Intelligence quotient ( " IQ " ) - quantification of human urovnyaintellekta ( IQ ) .
Armeyskie alьfa (va beta) testlari. Birinchi jahon urushi vaqtida AQSH armiyasida askarlarni testdan o‘tkazish uchun ishlab chiqilgan ikkita umumiy intellekt testi. U ilk ishlab chiqilgan intellektni o‘lchovchi guruhiy testlardan bo‘lib, alьfa mahalliy aholi va ingliz tilini biladiganlar uchun, beta testi esa savodsiz va emigrantlar uchun ishlab chiqilgan noverbal test.
Armeyskie alьfa (i beta) testы.Dva obщix testa intellekta, razrabotannыx dlya testirovaniya novobransev v Armii SSHA vo vremya pervoy mirovoy voynы. Eto bыli odni iz pervыx bolьshix, ispolьzuemыx dlya rabotы s gruppoy, testov intellekta, razrabotannыx psixologami. Beta-test bыl neverbalьnыm testom, razrabotannыm dlya negramotnыx i emigrantov, nedavno pribыvshix v Ameriku, kotorыe ploxo znali angliyskiy yazыk; alьfa-test bыl standartnыm testom, vыyavlyavshim verbalьnыe navыki.
Army alpha ( and beta ) tests. Two general intelligence test , designed to test recruits in the US Army during World War II . These were some of the first large , used to work with a group of intelligence tests developed by psychologists . The beta test was a nonverbal test , designed for illiterate people and immigrants newly arrived in America, who knew little English; alpha test was the standard test to identify verbal skills .
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