List of Endorsements for Vassula Ryden and True Life In God roman catholic testimony

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1. Response to: If you were explaining to someone why the work of TLIG is important, what would you say?

2. Response to: How has TLIG affected your life?

1. To the people I have explained the importance of the TLIG, I have stressed the authenticity of Our Blessed Lord and Our Blessed Mother's concern that the human race find the only path to paradise. TLIG teaching is the only way.
2. I personally look upon the truth in the TLIG teaching a personal privilege, been privy to instructions given by Our Lord Himself in our faith, a great gift on life's journey.

1. I would say that the work of TLIG is important because It is a way that God the father natures, prunes and nourishes our hearts and souls with love and as the person reads and lives the messages they have no other desire but to be with God and to love the Holy Trinity, Our Blessed Mother, the Archangels, and the Saints.

2. TLIG has affected my life in the sense that I have gone back to the Sacraments of the Church and desire nothing that does not Glorify the Holy Trinity.

Mbali Shija, Cape Town, South Africa
1. True Life in God is important, as a member of the Family in Christ Jesus and Mary, to hold and follow the orders given from Christ, and give it to my friends and people, that they will not fall into the darkness in this world and afterlife into the fire of hell.

2. I wish to do works for Christ Jesus as Vassula has in His name for all generations to come.

Hari Om
1. Two points: the first is to help people to discover who is God and build an intimate relationship with Him. Second is to show the christian people that Churches must to be reconciled to get strong, and that our situation is ridiculous and we are still in this sin of division.

2. By discovering this so loving God and get more and more intimate relationship with Him day after day.

Yannick Lalbarty
1. Work TLIG is crucial for people to understand that God exists, PAI is, and that is how we all worried.

2. Have you loved God and knew when I met Vassula in Joinville in 1997, I admired the closeness of it with us and started trying to get closer to him.

Carla Turismo
1. It is important because it contains our Lord's desire for our generation. His desire for us to repent, convert, unite, and love God and one another. It is important because it contains a lot of wisdom, knowledge, and some explanations and reminders about our Christian faith.

2. It affected me in a way that it led me to my purification and conversion. No one, and nothing has ever made me understand scriptures more than the words written in TLIG. TLIG also is very personal to me, it feels like God is speaking to me through it, even though He was talking to Vassula or specifying other person. The words came just right on time, just about right for what I’m going through. The words are so alive.

Nicole Vinagrera, Cavite, Philippines
1. We are living in the end times and God wants us to love Him and seek His protection as we are living in a world where satan is dominating and even the priests are influenced by satan, resulting in people living in worldly pleasures. Even daily family prayers have vanished from many families. I have told them that in the End Times, all people would join together and would become one church and Jesus Christ has anointed Vassula for promoting the unification of all churches in the world under the Pope.

2. TLIG has increased my faith in God and whatever happen to me in this world, I am ready to suffer anything for Jesus.

CM Abraham

1. Je dirai ceci, C’est Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur et notre Dieu qui nous parle, comme il l’a fait depuis toujours à travers les siècles .Pour notre siècle, il y a eu la Sœur Josefa Menendez ( un appel à l’amour, )et Sainte Faustine, Maria Valtorta pas encore reconnu et tant d’autres non reconnus encore, et maintenant Sa Messagère Vassula, qui a reçu un charisme unique, extraordinaire qui parcourt le monde entier comme le faisait Saint Paul pour transmettre son « dernier » Hymne d’Amour pour nous tous, comme pour nous prévenir et nous sauver de l’enfer et de la catastrophe qui nous guette.

2. La Vraie Vie en Dieu à affectée radicalement ma vie, avec toutes mes immondes faiblesses, mes chutes, mes moments de grâces, un repenti incessant depuis le 5 mars 2007. Un repenti qui ne s’arrêtera jamais…

Le Seigneur dit ceci, « Je me suis laissé trouver par ceux qui ne me cherchaient pas, je me suis révélé à ceux qui ne me consultaient pas » En ce qui me concerne, c’est la 2ème partie de la phrase celle que j’ai soulignée .

