List of Endorsements for Vassula Ryden and True Life In God roman catholic testimony

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Ewa Allan: Bedford, UK
1. Christian churches have a lot of differing teachings. For example, about St Mary. In TLIG it is Jesus telling us to venerate Mary, and to pray the Rosary. For me, who was a protestant, this made me listen. Jesus is teaching us things that will unite us in the end.
2. Many things were not so important any more and other things came first. When we started loving St Mary, we (my husband and I) found the way to the worldwide Catholic Church and the sacraments, for which I am so thankful. This was a blessing for all my family. I can meet every day with confidence, knowing that God is so close to us, so loving. I have grown smaller and God the greater. I have also come to love and understand the Bible more.

Eva Jaruta
1. TLIG leads me nearer to the Holy Trinity, helps me to feel really the presence of Jesus or the Father, to speak Him directly, simply at every time in the day, is a great help for praying.
2. TLIG gave me an important prayer group since 1997. With this group I live essentially friendship, fidelity, sure as the rock, the beauty of praying together.

Francoise Guitton
1. TLIG has changed my life. I believed in God previously, but the wisdom of this book, and mainly, the greatness of God’s love that I feel reading it -- is something that I can’t explain in words. I really discovered God by this sacred book, and I’m a Christian, apostolic, Roman and one, and not one word of this book changes anything that the Holy Bible says.

Fernando Carranza
1. TLIG draws people to true devotion to God in a simple, profound manner. It strongly advocates its followers to lead a deeper prayer life.
2. I have been made aware of God's mercy and compassionate love for me.

Fred and Teresa Cabebe
1. Because Jesus has things that He wants to tell us.
2. I didn’t know how much God loved me, (to folly!) made me more confident with Him and more honest, which He likes (because He doesn’t like lip service). TLIG is one of the massive leaps I've had in my relationship with God. I quote it all the time. I hug God and tell Him all my pain warts and all and share my joy with Him. Sometimes I remember "we, us" but I talk to Him on and off most days. I don’t say "all on my own" anymore cause He doesn’t like this! Definitely changed my life.

Fiona McPhee
1. I understood by reading True Life in God messages that it was Jesus himself that spoke to me in a special way in order to save me from the despair I was in.
2. I met His love for me.

Emmanuelle Martin-Voisin
1.God is speaking to you, it is he who is approaching you through the messages. God calls everyone and he is calling you at this very moment. Find what the meaning of your life is the reason you were created and why. Let God our father give you all your needs for every moment you breathe through simple loving messages once you read one message you will know it is God speaking and you will be amazed.
2. TLIG has greatly impacted my life on every level possible leaving no unanswered thoughts. Every word in the message penetrates to the bottom of my soul where I feel like I am no longer of flesh but am being lifted in the spirit. I have allowed God to lift me up take me where he wills through the messages and I could not deny the truth I face reading the messages. Through the messages I am being healed, lead, directed and prepared what more can our souls seek. What a loving God we have.

Eloise Figueroa
1. TLIG is a way that God our true Father is communicating with us today to remind us where we come from and remind us of His everlasting love and faithfulness. TLIG heals and soothes our scars that we received in this world from the lack of love that surrounds us today. It gives us understanding of the Bible and reveals that God wants everyone to be saved. God is alive and He still speaks. God does not forget us and He comes to the rescue in our darkest hour. TLIG educates and nourishes us at a deep level that exposes the deception of the devil who prides in our division as Christians. TLIG is the antidote to the poison that the devil has fed us for centuries. It is a healing remedy. Glory to God in the highest.
2.TLIG has brought me close to my heavenly Father. Gave me understanding of His mind to see things through His eyes. Now I know how to love after being selfish and haughty. I am eternally grateful to the Holy Trinity, to my Mother who never gave up on me. Grateful that Vassula said yes and knelt for endless hours before the Lord to take dictations that became food for our souls. Grateful that the Lord gives her strength to continue to travel to the remotest of places and shout the good news.

