The listening post februar y 2 0 1 7september listening post april, 2011

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APRIL, 2011
February is often called the month of love. And any love that we can aspire to is grounded in God’s love.
God says through the prophet Jeremiah, “I have loved you, my people with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” (31:3, NLT)

There are many uncertainties in this life, but God’s love is not one of them. When it comes to God’s love, there are no conditions and no time limits. God says, “I love you with an everlasting love!”

Jesus Christ came into this world to show us God’s love. As we’ve heard many times from John 3:16 – “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (NLT) But let’s not forget the next verse – “God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.” (3:17, NLT)
How easily we narrow our thinking about God’s love. How easily we restrict the scope of God’s love to our lives, our own families, our own congregation, our own nation. How easily we reserve God’s judgment for those who do not look like us or think like us or believe like us.

So in this month of love, let us remember that God loved THE WORLD and that Jesus came to save not judge. Quite literally, there is not a single, solitary person who has ever lived or who is now living on this planet whom God does not love!

Wednesday, March 1st is Ash Wednesday and we will once again enter the season of Lent to reflect on the mystery of God’s amazing love in Jesus Christ. But for now, let’s simply receive that love and extend it to others.
Our world can be a place of confusion and chaos with so many troubles and so many conflicts. But we can rest secure in the assurance that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Jesus Christ.

In Christ’s love,

I write in my journal today, “I get to teach” – not “I have to teach.” How powerful one word can be! Notice your own self talk this week. Are you living out of gratitude and grace or out of duty and obligation? Of course we all have some percentage of “grit” work. But we can trace little pieces of grace in the grit. How is the ratio for you???

It’s here…Lent…the 40 days in the wilderness with Jesus that helps us prepare to receive the good news of Easter.

A few weeks ago in The Story we listened to the prophet Ezekiel describing a valley of dry bones, “The hand of the Lord…set me down in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones…there were very many lying in the valley, and they were very dry.” (37:1-2)
Stan Ott, in his January 27, 2015 e-letter, “Building One Another” wrote about this passage in a way that is very appropriate for us in this Lenten season.
“Are you feeling dry? Parched, empty, exhausted, depleted, even degraded?...
“Our country is a land of people of dry bones, of deep weariness. As I travel the country and ask people, ‘How are you?’ a common answer is, ‘I’m tired.’…
“…we realize that the reason the ancient nation of Israel was dry bones wasn’t simply because they didn’t manage their daily lives. They had sinned, plain and simple.
“God spoke through Ezekiel saying, ‘I will judge you according to your conduct and repay you for all your detestable practices.’ (7:3)…

“Dry, dry bones! The ultimate path out of dryness into fullness is offered by our loving Lord, ‘Come to me, all you that are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’ (Matth Pastor Lea We heard this promise by Jesus during our time of communion on Ash Wednesday. Through most of the 40 days of Lent we will be focused on Jesus’ life and ministry in The Story.

Lent is not an easy season with its prayer and fasting and almsgiving.

September…Labor Day…Rally Day…school has begun…meetings are back… In my last column, I hoped for each of us a summer that allowed us to rest and “re-create.” This month I encourage each of us to carry that sense of a restful pause into what may be a busier schedule.

I found an article in the Indiana Gazette titled “Work-family symmetry can be hard to achieve.” Now that my niece is living with me, I’ve had to rethink and make new choices about how I balance time for myself, for family, for work, and for service. Notice that I don’t include time for church because, as a pastor, the church is also my “work” and part of my “service.”
I also did not include “time for God” because I try to be aware of God’s presence in all that I do. And that is also the secret to carrying a sense of rest and peace into this busier time. I begin each day with God. It may be simply a centering phrase with a few moments of deep breathing such as “Be still…and know that I am God” or “You are…with me.” Then I carry that phrase with me into the day. In every transition as I change tasks or move from work to family, I pause to breathe deeply and be aware of God’s presence.
Am I perfect at doing this – no! Am I continuing to develop this awareness – yes, with God’s help! It helps me to be more peaceful and less stressed. I also find that I can make better choices about the use of my time (which is a gift from God).Quiet time with scripture and prayer are also part of my day as much as possible. But on days like today when I’m at the church by 9 a.m., it’s simply “be still…and know that I am God.”
Give yourself the gift of a prayerful pause throughout your day. Be aware of God’s gracious presence in every circumstance and every setting and be blessed!Celebrate Recovery is a ministry that originated with Saddleback Church where Rick Warren (The Purpose-Driven Life) is senior pastor. Based on the Beatitudes, its purpose is to bring peace by helping us overcome our hurts, hang-ups and habits.
For 4 weeks in September-October and 4 weeks in the winter, we will explore the 8 Principles of Celebrate Recovery in a sermon series. May you experience grace and peace…
Ahhh….summertime! A time to watch the growth of the seeds we planted. A time to begin to receive the fruit of our labors in the garden.
Well folks, my primary garden is you! Yes, I’ve planted my Pentecost geraniums and will enjoy their blooms. But most of the seeds I plant and trust to God’s care are in you!
So, I’m planting a seed… Starting in September and running through May, we will use The Story in Sunday School and worship.
The Story is an abridged, chronological New International Version (NIV) Bible. In 31 chapters, it tells the story of God’s relationship with humanity from beginning to end – Genesis through Revelation. Each week we will focus on one chapter (with a brief break during Advent and Christmas.)I can’t believe it’s November already. It seems like we just started The Story
November begins with All Saints Sunday. We’ll be listening to the life of one of the saints of the Old Testament – Ruth. She is a model of faithfulness to God and to her family. What a wonderful story to help us celebrate with our own saints!

