Book, Authored - other
Brown L, Wright P, Horton M, Ingolby M, Judge W, & Smyth D, 1997, Inside and Out. A Health and Physical Education Workbook, Jacaranda Press, Queensland, ISBN: 0-7016-3352-2
Brown L, Wright P, Horton M, Ingolby M, Judge W, & Smyth D, 1997, Inside and Out. A Health and Physical Education Textbook., Jacaranda Press, Queensland, 2nd. Edition edn, ISBN: 0-7016-3351-4
Book, Revision/New Edition
Brown L, Wright P, Horton M, Ingoldby M, Judge W, & Smyth D, 1997, Inside and Out A Health and Physical Education Workbook, Jacaranda, Queensland, ISBN: 0 7016 3352 2
Brown L, Wright P, Horton M, Ingoldby M, Judge W, & Smyth D, 1997, Inside and Out. A Health and Physical Education Textbook, Jacaranda, Queensland, ISBN: 0 7016 3351 4
Journal article, Non refereed (including articles in 'professional' journals)
Brown L, & Trezise D, 1997, 'The myth of the "all-or-none" of muscle contraction', The ACHPER Active and Healthy Magazine, vol. 4, no.3
Brown L, 1997, 'What are we teaching our children in sport?', The Sport Educator, vol. 9, no.1, pp. 7-11
Journal article, Letter or note
Brown L, 1997, 'What are we teaching our children in football?', Coaching Update, vol. 3, no.1
Walkley J, 1997, 'Child safety. Schools and immunisation', Directions in Education, vol. 6
Walkley J, 1997, 'School sport. Call for police involvement', Directions in Education, vol. 6
Walkley J, 1997, 'Physical Education. Ouch that hurt.', Directions in Education, vol. 6
Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings
Riley C, & Donald M, 1997, 'Changes in the teaching of PE brought about by a 20 hour 'in-service' course:case studies.', ICHPER:SD 8th. European Congress Proceedings, England
Riley C, & Donald M, 1997, 'How to become an instant PE teacher. An investigation into an inservice program and its impact on Physical Education in primary schools in Victoria, Australia.', 40th ICHPER:SD World Congress Proceedings, Korea
Brown L, 1997, 'Stress Management and Fitness Techniques'
Minor Thesis
Faculty of Education, Language and Community Services Industry, Professional and Adult Education Book, Authored - other
Keating J P, 1997, Making Sense of Training Reform and Competency Based Training, Social Science Press, Canberra, 224 p., ISBN: 1-87603-319-3
Book, Edited
Griffin P E, & Smith P G, 1997, Outcome-based education:issues and strategies for schools, Australian Curriculum Studies Association, Canberra, 44 p., ISBN: 1-875864-22-9
Book chapter
Golding B, Volkoff V N, & Ferrier F, 1997, Stocktake of Equity Reports and Literature in Vocational Education and Training, Australian National Training Authority (ed.), ANTA, Brisbane, 60 p., pp. 3-63, ISBN: 0 642 25387 0
Journal article in scholarly refereed journal
Inglis A, Armstrong L, Temple B, & Reeders E, 1997, 'Competency-Based Training for Career Practitioners: An Australian Example', Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, vol. 13, no.2, Summer, Hu X (ed.), Richard L Knowdell, San Jose CA, pp. 37-49
Conference publication, Full written paper - refereed proceedings
Smith P G, 1997, 'The impact of outcomes based education on teachers' work', Researching education in new times, Jeffery P (ed.), Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, pp. 1-20
Volkoff V N, & Perry J, 1997, 'Micro Project, Macro Goal. Challenges of supporting transformation in South African Distance Education', Good Thinking, Good Practice: Research Perspectives on Learning and Work, vol. 1, Centre for Learning and Work Research (ed.), Centre for Learning and Work Research, Griffith University, Brisbane, pp. 113-124
Volkoff V N, & Golding B, 1997, 'Is Access Working? An exploration of outcomes for unemployed VET participants', Good Thinking, Good Practice: research perspectives on learning and work, vol. 2, Centre for Learning and Work Research (ed.), Centre for Learning and Work Research, Griffith University, Brisbane, pp. 131-142
Conference publication, Full written paper - non refereed proceedings
Forrest D L, 1997, 'Music for Children: New Sounds, Old Tunes', ASME XI: New Sounds for a New Century, vol. 1, Gifford E, Brown A, & Thomas A (eds.), Australian Society for Music Education (Queensland Chapter) Inc., Brisbane, pp. 93-100
Marr B, & Tout D, 1997, 'A Numeracy Curriculum', Mathematics, Creating the Future: proceedings of the 16th Bienniel Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, vol. 1, Scott N, & Hollingsworth H (eds.), Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, Adelaide, pp. 325-334
Marr B, 1997, 'Students Speaking Maths : strategic steps on the bridge', The Seventh Annual Australasian Bridging Maths Network Conference Proceedings, vol. 1, Thomas M (ed.), Auckland, pp. 115-125
Smith P G, 1997, 'Strategic reading: a close look at picture story books', Linking literacy and learning, International Reading Association, Newark DE USA, pp. 1-14
Watson A R, 1997, 'New Sounds in national Curriculum Music: A global response', ASME XI: New Sounds for a New Century, vol. 1, Gifford E, Brown A, & Thomas A (eds.), Australian Society for Music Education (Queensland Chapter) Inc., Brisbane, pp. 316-321
