Holidays and Festivals of Uzbekistan
January 1 - New Year.
January 14 - Day of defenders of the Native land.
March 8 - International Women's Day.
March 21 - Navruz.
May 9 - Day of memory and honor.
September 1 - Independence Day.
October 1 - Day of teachers and instructors.
December 8 - The Constitution Day.
2.Give information about Present continuous tense with example- Hozirgi doimiy zamon haqida ma'lumotni misol bilan keltiring
The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present continuous exercises.
The present continuous is formed using am/is/are + present participle. Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and am/is/are. Negatives are made with not.
Statement: You are watching TV.
Question: Are you watching TV?
Negative: You are not watching TV.
Say the seasons, month, week days
The names of the months are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. The days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. There are 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a day,
Translate these words into Uzbek and make sentences: urbanization, rapid, phenomenon, spatial, areas, double, cope, challenges.
Ushbu so'zlarni o'zbek tiliga tarjima qiling va jumlalar tuzing: urbanizatsiya, tezkorlik, fenomen, fazoviy, maydonlar, er-xotin, engish, qiyinchiliklar.
5. Answer the question? How many hours do you usually sleep? When did you last learn something new? Do you believe in love at fist sight?
Savolga javob bering? Odatda necha soat uxlaysiz? Oxirgi marta qachon yangi bir narsani o'rgangansiz? Siz bir ko'rishda sevgiga ishonasizmi?
The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbek: O'zbekiston Respublikasining Hukumati/Узбекистон Республикасининг Ҳукумати) exercises executive power in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The members of the government are the President of Uzbekistan, Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, Ministers, and deputy ministers. It has its legal basis in the Constitution of Uzbekistan. Cabinet of Ministers - The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the executive power body of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ensuring guidance over effective functioning of the economy, social and cultural development, execution of the laws, and other decisions of Supreme Assembly, as well as decrees and resolutions issued by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2. Complate the web comment with linking words(and, but, so, because)
2011 was an important year because_____I met my wife, Ania. We met in an internet chatroom ___and___ we got on immediately. We started to chat and send emails, __but___ we lived in different countries _because_____ it was difficult for us to be together. Now we live in the UK with or two children.
Bog'lanish so'zlari bilan veb-sharhni tuzing (va, lekin, shunday, chunki)
2011 yil muhim yil bo'ldi, chunki men rafiqam Aniya bilan uchrashdim. Biz Internetdagi suhbat xonasida uchrashdik va darhol suhbatga kirishdik. Biz suhbatlashish va elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborishni boshladik, lekin biz turli mamlakatlarda yashadik, chunki birga bo'lishimiz qiyin edi. Hozir biz Buyuk Britaniyada yoki ikkita bola bilan yashayapmiz.
3. Explain the usage of present form of modal verb with examples.
/ can, may, have to, need /
Modal fe'lning hozirgi shaklidan foydalanishni misollar bilan tushuntiring.
/ mumkin, mumkin, kerak, kerak /
4. Translate the words into Uzbek and make sentences: deep, prism, waves, shear, infer, owingto, umbrella, sunglasses, newspaper, alarm clock
So'zlarni o'zbek tiliga tarjima qiling va jumlalar tuzing: chuqur, prizma, to'lqinlar, qirqish, xulosa chiqarish, soyabon, quyosh ko'zoynaklari, gazeta, budilnik
5. Translate the text
Hayotda Miranda nima qilishga urinmasin, har doim biron narsa noto'g'ri bo'lib ketadi. Endi uning Mayk ismli sevgilisi bor, lekin har safar u "Men seni sevaman" degan so'zlarni aytganda, Miranda vahimaga tushadi va unga qanday javob qaytarishni bilmaydi. Haqiqiy muammo nima? Bu uning eski universitetdagi do'sti Gari bilan bog'liqmi? Va buni eng yaxshi do'sti Stivi unga yordam bera oladimi?
Say the given years with words: 2000,( tu sauzind) 1658,(sikste, fifte eyt) 2023, (tvente, tventen sre)(1991(naynti nayti van), 2014,(tvente forten) 2038 (tvente sirte eyt)
2. Traslate the following words into Uzbek give examples: slum, poverty, ensure, sustainable, challenges, trends, built, rapid, prove
Quyidagi so'zlarni o'zbek tiliga tarjima qiling, misollar keltiring: sustlik, qashshoqlik, ta'minlash, barqarorlik, muammolar, tendentsiyalar, qurilgan, tezkor, isbotlash
What is future simple?
The simple future is a verb tense that’s used to talk about things that haven’t happened yet.
This year, Jen will read War and Peace. It will be hard, but she’s determined to do it.
Use the simple future to talk about an action or condition that will begin and end in the future.
Speak about keeping fit.
Fitness, sport and pastimes are things connected with one another. When we do sports we spend time in the most pleasant way for ourselves, besides doing sport benefits our health and fitness.
The easiest way to reach and keep fitness is through sport. Simple regular exercises do a lot to the shape and stamina our body was designed for.
5. Read and traslate the text.
I met Leyla at a market. She was selling bread. We started chatting and git well on. At the time I didn’t keep agirlfriend, so I asked her on a date. We went to alocal bakery! We soon fell to love and I proposed at her after minth. I hid the ringn in a piece of cake.
Leyla bilan bozorda uchrashdim. U non sotayotgan edi. Biz suhbatlashishni boshladik va yaxshi davom etdik. O'sha paytda men agirlfriendni saqlamagan edim, shuning uchun men undan uchrashishni so'radim. Biz alokal novvoyxonaga bordik! Tez orada biz sevib qoldik va men unga minutdan keyin taklif qildim. Men ringni bir parcha pirojniyga yashirdim.
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