List of Endorsements for Vassula Ryden and True Life In God roman catholic testimony

Christel Hoffman, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Christel Hoffman, Amsterdam, Netherlands

1. I know God as the Father, Son and Spirit speaks to me directly through Vassula. I get these messages early each morning and I think of them often during the day, trying never to put another thorn in Jesus. I long for Heaven - yet I feel such need to pray for my family, friends, and others and help them think about God in their daily life. He is a stranger to so many - they have become numb to why they are here thinking only of worldly things.

2. These messages awakened me to a deep desire to be with God always and to share that love with others.

Patricia Carafa, Lodi, New Jersey, USA
1. The Triune God reminding me/us of his teaching through Vassula, an ordinary person like me.
2. Supported my faith and encouraged me to look at the scriptures more.

Claire Harris
1.Working for Christ not only keep us in form, but also to save souls is important and should be the main focus in everyone’s life and TLIG has been doing just that.
2. I have been truly blessed to be part of TLIG. The trips were simply awesome, I have learned so much and I am amazed at Vassula and is looking forward to reading her book.

Emma Christo
1. It's important because it's important to Vassula to share her life with the messages she relays.
2. To each's own, what interest is it of anyone whether someone reads what Vassula has to write.

1, I would say that TLIG is important because Our Lord Jesus Christ is very concerned about all the people of the world that they know that He is real and that He wants all people to know and love him. The TLIG movement is consistent with the Bible.
2, I love TLIG because it is an answer to my prayer that the L0RD would communicate directly to us through the internet. I had asked the L0RD several years ago, how wonderful it would be if we could learn from him directly through the email system. He has done that !

1. TLIG is very important because Jesus gives a last message. He says he loves us and he need that answer. The unity of christianity is important because alone we are not strong. God used the Prophet like Vassula to save many people .
2. I read the 1st Book of TLIG in 1999. My husband didn’t accept that I go to the church and TLIG too. We married in a sect (not at the Church). Three different times we separated for one year and then got back together. After two years we got divorced and we now live separated. I go to the Catholic Church every day and I love Jesus. I read every day in TLIG book and the Bible. I have many people the 1 Band given. We have a prayer group with 8 persons. I am glad that I find the right way and I pray for other people.

Christine Brux
1. I am Catholic, with an orthodox husband living in Greece and 3 children and I had no choice for their religion. They had to be Orthodox. TLIG gives us hope that Catholic and Orthodox will be Christians and only Christians, and no more 2 différent religions like I heard often.
2. TLIG helped me to understand that Jesus is waiting for my love, not only for my brothers but for Himself too.

Chantal Guillaume
1. I feel myself so near Jesus, He is my King, but also my heavenly Brother and Friend; I bow deeply before Him, and right afterwards I throw myself into His arms. Also remembering that He always is with me and in me, thanking Him for everything, remembering to beg Him bless the food I am eating (before I forgot to pray before eating), the food I was able to buy and cook. Appreciating so much this wonderful close relationship, fully trusting Him, laying my burdens on His shoulders, being able to have a great joy in me at every moment, although there can be problems.
2. Make time for prayer every day, longer after I began to read the Messages, praying the Rosary on a daily basis, being aware of all the talents I have got from God, confess more often, going to Holy Eucharist as often as possible. I have met so many zealous people in TLIG with whom I can live my joy and my deep belief in Jesus, in God the Father, The Holy Trinity. My personal prayers / thanks have become enormous long; but more and more I feel that words are no longer necessary. I just have to let Him look at me, warming myself in His Love like in rays of the sun.

Christine Harvold
1. TLiG-Work is important to save souls and to help the body of Christ to unite: "Ut unum sint!"
2. TLiG has helped me to understand the Love of Christ for all Christianity and the importance of Unity especially in the visible sign of a common Easter date! Besides, it helped me to have a more widespread view on all the Churches and not only my Roman Catholic Church!

Christian Sohm
1. God wants us to be “one body”; we are fragmented and look for ways to divide us.
2. I realize how much the Holy Trinity and Our Blessed Mother love and support us and how we need to spend more time, not in trivial pursuits, but in those that will cleanse our own and other’s souls. Satan is deceiving the world and we must recognize this and turn away from evil.