Elain Sieff, Sydney, Australia
1. Ever since I started reading True Life in God, I have peace of mind. I can really feel that God, Jesus, and Mama Mary are conversing personally through Vassula. I heard from a Filipino priest who has read and believed TLIG that we should not limit God on His words from the bible, if we do, we are shunning God from speaking other than the bible, specially now that we all need God to speak to us.
(Just a suggestion -- it's better to have a brief preface in the first few pages of the book that Jesus is conversing in a spiritual level when Vassula is being referred to as a bride. Personally I had some "uncomfortable" feelings about it at the start, but I pursued reading and found out that Jesus was talking on a spiritual level on that aspect.)
2. TLIG affected my life and my family. I became closer to God because I can feel His presence. I am happy to read about the "mystery of His presence", that God is always with us. Our prayer life could be as simple as acknowledging His presence.

Esperanza Isabel Deslate
2. It has helped me having a more intimate relationship with Jesus.

Elisabeth Seriki
1. TLIG has changed my life totally. For me, it was as receiving a private handwritten letter from God, I believed the very first time I saw the messages that it was real and true.
2. Very positive, before I read TLIG, I did not know that I really could LOVE Jesus, now I really LOVE Jesus and Mary with all my heart, and know that our parents in Heaven do LOVE me.

Erla Maria Simonsen
1. The work of TLIG is important to reach people so they may know how much God loves them and how He wants us all to love one another and be united.
2. TLIG has affected my life in 2 major ways: first it was a reminder and wake up call of God's love for me and the whole world. Secondly it is a call for me to share that love and the messages with all, knowing that God is speaking to us all.

Ellen Koskinas
1. I think it is important because Jesus told the Apostles to "teach all nations" and this is what is being done when these Messages are spread. Many people have so little faith that they need help to strengthen what little they have. When Heaven itself is offering the help, we need to listen. And, God is so gentle and yet straightforward when He gives His Help. Also, the fact that we are divided as followers of Christ is a scandal and TLIG shines God's light on the problem, making it clear for all to see what needs to be done.
2. Reading the Messages of TLIG has changed my life. My goal now is Heaven and my prayers for family and friends, as well as everyone who needs to search for God, are offered daily. Before I read them, I doubt if I even really knew how to pray, even though I attended Mass weekly.

Edeane Ramon, San Jose, USA
1. God is Almighty and can speak to whom He wants when He wants and How He wants. He has chosen this way through His scribe to tell us that He sees the waywardness of the world and warns us that we must truly turn back to Him.
2. TLIG has given me fresh courage as a Christian writer, teacher and preacher. I feel that I can confidently 'tell it as it is'.

