Today Turkey continues its 40,000 strong troop occupation of a large part of the Republic of Cyprus. A
difficult place here
is the “40,000 strong troop”. Therefore, we first translate
the rest and we will skip this place:
Today Turkey continues its occupation of a large part of the Republic of Cyprus . —
Туркия давлати Кипр Республикасининг деярли катта ҳудудини эгаллашни давом этмоқда. Where we have
bypassed, we make a separate phrase:
There are 40,000 Turkish soldiers there. —
У ерда 40 000 та турк жангчи- лари бор. This exercise’s main task is to create two separate
semantic parts from one English phrase transferring of two or
even three Uzbek phrases. The following English sentences
which are translated into Uzbek using the technique of
bypass of maneuver: English: The chances of the climate becoming much
warmer soon are
uncomfortably high.
Яқин орада иқлим ўзгариб, об-ҳаво кескин исиб кетиши эҳтимоли
баланд. Бу масала хавотирга солмай қўймайди.
English: The Communist Party prepares for its
five- yearly congress in Beijing.
Пекиндаги Коммунистик партия навбатдаги съездига тайёргарлик
кўряпти. Бундай съезд ҳар беш йилда бир марта ўтқазилади.
English: South Bend, Indiana, is typical of the
largely white, working-class towns across the Midwest.
Индиана штатининг Саут-Бенд шаҳрида Ўрта Ғарб америкаликлар
яшайди. Одатда у ерда оқ танли, ишчи синфга мансуб аҳоли ис-
тиқомат қилади.
English: China’s Communist Party is preparing for a
once-in-a decade change of leadership.
Хитойнинг Коммунистик партияси давлат бошқарувининг ўзгари-
шига тайёргарлик кўряпти. Давлат раҳбари ўзгариши ўн йилда бир
марта содир бўлади.
English: This prison director prevented overcrowding
controversially refusing to take prisoners if there is
no room for them.
Қамоқхона бошлиғи бўш камаералар йўқлиги туфайли, янги
маҳбусларни қабул қилишни рад этди. Бундай қарор одамлар ора-
сида қизғин баҳс-мунозарага олиб келди.
English: Investors are
understandably scared of the
financial crisis unfolding in Europe.
Европадаги молиявий инқироз кучайиб кетгани сармоячиларни
чўчишига сабаб бўляпти. Бу вазиятда уларни аҳволини тушунса
In Tanzania electricity is on for only two
unpredictable hours a day.
Танзанияда одамлар электрдан фақатгина икки соат фойдала-
нишга имкон топадилар. Бу имконият куннинг ҳар хил пайтларида
The grammatical dissimilarities are problems to the
translator as it not only involves analysis of the differences
but also finding accurate and proper correspondences in
the target language using grammatical transformation in
translation process for effective transfer of the information.
The grammatical transformation such as sentence division
means the use of shorter or simpler constructions instead of
long complex constructions in the translation. The sentence
of division may be translated into Uzbek using technique as
bypass of maneuver in order to reach the smooth translation
from source into target language text.
1. Фалалеев, Малофеева: Упражнения для синхрониста. Умильные мордочки енотов. Издательство: Перспектива, 2015