Computer software
Marr B, Tout D, Kaufmann H, & Westwood V, 1997, Measuring Up: An Interactive Multimedia Computer Resource for Numeracy Learners, Protea Textware Pty Ltd, Melbourne, IBM, Australian National Training Authority - DEETYA
Griffin P, Pollock J, Smith P, Montgomery P, & Bencic L, 1997, The relationship between the national benchmark standards and state and territory assessment programs in literacy and numeracy, Assessment Research Centre, Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, 35 p.
Keating J P, 1997, Career Development Through Assessment and Recognition in Community Based Workplaces, 1, 100 p.
Volkoff V N, & Perry J, 1997, Role of Mentors in VET Staff Development: Research Report, Open Training Services, Melbourne, Open Training Services, 'Workplace Mentor Research and Development Project', 34 p.
Volkoff V N, & Perry J, 1997, A Shared Endeavour, Volume 1, Workplace Mentor Project, Vol 1, Open Training Services, Melbourne, Open Training Services, 'Workplace Mentor Research and Development Project37', 37 p.
Occasional paper series
Volkoff V N, 1997, Worklink: Technology assisted mentoring, series: Strategic Innovations in Teaching with Technology at RMIT (Ed) Alistair Inglis, Division of Academic Services, RMIT, Melbourne, pp 6-8
Minor review
Keating J P, 1997, 'VET Research and its role in policy', 'Transfer', The Contribution of Research to VET Policy, vol. 1, no.3, November
Conference paper
Forrest D L, 1997, 'Research Forum: The ASME Publications', 'New Sounds for a New Century', Winter, University of Queensland, St Lucia
Golding B, & Volkoff V N, 1997, 'Is there equity in the outcome? Some evidence of non-English speaking background and rural vocational education and training experiences from an Australian longitudinal study', '5th International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning', October, Alice springs
Golding B, & Volkoff V N, 1997, 'Participation in VET: Different Drives, Same Needs', 'CEET - NCVER Conference, Different Drums, Same Beat?', March, Mt Evelyn
Keating J P, 1997, 'The future of VET in Schools', 'Annual conference of Australian Association of Technology Teachers', January, University of Melbourne
Keating J P, 1997, 'VET Policy in Australia', 'Making the Difference - Training Reform in Australia', November, Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE
Marr B, & Tout D, 1997, 'Measuring Up: an interactive multimedia CD on metrics, fractions and decimals.', 'Mathematics Association of Victoria Annual Conference - Imagine the possibilities', December, Monash University
Marr B, 1997, 'It's not what you do it's the way that they view it - Differences between adult learners in maths/numeracy classes', 'Maths Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA)', July, Rotorua - New Zealand
Marr B, & Tout D, 1997, 'Measuring Up: an interactive CD ROM on metrics decimals and fraction', 'Australian Association of mathematics Teachers Conference - Melbourne -', July, RMIT - Storey Hall
Perry J, & Volkoff V N, 1997, 'The role of flexible delivery in supporting educational transformation in South Africa', '5th International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning', October, Alice Springs
Smith P G, 1997, 'Daniel's Story: The realization of possibilities', 'Whole Language Umbrella Annual Conference', July, Seattle/Bellevue WA USA
Smith P G, 1997, 'Profiles revisited', 'Reading Association of Ireland Annual Conference', September, St Patrick's College, Drumcondra. Dublin 4
Temple B, & Gregory K, 1997, 'Tell Me a Story: A Narrative Approach to Careers Counselling', 'Careers Education Association of Victorian Biennial Conference', December, Churchill
Temple B, 1997, 'Getting from Here to There: A Guide to Managing Your Own Career in the New World of Work', 'Victorian Association of TESOL and Multicultural Education Conference', May, Melbourne
Watson A R, 1997, 'Has Arts Education adapted to the New Times?', 'Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Conference', November- December, QUT Brisbane
Invited lecture
Golding B, & Volkoff V N, 1997, 'Some implications for Australian Indigenous training from a VET longitudinal research project', 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' Training Advisory council (ATSIPTAC) National Networking Group', August, Canberra
Keating J P, 1997, 'The Future of Public Education in Victoria - Inaugural Oration', 'The Gwyneth Dow Memorial Oration', March, University of Melbourne
Keating J P, 1997, 'The Future of Public Education in Victoria', 'The Gwyneth Dow Memorial Oration - Inaugural oration', April, University of Melbourne
Marr B, 1997, 'Opening Address - Influences on Adult Numeracy in Australia', 'National Numeracy Forum', October, UTS - Sydney
Marr B, 1997, 'Integrated literacy numeracy curriculum development for adult students', 'Adult Basic Education Graduate Diploma - UTS - Sydney', June, UTS - Sydney
Temple B, 1997, 'What Issue Do We Face For the Next Millennium, Plenary Panel', 'Careers Education Association of Victorian Biennial Conference', December, Churchill
