Bachelor degree

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Module designation

STEM module


Module level, if applicable

STEM module

Code, if applicable

BFiz 3302

Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable





2 lecture+1 lab per week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Tuleuhanov S.T.


Dr., Professor S.T.Tuleuhanov, associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science L.Z.Gumarova, associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science N.T.Ablajhanova


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)




Guided self-study


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)


60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points

3 credits =5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, human physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cytology, histology, genetics, ecology, botany, zoology

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




Know Basics of Cell Biophysics, and of the whole organism, the main physical laws underlying biological laws and phenomena, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, Hess's Law, the principles of Prigogine and E.Bauera, mechanisms of bioelectric and photobiolo-gical processes basics of radiobiology and radiation damage mechanisms, the mechanisms of generation of biological rhythms, principles electric Biosystems, basic biophysical methods.


general biological biophysical knowledge of the main sections of Biophysics


undamental laws of biophysics and applied research;


the basic laws and principles of biophysics.


Of existing physical laws in biological phenomena and processes in the peculiarities of the organism integrity at all levels of the organization from macromolecules to ecosystems.

Be able to: apply the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the practice of their own research.


Influences of different physical factors to living systems


Fundamentals of biophysical approach to biological processes and phenomena;


The purpose of teaching the course "Biophysics" - to give students a deep and broad knowledge about objects and features of the biophysical processes, the basics of biophysical approach to biological processes and phenomena, familiarize with the basic laws and principles of biophysics.

Lecture 1: Biophysics - the science about the physical and chemical processes in biological systems and about the mechanisms of their reactivity to physical environmental factors.

Lecture 2: Thermodynamics - the study of the process of exchange of energy, heat and matter in the organisms.
Lecture 3: 1 law of thermodynamics.
Lecture 4: 2 law of thermodynamics.
Lecture 5: Stationary states in living systems (subject lecture).
Lecture 6: Nonequilibrium teromodinamics (subject lecture).
Lecture 7: Autoregulation of the physical and chemical processes in the cells; biophysics of water structures
Lecture 8: Intelligent system (subject lecture).
Lecture 9: Adaptation: view of biophysics
Wave processes in biological systems.
Seminar 9: Time and biological clock.
Lecture 10: Bioelectric potentials and bioelectrical phenomena. Role of ions in the development of biopotentials.
Lecture 11: Conductivity of biosystems
Lecture 12: Photobiological processes.
Lecture 13: Quantum biophysics. The action of ultraviolet radiation to proteins, nucleic acids and the organism.
Lecture 14: The main mechanisms of action of ionizing radiation in cellular and organism level.
Lecture 15: Methods for research the kinetics of complex systems. Mathematical modeling and its importance in biology.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written exam, tests

1st interim control: attendance,

2nd interim control: attendance,

Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Media employed

Video lectures, Power Point Presentations

Electronic books and scientific journals

Reading list

  1. Samoilov, etc. Biophysics of the joint venture, nuclear heating plant, 2003 (in russian)

  2. Antons V.F. Biophysics. M.:"VLADOS", 1999. (in english)

  3. Beresin T.I. Medical biophysics. M.:H. school, 1988. (in russian)

  4. Blumenfeld L.D. Problem of biological physics. M.: Science, 1997. (in english)

  5. Inushin V.M. Abstract of lectures on the general biophysics. Almaty: KazGU, 1994. (in russian)

  6. Rubin R.B. Biophysics. M.: The Higher school, 1987. (in russian)

Module designation

Natural Sciences (STEM) module


Module level, if applicable

Natural Sciences (STEM) module

Code, if applicable

Mat 1304

Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable





2 lectures + 1 seminar / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

1 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Mathematic Science Tazhekov A.


associate Professor, candidate of Mathematic Science Tazhekov A.