Je ne suis intéressée que par La Vraie Vie en Dieu, rien d’autre. C’est la 8ème lecture des volumes et je découvre toujours des choses, je veux vivre les messages, bien sûr je n’arrive pas à être parfaite. Mais j’essaye de la mettre en pratique.

Comme je l’ai dit des chutes, beaucoup de faiblesses. Loué soit le Seigneur, Gloire à Toi Seigneur. Merci Vassula d’avoir dit oui à Dieu, et pour la douceur et la gentillesse avec lesquelles vous transmettez Sa Parole.

Alice Tsuwi, Bern, Switzerland
1. True Life in God is important because God reveals His love to us. A truly loving response to the revelation of His love means that we can start to live according to the design of God, to love, to be true, and to be alive.

2. True Life in God means everything to me since to know that I am loved unconditionally by God has brought me healing in my body and most of all in my soul.

Alice Tsuwi
1. The Lord explains to us in the TLIG messages that this is his prodigy of prodigies, the Celestial Manna reserved for these times so Evil. Basically that this is the Best Revelation going. That God is calling to his children to come back to him before this time of grace gives way to trials and tribulations. That if we will unite the dates of Easter He will do the rest for Christian unity and the Church will have the radiant beauty of her bridal days, that the Church will be like it was in the Acts of the Apostles.

2. It was the sap that grafted me back onto the Vine

Alistair Macneil
1. TLIG is important because we can know our God truly, as love, peace, and confidence, and that He listen to our voices.

2. I read the messages, and I could understand the meaning of the cross and I accepted the suffering and I have had more courage for fight and win my greatest tribulations.

Ana Maria Pires


2.The message of Vassula has affected me to keep up priesthood for last 15 years. I have been helping students of Priesthood to have faith in the message of Vassula and continue their studies for Priesthood. I go in search of entry priests who are away from their commitment.

Rev. Fr. Dr. William Robert
1. To know the Word of God, independently of your religion.

2. A lot, it has brought me closer to the Word of God, now it's not just in the Bible, but in real life.

Ana laura Cardenas
1. God is talking today to us, to remind us what He has already told us in the Bible and He wants us to be prepared.

2. TLIG has affected me to feel more close to God. TLIG has also been a help for me on my way to the Catholic church.

Anders Palmgren
1. TLIG is important for our period of time to help people be aware of their mission on earth, knowing that God loves us, is awaiting for us at the end of our life here on earth and although the importance of being tuned with God and work for Christians unity.
2. It helped me understanding how important it was to be an active member of our Church, work for Christians unity and being aware of God’s presence in my life in close relationship with him at any time of the day and night for all my activities.

Andre Bourqui
1. TLIG is important to help get a personal relationship with God. It helps to believe in God’s love and makes us remember the virtues of humility and love. Only through humility and love will the unity of the church be reached. TLIG lets us know what the Lord wants from us for the unity of church: one Easter date. This message is an urgent prophetic appeal to leave the path of death and to come to live, to a true life in God. For that it can't be estimated high enough, because we all see today the traces of evil and destruction, the consequence of life without God. This message gives hope and leads the direction to a great intimacy with God, so at least we will be “Gods through participation”.
2. I came to know the messages of TLIG when I was finishing my college studies. At that time I was in difficult situation and felt lonely. Through the reading of the messages I received great consolation and it gave me the force to make decisions according to the Lord, also concerning my career.

Andreas Buscher, Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany
1. For people with a limited Christian/spiritual background, located in isolated or persecuted areas seeking for consolation and love (ubiquitous nowadays), the TLIG messages and the TLIG people (practicing Christians) are a glimpse of hope. An intimate relationship with the “Divine”, and an explanation of the Holy Bible through one person Vassula, that has experienced the affection of God.
2. The unconditional love given by the everyday people that share the TLIG movement, the consolation and refuge of the prayer groups, and the joy of offering in the Beth Myriams to the people in need, amongst others is a reason of why I follow for 5 years now in TLIG.

Andreas Nikolakopoulos
1. It's the closest feeling of God alive ever written (apart from the Bible); you will feel God, Jesus, Mother Mary and all heaven in you.