Chris Caruso
1. If each of our own True Happiness was able to speak to each of us as individuals and as a whole from beyond the troubles of this world that we ourselves have brought onto ourselves and caused ourselves too many sorrows, today this happiness that we have blocked out has come into this world, through these writings to speak to each of us as an individual and as a whole.
2. Listen to the voice of our own True Happiness as individuals and this is what you and I will hear about ourselves as individuals and as a people.

Cheef Ceelu
1. If I was explaining to someone why the work of TLIG is important, I would say that without a doubt that it is the third part of the Bible The Holy Bible is divided in three parts: the first part is God the Father the Creator talking and guiding His people, establishing His laws; the second part is God the Son coming to show us the love of His Father and the Redemption; the third part is God the Holy Spirit coming to confirm the first part and the second part of the Bible and proclaiming the Sanctification of the world; therefore that third part of the Bible is definitely TRUE LIFE IN GOD. What a great book! And also written in our times! As we start to read the messages, in our heart it is simply acknowledged that this book (TLIG) is the the end part of the Bible, the Trinity completed. Maybe it is too much for many to believe or digest, but I'd like to say that as I was talking to this man who had not been to church for many years and wanted to spent some hours in the Adoration Chapel, simply admitted casually that he had started to read TLIG and he felt strongly that it was definitely the third part of the Word of God, the Bible -- wow! What a nice confirmation coming from an ordinary person; I smiled inside because I had known in my heart from the start. The message speaks our language and it’s easy to read. God comes to our doors with His Words.
2. How TLIG affected my life? Jesus came searching for me at a house party! There was a picture of Him in a catholic newspaper. His eyes were so magnetic, attracted and soft, calling in my heart. I asked to borrow the paper to read and was given several books with it --- which I did not want but nevertheless brought home. After several weeks I decided to read the paper -- wow! It was a great shock to my life! There was a God so near that could hear all your heartbeats and listened to every breath taken. I read the books and the more I read the more I learned about the so deep love God has for each and everyone. I started to love and drink more of His words and doing what He was asking: I started to pray on a daily basis, receiving the Holy Eucharist with more respect, confessions were more frequent, my family life was more centered on putting God in the center of everything; with the help of the parish priest we opened an Adoration Chapel with the TLIG books in the small library, a prayer group was formed also. Now with the new pastor, the Chapel is closed and there is just a few people meeting for the prayer group. And that to is the hand of God. We pray and there is still miracles happening and we are so thankful for the miracle of TLIG who is guiding and reassuring us through His Words; every time I have a question or I need reassurance or just to listen to His Words of hope and love for me, there's always a the message. I am thankful for my husband who is also following the same path with the Lord, I am thankful for my four children that are each married and are also guiding their children toward God, I am thankful for God for saving me because two weeks before the house party, I had hit the wall with my fist and said to God: "I really don't like myself, and I am going to be damned and it's all going to be Your fault because I don't know what to do and have no one to help me."

Colette C.
1. People should realize that we are Real sons and daughters of Most High, and Our Father is a King. Our Home is not here but up there in Heaven, to be with the Holy Trinity, Saints and Angels for all Eternity. Alas! Many of us follow the beast, who deceives many souls to go to Hell. True Life in God is like a bridge between Heaven and Earth. Reading these Messages is like a foretaste of Heaven, is like living Heaven on Earth. As Jesus says “I will descend on the Earth through these Messages.”
2. In 1999, Jesus came to me, a Hindu, one night and converted me through True Life in God book, Part IV. Yes, it was just one night that took Jesus to change me completely. True Life in God is a Living Book. This Book converted someone who never knew about Jesus or any other knowledge on Christianity. All I know is that this Love Hymn is true and if these messages cannot change the heart of a person then nothing can.

Paul Datta, Mumbai, India
1.I feel as though God is talking directly to me whenever I read the messages. I feel drawn to the messages always and want to keep reading.
2. TILG has had an uplifting influence on my life.

Cyrl Vere
1. I would explain that these are words directly from: JESUS CHRIST! Who would not want to read words directly from JESUS CHRIST? These messages are so, so important to everyone today!
2. Also, TLIG has affected my life tremendously. I am so glad I found this! I read the messages everyday. Jesus' words seep into my mind, my heart and my being. I find True Life in God to be absolutely amazing!