Kazakh, Russian

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester

2 hours per week

15 hours per semester

1 hour per week



Guided self-study


30 hours per semester

2 hours per week

20 hours per semester

60 hours per semester

4 hours per week


15 hours per semester

1 hour per week

Credit points

3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

School courses in mathematics

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




- knowledge of differential and integral calculates;

-to own skills of creation of mathematical models;

- ability to apply differential score in mathematical problems of biotechnology at creation of mathematical models;

- ability on the basis of the carried-out mathematical analysis to develop practical recommendations;


Studying of elements of linear algebra and analytical geometry. Introduction in mathematical analysis. Differential calculates of function of one variable. Function research by means of one derivative. Concepts about complex numbers. Uncertain, certain, not own integrals. Functions of several variables

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written and oral exam, tests

Media employed

Power Point Presentations

Electronic books and scientific journals

Reading list

1.Kalugin K.K. Mathematics. Moscow. 2002. 274 p. (in russian)

2.Harasahal N.E. Higher mathematics. Almaty. 2000. 204 p. (in russian)

Module designation

Natural Sciences (STEM) module


Module level, if applicable

Natural Sciences (STEM) module

Code, if applicable

Fiz 1303

Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable





2 lectures + lab / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Physical Science Manapbaeva A.B.


associate Professor, candidate of Physical Science Manapbaeva A.B., associate Professor, candidate of Physical Science Grevceva T.Y., associate Professor, candidate of Physical Science Fryazinova T.C.


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester

2 hours per week

15 hours per semester

1 hour per week




Guided self-study


30 hours per semester

2 hours per week


60 hours per semester

4 hours per week

Credit points

3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge on physics and mathematics in volume of the school program.

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

General physics and mathematics (according to the school program)

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




Students must have the appropriate presentation about physical phenomena including the most important problems of mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrostatics, electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics, and elements of quantum mechanics.

Students must be able to explain the most important laws of general physics, solve simple problems on mechanics, molecular physics, electromagnetism and so on, and make adders

Students must be able to generalize and systematize scientific information, critically explain different processes in a system, to project ways of realization of research programs, be able to work with big volumes of scientific information, to work with different sources of information independently, be able to formulate and solve research problems which require deep professional knowledge. Also students must know main experimental, theoretical and numerical methods of investigations, well-known mathematical approaches and their applications to solving of scientific problems, be able to analyze and interpret results


The module covers the study of such chapters of contemporary physics as mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrostatics, electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics due to solving professional tasks on the base of knowledge of physics. Study of the discipline include theoretical classes (lectures) and practical classes (laboratory works). Development of physiological feelings: sensation, perception, representation, memory, thinking, imagination. Mental conditions: ability, character and temperament of people.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written exam, tests

Media employed

Video lectures, presentations, virtual lab course, Website:

Reading list

  1. SavelievI.V. General Physics.-Moscow, 1998.,Vol. 1-3. (in russian)

  2. Irodov I.E. Problems in general physics. -Moscow, 2005. (in russian)

  3. Ashby N. Principles of modern physics. – Cambridge: Holden-day INC. – 2004. (in english)

  4. Dann D. Basic Physics. – New York: CK-12 Foundation. – 2010. (in english)

  5. Crowell B. Light and matter. – California: Fullerton, 2012. (in english)

Module designation

Natural Sciences (STEM) module

Informational Technologies

Module level, if applicable

Natural Sciences (STEM) module

Code, if applicable

IT 2301

Subtitle, if applicable

not applicable

Courses, if applicable



Informational Technologies


2 lectures + 1 practicum / week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3 semester

Person responsible for the module

associate Professor, candidate of Mathematics Science Kanzharbek B.Imanberdiyev


associate Professor, candidate of Mathematics Science Kanzharbek B.Imanberdiyev, associate Professor, candidate of Mathematics Science Belogurov Andrey


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester

2 hours per week

15 hours per semester

1 hour per week




Guided self-study


30 hours per semester

2 hours per week


60 hours per semester

4 hours per week

Credit points

3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

It is necessary to have knowledge of informatics. Must have knowledge of computer science. They should have primary computer skills. Basic knowledge of the device and the computer program.

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

School courses in mathematics and informatics

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




knowledge in the field of personal computing devices and technologies for their work, algorithms, software technology and assign individual programs

working knowledge

They must possess of operating systems, a sufficient level of various utilities, theoretical and word processing practical and spreadsheet knowledge applications

Students must speak in peak level.


The structure of the physical and logical device PC, its characteristics. Information storage technology, data representation in the computer. Files and directories. Your file system. Software technology, its structure. Operating systems, the technology works and functions.