Edwyn Gilmour
1. We serve a LIVING GOD, hence His Mighty Work is ongoing, Christ uses people, each generation just to make us aware that HE IS ALIVE. Nobody in history had any of his/her earthly achievements continued indefinitely, once they had passed on, their earthly achievements concluded. Christ's work, on the other hand, no matter how hard men over the millennia, tried to destroy and shut, kept resurfacing as fresh and lively as when it was first delivered to the Apostles. This Divine uniqueness does tell us volumes about the supernatural nature of Christ and the Holy Trinity. Keen example is the 72 years of total Christian black-out in Russia and today's beauty of its once rubbled churches. Last year in Eurovision a group of Russian Grannies entered it in order to raise money to build a proper church in their Russian village. This single act told the world about the Divine Nature of Christ in a most delightful manner. Did we understand it, though? The huge tragedy is that we have grown deaf and blind to these obvious Celestial Signs displayed daily for us to wonder of the Loving and reconciliatory nature of the Holy Trinity. TLIG is one sign, boldly telling us that this LIVING AND LOVING GOD is among us TODAY, but we have been deceived by our fellow men so many times, we no longer trust ANYONE! The work of TLIG is important for it updates us on what the Celestial Family wishes us to achieve, but most significantly, it allows us to experience today, what the Apostles did live through. A gift we no longer take full advantage of nor do we wander and reflect about it, either! All of us are at fault, TLIG is God's Grace Personified in order for us to walk right back to our Christian Origins.
2. It was a long and turbulent journey, it did not just "happen" but GOD made it happen! I met God, the Virgin Mary. I felt God's peace, comfort and LOVE. I was dragged back into Christianity through TLIG and I am grateful in so many ways, there are no words to explain it. I have no doubt that Vassula does communicate with Christ, God, the Virgin Mary, the Archangels, Angels and when I met her I was left in "Cloud Nine" as I felt blessed beyond my wildest dreams! Most importantly, TLIG has made me see my errors, my total failure to God and has forced me to reflect on what I should choose for my life and that of my family. I am still very far from the Kingdom of Heaven, but today, I am aware of the presence of Christ in my daily living, that alone is huge and wonderful and I have TLIG to thank for that! For a few weeks now, whenever I reflect about something amiss in my Christian life, I get a TLIG message that follows up that personal reflexion. Is that Divine or what?!! I am able to work more effectively about personal relationship with the Holy Trinity! Thank you Christ for loving so much!

Diana Perez
1. This is the time in that our souls should be beautiful und prepared for the brightgroom who is on His way back. TLIG fullfills our souls with love and this expectation.
2. TLIG leads me in the Catholic Church. I'm thanking Jesus nearly in every Holy Mess for His way with me in His Church.

1. Vassula's work is needed in this age of materialism. It rejuvenates evangelisation and brings the importance and the teachings of the Holy Trinity to the fore and within the reach of all. Crucially she promotes Christian unity and also finds empathy in other world religions.
2. Having read many of the Messages of True Life in God 16 years ago and regularly re-reading parts of the same over these years and praying the prayers suggested by the True Life in God I have become more consistent in the practice of my Catholic Faith. I read the Bible every night and say prayers daily and frequently and with perseverance. I did not practice these on a daily basis before. Vassula encourages the saying of many types of Christian prayers, Roman and Orthodox prayers and some Anglican. I pray not only those prayers in True Life in God, but I also say other prayers in the rule of prayer as practiced by the Christian East translated into English from the Greek and Slavic languages . I find the prayers chosen by the wisdom of the Orthodox Church to be an invaluable help especially in times when it is hard to pray. They warm the cold heart and strengthen the weakened will.

David Bownman
1. It is like spiritual surgery. The graces are so profound within the writings that it converts and confirms the soul very deeply.
2. The primary thing the messages did was allow me to understand the Eucharist as the body of Christ even though I was a cradle Catholic; I never understood that. It brought me to mass every day and allowed me to give my life to God entirely to be wed to Him mystically. The more I read the messages, the stronger I became against temptations to be distracted from prayer brought on by the world. Moreover, I became more aware of things of heaven and began to crave these things more than things of the earth which eventually helped lead me my vocation calling.

Katherine Comeaux
1. The work of TLIG is important because I believe that the messages are truly authentic and that Jesus draws each and everyone of us to himself.
2. Since reading the messages each my faith has grown as I put all my trust in God and I feel protected.