As we move through the month our focus turns to God’s generosity and our thankful stewardship. Throughout The Story we’ve seen God’s purpose is to bless the people of Israel so they can be a blessing to the world. That is a good way for us to think of stewardship.

How has God blessed you so that you can be a blessing to the world? Do you have gifts to serve on Session or Deacons? Do you have the time or talents to contribute to a Ministry Team?
We are all called to generosity in our financial giving. I came across an article that said generosity is a different way to live. I agree.
“Generosity isn’t something we do on Sundays; it’s an invitation God gives us for every day of the week and every part of our lives. In talking about generosity, we don’t just want a 10% tithe. We want…ourselves to be living in a way where we freely give the way we have freely received – whether that be with our money, our time, or our love.” [from]
Last week, Joshua challenged the people of Israel, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” I am thankful to be among a people who respond, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
The Story will be available for all ages – preschool, elementary, teen, and adult – with age-appropriate Sunday School materials and even trading cards for the kids.
So, if you’ve ever wanted to read through the Bible…if you’ve ever wanted to understand what God is doing from creation through the end of time…plan to read The Story and participate in some study group.
I’m excited! We ask how can families grow in faith? – how can parents share their faith when they feel they don’t know enough themselves? – how can we feel comfortable enough with the Bible to share it with friends and neighbors and co-workers? Well, this is the perfect opportunity for everyone to be reading and discussing the same stories in the Bible.
Look for more information on how to take part as the fall approaches. The church will pick up most of the cost through our Christian Education budget and Special Projects fund.
Enjoy the summe God’s gardenerWith gratitude and love,
Gifts were given in memory of James McKee “Mick” Patterson from Bill and Linda Slicker, Iris and Leonard Meyer, Jr., Cassandra and Jim Plank, Leonard G. Meyer, Corrine Meyer, Lauren Meyer, and Lynn Ernst. A gift was also given in memory of Evelyn Kinter from Amy Shupe.

We offer our prayers, love, and condolences to Dennis and Elaine Kinter and family on the passing of Dennis’ mother, Mary Evelyn Kinter. We pray that they will all find strength and peace in the Word of our Lord.

I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. John 11: 25,26

During my recent surgeries and recoveries I have received an incredible amount of well-wishes from my church family in the form of texts, calls, cards, and emails. Each one seemed to come when I needed lifted up the most. The best though, I must admit, arrived on a particularly low day; that was the art work from the kids. My spirits were really lifted by receiving the special greetings from the children. All wishes and thoughts have been very much appreciated.

Scott Hollabaugh

Pastor Lea

Celebrate Recovery’s Eight Principles

Realize I’m not God; I admit that I am power-less to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable.
“Blessed are those who know they are spiritually poor.” (Matthew 5:3)
Sept 22 – The First Steps to Freedom
Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to God, and that God has the power to help me recover.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Mt 5:4)

September 29 – Where to Get Help When You Hurt

Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control.

“Blessed are the humble.” (Matthew 5:5)

October 13 – Letting Go

Openly examine and confess my faults to myself, to God, and to someone I trust.

“Blessed are the pure in heart.”

October 20 – Coming Clean

Voluntarily submit to any and all changes God wants to make in my life and humbly ask God to remove my character defects.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst to do what is right.”

Winter 2014 - Making Changes

Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I’ve done to others when possible, except when to do so would harm them or others.

“Blessed are the merciful.” and “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

Winter 2014 - Repairing Relationships

Reserve a time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and God’s will for my life and to gain the power to follow God’s will.

Winter 2014 - Maintaining Momentum

Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and my words.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing right.”

Winter 2014 - Recycling My Pain

Happy New Year! I pray that God will continue to bless our congregation as we begin the journey into 2012.
In a week, I will take my first week of Continuing Education with a class on the spirituality and wisdom of St. Benedict. Benedict lived at the end of the 5th century and founded a community of monks dedicated to preserving the church through contemplative prayer. whose Rule is the standard for Christian monastic communities
Although I am looking forward to a week of “monastic living,” even more I believe that Benedict’s wisdom is appropriate for all Christians who are part of a community including families and congregations.
In the required reading for this class, I’ve discovered some insights into how we can live a life that balances family and work, personal faith and church life. St. Benedict’s vision was fourfold:

Respect for all persons – Benedict knows that community can only be built when we each learn to accept ourselves and one another with all of our strengths and flaws.

Stability and openness to change – Stability means to commit to this group of people in this place and make it work. At the same time we are prepared to listen to the movement of the Holy Spirit as it calls us to change.