Andres Nil

1. The work of TLIG is important because Jesus (the Word of God) is speaking to us today emphasizing the kind of relationship He desires with each of us and also nourishing us with His Word in these difficult times. If God speaks today it goes without saying that He desires to convey something important, of value to us. We should be attentive and listen to what He is saying. It is for our good! Also, in the True Life in God Messages Jesus clarifies many important topics and issues that currently divide the churches. Jesus speaks plainly in this regard - for example - regarding His Mother, the Eucharist, the Rosary, His Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal, etc. Are we ready to accept the Truth?

2. The TLIG Messages have affected my life because they have drawn me incredibly close to Jesus and His Mother Mary. I feel the need to spread these Messages constantly so that Jesus may bring back to (spiritual) life many and also help unify the churches. Many a time I feel on fire to spread the TLIG Messages. So in short, my prayer life has deepened and I also spend some time evangelizing the Messages when the opportunity arises. I also worship at other churches besides my (Catholic) church. Also, the TLIG Messages have drawn me into a more holy and God-focused life. Being the Word of God, it is like oxygen for the soul.

Andrew Fonesca, Cairns, Australia
1. This work is important because it is a personal wake up call from God. The message is of love and faith; to discredit those principles are to discredit the principles of God.
2. These messages have helped me forge a closer relationship with our Father. God no longer has to wait until bedtime for my thoughts and prayers. He is close to me always.

Andrew Ryals

1. If I were explaining to someone why the work of TLIG is important I would say that even the most reasonable, rational person looks at the world and realizes something is terribly wrong with humanity right now. TLIG tells us plainly why this is, what is going on, and what we can expect if we keep living the way we are living. I would say to someone emphatically if you had this information I would want you to share it with me at all costs.

2. TLIG has completely changed my life. It has awakened me like nothing has before, jostling my shoulder, telling me God hasn't forgotten us, He's on His way and we'd better be ready.

Angela Bonilla, Maui, Hawaii
1. The work of TLIG is important because it saves souls by bringing them (sincere and searching souls) to repentance and restoration to the friendship of God and all heaven! Plus when God speaks ... we should listen!
2. I was asked 11 yrs ago if I thought God could or would still talk to or with people. My answer was simple ... God can do whatever He wants! So it was with my first encounter with the messages. Like a child, I believed. Then as I read further I realized what an exceptional grace that it was, for God compassionately and quickly showed me how far away and lukewarm I was. Through continued grace and mercy I have returned to the sacramental life of the Church, bringing up my children in TLIG and now having a son who has been called to the priesthood. These messages have changed the whole infrastructure of my family life! I am so happy for this but it has not been without it's sorrows too, to see and feel the rejection Christ suffers when people persecute this love.

Anna Pelky
1. The TLIG Mission is important because we need to purify our souls for two important reasons; to receive Our Eucharistic Lord in a state of grace and to be spiritually cleansed and ready for our life review during the Warning and at the time of Final Judgment.
2. Since 2006, I believe, when I use to write by longhand most of the messages, Jesus has always calmed me and given me much peace and happiness as I read the messages.

2. It increased my faith, as they say you can tell a tree by it's fruits well I knew she was real by the way I felt by reading her books. It brought me closer to Jesus.

Anne E.
1. True Life in God brings love, gives hope, changes hearts, heals lives, and saves soul. Something extraordinary and exciting is happening in our world today! God is speaking to us directly from Heaven - our Creator is making contact with us. God tells us why He is speaking to us now - what His message to us is - and what He asks of us. Although we have forgotten Him, He has never forgotten us and He is, in His great love and mercy, teaching us Who He is, allowing us to realize the importance of the state of our souls and our world through His eyes, revealing to us that we are living in the End of Times and sharing prophetically all that is to come for His Church and His people, and shares with us His Salvation Plan. True Life in God is a respelling of Scriptures.

