Step 2. Matn bilan ishlash.
Yangi so‘zlar:
network tarmoq
to link ulash, bog‘lash
to transfer uzatish, ko‘chirmoq
access kirish imkoniyati
database ma’lumotlar asosi
bulletin board electron e’lonlar jadvali
distributed system tarqatuvchi tizim
networked system tarmoqqa ulangan tizim
mainframe katta EHM
to handle ishlov bermoq
query talab, so‘roq
to parse sintaksiz analiz qilmoq
to set up o‘rnatmoq
enable ko‘maklashmoq
fibre-optic cable optic-tolali kabel
to install o‘rnatmoq
to drop yiqilmoq, tushmoq
Exercise 2. Matndan foydalangan holda, so‘z birikmalarini tarjima qiling.
Tez axborot almashishga imkon beruvchi
Telefon liniyalari bilan bog‘laydigan uzoq masofani ulash tarmog‘i
Shunlay qilib ular yagona LAN day ko‘rinishga ega
Tarqaluvchan tizimlarda ishlatilmoqda
Qimmat baho resurslar bilan bo‘linadi
Hamkorlik qilish uchun komp’yuterlardan foydalanish va tarmoqqa ulanish
U boshqalarga nisbatan farqiga borishni biladi
Juda katta miqdordagi talablarni ishlab berish mumkin
Faqat talab qilingan ma’lumitlarni
Tarmoq ishini kamaytiradi
Yo‘ldoshlar narxni pasaytirdilar
Signallarning tarqalishiga ko‘maklashgan holda
Yorug‘lik signallardan foydalangan holda, axborot uzatishda ko‘maklashish
Tarmoqga kirish imkoniyatining narxi tushib bormoqda
Ishlash muhitini yaxshilab bersa
Exercise 3. Matnni o‘qing va tarjima qiling.
Computer networks.
Computer networks link computers by communication lines and software protocols, allowing data to be exchange rapidly and reliably. Traditionally, networks are of two types: wide area network (WANs) and local area network (LANs). A WAN is a network connected over long-distance telephone lines, and a LAN is a localized network usually in one building or a group of buildings close together. It is possible to connect up LANs over telephone links so that they look as though they are a single LAN.
Originally, networks were used to provide terminal access to another computer and to transfer files between computers. Today, networks carry e-mail, provide access to public databases and bulletin boards, and are beginning to be used for distributed systems. Networks also allow users in one locality to share expensive resources, such as printers and disk-systems.
Distributed computer systems are built using networked computers that cooperate to perform tasks. In this environment each part of the networked system does what it is best of all. The mainframe can handle large numbers of queries and return the results to the users. In a distributed environment, a user might use his PC to make a query against a central database. The PC passes the query, written in a special language, to the mainframe, which then passes the query, returning to the user only the data requested, network traffic is reduced.
In 1980s, at least 100 000 LANs wire set up in laboratories and offices around the world. Then synchronous orbit satellites lowered the price of long-distance telephone calls, enabling computer data and television signals to be distributed more cheaply around the world. Since then, fibre-optic cable has been installed on a large scale, enabling vast amounts or data to be transmitted at a very high speed using light signals.
Exercise 3. Matnga berilgan savollarga javob bering.
What are networks and how do they operate?
How do distributed system work?
What are networks of the future?
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