International Lexicon 2. Lexical loan internationalisms which have the same lexical meaning but exist only in national lingual forms. These are usually terms like specific gravity/weight o'ziga xos tortish / og'irlik, удельный вес / вес, the law of gravitation - закон гравитации, tortishish qonuni, agreement (gram. ) согласование, мослашув, the composite sentence/ составное предложение, мураккаб гап; сase, падеж, келишик, addition, добавление, қўшиш; subtraction,айириш, вычисление, division, деление, бўлиш, etc
Units of Nationally Specific Lexicon (culturally biased elements)
• English: farthing, shilling, dollar, Chartist, Yorkshire pudding, to cut off with a shilling, etc.).
• Russian: кутя, вареники, бандурист, кобзар, запорожець и тд.,
• Uzbek: chuchvara, ko’rpacha, do’ppi, chopon, so’m va boshqalar.
Nouns: самец, теленок, бузоқча,(male, calf), кот и кошка (cat or kitten), стрекоза,эчки (goat), бўталоқ,ҳўтик (horse or foal, colt), чўчқа, чўчқа гўшти,свинья,свинина (pig or piglet), собока,собаченок,кучук, кучукча (dog, puppy), голубь, голуби, каптар ва каптарча (pigeon(s)), ғоз, гусья (goose), ўрдак,утёнок (duck or duckling), etc.
Members of family: она/мама (mummy), ота, дада, папа (daddy), буви, бабушка, бабуля (grannie), дядя, амаки-тоға (uncle), бобо, дода (grandfather), энага, нняня (nurse), дочь, қиз (daughter);
• Parts of human body: ухо, қулоқ (ear), оёқ, нога (leg, foot), рука, қўл (hand), глаза, кўз (eye, eyes).
Other nouns denoting different objects or phenomena: олма, яблоко (apple), ложка, қошиқ, (spoon), гўшт, мясо:қўй гўшти, мол гўшти, баранина, говядина (meat), сладости, ширинликлар (sweety), молоко, сут (milk), рубашка, платье, кўйлак (shirt, dress), холодная погода, совуқ ҳаво (cold weather), бешик, кроватча, детская кроватка, колыбель (cot, cradle) чақалоқ,ребёнок (kid, doll), гул, цветок (flower),ўйинчоқ,игрушка (any toy), успокоить, пустышка, сўрғич, (soothe, baby's dummy)etc.
The linguistic principles of typological classification of lexicon are based in all languages on the following features of words:
• on their common lexico-grammatical nature;
• on their belonging to a common lexico-semantic group;
• on their peculiar stylistic function and meaning;
• on their denotative or connotative (or both) meanings, etc.
In accordance with their general implicit lexico-grammatical meaning all words are grouped into a) notional (they constitute the bulk of words in languages), b) functionals.
All contrasted languages have an isomorphic or even a universal peculiarity of expressing the most general implicit meanings of substantivity, verbality, deictic properties, adverbially, etc. thus representing nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, verbs, adverbs and statives that are parts of speech performing the same functions in English and Ukrainian sentences. The notion of the parts of speech, therefore, belongs to the universal ones.
Functionals. They are common in English and contrasted languages with the exception of the articles the and a/аn. Namely: prepositions/, conjunctions/, particles, interjections/, modal words and modal phrases. Common are 12 lexico-grammatical classes of words each of which has mostly the same properties in the contrasted languages.
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