VI. Gaplarning to’g’ri tarjimasini toping
va tartib raqamini ayting.
1. My sister was taught English when 1. Kitob eng yahshi tarjimon
she was a child tomonidan tarjima qilinadi.
2. You will b e asked by the teacher 2. Dars jadvali bu oraliq uchun dekan tomorrow. tomonidan o’zgartirilmaydi.
3. The time-table will not be changed 3. Uning ma’ruzasi ingliz tilida
by dean this term. yoziladi.
4. His report is written in Englis. 4. Dunyodagi ko’p tillar universitetimizda o’qitiladi.
5. The book is translated by the best 5. Ertaga o’qituvchi sizdan so’raydi
6. Many of the world’s languages are 6. Mening singlimga ingliz tilini
taught at our University. bolaligida o’rgatishgan.
VII. Matnga tegishli so’z va iboralarni
o’qing va yodda saqlang:
to recognize tanimoq
in particular jumladan, hususan, chunonchi
college kollej (Angliyada o’rta, oliy maktab, AQShda mahsus oliy o’quv yurti)
sense mazmun, fikr
oral og’zaki
to conduct boshqarmoq
significant yetarli
influence ta’sir
serious jiddiy
to offer taklif etmoq
permanent doimiy, o’zgarmas
Text A
VIII. Matnni o’qing va yozma imtihonlar kiritilishi haqidagi
gaplarni toping:
The University of Cambridge was founded in the twelfth century and before the beginning of the thirteenth it was it was almost recognized centre of education. The University was formed on the model of European continental Universities. At first there were neither colleges nor professors in the modern sense of word. Lectures and oral examinations were conducted in Latin. There were no written examinations. Until the fifteenth century the history of Cambridge was not as significant as that of Oxford. But by the end of the seventeenth century the University was the home of Sir Isaac Newton – professor of mathematics from 1669 till 1702 whose influence was deep and permanent. At that time serious tests were offered to the candidates for degrees. During the early parts of the nineteenth century examinations were greatly improved and written examinations were more often used than oral.
At the same time there built number of laboratories for the natural sciences, among them the Cavendish Laboratory. The Cavendish Laboratory organized by the well known Scottish mathematician and physicist Maxwell was opened in 1871. It was named after the English scientist of the 18th century Sir Henry Cavendish. Now it is one of the greatest physical laboratories known throughout the world.
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