Forgiveness --– This is the heart of all community.

Solitude and community – In our world we seem to have lost the capacity to be alone (with or without God). Smart phones keep us constantly connected with email, text messages, Facebook, etc. Benedict would remind us that true peace is the result of a balance between being together and being alone.
The Christian life has never been easy. But it is the only way to wholeness and well-being, what the Bible calls shalom. In 2012, may we grow individually and as a community into people of
Pastor Lea
Easter may be later this year but it’s coming!!! Thank goodness! I’m discovering that using the 7 Deadly Sins for my annual spiritual check-up is revealing a lot of the sin in my life that I try not to look at.
Pride…it’s so easy for me to want control of my life and sometimes the lives of others. I can wonder why others don’t see things the “right” way as I do.
Envy…I so quickly compare myself to others, without even consciously thinking about it.
Anger…my level of patience seems to be very low lately as I become upset by too many “trifles” and then I become angry with myself at getting angry!
Sloth…I no longer expect to make a big splash in the world but as I move closer to 60 I can wonder if my life has any impact. Where’s the fruit in 20+ years of ministry?
And we haven’t even looked at greed, gluttony, and lust!!! What hope is there for the likes of me?
But Easter is coming with the news that I have a savior who not only brings forgiveness for my sins but who makes it possible for me to grow in virtue. I can be more like Jesus Christ. I can put on humility, gratitude and kindness, patience, and diligence.
Friends, we all can. We don’t need to be afraid to look in the mirror. Yes, it was my sin and yours that nailed Jesus to the cross! But that wasn’t the end of the story.
Please join me on Easter to receive once again the good news – “He is risen!”
Pastor Lea

canvas 272

During Lent Pastor Lea has been presenting a series of sermons on “Sin and Virtue.” Here

are the sermon topics for April:

April 3 Greed & Generosity

April 10 Gluttony & Contentment

April 17 Palm/Passion Sunday – Lust & Love

April 24 Easter – The Virtuous Life


  • Palm/Passion Sunday – April 17th

Join the procession of palms entering Jerusalem. Leave with the drama of Jesus’ passion ahead.

  • Maundy Thursday – April 21st ,21st, 7:30 p.m.

The Last Words” will be the message of this Tenebrae service which includes the Lord’s Supper.

  • Good Friday Community Cross Walk – April 22nd, noon – 2 p.m. Come join your sisters and brothers in prayerfully walking through Apollo. Meet at the Apollo #2 Fire Hall.

  • Easter – April 24th

Experience the joy of Easter in word and music as we give thanks and praise to God.

Bright Sunday, May 1, 2011 – Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship with Communion at 10:45 a.m.

Since the last Listening Post…

Baby Jacob Dunmire, Don Sharrar, June Hollabaugh, Ed Bortz, Mary Harbison, Helen Clark
CONDOLENCES are given from her Church family to Eleanor Stewart on the passing of her Brother-in-Law, Ernie Elder. Ernie went to be with the Lord on Saturday, March 5, 2011. He and his wife, Alice, Eleanor’s sister, lived in Upper Burrell Township.
CONDOLENCES are given from her Church family to Marlene Coking on the passing of her Sister, Ruth Nardelli. Ruth went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, March 23, 2011. She was a resident of Bridgeton, New Jersey.
CONDOLENCES are given from their Church family to Norma Jean Hill, Kathy Jervis, Kristen Cranmer and Ashley Jervis on the passing of their brother and uncle. Joe Wagner went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, March 15, 2011. He and his wife, Jan, lived in Rittman, Ohio.
CONDOLENCES are given from her Church family to Loretta Ripoli and family on the passing of her husband, Dominick. Dominick went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. The Ripolis reside in Vandergrift.
CONDOLENCES are given from her Church family to Marlene Coking on the passing of her Sister-in-Law, Rose Cook. Rose went to be with the Lord on Friday, February 25, 2011. She was a resident of Trauger, PA.

GIFTS have been received in memory of Regina Grady from Darla Tamski; Brenda and Ted Kaskan; Ashley Capitosti, Indiana, PA; Carole Kennedy; Vivian and Kenneth Shaeffer; Carol and Oreste (Pete) Defilippo, Spring Church, PA; Lydia and Don Summerhill; the AUPC Board of Deacons; Candace and Ron George; Margaret Wilson; and Patricia and David Weller, Elliottsburg, PA.
GIFTS have been received in memory of Marion (Minnie) Costanza from Ruth and Gil Filer, Peggy and Jim Marangoni and Candace and Ron George.
GIFTS have been received in memory of Bill Guthrie, Jr., from Ruth and Gil Filer and Candace and Ron George.
A GIFT has been received in memory ofGifts have been received in memory of

Ethel Schrecengost and Jack Arnoldy from Kenny and Vivian Shaeffer and Carole Kennedy.
Mary M. Bussard of Bakersfield, CA has given gifts in memory of Wally, Dennis, Frank & Pearl Bussard, Linda Delgado, Ada E. McLaughlin & all the McLaughlins, Velma and Cliff Shaffer, and Avanella, Stan and Brian Lingenfelter.
Gifts have been given in memory of Paul Moats, Jr. and Donald Sharrar from John R. Reed.