Claire E. McCue
1. The TLIG messages gave me a close & personal relationship with God that I never had prior to the readings.
2. Certainly I have become a better Christian and more loving human being as I see all peoples of the earth as God's people who need to hear his caressing and soothing words of love!

David Cesar, Amherst, NY, USA
1.TLIG explains clearly the Bible, and Who is God, who I am ,and where we are going. What is Liberty, what is true Love, what is our choice?
2. TLIG changes all my life, it is possible to progress now with opened eyes understanding plans God, His Love , His Beauty, and what is Verity.

Daniele Petot
1. The messages have shown me the pain christian division is causing our lord and how the beast continues to work in secret within the church. The unification of the date of easter is most important so our lord can then work with all christians to unify let us humble ourselves and be obedient to God.
2. The TLIG messages have brought me closer to God.

Corinne Naidoo
1. TLIG is important because it is same Jesus who decided to speak to us.
2. TLIG is important for me because it changed my point of view about non-catholics believers. I also learned that Russia will really return to God. Finally I better understood that God really LOVES humanity.

Don Claudio (Roman Catholic Priest)
1. TLIG is important so that souls may be saved that might not otherwise be saved.
2. TLIG messages have given me peace. The messages speak to my soul. I am learning about the love of our Father for all of us, and I am understanding the Bible better now.

David Bergdoll
1. The messages resonate as being from the Lord with such personal love for each of us. The Lord's desire for intimacy gives each of us access to His Heart. It is an opportunity for an encounter with God which I and every person need. Also what parent does not want their children to be united! Church or worship unity of the Lord is the desire of His heart. Disunity is a counter witness to the the mission of Jesus. The messages are consistent with the Bible.
2. TLIG has been a Blessing for me. It re-enforces the traditional message of the Gospel/Church which may not be highlighted in the liberal/indifferent attitude of many. It seems that the Lord is reaching out to each of us.

Diane Allegra

1. The work is important because through it God shows his infinite Mercy, hope, and love. The last part, Ode of the Holy Spirit, brings hope, consolation, and love to our spirit. It shows that we should be one and that we are really all connected.

2. The work has been changing me slowly, when I remember certain passages I feel less anxious dealing with the day to day. Also, it gives me a sense of why we are here and why we should love and help each other.

Esther Ramirez, San Juan, Puerto Rico
1: It is important because it reflects God's Will! He makes His point loud and clear! He desires His creation to come back to loving Him, to unite His Church thus stopping the work of evil in the world.
2 : After the messages my top priority is to make God happy, not myself! But it is the same! My life has become deeper and more meaningful. I go to church often, I confess and I receive Holy Communion whenever I can. Love is my fuel towards Jesus and my neighbors.

Dimitirios Papalamprou
1. TLIG is God's urgent call to save mankind from the imminent self-destruction by revealing to the reader who He is and how He loves each one of us.
2. God has become inseparable from me, and His Church is now part of my life.

Deacon Musician
1. Certainly, speaking, without any slight doubt, it is really great, marvelous, wonderful, and very touching to read, meditate and assimilate the entire message. God talks to Humanity through His chosen one whom are the one by the Power of His Holy Spirit out of His Infinite Mercy, Sublime Love that He has for His people.
2. I read daily message, and read and meditate on it since 2002 or 2003. I haven’t found a single misleading that contradicts the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church and Bible. I do believe that God Speaks to us out of His Eternal Love that He has for each one of us.

Guelay Welde
1. 1- The most important thing in life is to be united with God and live according to His Will. TLIG leads us to that. Get us out of selfish life and leads us to a true Christianity.
2 - TLIG made me realize that life is not restricted to that I live on Earth. It made me hanker my encounter with God. TLIG changed my concept of sin. Anything I do wrong I soon realize and apologize. TLIG do not let me be indifferent to the suffering of my brothers.

Herberth Aciolo
1. I would tell them that the material contained within the books hold extremely important information and insight into gaining an understanding of God. Most importantly, though, it outlines and explains the existence of Hell as well as Heaven which many people seem to have forgotten about.
2. TLIG has affected my life in the sense that it has helped to deepen my understanding of God.