Boolean functions, graphs. Algorithms and flowcharts. Shell. User interface. Technology solutions to the problem PC. User interface. Working with the file system. Text editor MS Word. Technology to create and edit documents. Table Editor MS Excel. The basic technology of creating, editing, work tables.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Written exam, tests

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Intermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed

Video lectures, presentations, computer programs

Reading list

  1. Melnikov V.P. Information technology. – М., 2008. (in russian)

  2. Sahfrin Y.A. Information technology. – М., 2002. (in russian)

  3. Nazarbekova S.T. Practice on informatics WINDOWS, WORD. – Almaty, 2009 (in kazakh)

  4. Balafanov Е.К. New information technology. – Almaty, 2002. (in kazakh)

Module designation

Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IET)

Scientific writing (kaz/rus/engl)

Module level, if applicable

IET 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable

SW 2301

Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable



Scientific writing (kaz/rus/engl)


1 seminar

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Kayirmanova G.K.


Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)



Guided self-study



8 hours per semester

30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points

1 credits =2 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisites: none

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




Know professional termins in English

ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific discussions in a
Kazakh/Russian/foreign language;

To be competent in professional activity, communication


The infinitive. The Gerund. The participle I, II. Sentence structure. Conjunctions. Reported Speech.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Oral exam, tests

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Intermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed

Video lectures, Power Point Presentations

Electronic books and scientific journals

Reading list

  1. English File (4 levels) Clive Oxenden,Christina Latham-Koenig,Paul, Seligson. Oxford, 2004 (in english)

  2. English Grammar in Use. Murphy R. Cambridge, 2004 (in english)

  3. Science. Keith Kelly. Macmillan,2007 (in english)

  4. IELTS Foundation. Study Skills. Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew Preshous. Macmillan,2004 (in english)

  5. Learn to Read Science. Shahova N. Flinta. Moscow. 2003(in english)

Module designation

Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Basics of Lab research in biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable

BLRB 2302

Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable



Basics of Lab research in biotechnology


1 lectures+1 Lab per week

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.

associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Kirbaeva D.K


Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)

15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)




Guided self-study


15 hours per semester (1 hours per week)


30 hours per semester (2 hours per week)

Credit points

2 credits =3 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

IHim 1401 Inorganic Chemistry

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




The student will know: the basic microbiological methods for determining and monitoring the parameters of biotechnological processes; technology and the general principles of the most common microbiological processes; methods of research, design and experimental work in the field of microbial technology knowledge about main properties of microorganisms, the principles of their classification; structural organization of a prokaryotic cells; features of growth and reproduction, ability to use microorganisms as objects for scientific researches and the biotechnological purposes;

Students should use: methods of analysis processes and their impact on the quality of the products of microbiological synthesis; computer methods of data collection, storage and processing.

- have skills of work with microbic cultures, preparations of microscopic preparations, with methods of microorganisms allocation.

Students should be able to: to make biotechnology experiment using laboratory equipment (microscopes, the bioreactor, thermostats, sterilizers, etc.);

model biotechnological processes based on laboratory research and knowledge of biotechnology equipment.


The purpose of discipline is to teach students the acquisition of knowledge about the basics of scientific and laboratory research, study and development of methods of biotechnological experiments on micro-organisms, processing, and analysis of the results. Understand of the major properties of microorganisms, their morphology, cytology and systematization.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Oral exam, tests

Media employed

Video lectures, Audio books, presentations


  1. Seitov Z.S. Biochemistry, Almaty 2000 (in kazakh, in russian)

  2. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2006. p.5-20. (in russian)

  3. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)

  4. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. (in russian)

  5. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university, 2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

  6. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008, 124 р. (in russian)

  7. Modern microbiology. Prokaryotes (in 2 volumes). Ed. G. Drevsa, G. Shlegelya etc. Academic Press, 2005. (in english)

Module designation

Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Еcology biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable

EB 3303

Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable



Еcology biotechnology


2 lectures+1 Lab

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Zayadan B.K.

associate Professor, candidate of Biological Science Ualieva P.S.


Dr., Professor Mukasheva T.D.