Thank You to all of my church family who presented me with lovely flowers and recognized my 50 year membership in the AUPC. Sue Arnoldy

Dear Pastor Lea and Church Family,

Just a word of thanks for the prayer shawl and taking time out of your service to pray for me and my sickness. The shawl is on the back of my easy chair where I have my devotions every morning.
I believe God is fixing to do something awesome. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME.
Alan Shockey

Thank you. Please keep me in your prayers!

Dear Friends,
I would like to thank you for all the prayers and cards and for the prayer shawl! I am starting my chemotherapy and appreciate the prayers because God has certainly heard and answered.
I am doing good so far thanks to your prayers and words lifting me up.
Thank you, again.
Alynda Talmadge

Ron and Candy George’s neighbor

Adam Guthrie from Candace and Ron George.
A GIFT has been received in memory of Caleb Altmire from Candace and Ron George.
GIFTS have been received in memory of Joseph Wagner from the Berean Sunday School Class and Nancie Allen.



4 Sara J. Kerr

6 Amy Shupe

7 Shawn Hilty

10 Jaqueline Cali

8 Lynn Hemke, Arlene Leah

14 Louise Montali, Donald Summerhill, Donald Williams

15 Richard Miller

16 Kenneth Hileman, Jerri Mollick

19 LaRue Mumaw

22 Dannika Austin, Joanne Cyphert

24 Nora Lamanna

27 Evelyn Kinter

28 P

1 Peg Marangoni

9 Amber Gartley

12 Mark Guthrie

16 Carson Coulter

19 Tammy Sheaffer

21 Marissa Chetsko, Rebecca Moyes

23 Amanda Hubbard

25 Donna Schrecengost

27 Shane Filer

30 Jordan Guthrie

We’d love to share your special day. If we missed you on our newsletter birthday list last year, or these first couple of months, please call the office at 724-478-4807 and give us your information. Also, please remember to help us stay current. Whenever you have a change of address or telephone, please give us a call.

Saturday, April 11th

8-9:30 a.m.

Creekside Diner
Join your brothers for fellowship and conversation about

ministry by and for men.

Pastor Lea is paying and she promises to disappear until the end.

1 -- Sierra Kane, Sara Sperry

2 -- Becky Kane

4 -- Bonnie Machak

6 -- Stephanie Campitella

10 -- Nancy Campitella, Darla Tamski

13 -- Ted Kaskan

14 -- Blake Painter, Nalene (Filer) Hilker

16 -- Nancy Reynolds

18 -- Adam Shupe

22 -- Dana Bush, Tracy Guthrie

23 -- Butch Schrecengost

26 -- Joan Orr

27 -- Holly Austin

31 -- Joyce Wildi

We’d Love to Include You!

Birthdays are special occasions to be recognized! Each month we try to acknowledge your special day. If we’ve missed you, we apologize. This is the beginning of a brand new year and there is time to correct any omissions. However, we need your help. Enclosed in this newsletter is a Membership Information form. Maybe you already filled one out. . .but was it complete? Did you leave out your date of birth dreading the year thing and not seeing “year optional”? Did you mean to get to it? Were you too busy to answer all those questions? Anyway, a new year is a good time to update. Bet some of you have changed addresses, gotten new phone numbers, maybe even changed your name when you got married? There are many important things about each and

every member that deserve recognition. If you never updated your information, please do it now. If you filled out this form before, please give it a quick once-over and make sure you filled out all that you could. Thanks for your cooperation and Happy New Year!

The AUPC Annual Congregation/Corporation Meeting will be held Sunday, February 12, immediately following worship (noon). 2016 Annual Reports will be available prior to the meeting. A reception will also be included. Please plan to attend.


Were you married here?

Were you married in the Calvin Church? The
Bicentennial Committee would like to have copies of wedding photos from either facility.

The office will be glad to make a copy for you as we cannot be responsible for original photos.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bicentennial Celebration Dinner

Saturday, April 22, 2017

More Information to Follow


All Kids K thru 6th are welcome to attend Kids Klub on the 3rd Thursday of each month.

Although not meeting through the winter, the Craft Ladies are still working behind the scenes. They are requesting that you save your used greeting cards for them to repurpose. There will be a basket in the vestibule for the Craft Ladies’ card

collection. Thank You!


Presbyterian Disaster Assistance provides help for those impacted by the storm.


Hurricane Matthew has caused death and destruction across the Caribbean and southeastern United States, including more than 800 dead, thousands injured, and the destruction of communities and crops, especially in Haiti. Many impacted areas were still recovering from previous flooding and other disasters. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is supporting the delivery of emergency aid to those impacted, working with our partners in the ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together) and local staff who had been monitoring the completion of prior earthquake and hurricane projects.