Smith P G, 1997, 'Teaching factual texts', 'Seminar: Education Centre', September, Galway Ireland
Smith P G, 1997, 'Teaching factual texts', 'Seminar: Education Centre', September, Portlaoise Ireland
Forrest D L, 1997, 'Soundscape Compositions and the Liturgy', 'Catholic Education Office: The Arts and Liturgy', June, Diocesan Centre, East Melbourne
Forrest D L, 1997, 'Linking Dance and Music in the CSF', 'Catholic Education Office Professional Development', March, Tracey Centre, Parkville
Forrest D L, & Flood A, 1997, 'Colour and the Arts', 'Cross Arts Victoria Workshop', Summer, Mildura Secondary College, Mildura
Forrest D L, & Flood A, 1997, 'Flight and Colour in the Arts', 'Cross Arts Victoria Annual Conference', Summer, Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School
Smith P G, 1997, 'Benchmarks and outcomes based learning and teaching: assessing students againstnational basic skills benchmarks', 'National Assessment Institute', October, The University of Melbourne
Bannister S M, 1997, An evaluation of the current process of quality assurance in curriculum development in the VET sector, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Chau W K, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Elvin S, 1997, Career paths of students completing an alternative post-compulsory program, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Enderby J, 1997, Creating, Maintaining and Documenting the Culture of a Learning Organisation: A Case Study in Organisational Change, PhD, (Submitted), RMIT
Jamieson P, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Jones M G, 1997, A critical examination of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Krausz P G, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Krausz P G, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Le D L, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Leung C C, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Li N, 1997, Effects of an gifted student based method of curriculum deliveryon learning English as a second language, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Livermore J, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Lo P K, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Mackenzie P R, 1997, Skills/competence required to produce a successful Research Scientist, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Morrow A, 1997, Equity in the outcomes of secondary schooling: Determinants of policy effectiveness, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Newbegin I, 1997, Personality and performance attributes of procrastinating and non-procrastinating secondary school students, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Phelan D R, 1997, Leadership, Transition and Organisational Learning, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Seneviratne G S, 1997, English pronunciation Difficulties Encountered by Adult Sri Lankan (Singhalese) English As a Second Language Speakers in Melbourne, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Sharkey P, 1997, The hermeneutics of educational change: a case study, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Sieler A, 1997, Effects of a communication training program on disciplinary methods of secondary school teachers, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Srikanthan G, 1997, The context, scope and effectiveness of quality strategies in Australian universities: development of an implementation model, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Staples R, 1997, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Watson A R, 1997, A critical and comparative analysis of the curriculum implications of music in the Victorian Curriculum and Standards Framework in a national and international context., PhD, (InProgress), RMIT
Masters by Research Thesis
Bell R T, 1997, Research into the likely developments in the operational area of international trade into the 21st century and the implications for the optimal delivery of training and education in this area., MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Beverin J C, 1997, A study of the impact of delivery methods, individual learning styles and learning experience on the achievement of learning outcomes for students studying vocational education specific to digital signal processing, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Bienert K G, 1997, A comparison between novice and expert cognitive skills performance in microprocessor control applications for the purpose of instructional design for RMIT TAFE Diploma courses, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Clark G S, 1997, A correlational study of final stage assessment for electrotechnology Associate Diploma students and levels of employer satisfaction, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Crowe S M, 1997, Master of Education thesis, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Dumovic M, 1997, The Effect of Assessment Methods on Student Performance in Electronic Control Systems at Second Year Diploma of Engineering