Technological Progress
For centuries people have been inventing things to make life easier. Among the greatest inventions of the past are the automobile, the steam engine, the electricity, the telephone and television. Since the beginning of the 20th century people have made a huge step in technology. Now we live in flats, talk to people who live in other parts of the world, travel from one place to another by plane. All these things are a product of technological progress and it is still growing rapidly.
Today we live in the world of machines and computers. Every day more and more gadgets appear and all of them make our life easier. Some of the new inventions have become so affordable and common, that now people cannot imagine life without them. For example, the mobile phone has turned from an expensive portable phone into an inexpensive data, e-mail, and voice service that almost anyone can afford. At the speed that mobile phones are evolving they may one day replace in-home phone services. Years ago mobile phones were bulky and required large batteries in a carrying case. Today's mobiles fit in a pocket and can replace a computer.
Another example of modern high-tech inventions is the Internet. Almost every company in the world has its own website. The Internet provides any kind of information on any topic. Of course, some of the sources are not reliable, but the Internet gives a very good opportunity to shop, book rooms and flights, watch films, listen to music and many other things. that allows uploading books in different electronic formats.
Texnologik taraqqiyot
Asrlar davomida odamlar hayotni osonlashtirish uchun narsalarni ixtiro qilishgan. O'tmishdagi eng katta ixtirolar qatoriga avtomobil, bug 'dvigateli, elektr, telefon va televizor kiradi. 20-asrning boshlaridan beri odamlar texnologiyaga katta qadam qo'ydilar. Endi biz kvartiralarda yashaymiz, dunyoning boshqa qismlarida yashaydigan odamlar bilan gaplashamiz, bir joydan ikkinchi joyga samolyotda sayohat qilamiz. Bularning barchasi texnologik taraqqiyot samarasidir va u hali ham tez o'sib bormoqda.
Bugun biz mashinalar va kompyuterlar dunyosida yashayapmiz. Har kuni tobora ko'proq moslamalar paydo bo'ladi va ularning barchasi bizning hayotimizni osonlashtiradi. Ba'zi yangi ixtirolar shu qadar arzon va ommalashib ketganki, endi odamlar ularsiz hayotni tasavvur qila olmaydilar. Masalan, mobil telefon qimmatbaho portativ telefondan deyarli hamma uchun qila oladigan arzon ma'lumotlar, elektron pochta va ovozli xizmatga aylandi. Uyali telefonlar rivojlanayotgan tezlikda ular bir kun ichida uy ichidagi telefon xizmatlarini almashtirishlari mumkin. Bir necha yil oldin mobil telefonlar katta hajmli edi va tashish uchun katta batareyalar kerak edi. Bugungi mobil telefonlar cho'ntagiga to'g'ri keladi va kompyuterni almashtirishi mumkin.
Zamonaviy yuqori texnologiyalar ixtirolariga yana bir misol Internetdir. Dunyodagi deyarli har bir kompaniyaning o'z veb-sayti mavjud. Internet har qanday mavzu bo'yicha har qanday ma'lumotni taqdim etadi. Albatta, ba'zi manbalar ishonchli emas, ammo Internet xarid qilish, xonalarni bron qilish va reyslarni amalga oshirish, filmlarni tomosha qilish, musiqa tinglash va boshqa ko'plab narsalar uchun juda yaxshi imkoniyatdir. bu kitoblarni turli xil elektron formatlarda yuklash imkonini beradi.
1. What does the Internet mean?
2. How convenient is the Internet?
3. What are the disadvantages of the Internet?
4. How do the Internet work?
5. Do you know what kind of Internet?
1. Literatura-adabiyatlar
2. Mathematic-matematik
3. Astronomer-astranom
4. Filosof-faylasuf
5. Physicist-fizik
6. Wealthy-badavlat
7. Medicine-tibbiyot
8. History-tarix
9. Geodrapher-geograf
10. Born-tug’ilmoq
11. penniles - bechorahol
12. princess- malika
13. shadows - soyalari
14. withdrawn - tutashgan
15. drunk - mast
16. blame - gunoh
17. thereby – shunday qilib
18 drinking – ichimlik
19. draft – qoralama
20. daughter- qiz
4.Round up books
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