In Haiti, PDA is leveraging long-standing church partnerships to assess damage and to develop long-term disaster recovery and rebuilding strategies. Ecumenical partner ACT Alliance has already issued an appeal for over $1 million to assist relief efforts in Cuba, and is working with partners throughout the Caribbean to evaluate needs in Jamaica, the Bahamas, and beyond. After immediate needs are addressed, PDA will remain, drawing upon its strong relationships and effective prior development efforts in the region.

Throughout the southeastern United States, PDA has reached out to pastors and presbytery leaders in areas impacted by the storm. Extensive flooding and storm surges throughout the region have damaged many homes and churches. National Response Team members are mobilizing to visit affected presbyteries and to support local development of disaster response and recovery plans. In the coming weeks, PDA will begin deploying teams into as many as seven presbyteries and providing assistance to congregations mucking out as the waters recede.

The needs for the response are great. God’s people are once again called on to stand in the “GAP”—Give. Act. Pray.



Give: Financial support for relief efforts can be designated for Hurricane Matthew by giving to DR000193. Gifts can be made online, by phone at (800) 872-3283, or by check, which can be mailed to:

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700


Act: Learn how you and your congregation can help families who have lost everything in the devastation. Stay informed and like us on Facebook, download resources, and share updates with your congregation.


Pray: Pray for those who suffered loss of family or home or for those who are working tirelessly to provide rescue, humanitarian aid, and spiritual and psychological support.





You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive information from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.


Presbyterian Mission Agency, an agency of the Presbyterian Church

100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202
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April 23 – 29
The Presbytery has provided us with brochures for the upcoming 2017 Spring Mission Trip to Webster Springs, WV. This trip will take place from April 23-29, 2017.

Completed registration forms, along with a "Hold My Spot" fee of $100, should be sent back to the Presbytery office as soon as possible. The Presbytery office will send interested participants additional paperwork that also needs completed & sent back.

This mission trip is in response to the June 23, 2016 thunderstorm that produced flooding, property damage, and death.
Brochures that include registration forms can be found in the vestibule. For questions, contact the Presbytery at 724-783-7196.

Local Mission Happenings….

  • Remember to pass along the message while you DO the mission.

  • Meals-on-Wheels (724-478-3117 – drivers, cooks, prep people) daily on weekdays

  • St. Vincent de Paul (724-478-1113) M-Sa

  • Food bank opportunities:

    • Feb. 3 (Fri.) Westmoreland County Food Bank – 7:45 AM – the old “St. James School” cafeteria in Apollo (just behind the St. James Catholic Church)

    • Monday Feb. 20 Apollo-Ridge Food Bank (packaging) – 7:30 AM – Glenn Bush Ford’s main Bldg., right side, around back

    • Wednesday Feb. 15 – Apollo-Ridge Food Bank (distribution) volunteers at 7:30 – 8:00 AM - public at 8:30 AM – Glenn Bush Ford’s main ldg., right side, around back.

Just in case you missed the updates:
Norma Jean Hill Joanne Cyphert

Concordia-Rm 105 Rolling Fields

4363 Northern Pike Blvd. 9108 State Hwy. 19

Monroeville, PA 15146 Conneautville, PA



On January 8th and 15th AUPC’s Elders were ordained and/or installed. Following are your current church leaders.

Glenna Hall – 2018

Charlene Hoffer – 2018

Scott Hollabaugh – 2017

Carole Kennedy – 2018

Joyce Mollick – 2018

Butch Schrecengost – 2018

Donna Schrecengost – 2017

Vivian Shaeffer – 2017

Lydia Summerhill – 2018

Amy Shupe – 2017

Bill Speer – 2017

Kathy Wilson – 2017

February is an important month to pay your per capita, $29.58.

At the end of this month, all per capita collected in January and February of this year will be sent to Presbytery. That 2- month total will be deducted from our yearly per capita amount due and the balance will be paid in 10 monthly payments. The more we pay for January and February, the less we pay each month thereafter, and that reduces additional strain on the general budget. AUPC is required to pay the assessed per capita regardless

of what is collected. Please help us meet our payments without having to dip into the operating budget.

Thank You!


Adult Sunday School 9 AM
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Worship 10:45 AM

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 7

Lydia Summerhill and Ron George

Communion Schedule:

Transfiguration of the Lord

Sunday, February 26

Bulletin Covers

Weekly Bulletin Covers may be purchased throughout the year “In Memory” or “In Honor” of your special someone. Dates may be reserved by stopping in the office or calling 724-478-4807

Glory to God”

For the cost of the hymnal ($20), you may dedicate one or more hymnals to the church “In Memory” or “In Honor” of a loved one with a customized bookplate inside the front cover. Order forms in the vestibule. Make checks payable to AUPC