God invites us to wake up, to return to Him, showing us the way. teaching us how to live a True Life in God; how to walk with Him; how to reach our room in Heaven. God is speaking because all is not well in our world: His Church is divided - divided in splinters. He urgently intervenes to bring us back to our senses before it is too late - His Plan has a determined time; His Merciful calls have also have a determined time; His mercy is great, but His severity is as great; At this time when we are so much in need of Hope, He is the Hope we are looking for. True Life in God is His gift to us in these End of Times. We are just passing through here on this earth, in transit, but our souls will live forever. Eternity where? It's up to us. True Life in God shows us the way.

2. It has changed my life forever and brought me back to God - bringing me to the Truth and the true reality of my life. It showed me how I was contravening God's Law, and upon discovering that, I wanted to change my life. I now know the love, hope, peace, joy and beauty of God - He is the Hope we are all looking for! And He is seeking a return of love from us, equality of love. Life is so much better when lived in God's Presence :) True Life in God allows us see everything in the light of eternity and to recognize everyone as a child of God - it shows us how to get to Heaven and makes us want to help everyone to reach their room in Heaven! Life is meaningful and exciting with God - I just want to share TLIG with everyone, so they too can experience God's Love and get to know Him so that while living and walking on this earth they too can have their eyes and hearts lifted to Heaven: our real Home. No matter what comes up in life, I know that Jesus is right by my side; and with Him, and the True Life in God message in my hand and in my heart , everything is possible.

Anne Marie Sands

1. The work of True Life in God is extremely important to all. It enables and reminds everyone, through the Messages, that God loves us all so very much. He wishes us to return to Him by repenting wholeheartedly and offering our will to Him totally, allowing His Holy Spirit to invade us and guide every moment of our lives.

2. Since reading the Messages of True Life In God, I have begun to realise that the Lord is really present in my life. More importantly, when receiving Holy Communion, I can experience His holy presence, which gives me great peace, hope, and joy.

Anne Marie Wright, Bedford, UK
1. The work of TLIG not only important but very important, especially in today's world because more and more people are living for the world (like they will live forever here). And those who are trying to live life pleasing to God are confused due to divisions of our own (forget the other religions). That's why God in his mercy is having pity on us and stepping down from his Holy Throne, showing his existence and reminding the creation that he is the creator, trying to teach us to live TLIG and this teaching is necessary for today's modern world.
2. It has greatly affected my life, getting me closer and closer to the Holy Trinity and his Sacred Heart. While reading the messages, I get an answer to my day-to-day problems and feel that God is directly talking to me during these times, making me emotional many times. I am coming to know many ways that please God and ways of living life here on earth.

Anush M
1. TLIG helped me to have personal and intimate relationship with God, and have love and respect to other Christian denominations and accept them as our sisters and brothers in love of Christ our Lord. It teaches me not to judge others and pray for them from the heart especially the poor sinners, it also teaches me how important is to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord and to go to confession monthly.
2. TLIG gave me hope in every difficulty and saved me from despair as knowing God is in charge I always remained hopeful and trusted in the Lord .

1. TLIG means for me that we Christians can and should work together. Open up our mind and try to understand and learn the differences from the churches.
2. I got my dear wife and life partner through TLIG. It is the real subject who connects us is our trust in God.

Nils E. Bengtsson
1. No one can be perfectly free until all are free, no one can be perfectly moral until all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy until all are happy. Perfect freedom, morality, and happiness are found in Christ and in his Love Hymn, True Life in God.
2. The more I depend on God, the more dependable God has become. Yet I have not escaped the taste of wilderness on the way; no one is perfected without trials.

Bernard Tansey
1. I would say; "who among you would not want to know what our Lord and Savior had to say to all of humanity in our time"?
2. When I first read "My Angel Daniel" and viewed the first video of "True Life in God" my heart leaped in my chest and I felt the fire of the Holy Spirit such that my life could never be the same again! Daily, I tell people about TLIG.

Bill Smith
1. Ever since a little girl, I have mourned that the Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants have been fragmented. I want to be part of (and work for) the Unity of Churches.
2. My faith has become very vibrant. I speak of Christ all the time in everything I do. I now understand how much God loves us. I read the books for TLIG radio so that the messages can also be spread in this way.

