Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent
Annotation: I want to write article about “The role of English as a global language”. The article
lists four reasonswhy English is important.
Keywords: English, Global, business, language, important
Introduction First reason is even though English is not an official language around the world,English is the
international language and has become the most important language to people in many parts of the
world. It is the most widely used in communicating around the world, also it is spoken as the first
language in many countries. For instance, if you want to travel abroad English is absolutely essential.
Especially when you go somewhere but donot knowdirection of the way, you can asksomebody or
buy a map to find everythingeasily. That’s whyknowing English or other language like a beautiful
dress for you that you wear and feelmorecomfortable everywhere. In this case, English as a global
language and it is considered to be as an excellent language.
The second reason is that learning English is very important and necessary for education, busi-
ness and of course in our daily life. Nowadays you know that our presidentShavkatMiromonovi-
chMirziyoyev said that: “If you want to get a better job, at least you must know a two language”.
So, everyone must learn foreign languages to work at the best workplace or create own new career.
And also with good English you can get background material from internationalservices, papers and
magazines from around the world. Good skills mean that you are not reliant on translators and can
work faster and more accurately with English information sources.Gandhi said: “
Enjoy living in the
moment but remember that learning English will prepare you for the future”.
Moving to the third point, English is mostly used in publishing books, making films, music, espe
cially at work and a lot of entertainment. Everyday you see that,streets, shop’s doors or big banners
different kind of advertisements are written inEnglish. If you want to learn about the latest devel-
opments and discoveries from around the world, you will be able to network and make important at
conferences and seminars. However, today English plays an important role in the job placement that I
above mentioned it. People who want to find job should know the English language well. This is due
to the fact that large companies and firms often cooperate with foreign partners.
The last reason is that 50% of the information on the internet is available in English, by knowing
it onecan easily access any website. For example, if you need to find something special, you may get
it in English language faster than in other languages. Nowadays there are many native English teach-
ers who teach English through Youtube videos which is very beneficial to correct pronunciations
from teachers whose first language is English. That’s why, in our modern life everybodyshould learn
English language that is widely spoken anywhere in the world and offers more information on global
Reference :
Cambridge university press
Eichhorst( Author) 2010.
Robert M.Mckenzia; The social psychology of English as a gobal language