August | 2020
Reimov Nietbay Baynazarovich
candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Nukus branch of Tashkent
state agrarian university
Abstract.The article emphasizes the need to improve agricultural technology. You can
increase productivity and improve soil fertility by laser leveling the land, crushing the soil
with pre-sowing milling equipment, mulching the rows during planting, systematically using
crop rotation and farming depending on the water supply.
Key words: Karakalpakstan, agricultural technology, laser leveling, milling land cultivation,
mulch, water deficit, crop rotation, a set of measures, efficiency;
Introduction. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-2731 of
January 18, 2017 "On the State Program for the development of the Aral Sea Region for
2017-2021" and PF of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 17, 2019
"On measures for efficient use of land and water resources in agriculture" Decree 5742-
states that in order to constantly increase the volume of agricultural production, it is
necessary to cultivate crops.
Associate Professor N. Reimov in the experimental field.
Based on these tasks, a scientific experiment was conducted to improve the issue of
increasing crop yields and soil fertility in the Aral Sea region.
Relevance and necessity of the issue.
Farmers and land users of the Republic of Karakalpakstan have long been using the
recommended agro-technologies in the agricultural sector. However, when we analyzed
the reasons for the lack of planned harvests, it was found in scientific practice that 5
factors need to be improved among the current agro-technological measures. That is, 1st
pre-sowing land leveling, 2nd
is pre-sowing soil preparation, 3rd
is crop row
arrangement, 4th is rational use of crop rotation system, and 5th is farming based on
available water resources in the Aral Sea region. Taking these factors into account, we
conducted experiments on saline soils, water shortages and low mechanical soils of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Preparation of the soil for pre-sowing sowing was carried out with a deep cultivator
(KFG - 3,6). In the second experiment, where the trail was compacted with a roller, the
yield of cotton was 34.9 to 36.4 t/ha, with an average yield of 35.8 t/ha. Was equal to
e. Pre-sowing preparation of 5.2 t/ha of soil in relation to the control variant was carried
out with a deep cultivator (KFG - 3.6), which resulted in an additional yield of 1.5
t/ha compared to the variant leveled with a track leveler.