August | 2020
Qurbonova Umida Ro'ziboy qizi - Student
Orifjonova Layloxon Xasanjon qizi - Student
Uktamova Navruza Botir qizi - Scientific advisor;
UsZWLU Faculty of
Lower Courses
Abstract.This investigation details the marketing research of the tourism and hotel
business. In particular, they spoke about the rapid development of tourism in Uzbekistan,
all the favorable conditions for tourists and their safety. In turn, the impact of marketing
on the economy, its integral relationship not only with the economy but also with the
tourism and hotel industries, is covered in detail in this guide.
Key language: Tourism, labor, marketing research, consumption, tourism industry, hotel
management, economics, market relations, service provider, customers, marketing strategy,
marketing research
Introduction. Commenting on tourism, European scientist Dmitry Anton said: "Tourism
has been one of the fastest growing sectors in the world economy in recent years. It is one
of the top three most lucrative industries in the world after oil and automotive. Today,
tourism and its direct and indirect services account for about 60% of the world's labor
Ensuring the safety of tourists is provided for in a separate article in the first laws in
the field of organization and development of tourism in Uzbekistan. The first such law
is the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Tourism". The law was adopted in 1999,
and Articles 18, 19, and 20 of the law form the basis for the establishment of a system
of measures to ensure the safety of tourists . The current process of tourism development
in Uzbekistan is characterized by profound changes in all spheres of social life. The
country is developing a market of tourist services and developing a new state policy for
tourism development. is that all market processes are carried out through it, which
creates great opportunities for both producers and consumers. Marketing aims to make
a high profit by producing the most affordable products
and influencing customers,
which is why almost all enterprises in our country attach great importance to it and
widely use it in their economic activities.
The content and essence of marketing research is that the type of human activity
aimed at satisfying needs and demands through exchange is the combination of actions
based on the mutual interests of all market partici pants to form and satisfy demand.
Marketing is a holistic (systematic) approach to solving market problems, which includes
all stages of the movement of goods, such as
the study of supply and demand, the
creation of a production program, the organization of sales and disposal after consumption.
The functions of marketing research are:
- Evaluation of the company's market opportunities;
- Analysis of market share;
- Study of market indicators;
- Study of practical activity factors;
- Identify potential customers, identify their needs, current and future needs;
- Carrying out current observations on the target market;
The duration and frequency of tourist tri ps are changing. The number of tri ps is
increasing and their duration is decreasing. The main reason for this is that consumers
want to split their holidays. Instead
of one big vacation a year, 2-3 short tri ps are
preferred. Structural changes in the tourism services market, i.e., competitive conditions