Birgitta Redegard

1. The Messages talk directly to each of us in a loving yet firm way, as a father to his children. Scripture was opened for me explaining there was nothing new and clarified the Bible, bringing me back to Jesus.

2. I was a lost soul. Through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, I learned the Rosary while still an Episcopalian where I was born and raised. Our Lord brought me home to the Catholic Church after a lifetime confession and purification process. I was on fire with love and couldn't wait to be confirmed into the Catholic Church -- and I was in 1997. You know the love of the Messages by the fruits produced.

Bruce Henderson, Indianapolis, USA
1. To prepare our souls for the Second Coming of Jesus.
2. It gives me power to evangelize through reading the Book.

Buya Sharon Mary

1. TLIG teaches us about the immense importance of unity and reconciliation with God, personally, as a Church and with all our brethren in Christ. In a world where there is so much division and spiritual pollution - not only within the Church but also among people - TLIG is a message of hope and love, but above all a message of truth, a truth which the world cannot give you. With the messages God Himself reminds us, through the Holy Spirit and through Holy Mary, about His Truth. He wants us to live according to His Will, in unity with Him - the Holy Trinity - and in unity with each other; what is needed for this: love, humility, sincerity, reconciliation, and repentance. God uses Vassula Ryden, a woman, as the instrument to give us these divine messages. Is it because of the downfall of humanity through a woman, that God so often uses women and especially grants us Holy Mother Mary, to restore the creation of mankind into the divine image of God?

Especially in these times it is very important that Christians of all denominations come together, especially the Christians of the East and the West. We should and can unite, we are so close to each other in faith, in fact we have the same faith, in so many aspects. The world needs a testimony of the Christians, about God, about His Love, the Love of God the Father, about Christ, about Holy Mary. We cannot afford anymore to be divided in these times, it is essential now to unite. To unite the dates of Easter could be a first sign of unity, a sign that we want to reach out to each other, a sign that we want to do God’s Will. Of course unification goes step by step, but to unify the dates of Easter is a very practical and also powerful step, within reach. The best and easiest way to accomplish this, is that the West bows for the East. We have so much in common, we can be one, one in Christ, as the Father and the Son are one in the True and Holy Spirit.
2. I live in Amsterdam in the Netherlands (Holland), a beautiful city and country, but also a rebellious country which is known for striving for and promoting worldly liberties, so-called liberties which are actually chains to Satan. The Netherlands has gone the last decades through a dark apostasy. But where there is darkness there is light, and the onrushing light of God already enkindles the horizon. God guided me back to His Church and revived me again, and He did this through Holy Mary and private revelations as the Poem of the Man God, the Divine Will, but mostly He molded me and built me up again through the messages of True Life In God. The TLIG messages restored my personal relationship with God and daily they make my faith grow, they brought me back to His Church and the Holy Sacraments of His Church. Through the years, reading and learning to live these messages, I discovered the beautiful treasures God has given us with these Holy Sacraments, and I more and more am drawn into them, especially the Holy Eucharist. Jesus is really present in the Holy Eucharist and He invites us ALL to participate in this miracle and unite with Him in Body and Blood. But our division, caused by our own sinfulness, keeps us from being truly united in the Body of Christ, keeps us from being truly united as brothers and sisters in Christ. In the night before He sacrificed His life for ALL, Jesus Himself prayed to God our Father for this. It is shameful, hurtful and sinful that we have been disregarding His Prayer and abandoning Him up to this day.
All in the Bible is true, but not all truth is in the Bible. We still are not able to fully understand what is within the Bible, so we do need the Holy Spirit and private revelations to make us understand and explicate to us the Divine Truth of the Bible, and throughout the centuries we have learned that God uses saints (scholastics), mystics, prophets and of course the Church itself, to teach and remind us, and to lift up the veils of His Truth. Private revelations develop us, have developing me, through the Holy Spirit, in a very personal and direct way, to bent freely my human will and create in me an intention and a desire to live in and by the divine will: a True Life In God. God saved my life and loves me, He died for me on the Cross, and He taught me this all over again with the TLIG messages, and I thank Him and owe Him for this, because: Heaven is real, but so is Hell!, and I rather go to Heaven.

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