Krystina Johnson
1.This work is very important because it is the Truth and if somebody refuse to be alive, the prayers of the others can help in any way many at the end of their life to go to Jesus, to return Home. When the prophet is called by the God, he, in this case she, must talk and there is no any other way for Vassula and for those who have the grace to follow this Way.
2. At the beginning I thought that Vassula was the same women who had a crying statue of St. Mary or somebody (here in Sweden) and I was not convinced about the thing. Than somebody saw the video with Vassula in our Church and a friend of mine said that we must started to pray. We were only 3 or 4 persons and then it came to us (a friend and one more) that the others don’t believe in it but we were praying twice a month together. My friend and me we went to Stockholm and were listening to Vassula. I had a very big problem with my daughter and I ask Vassula to pray and the mine problem was helpt and it was through this meeting. I meet Vassula once more in Göteborg, I get a personal grace once more (Still the family is spiritually seek, but perhaps it must be so for some longer time, still it is me who committed the greatest crimes in our family): there is no praying group in our Church now, I read the Book every day and pray individual, I do little but it must be. Jesus gives us already to much and I wish all of people know Him and love Him. People who knows me they know about Vassula and about the Graces I get but most of them don`t want me to tell about this things and the others says that the Church do not aloud Vassula, some others believe, they go their ways in the Church. I will tell You also that I was in the Neocatecumenal Way (can not be here because in my town it is not) and when I was listening to Vassula it was very similar to the Neocatechumenal way to talk about Jesus and, Eternal Live and how to Live, all this things which are most important for people even if we do not know so clearly.

Katarzyna Malachowska
1. These message are Love Hymn to the world, to stop the direction we are going in, to find peace in our everyday lives, to Live as "A LILY" one day at a time with the Lord, the “we, us” factor. Teaches us to lower our voices, so that we may hear the Lord’s! They are a call to unity, especially the dates of EASTER, if we as Christians united by baptism can not agree even on the date that is the most important fact to our faith, that being the resurrection of our Savior, then why would anyone believe in our creed? We can agree and celebrate on Christmas, His birth, which has no "historical" date per say, and we all celebrate in America thanksgiving on the same day, but we as Christians remain divided with pride and will not choose a date to celebrate "together" the most important date of our FAITH: The Resurrection! Our Lord teaches in these messages that Humility and Love will bring this about, and Prayer, Prayer , Prayer as Our Lady has taught us in every apparition that she has given all over the world. But are we listening? The 40 Days for Life people have found this power of unity and prayer and fasting. We now SEE and experience the fruits of this type of prayer; abortion clinics closing, hearts changing and conversions taking place. Unity and prayer in action works! Reading the True Life in God messages brings a personal experience of the Lord to the person who reads them with an open Heart.
2. These Messages have brought peace and understanding of My Lord that I had not found any other place; brought me to have a personal relationship with Jesus and Mama Mary, a desire to learn more and read scripture; have Jesus with me all the time, in everything I do. Brings me peace that I am never alone, all I do is talk to Jesus, ask him and He answers. I have learned to hear his voice and see him in action in my day to day life; what a joy this is! I now attend daily Mass and joined a True Life In God Prayer Group of wonderful people and true friends. I attend adoration and desire to go spend time with Him, not as an obligation but out of a true desire to be in his presence. It's a whole new way of life, as he said, he wishes us to have "LIFE to the Fullest." Now I know what He means. What an Awesome God WE Have! Praising Jesus, something I had not really done from the Heart in the Past, days before, True Life in God! Thanks be to Jesus for His Gift to US!

Kathie Jackson
1. The messages and work of TLIG are, I believe, vital if we are to grow in a deeper and fuller understanding of the vision of Our Lord for His people individually and for His Church - and the Church is, and after all, Jesus Christ's Church. It was founded by Him and is, in a mystical sense, His body. As such, the Church has its origins and life in God Himself. The work of TLIG is therefore and to my belief, of paramount importance. In the messages we learn of Jesus' deep love for each one of us, have explained by our beloved Saviour Himself, the deepest desires of His Sacred Heart; we are called to lives of humility, holiness, and courage - to sacramental lives and lives of love. As Christians we are all members of one body in Christ. Accordingly Jesus does not want us to differentiate between ourselves according to our various denominations: Our disunity is our and not Our Lord's work or desire.
2. I can’t adequately convey what Jesus' messages imparted to us through the medium of the TLIG writings and what the apostolate means to me. In these messages I have met and grown to deeply love the God I almost certainly would never had known or understood had it not been for reading these revelations of Jesus' Sacred Heart. To every critic of the messages and of their vehicle of transmission (Vassula and the TLIG organisation) I can but personally testify that through these messages I have grown to know, love and understand more about God than I could ever have dreamed possible. A cradle Catholic, my understanding of the faith into which I was baptised has deepened and grown through the reading of and meditating on the TLIG messages - as has my love and reverence for the sacraments and the apostolic heritage of the Church. While remaining a devout Catholic, directly as a consequence of my understanding of Jesus and His Church gleaned from the TLIG messages, my love, respect and tolerance for other Christian denominations has too, grown profoundly - a concept which I believe would not, for me, have been possible in the past. With all my heart, I believe that all Christians are one large family in Christ. I am a member of a very large family: the Christian family and I can but thank and praise God for the messages and for those who promote their transmission. Praise be to Jesus and Mary.