Hilda L.
1. I would say that, as Jesus says in the Messages, the miracle of True Life in God is conversion. The world is so far away from God, and God in His immense Mercy want to save His people.
2. Before my conversion which came through True life in God, I used to go to church, but God was not on my mind, I was busy with my life. When I started to read The Messages, my relationship with God changed, and God was on my mind all the time.God has been changing me .

Geraldine Hiller

1. I would say that, as Jesus says in the Messages, the miracle of True Life in God is conversion. The world is so far away from God,and God in His immense Mercy want to save His people. Before my conversion which came through True life in God, I used to go to church, but God was not on my mind, I was busy with my life. When I started to read the Messages, my relationship with God changed, and God was on my mind all the time.God has been changing me .

2. I would say that, as Jesus says in the Messages, the miracle of True Life in God is conversion. The world is so far away from God,and God in His immense Mercy want to save His people. Before my conversion which came through True life in God, I used to go to church, but God was not on my mind, I was busy with my life. When I started to read the Messages, my relationship with God changed, and God was on my mind all the time. God has been changing me.

Herbert Wachter, Zeiningen, Switzerland
1. God says that “a great and innumerable multitude is on its way to perdition” (4.3.92) and He is coming to save us.
2. I’ve become more holy.

Hans Enderle
1. The work of True Life In God is important because these messages save lives. People come back to the sacraments of the Church, they find relationship with their Father in Heaven. This work is for me the sense of my life.
2. TLIG saved my life, it saves my family life daily. I sing to my God daily. I came back to Church, to the sacraments of Church. I got to know God. When I am in His Love, when I feel loved by Him, I do not feel heavy things that are otherwise impossible to bear or stand.

Katerina Herzigova, Zabreh na Morave, Czech Republic
1. TLIG has revitalised my Christian life. It has provided me with the means of hearing God's voice constantly in my ear, as I listen and read words He has given to the Church, which lead me into depths of profound intimacy with Him. It has set me free from the party spirit of the denominations that wound the Body of Christ. It has brought the Bible to life in a fresh and dynamic way. It has given me an unforgettable vision and experience of the whole Church, Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant which I can never either forget or abandon. It has deepened profoundly, my experience of the Holy Trinity.
2. It has made the Church real in a way I had never experienced before. I now see that part of my dissatisfaction with the Church was that I was always restricted to part of what God intended His Church to be. Now I experience it as the whole Church of Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant, united in the simple humility of the heart and love of the Holy Spirit. I am left with a vision and an experience of what the Church ought to be when it has overcome its tribal partisanship. It is revivifying and unforgettable. True Life in God has brought the prophetic word of God into my life and changed my discipleship beyond recognition. In a pilgrimage of over 40 years which has involved very many graces and important experiences, it is the single most revivifying and refreshing gift that God has given me as I follow Christ.

1. Well, if you want to live your live to the fullest as child of God you need TLIG, to teach you in simple language how you can learn to do God’s will in every circumstance of your life. TLIG will always be a great help to you no matter what your occupation, background, or religion.
2. I came to love the Church more deeply through TLIG and have a greater love for the priesthood and hierarchy. It made me a happy, smiling, and loving person.

Guy Joris
1. The work of TLIG is important because our times need them desperately! We live at the End of Times and our Lord out of love for His children is talking to us through His instrument Vassula, to remind us of why we were created! Our times are times of rebellion and apostasy, atheism etc. and He is trying to save as many souls as possible before it's too late!
2. The TLIG messages helped me to approach God more, learn how He really is, how much He loves us and wants to save all of His children! It has made me want to love Him more!

Georgia Theodotou
1. It is important because it brings awareness to people that the Lord Jesus Christ is full of love, compassion, and mercy. And also over the centuries, the early churches "broke" apart and went their separate ways. It is time to unite the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches. Saint Paul writes in Ephesians chapter 4, verse 5, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism, and verse 6 “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
2. TLIG affected my life in several ways. Most importantly, it shed light on how satan is deceiving and manipulating by entering our thought to trick us - hence SIN.

Gary Kelejian
1. TLIG gives you and intimacy to God that cannot be taught and rarely is mentioned in learning about Him.
2. In short it has taught me to forgive, hope and above all to love. TLIG has guided me into being a stronger person.

