Step 2. Matn bilan ishlash.
Yangi so‘zlar:
database ma’lumotlar asosi
request talab
to handle ishlab bermoq
conceptual scheme konseptual sxema
mapping tubdan o‘zgartirish
to retrieve tanlamoq
to alter o‘zgartirmoq
shielding himoya
view ma’lumotnoma
surgeon jarroh
Exercise 2. So‘z birikmalarni tarjima qiling.
Ma’lumotlar bazasini boshqaruvchi tizim (MBBT)
Ma’lumotlarga kirish uchun himoya talablar
Ma’lumotlarni monipulyasiya qilish uchun maxsus tildan foydalangan holda
Konseptual va ichki sxemalar orasidagi hamkorlikni tubdan o‘zgartirish
Axborotning mantiqiy jadvallari
Foydalanuvchi tomonidan talab qilingan mantiqiy ma’lumotnomani yaratish
Ma’lumotlar oradida joylashgan axborot to‘g‘risida biror narsa bilib olmoq
Bemor to‘g‘risida axborotni saqlash uchun foydalaniladi
Rentgenoskopiya va skaner ma’lumotlari
Mashina kodidan foydalanuvchi himoyasi
MBBT ma’lumotli materiallarni taqdim etadi
Exercise 3. Matnni o‘qing va tarjima qiling.
Database management system.
Multi-user database are managed by a piece of software called a database management system (DMBS). It is this which differentiates a database from an ordinary computer file. Between the physical database itself and the users of the system is the DMBS. All requests for access to data from users are handled by the DMBS.
When a user wishes to access a database, he makes an access request using a particular data-manipulation language understood by the DMBS. The DMBS receives the request, and checks it for syntax errors. The DMBS then inspects, in turn, the external schema, the conceptual schema, and the mapping between the conceptual schema and the internal schema. It then performs the necessary operations on the stored data.
In general, fields may be required from several logical tables of data held in database. Each logical record may, in turn, require data from more than one physical record held in the actual database. The DMBS must retrieve each of the required physical records and construct the logical view of the data requested by the user. In this way, users are protected from having to know anything about the physical layout of the database, which may be altered.
For example, databases are used within a medical context for many purposes. They are used to hold patient details so they can be accessed from anywhere within a hospital or network of hospitals. X-rays and scan output can also be held in databases and accessed in the same way.
One general function of the DBMS is the shielding of database users from machine code. In other words, the DBMS provides a view of the data and supports user-requests such as ‘Get the PATIENT record for patient Smith’, written in a higher-level language.
The DBMS also determines the amount and the type of information that each user can access from a database. For example, a surgeon and a hospital administrator will require different views of a database.
Exercise 4. Quyidagi ma’lumotlar, funksiyalar ro‘yxati MBBT ish tartibini ko‘rsatadi. Bu funksiyalarni to‘g‘ri tartibda qo‘ying.
1. inspects the mapping between the conceptual schema and internal schema.
2. checks for syntax errors.
3. inspects the external schema.
4. receives the requests.
5. performs operations on the stored data.
6. inspects the conceptual schema.
Lesson 20.
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