A. Polymer Resin Properties
The effect of the citric acid to ethylene glycol ratio
(CA/EG) on the polymer resin and the final decomposed
oxide powder has been studied by Tai and Lessing.
In their studies the La
system was exam-
ined for the powder properties best suited to a solid oxide
fuel cell, and it was shown that the polymer resins having
a molar citric acid content of 40–60% provided powders
with the best overall properties. In this research different
CA/EG ratios were studied with several compositions of
the Cu
system (x
⳱ 0.2, 0.5, 0.8) to determine
if the findings of Tai and Lessing are applicable to these
compositions, or whether the CA/EG ratio must be
optimized for each new system, for reasons of either
chemistry or oxide crystal structure. It was found, in
agreement with the Tai–Lessing study, that CA/EG ratios
in the range of 40/60 to 65/35 produced foamy resins
with a resistance to self-ignition and pyrolysis as well as
enough strength to form a “cap” once the resin had dried
in the vial (see Fig. 1). Too little citric acid in the sample
yielded a hard, glassy gel (as in vial 1), while too little
ethylene glycol produced a resin with very little strength
and which tended to collapse after drying (exhibited by
vials 4 and 5).
The ratio of metal salts to organic material was also
examined to determine which composition yielded the
best resins for all three Cu–Ce–O compositions. To en-
sure that only a small fraction of the metal salts remained
unpolymerized in the resin, metal to organic ratios of
38/62 and 50/50 were observed for these three composi-
tions. The samples with a slight excess of organic mate-
rial generated powders with better foaming behavior than
did those with the higher metal content. One of the most
important properties for these powders is the resistance
to self-ignition followed by pyrolysis. Pyrolysis of the
powder is undesirable because it leads to a lack of control
over reaction and decomposition conditions, uncon-
trolled surface area of the powder, and an increase in
agglomeration of powder particles. After taking into ac-
count all of these findings, the CA/EG ratio used was
60/40 and the metal to organic ratio was 38/62.
After observing the drying behavior of the precursor
resins in several different media, including glass vials,
stainless steel wells, and Teflon wells, the initial wells of
the steel sample holders were redesigned. The resin had
a tendency to climb the walls of the vessel, and provided
enough material, would form a “domed cap” at the top
rim of the vessel. In the original design of the wells (see
Fig. 2), the resin would rise, but often would collapse
back into the well or would stop rising at ridges on
the walls that had been caused by machining. This be-
came a problem during the catalytic activity analyses,
FIG. 1. Photograph of dried resins (composition: Cu
) with
various CA/EG ratios. Vial 1: percent CA
⳱ 0%, EG ⳱ 100%; vial
2: CA
⳱ 25%, EG ⳱ 75%; vial 3: CA ⳱ 50%, EG ⳱ 50%; vial 4:
⳱ 75%, EG ⳱ 25%; vial 5: CA ⳱ 100%, EG ⳱ 0%.
H.M. Reichenbach
et al.:
Combinatorial synthesis of oxide powders
J. Mater. Res., Vol. 16, No. 4, Apr 2001
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because the flowing gas could not circulate as readily
deeper into the vessel. The final design of the well pro-
vides a “lip” for the resin to attach to in the drying stage.
Once the resin has become attached to the lip, it behaves
quite similarly to the drying behavior observed in the
Teflon and forms a domed cap. These caps then were all
at approximately the same level in the sample holder,
which reduced one of the problems in examining the
library for catalytic activity. Additionally, these caps
could be easily removed from the ledges of the wells for
testing of the surface area and particle size and for per-
forming high-resolution microscopy. The caps that were
removed from the ledges were weighed, and in general,
had a mass of 4–5 mg. One Cu
library of dried
resin caps is shown in Fig. 3. The library of compositions
exhibited a change in color with composition; a yellow
resin was observed in the composition with 100% ce-
rium, while a blue resin was observed for the 100%
copper composition. Previous powder samples made by
sol-gel combinatorial synthesis techniques had masses of
while the hydrothermal synthesis samples had
masses of 1–10 mg.
Part of the purpose in choosing
relatively large masses here is to increase the signal-to-
noise ratio during thermal imaging of the library.
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