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester

2 hours per week

15 hours per semester

1 hour per week




Guided self-study


30 hours per semester

2 hours per week


60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points

3 credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

ESD 2207 Ecology and Sustainable Development

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




As a result of study the discipline the student will know:

- Basic biotechnology sewage-contaminated soil, air for a healthier environment; methods and approaches used for recycling and disposal of waste.

remember the basic trends of the modern environmental biotechnology and its development prospects;

understand scientific advances in biotechnology and their role in addressing environmental activities;

Students will be able to:

- use the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of various biotechnological methods for remediation of contaminated ecosystems; develop of new treatment technologies based on the use of microorganisms, food processing wastes, and plants.

apply their knowledge in solving specific environmental problems;

Student will be able to use: the methods of simulation studies to evaluate various biotechnology used in the treatment of polluted ecosystems.

able to analyze the modern methods of environmental biotechnology in order to apply them in practice;

assess the capabilities of the application of biotechnology in nature conservation and economic purposes;

to create a positive and informed view of the leading role of biotechnology in environmental issues;


The purpose of discipline is to introduce students with the main polluters of the environment, the path of their migration, accumulation and transformation in ecosystems, methods of detection and quantification of environmental pollutants, with the methods and approaches of the various ecosystem restoration specific biotechnological methods, with the methods of waste treatment, disposal and waste emissions.

Biotechnological methods of wastewater treatment and recycling of waste



Biotechnology and Agriculture.

Bioindication and biomonitoring.

Environmental management in the biotechnology

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Oral exam, tests

Control of knowledge: colloquium, tests, work in small groups and essays.

Media employed

Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list

  1. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2006. p.5-20. (in russian)

  2. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)

  3. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. (in russian)

  4. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university, 2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

  5. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008, 124 р. (in russian)

Module designation

3.3 Modules of Individual educational direction /traectory (IED)

Processes and equipment in biotechnology

Module level, if applicable

IED 1: «Biotechnology of microorganisms»

Code, if applicable

PEB 3304

Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable



Processes and equipment in biotechnology


2 lectures+1 Lab

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

5 semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr., Professor Savitskaya I.S.


Dr., Professor Savitskaya I.S., associate professor, candidate of Biologycal Science Kistaubaeva A.S.


Kazakh, Russian, English

Relation to curriculum

(State/Social/ Vocational/IET)


Type of teaching, contact Hours




30 hours per semester

2 hours per week

15 hours per semester

1 hour per week




Guided self-study


30 hours per semester

2 hours per week


60 hours per semester (4 hours per week)

Credit points

3 US credit = 5 ECTS

Requirements according to

the examination regulations

50% of overall scores

Recommended prerequisites

BMB 2414 Basics of Microorganisms Biotechnology

Module objectives/intended

learning outcomes




The student will be know about: the theoretical foundations of biotechnological processes and apparatus used basic types of machines and apparatus; general principles for design and use of technological parameters of biotechnological processes and methods of selection of machines and devices for their implementation.

-Student will be able to: apply the knowledge to make an informed and rational use in the future careers of various types of vehicles and machines biotechnological purposes; carry out calculations of the main dimensions of biotech machinery and apparatus;

Student will be able to use: methods of determining the optimum conditions and processes of technological parameters;

theoretical knowledge required for the selection of machines and devices for various biotechnological processes


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the processes and apparatuses of the microbial synthesis: Sterilization equipment and culture media, mass transfer of oxygen, the mixing of culture fluid heat transfer in the fermentation process air cleaning, foaming and defoaming, characteristics of different types of Directors.

Study and examination

requirements and forms of


Oral exam, tests

1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing

Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question

Intermediate control of knowledge: control work (in written form), colloquium (in oral form) and test

Media employed

Video lectures, Audio books, presentations

Reading list

  1. Gusev M.V., L.A. Mineeva Microbiology. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2006. p.5-20. (in russian)

  2. G. Schlegel General Microbiology. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (in english)

  3. Netrusov A.I., I.B. Kotova General microbiology. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. (in russian)

  4. Shigaeva MH, Chiu WL General microbiology. Almaty. Publ . Kazak university, 2008. 320 Р. (in kazakh)

  5. Ignatova LV Fundamentals of Microbiology Almaty. "Kazakh University", 2008, 124 р. (in russian)

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