Inge Ekman
1. Our society is spiritually dead and God does not want to lose any of his children, so he decided to write a letter of Love to us called, The True Life In God. With this letter he is calling all his children of every religion, to come together, to unite in him. He wants us to be One in Him and with each other.
2. I did not know anything about religion except all the criticism and hate towards our Church (Catholic). When I started to read the TLIG, I quickly understood that our Lord is suffering from the same things that makes us far from the Church. I know now that my pain is his pain. He has resurrected me from the dead and intensified his presence in my everyday life. Death will be, just a moment between us. We are One forever.

Louis Clement
1. TLIG is important because it helps to attain Real Unity among all the Christian Churches as Jesus wishes.
2. It has affected my life in a positive way by improving my relationship with God and by increasing my wishes and my efforts to become a holy Catholic priest.

Father Miguel de Maria

1. True Life in God Messages are extremely important in our times because they announce the coming UNITY of all Christians. This work will be done by the Holy Spirit and will be in consequence a renewal of the Church because: 1. The Church's teaching will be based on the revealed Truth without human doctrines and intellectual rivalry between religious and leaders. All will come to know what it means to behave according to dictates of the heart and live in LOVE. 2. The Messages teach the pure doctrine of the revealed Truth and are a spiritual school for anyone of good will who will accept the divine instructions. 3. The Messages provide a perfect spiritual school which leads to intimate knowledge of each of the THREE Persons of the Holy Trinity. 4. The promises of the Lord: "to lead us to purification and healing" so that we can truly be made His children, the children who can be filled completely with the Holy Spirit are being realised NOW. And this is the promised New Heaven and the New Earth where the union with God is given to us by His Grace. 5. The PRAYER OF JESUS to the Father from St John 17: 23 is thus being fulfilled now: "With Me in them and You in Me, may they be so completely one that the world will realise that it was You who sent Me and that I have loved them as much as You have loved Me." (This not only on the personal or group level, but we actually practice it when we gather together as TLIG family on pilgrimages and retreats). 6. The Second Pentecost has started. There are now TLIG readers who are divinized and after various purifications and hearings from the Lord are living in God a true life in Him: a) they give their will to Him every day, b) they seek His Divine Will in all aspects of their lives and they are experiencing and understand what it means: Freedom is to be found in the Holy Spirit". 7. They experience and know what it means to to have the joy and love that comes from the Lord. 8. The TLIG readers have been promised to receive all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and many have received them. They now pick up a Bible and with their spiritual eyes opened they understand what the Lord is telling them and others. 9. The TLIG readers know how the evil one works and what they are to do to unmask him, to open others' eyes when he is trying to disrupt and confuse, play his tricks so that the Christ's Body gets hurt.

2. TLIG has COMPLETELY changed my life. I did not believe in God. Then reading the Messages I had a mystical encounter with God the Father when I was doing all these things together (at the same time): crying tears of repentance, falling on my knees, telling the Father that I would return to the Catholic Church and "seeing" the devil standing close to God. After this experience I have been reading the Messages intently. I have received the grace to feel the child of the Father (this conviction has never left me). I gave my will to God and began to experience what is meant by the Freedom in the Holy Spirit. I did not know how to love Jesus, did not know how to love His Most Holy Mother, did not know who God the Father was and what He was like, did not know anything about the Holy Spirit. I did not know the saints, the angels. I did not love any of them. I did not love people much either! But following the instructions in TLIG to ask the Holy Spirit for everything, I can now say that I do know them and know them intimately. I love the Father, I love the Son, I love the Holy Spirit very, very deeply. I love the Most Holy Mother and understand Her most special role in the salvation history. I feel close to the angels and saints. I love them in a special way, but different to the love for God and Jesus' Most Holy Mother. My heart is filled with love. I Know I am a new creature fashioned by God's mercy and grace (through purification after purification and healing) to be His dwelling place, and comfort here on earth already. The promises of the Lord in the Messages have been realised in my soul and His mystical graces are leading me step by step into ever closer union with Him. I hope that I shall never disappoint Him, believing that His grace will somehow sustain me so that I can be of service to Him and to His Church according to His Most Holy Will.

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