to all programmable modules (e.g.. Fms. CPs), via a PG/PC connected to the CPU.
Bu ishlab chiqarishga bevosita aloqadorlikda insonmehnatini ozod etib, texnik asbob-uskunalar, texnika va boshqaruv tizimlarini ishlab chiqarishda ishlatiladi
eto primenenie v proizvodstve texnicheskix sredstv, metodov i sistem upravleniya, osvobojdayuщix cheloveka ot neposredstvennogo uchastiya v proizvodstve.
it is used in the manufacture of technical equipment, techniques and management systems that would exempt a person from direct involvement in production.
Ishlab chiqarish ob'ektlarini (yoki qurilish) dizayni (ishlab chiqish), shuningdek, dizayn muhandislik va / yoki texnik hujjatlar uchun dasturlar to'plami
(angl. CAD, Computer-Aided Design) - programmnыy paket, prednaznachennыy dlya proektirovaniya (razrabotki) ob’ektov proizvodstva (ili stroitelstva), a takje oformleniya konstruktorskoy i/ili texnologicheskoy dokumentatsii.
(English CAD, Computer-Aided Design.) - A software package for the design (development) of production facilities (or construction), as well as design engineering and / or technical documentation.
Oson texnik kompyuter, ularning integratsiyasi, tasvirlash va dasturlash uchun yuqori ishlashi, atrof-muhit muammolari va yechimlari tanish matematik namoyish bilan ifoda etiladi muhitini foydalanish
(angl. Matrix Laboratory) – sreda vыsokoy proizvoditelnosti, prednaznachennaya dlya texnicheskix vыchisleniy, ix integrirovaniya, vizualizatsii i programmirovanie v udobnoy dlya ispolzovaniya srede, gde zadachi i resheniya vыrajayutsya v privыchnoy matematicheskoy notatsii.
(English Matrix Laboratory.) - High-performance environment for technical computing, their integration, visualization, and programming in an easy to use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation.
Tekshirish va ma'lumotlar yig'ish nazorat qilish va ma'lumot olish, (sanoat ishlab chiqarish avtomatlashtirish uchun murakkab tizimlar bir sinf nomi) tomonidan
sokr. ot Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition dispetcherskoe upravlenie i sbor dannыx, (nazvanie klassa sistem dlya kompleksnoy avtomatizatsii promыshlennogo proizvodstva)
abbr. by Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition supervisory control and data acquisition, (name of a class of complex systems for the automation of industrial production)
bitta butun-sinf mahsulotlari birlashtirgan sanoat ishlab chiqarish boshqarish uchun birinchi integratsiyalashgan axborot tizimi, SOFTLOGIC-SCADA / HMI-FVV-EAM-İKY)
pervaya integrirovannaya informatsionnaya sistema dlya upravleniya promыshlennыm proizvodstvom, ob’edinyayuщaya v yedinom selom produktы klassa SOFTLOGIC-SCADA / HMI-MES-EAM-HRM)
the first integrated information system for the management of industrial production, uniting in a single whole-class products SOFTLOGIC-SCADA / HMI-MES-EAM-HRM)
(Windows Control Center) - kompyuter tizimi inson-mashina interfeysi, Windows operatsion tizimi bilan ishlayotgan va turli ilovalar uchun nazorat tizimlari qurish uchun keng qamrovli faoliyati beradi, va avtomatlashtirish darajasi
(Windows Control Center) - eto kompyuternaya sistema cheloveko-mashinnogo interfeysa, rabotayuщaya pod upravleniem operatsionnыx sistem Windows i predostavlyayuщaya shirokie funksionalnыe vozmojnosti dlya postroeniya sistem upravleniya razlichnogo naznacheniya i urovney avtomatizatsii
(Windows Control Center) - a computer system man-machine interface, running Windows operating systems and provides extensive functionality for building control systems for various applications, and the automation level
Automated Training System
dasturiy ta'minot avtomatlashtirilgan o'quv kurslarida (AUC) va AUC mazmuni ko'rib moslamalarni professional ko'nikmalarini qabul qilinishi va boshqaruv yechimlari (Xizmatlar) amalga oshirish rivojlantirish imkonini ixtisoslashtirilgan mahalliy murabbiylar bir qator bir yoki undan ortiq iborat, kasb-hunar ta'lim anglatadi
programmnoe sredstvo professionalnoy podgotovki personala, sostoyaщee iz odnogo ili neskolkix avtomatizirovannыx uchebnыx kursov (AUK) i nabora spesializirovannыx lokalnыx trenajerov, pozvolyayuщix osuщestvlyat formirovanie professionalnыx navыkov i umeniy prinyatiya i vыpolneniya resheniy po upravleniyu (obslujivaniyu) ob’ektov, rassmatrivaemыx v soderjatelnoy chasti AUK.
software means of vocational training, consisting of one or more of the automated training courses (ATS) and a set of specialized local trainers that enable the development of professional skills adoption and implementation of management solutions (Services) objects considered in the content of the ATS.
Automated Training Course
tayyorlash usullari talablariga javob kasb-hunar ta'lim dasturi vositalari, talaba grafik va Matnlarni moddiy jihatlarga va muayyan o'quv kursi texnik hujjatlarni taqdimoti anglaydi va sifat nazorati o'quv tarbiyalanuvchilarini beradi
programmnoe sredstvo professionalnoy podgotovki personala, otvechayuщee trebovaniyam metodik podgotovki, realizuyuщee pred’yavlenie obuchaemomu graficheskogo i tekstovogo materiala normativno-texnicheskoy dokumentatsii konkretnogo uchebnogo kursa i obespechivayuщee kontrol kachestva podgotovki obuchaemыx
software means of vocational training that meets the requirements of the preparation methods, the student realizes the presentation of graphic and textual material specifications and technical documentation of a particular training course and provides quality control training trainees
Independent trainer
tizimi "odam-mashina» holda harakat simulyatori operatori "odam-mashina" tizimi
trenajer operatora sistemы «chelovek-mashina», funksioniruyuщiy bez sistemы «chelovek-mashina»
simulator operator "man-machine" system that operates without the system "man-machine"