Sunday, February 12 – ANNUAL MEETING – after worship
Wednesday, March 1 – ASH WEDNESDAY – 7:30 PM Service
Sunday, March 5 – 1st SUNDAY IN LENT
Saturday, March 18 – SPAGHETTI DINNER
Sunday, April 9 – PALM SUNDAY
Thursday, April 13 – MAUNDY THURSDAY – 7:30 PM Service
Friday, April 14 – GOOD FRIDAY
Sunday, April 16 – EASTER SUNDAY
Saturday, April 22 – BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION DINNER (More information to come,)
Look for Bicentennial information and events!
Prayer List! How it works: Please list prayer concerns on the back of the attendance card found in your bulletin. We will place these names on our “Immediate” prayer list for three weeks. The newest names will appear in italics. On the third week we will ‘bold’ the name. The prayers of concern will then move to the “Continuing” list and will remain there three

more weeks and then rotate off, unless otherwise requested. If you don’t see a name that had previously been there and that person still requires prayer, please list the name again. Also, please list spelling corrections, if needed. IF WANTING TO ADD NAMES TO THE BELOW LIST DURING THE WEEK, PLEASE CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE. Thank You

IMMEDIATE Lee Campbell, Lois Trofka, Evelyn Kinter family, Rob Knightner, Chris George, Kyle and Alicia Williams, Adria Bell, Cathy Hubbard, Nevaeh Koncor, Linda Lege, Andy Sisco, Margaret Wilson, Mary Ellen Hemke, Ron Shellhammer, Kristen Trdovsky, Shirley Schwab, Rob Hoop, Rev. Scott Hauser, Alex’s dog Layla, Joanne Cyphert, Don Clipper, Addison Lookhart, Jeff Piper, Kathy Heller, Mike Mollick, Kathy VanDerWeele, Jim, Tim Kanish, Andy and Susan Lefcowitz, Toni and Teri, Kay.
CONTINUING Norma Jean Hill, Mike Toland, Lilly Shupe, Nancy Campitella, Annette Lipovisk, Theresa Ford, the Webb Family, Misty Tyler and mother, Holly Austin, Dan Miller, Enos Trayer, Margaret Trayer, JoAnne McCoppin, Scott Hollabaugh, William Spicher family, Butch Clark, family of Joe Ugen, Christian Scofra, Eric Sower’s family, family of Martha Lowmyer, Jeff Bush, Cindy Hall’s family, Sarah Helgeson, Shaffer family, Harold George and family, Jeff Heller, Denny Schrecengost, Jim Hepburn, 2 year old with cancer, Lydia Summerhill, Peggy Landon, Jim Hendberg.
ONGOING Linda Gould, Layden Wilson, John Wildi, Linda Hilty, Snedecor family, Jim Hendberg, Alan Shockey, Bonnie Machak, Lani Knox, Jacob Dunmire, Nick Arnoldy, Benjamin Mumaw, Sally Bush, Sean George, Tim and Lesley George, Lynda George, Louise Detar, Faye Jones, Alinda and Jim Talmadge.

MINISTRY EPR Mugombwa, President Donald Trump, Boiling Springs Presbyterian Church, our country, President Obama & other leaders, our church & its leaders, the war & military personnel, wounded military at home & in hospitals, terrorist victims, Kiskiminetas’ Rwanda Partnership.

Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. James 5:13-16

Mini-Mission Trip – The Choose Life Adult Sunday School class has just finished studying The Hole in Our Gospel and subsequently learned of World Vision’s Distribution Center in Sewickley, PA. This center handles the receiving, processing & shipping of company’s first quality, excess inventory (Gifts-in-kind) donated to assist those in need. Commonly donated items: pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, clothing, shoes, personal care items & school supplies. The class & members of the Mission MT plan to do volunteer work there on Saturday, January 21, 2012. Laura Kennedy, the volunteer coordinator asked if we could keep it to 15 people that day, so opportunity may be limited, this time. Since it will be the first time for most, there will be a little bit of a facilities tour before we begin work, so we should plan to be there by 8:00 AM. A few folks plan to go between Christmas & New Years when they’re off work, so we will have a better handle on a time to leave closer to date. If you’re interested in going or need more information, please contact Vivian Shaeffer at (724) 478-1183. "There is an opportunity for everyone to share their gifts, in volunteering." Laura Fronk

So Simple. So Good. - After the holidays, the generous donations of the season have been used for those who needed help during that time. The post holiday season is a time for replenishing needed supplies. The Souper Bowl of Caring is becoming an annual tradition for our congregation and it can make a big difference for charities such as the Apollo Ridge Food Bank, who serve the community’s most vulnerable. During the week before (1/29/12 – 2/5/12) the Super Bowl football game, dollars or cans of soup are collected and donated through this Souper Bowl of Caring event.

Experiencing phenomenal growth in its 21 year history, the Souper Bowl of Caring started with 22 churches and has grown to more than 14,000 groups nationwide in 2011. That first donation to a local charity of $5,700 grew to more than $10 million dollars last year, benefiting local charities across the U.S. This youth-led movement has generated more than $71 million since the Souper Bowl of Caring started!

One can of soup or one dollar per person can make a huge difference. Once collections are made and tallied, donations will be delivered to the food bank, operating out of the Glenn Bush Ford Garage. If you have not participated before, please consider doing so this year! Let’s see if we can’t surpass last year’s total of 161 soup cans!! Look for the collection bin in the vestibule or if giving dollars, please mark it ‘Souper Bowl’. Thanks, Mission M.T.