Level, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Hair M, 1997, Role of theatre in post-colonial societies especially eastern and southern Africa., MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Hedley H, 1997, Master of Education thesis, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Holland A M, 1997, A case study of a managing diversity approach within a vocational education and training department at RMIT, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Keeley S, 1997, Micro-politics of constitutional change: Educational Reform Policies in a Chinese joint-venture college., MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Krimbogiannis M, 1997, Comparison and evaluation of EFL programs in a secondary school and after-hours institution in Greece, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Kurleto E R, 1997, Strategies related to the prevention of crime committed against outbound Australian tourists and travellers., MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Lau W K, 1997, The effect of competency maintenance in Mathematics and Electrical Principles on competency acquisition in Analogue Electronics, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Le T L, 1997, Master of Education thesis, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
McKinley J M, 1997, A comparitive study of the implementation and effectiveness of vocational education delivery in Victorian schools (mainly dual recognition/vocational certificate) with comparable vocational education programs delivered in the US such as the "co-ops" with reference to the different education systems., MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Moorhead G, 1997, The role of training in future directions of the contemporary music industry, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Nguyen T T, 1997, Predicting mathematical achievement with Vietnamese university students using the Raven test, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Nguyen B L, 1997, Beliefs and attitudes toward reading and the reading strategies used by Vietnamesestudents of commerce, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Schwarz C E, 1997, Ecotourism in the Grampians, MA, (InProgress), RMIT
Smith A K, 1997, Development and evaluation of a computer-based testing /assessment program for junior secondary mathematics students, using an error diagnostic algorithm., MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Sumner K, 1997, Managing transition to university culture: Effects of a problem-solving intervention and the adaptation of sciencestudents to first year study, MEd, (Submitted), RMIT
Turner M, 1997, Master of Education thesis, MEd, (InProgress), RMIT
Radio or television
Keating J P, 1997, The Gayle Jennings Show, The Australian Broadcasting Commission, 30/03/1998
Print media
Temple B, 1997, 'Moves for Better Careers Education', The Age - Employment Section, vol. ?, no.?, 05/04/1997, pp. 1-2
Research topics
Dillow J, & Cunningham J, 1997, Teachers as Employment Brokers, (New), Examination of the skills needed by teachers to operate successfully in the DEETYA Jobs Pathways scheme.Six Victorian schools involved in the scheme will be studied. The outcome of the research will be to plan and programs for professional development of teachers involved or about to be involved in the scheme.
Forrest D, Marendy E, & Danko I, 1997, Mapping Cultural Policy in Local Government in the Northern Corridor of Melbourne, (New), The project aims to map the position, scope and application of cultural policy in municipal councils in and around the northern corridor of Melbourne with a view to developing a broader study. The study will include literature searches and interaction with key personnel from the various municipal bodies.
Fry I, Pham V L, & Sophocleous A, 1997, Education and Training for Teachers in Ethnic Schools, (New), The research aims to establish the education and training needs of teachers in Victorian ethnic schools with a view to the provision of a new bridging course whichwill lead these teachers into established teacher education programs.
Golding B, & Volkoff V N, 1997, A longitudinal study of the experiences of selected students from individual client groups over the course of their training, (Continuing), This research explores barriers to access, participation and outcomes related to vocational education and training for seven equity target groups. Research includes interviews with 360 VET participants in 6 regions of Australia. Due for completion, end 1998.
Smith P, Marr B, Wallace-Clancy L, Bloye S, Hansen J, & Collins A, 1997, The impact of Competency Based Curriculum requirements on teachers of Adult Community Education Numeracy programs., (New), The sudy looks at Competency based Numeracy Outcome Statements of the Victorian Certificate of General Education for Adults (1997)using structured interviews and case studies to explore the impact on Adult Literacy and Numeracy teachers and on the culture of community providers. and client focus of community provision.
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