Kathy Oakley, Cape Town, South Africa
1. The importance of TLIG lies is the fact that it demystifies God; some people tend to portray God as being too complicated and not interested in sinners; Helps renewal of Souls, inner healing and communion with God; Builds and strengthens the foundation of Peace, Love and Unity among people and the church;Strengthens Biblical teachings; strengthens revival and belief in the sacraments; Penance (remember when Jesus encourage Vassula to do penance), baptism, holy communion; Revives the honor intercessory power of "Our Lady", the power of the rosary, TLIG has impacted my life in the following ways:
2. I have learned to Love people no matter who they are: Moslems, Buddhists; strengthened my PRAYER LIFE; I now go to mass every day, and have a lot of respect for the Eucharist (remember when Jesus asked Vassula "are you hungry? … but your bread won't last you a lifetime but mine will”). My Love for Our Lady has intensified; I have grown to know about God and I know that Jesus is always with me; Elevated my soul and yearning for Christ

Katende Stephen
1. God reveals Himself, all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, in the most vivid way, and speaks directly to us in offering to share their divinity with us poor mortals.
2. The Trinity show us that they desire us to be close, to be intimate with Them just as They wish to be so with us.

Kevin Whitehead
1. TILG work leads us to a deeper and deeper relationship with God. Able to pray to God with true belief, sincerity and with love.
2. It affects my life: I have experienced true peace because of TLIG, it has made me a better person and have a better relationship with friends and family. Many of TLIG words are in my mind

every day, which made me a calmer and happy person.

Keng Ong
1. TLIG is important because it helps us prepare for the end of this life and the beginning of the next.
2. TLIG has affected my life in that I feel a closeness to Jesus that I never felt before. He feels much more real to me and reading the messages is like getting a love letter from Him every day!

Kathie Sief
1. TLIG has brought me closer to Our Blessed Lord.
2. TLIG has helped me question myself and given me another place to look for the answers.

Jennifer Green
1. TLIG helps people in everyday life to live by God's words.
2. It makes me happy when I read the messages.

Joe Krha
1. Confirmed everything myself and prayer partners about unity between the churches. We were a mix of different denominations praying together. We had been praying since the late 70s and into the 80s about unity having seen how the Holy Spirit was working in all churches.
2. I am a Catholic but from my experience just knew that God loved everyone regardless of denomination, creed, or religion. It is the heart that counts. I felt that Vassula was a real answer to prayer. How can we be good witnesses when the churches are so divided.

Julia Meredith
1. God is really true. He is the way life and the truth, let more people to know God, and follow Him.

John Peng
1. The work of TLIG is important to face realities of life and come to understand the heart of our Creator - so also His love and mercy especially in times when we feel that all is lost, we know He is waiting with outstretched arms.
2. In times when I have felt dejected or low, and read the messages; I feel the loving comfort of the Lord, His reassurance. There are times, I am too afraid to face reality. Overall, I am overwhelmed to know that God is compassionate and merciful and full of love; when I am seeking to hear Him speak. I feel / hear him speak like He speaks to Vassula; it reassures me.

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