A group of young people had a good time one Saturday afternoon at the Pittsburgh Mills Mall Theater. Provided at no cost to the youth, the Kids Fun Nite group watched “The Muppets” and ate popcorn. Adult

Leaders commented about and appreciated the good behavior of the group. Maybe we can do it again sometime.

See you January 19th! Norma Jean


Join us on Thursday, January 19th from 4:30 to 6:00 PM for an evening of games and snacks. Bring your favorite board game that can be played in a short amount of time.

NEW BEGINNINGS will have a luncheon on January 17th, 11:30 AM, at the Creekside

Restaurant.Following lunch, the group will meet back at the Church for Bible Study at 1:00 PM.

Sunday School Report for December 2011
Total Attendance:70

Total Contributions: $82.00

Average Weekly Attendance: 23

Average Weekly Contributions: $27.00

(Report is for three weeks of Sunday School)

January’s Monthly Prayer Line - Please continue to keep in your prayers: Our country, the president & leaders, our church & its leaders, Pastor Lea Austin, the war & military personnel, wounded military at home & in hospitals, hurricane – tornado – flood-riddled states, the African drought & famine, the Penn

State tragedy-victims & their families & flu victims this time of year. Our shut ins & visitees: Helen Clark, Bob Simpson, Boots Harkcom, John/Betty Henry, Sara Johnston, Evelyn Kinter, Francis Laughner, Arlene Leah, Mary Radebach, Bob Simpson, Helen Speer, Margaret Wilson & Charles Woods. Our cancer patients: Alice Wohler, Anthony Hepler, Camden, Carla Pandohie, Carolyn Fabis, Deb Bostard, Dennis Hines, Diane Tamski, Don Holland, Dorothy Reese, Gloria Dosch, Jake Duriancik, Jean Frost, Jim Ruble, Joe, Joe Ugen, Judy Leda, Kaitlyn

Kimball, Linda Talmadge, Marge Parks, Melinda Miller, Mick Altmire, Pat West, Patrick Easley, Sarah, Tammy Miller, Tom Paullus & William Hixson. Others: 55-yr. old man, a family in the church, Adam, Alex Caulfield, Allan Shockey, Amanda Coleman, Andy Lefcowitz, Ann Cloonan, Annette Lipovsik, Arielle Scipione & her grandmother, Art Neal, Ashley/BJ Bercier, Barbara Bracamontes, Benjamin Mumaw, Beth Ann Palmer, Bill Guthrie Sr., Bill Ward, Bob Henry, Bobby Tomer, Candy Graham, Carl Holm, Carol & Rick Kopnicky, Carol Barnes, Carol Hauss, Carol Segina, Carol Woods’ family, Casey Akins, Cathy Beatty, Charlie Weaver, Chrissy/Cal Jacobson, Christine Bujalski, Christopher Fello, Chuck Hemke, Clinton Kelly, Colleen Cloonan, Darlene Osche, Dave Bucholz, Derek Kotecki’s family, Dick/Virginia Peiffer, Don/June Williams, Don Altmire, Doug Hilty, Doug Vitali, Dwight Guthrie, Ed Beach, Edna Adams, Emily Guthrie Riley, Emma Miller, Fred Fornwalt, Fred/Gladys/Rochelle Rodocker, Furman Curry, Gail Pugh, Gatlin Parks, Gavin Jacobson, Gloria Mason, Holly Austin & girls, Hunter Andregg, Jackson Snedecor, Jacob Dunmire & family, Jacob Graham, Jamison Sciambia, Janie Speer, Jared Costa, Jean Magness, Jean Urick, Jeff Marshall, Jen, Jennifer Cable, Jeremiah Heller, Jeremy/April Vogel, Jessie, Jill Stewart, Him Hendberg, Joe Milko, Joel Varga & family, John Moats, John Walker, John Wildi, Jonas Byler, Judy Corchia, Karen Bittinger, Daren Cypher,

Keith Noles, Kenny Shaeffer Kerry Bush, Kim Stankus, Kody Blystone, Korea Collins, Kyle Torrey, Larry Graham, Larue Uncapher, Leann McCartney, Lee Graham, Leon Shaffer, Lillian Wetzel, Linda Helmick, Lisa Beach, Loretta Phillips, Lori DeLucca, Lucas Cain, Marcia Guthrie, Maggie Austin, Margaret Peace, Marianne Stephanino, Marie Boarts, Marie Martin, Marlene Safranyos, Mary Alice Burg, Mary Ann Varga, Mary Harbison, Mary Lee Walker,

Michael/Jerri Mollick, Michael Hunt, Mike Frazier, Missy & family, Murray/Jane Lockard, Nicholas, Nick

Miller, Mick Dunleavy, Nolan Russell Santimaria, Norma Fenny family, Pat Cloonan, Pat Sharrar, Pattie Hilty, Pauline Schultze, Randy Browning, Richard Gianatta, Robert/Kim Altmire, Roy Weaver, Russ Coking, Ruth/Herman Eckman, Ruth Shaeffer, Ruth Zavora, a school classmate of SS kids’, Sean George, Selma Joyce, Shirley Dick, Sidney Duriancik, Stan Mollick, Suzanne Jacobs, Terra Reichenbaugh, Terri Emehizer, Tim George, Tom Kosicek, Tom Muffley, Tom Orr, Tommy Kirkman, Toni Parks, Tyler Marangoni & Virginia Weidner.


