Activity 2d Present your group plan.5 min Objective: to give further practice in talking about the location of places Each group reports to the whole class using the example in the book.
Activity 2e Choose and make your class plan.8 min Objective: to give the pupils an opportunity of reaching consensus while working as a class From the groups’ suggestions the ones approved by the whole
class should be added to the plan. Simple voting can do this. From 4-5
suggestions the pupils should choose 1-2 which suit everybody.
Activity 3 Play the “Longest Sentence”.10 min Objective: to practise sentence building with attention to the word order A pupil says a sentence. The second pupil should make it longer by
adding a word. The third pupil adds another word and so on. Make sure
the pupils observe the word order and do not say sentences which have
no meaning.
Homework 2 min Ask the pupils to look at the homework on Page 112. Check that
everybody understands what to do with the two tasks. If necessary,
explain how to do the homework.