Additional or Irrelvant Components and DT. Results. Competitiveness and Use
The Additional or Irrelevant Components method was not recommended for many DT terms. Only 4% of the terms translated descriptively in the glossaries have this term form in the section of the recommended translation.
The Additional or Irrelevant components method is, in theory, undesirable for terminology in general and Corporate Governance terminology in particular. First of all, the technique creates unwieldy constructions. On the one hand, the method employs additional elements which disclose the meaning of a term or fulfill its form in the native language. On the other hand, in most cases, these elements are not essential for the term to function. These elements can be considered as irrelevant, they can be omitted in some contexts, substituted by synonyms, or their order can be changed. As a result, these term forms create chaos within management terminology, being an obstacle for the harmonization of terminological systems.
The analysis and results concerning the DT method employing Additional or Irrelevant Components cannot be based on the correlation of the source and target term forms, neither can it be oriented towards the term figurativeness and implicit semantic components. The appearance of the method is stipulated by the specific use of the term. Several types of Additional or Irrelevant Components can be distinguished within the DT method:
The target term employs irrelevant components for the term meaning or its form. Such a term form appears in the glossaries as an initial stage for the translation of “strange” neonyms, especially figuratively motivated ones. These term elements can de dismissed as unnecessary, and the term form should be shaped into the form of Pure DT, Calque and DT, Calque, Direct Loan, etc. The term form is mostly an interim stage of the creation of the term in Russian.
Additional or Irrelevant Components are created on purpose in order to make the term different from its Direct Equivalent (often ambiguous) in a general field or from homonymic terms in other special fields. Some of these components can be considered as possible for
use within the term form, provided the term form is practical. For example, programme support and development activities: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) Оперативно- функциональное обслуживание и разработка программ (UNTERM) (Operativno- funkcionalnoe obsluzhivanie i razrabotka program; L.t.: efficient and functional service and program development). The Сalque form мероприятия по поддержке и разработке программ (meroprijatija po podderzhke i razrabotke program, L.t.: measures on the support and development of programs) is rarely used, so the UN term can be considered unique in its form;
Additional or Irrelevant Components provide no essential semantic or grammatical function. The source term influences the form of the target term, but to a negligible extent (i.e. a more concise term form can be used). Nevertheless, they try to meet the requirement for the preference for the native language, adapting it for the in the target language. Some of these terms can be suggested for use within LSP. For example, dependency rate salaries: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) Оклады по ставке для сотрудников, имеющих иждивенцев (UNTERM) (Oklady po stavke dlja sotrudnikov, imeushhih izhdivintcev; L.t.: basic salary under the rate for employees having dependents).
Only 8 terms retrieved from the glossaries in the form of DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components have this as the preferred method. The majority of these terms are special United Nations concepts, used in exclusive contexts. For example, the term Human Resources Network has the following equivalent in Russian: Сеть по вопросам людских ресурсов (UNTERM) (Set’ po voprosam lyudskih resursov; L.t.: the network on the issues of human resources). The Russian term employs additional elements: “по вопросам” (po voprosam, on the issues), which do not bear any essential function except for shaping the form of the Russian term into the formal one. In theory, it is possible to use the Pure Calque form: *Сеть людских ресурсов (Set’ ljudskih resursov; L.t.: the network of human resources). However, in practice, it turns out that the term is quite often used in UN documents:
“В докладе рекомендуется улучшить через Сеть по вопросам людских ресурсов Секретариата Координационного совета руководителей (КСР) обмен информацией и
сотрудничество между службами по набору кадров организаций системы Организации Объединенных Наций <…>” (UNIDO, 2009).
Accordingly, such a term form can exist and function within LSP provided its form is crystallized and unique for one concept.
While the previously mentioned term retains its initial form with Additional or Irrelevant Components, some term forms undergo certain changes within the analysis. For instance, the term reportable condition means “a matter coming to the auditor's attention relating to SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCIES in the design or operation of the entity’s internal control that could ADVERSLY AFFECT an entity's ability to fulfill future obligations with customers and/or the satisfaction of liabilities” (VentureLine) The term component “reportable” has an additional semantic meaning of “being liable for something”, which is typical for adjectives with such a form (see Calque and DT. Adjectives/Participles + Noun: unquantifiable risk). This semantic element should be retrieved in Russian, otherwise it may result in an unwieldy and ambiguous form of past passive participle: “сообщаемый” (soobschaemyj). Accordingly, the term was attested as a form with additional elements in Russian: ситуация, о которой необходимо сообщать (руководству) (situacija, o kotoroj neobhodimo soobshhat’ (rukovodstvu); L.t.: a situation which should be reported (to management)). The use of an additional component “необходимо” (neobhodimo, necessary) resulted in the use of a subordinate construction in a prepositional case. The term form proves to be too general to belong to the field of Management, and its form is not clear enough (What is the type of a situation? How should it be reported?). This fact can be proved by the existence of another term form with additional elements, which is offered in the dictionary: обстоятельство, которое должно быть отражено в аудиторском заключении (отчёте аудитора) (Academic) (obstojatel’stvo, kotoroje dolzhno byt’ otrazheno v auditorskom zakljuchenii (otchete auditora); L.t.: a circumstance, which should be reflected in audit conclusion (report of an auditor)). Such a term form is oriented towards the source term definition. In addition to this, it strengthens the special use of the term, making it unique and recognizable within the field. The additional elements “должно быть” (dolzhno byt’, should be) and the use of “который” (kotoryj, which) in a subordinate construction shapes the term form in Russian.
As previously mentioned, some additional components are used for the exclusion of synonyms or homonyms in the general field or other special fields. For example, the term cost- effective was attested as the following descriptive form with Additional or Irrelevant Components: эффективный с точки зрения затрат (UNTERM) (effectivnyj s tochki zrenija zatrat; L.t.: effective from the point of view of expenses). The term has a direct translation equivalent: доходный, прибыльный, рентабельный (Lingvo Universal) (dohodnyj, pribyl’nyj, rentabel’nyj; L.t.: lucrative, profitable, paying). These words can be used in a wide range of contexts and can lead to miscomprehension within a particular field. For this reason, the use of Calque elements: “эффективный” (effective) and “затраты” (expenses) with additional components: “c точки зрения” (from the point of view) make the term unique in its use, clear and related to the source term meaning. This term form border upon the Calque and DT method. Nevertheless, it can be attributed to the Additional or Irrelevant Components group because the term has such a form not because it is essential for the translation, but for making it recognizable and related to the target term. In addition to this, the English term form with a noun in the attributive position exerts an influence on the use of additional elements, as the structure cannot be shaped using Pure Calque in Russian.
In the previous examples the additional descriptive elements method was suggested for the translation of the English terms. Some of the terms forms were slightly modified, nevertheless the Russian terms were retrieved by DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components. Only 8 terms in this study have used the method in question as the preferred translation technique. It means that the method is not desirable for Corporate Governance terminology. It can be used for a provisional translation, an interim stage on the way to the final term form.
Notwithstanding the fact that the method creates a great deal of discrepancies in term use, DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components technique quite often appears in dictionaries and glossaries, especially at the first stage of term borrowing. As many as 52 terms (some of them accompanying other term translation methods) have the form of Additional or Irrelevant Components in the glossaries. Over the course of the research, their synonyms, clipped forms and shorter equivalents were retrieved from the dictionaries and Ruscorpora. The following term
creation methods replaced the Additional or Irrelevant Components DT and were recommended as the preferred translation for the English terms:
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