It’s that time of year to look to fill next year’s slots for monthly prayer line volunteers with those of you who feel led to serve in this way. If you are uncertain about how this works, I’ll explain. Just before the month you will be serving, I will send a current list to you with the names of the people on the prayer line which includes specifically what their need is, for you to add to your daily prayers. As other names are brought to my attention, I’ll contact you with those names, either by phone or by email (if that’s an option for you). It’s that simple. It doesn’t require any extra skills, we ALL pray, and it’s a great way to serve the congregation even for those that can’t get out! In that case, all you need to do is contact Linda in the office. She can let you know what month(s) are available and sign you name to the list. We look specifically for two people for each month. Please consider serving in this way.


The Ministry Team came up with four goals for 2011. Each Team member took on several small jobs to complete when they can. Both commodes at the manse will be replaced. A glass block window will be put in the basement of the manse. Discussion will be held on replacing the furnace at the manse

Recommendations to be made to Session were finalized:

Create an Assistant Treasurer


Purchase Servant Keeper, a

membership database.

Funnel any contributions from

the memorial for Marion Costanza into the Abiding Memorial Fund in a designated fund.

Made recommendations for the

distribution of funds from the yet undistributed J. C. Owens Trust

Reviewed the financial reports for February.

Made suggestions for the counting of Sunday contributions. Approved a Spring Rummage Sale with Lynn Hemke as Chairperson.
If anyone wishes to donate bulletin covers for a Sunday in 2011 in honor of or in memory of a loved one or friend, please contact the Church office – 724-478-4807. The cost is $20.00.

A special thank you to Carole Kennedy and Vivian Shaeffer for purchasing pens for the pews for the Sanctuary and Chapel.


Saturday, April 9 at 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. at North Apollo Fire Department, North Apollo, PA. Spaghetti dinner – Adults $8.00; Children 6-12 $5.00 and under 5 free.

DJ and live entertainment from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. 50/50 Raffle and Chinese Auction. Come join in for a night of fun to raise money for Jacob Dunmire to help with the medical expenses. Jacob was born with a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot and a Chromosome disorder called inverted Duplication and Deletion of 8P.

Monetary donations may be given to our Church to buy ingredients for us to make the salad.

Volunteers are needed to help throughout the day; please call Kellie Seita at 724-493-6629 or Rich Crawford at 724-448-3603.

NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH CELEBRATES 1ST CHURCH ANNIVERSARY – Fish Fry, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., April 1, 8, 15 and 22. Fish dinner - $7.00; fish sandwich - $6.00; chicken wings can be substituted for fish. Other items available are fries, slaw, or potato salad.
ELDERTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH presents “The Resurrection and the Life” by the choir and drama cast. This is a collection of dramatic musical scenes from the life of Christ. April 8, 9 & 10 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) at 7:00 p.m., Elderton Presbyterian Church, 115 North Main Street. Free will offering to benefit the Choir and Drama Fund. For information call 724-354-3117.
CASINO THEATRE IN VANDERGRIFT presents on Sunday, May 1, 2:00 p.m. – The Pittsburgh Gospel Choir – Tickets $10.00. Reserve tickets at 724-567-5049.
CHURCH CAMP – Youth miss a great opportunity for fun, fellowship and learning if they don’t go to Church camp. Parents should encourage their children to go to camp. Please see Amy Zukas for camp information or pick up a brochure on the table in the vestibule. Your Church will pay one-half the tuition. There are also scholarships available from the Presbytery. Registrations made and paid in full by April 30 get at $10.00 discount.
Kids’ Klub has a full schedule to finish out the year. April 6 there will be a visit to the recycling plant in Kittanning to see the processing of paper, glass and cans.

April 21 we will color Easter eggs. May 1 a gift will be made for Mothers’ Day. The last outing of the season will be fishing at Northmoreland Park. Box suppers will be provided.

Each of the outings requires a permission slip. All permission slips were passed out at the same time. All may be signed and brought back at the same time. If you have lost any of the slips, please let a leader know so it can be replaced.

Wrapping our community in God’s love

one person at a time.
We joyfully, prayerfully, and lovingly commit our lives to Jesus Christ.

We invite everyone to join us in knowing Christ; growing in faith; and showing God’s love to the world.

Apollo United Presbyterian Church

401 First Street, Apollo, PA 15613

(724) 478-4807 (Office)

(724) 478-2708 (Fax)

Office Hrs: M-F, 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM

E-mail Addr.:

Pastor’s E-Mail Address:

Apollo website:

Presbytery website:



APOLLO, PA 15613




APOLLO, PA 15613



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