Research topics
Abadin E, & Deighton M, 1997, Molecular epidemiology of coagulase-negative staphylococcal infections of dairy cattle, (Continuing), Use of molecular techniques to follow the transmission and of coagulase-negative staphylococci among dairy cattle
Akbarzadeh S, & Propert D N, 1997, The role of toxin-metabolising enzymes in susceptibility to blood cancers, (Continuing), Genetic polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 2E1 and glutathione S-transferases GSTM1 and GSTT1 are being compared in patients with leukemia or lymphoma and healthy controls. Preliminary results suggest these polymorphisms may affect disease susceptibility by altering carcinogen metabolism.
Coloe P J, Smith S C, Korolok V, & Lee A, 1997, The role of Campylobacter species as food spoilageorganisms and their relationship to human disease, (Continuing), [i]Campylobacter[/i] spp. are commensals of the intestinal tract of food animals and a common cause of food-borne enteric disease. Their role in food spoilage is not known. Rapid detection methods based on molecular probes and PCR techniques will aid in determining the genetic characteristics which enable the attachment and survival of [i]Campylobacter[/i] spp. on food products and their role in food spoilage and food-borne infections.
Coloe P J, 1997, Fermentation technology for the production of a novel anti-staphylococcal and antimycobacterial antibiotic, (Continuing), Fermentation technology for the production of a novel anti-staphylococcal and antimycobacterial antibiotic
Coloe P J, & Korolik V, 1997, Differentiation of virulent and avirulent Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli strains from humans and chickens, (Continuing), Differentiation of virulent and avirulent [start italics]Campylobacter jejuni[end italics]and [start italics]Campylobacter coli[end italics] strains from humans and chickens
Coloe P J, 1997, Salmonella Vaccine Project, (Continuing), [i]Salmonella[/i] Vaccine Project: scale-up of production of a live [i]Salmonella[/i]vaccine
Deighton M A, Jasenko I, Raimundo O, Kelly N, Huessler H, & Garland S, 1997, Molecular epidemiology of coagulase-negative staphylococcal infectionsin newborns, (Continuing), Use of molecular techniques (pulsed field gel electrophoresis andpolymerase chain reaction) to follow transmission of coagulase-negativestaphylococcal infections in newborn babies.
Deighton M, Thongsupin R, & Raimundo O, 1997, A study of the molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy cattle using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, (Continuing), Investigation of molecular epidemiology and virulence of [italics]Staphylococcus aureus[end italics] infections among dairy cattle
Gagnon M, & Holdway D A, 1997, Physiological disturbances and tainting in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar ) exposed to Bass Strait crude oil and dispersed crude oil., (Continuing), In this study, juvenile Atlantic Salmon are being exposed to Bass Strait light crude oil in a fashion simulating an accidental oil spill at sea. Temporal trends in enzymatic bioindicators of exposure are being investigated through exposure and depuration periods, as well as several biochemical measurements. The main objective of the study is to relate tainting (and disappearance of tainting) with easily measured biological indicators of exposure to crude oil.
Gelosia A, Deighton M, & Baldassari L, 1997, Ultrastructural study of surface characteristics of coagulase-negative staphylococci, (Continuing), A collection of coagulase-negative staphylococci, which has been assessed for virulence in a mouse model of subcutaneous infection, is being examined for extracellular polysaccharide and slime-associated antigen using the techniques of scanning electron microscopy and immunogold electron microscopy. These surface factors may confer virulence to the staphylococci by interfering with phagocytic host defence.
Goreczyca L, Leonard B V, & Curulli F, 1997, Value adding in the yabby Cherax destructor, (Continuing), Most freshwater crayfish are sold live, with some raw or frozen product.This project is investigating smoking and other value-adding methods,including mechanical separation of shell and meat and the use of these products.
Gray K, 1997, The implications of 'virtual' technologies in higher education, focussing on the case of environmental science education, (Continuing), This project investigates the adaptation of an introductory environmental science subject from a lecture/seminar/directed reading mode to WWW-based teaching and learning. It uses an action research approach to study what the process of designing the Web subject reveals about the intended effects, on subject learning objectives,student learning experiences and educators' academic roles.
Holdway D A, Gagnon M M, Gulec I, & Cohen A, 1997, Oil Spills Research, (Continuing), Investigating ecotoxicity of crude oil, oil dispersants, dispersed oil and burned oil residue on Australian marine organisms using both acute and chronic toxicity bioassays. Developing appropriate toxicity test protocols and exploring suitable marine organisms for bioassays. Test organisms include the amphipod [ital]Allorchestes compressa[end ital], the gastropod [ital]Polinices conicus[end ital] and the Australian Bass ([start ital]Macquarie novemaculeata[end italics]).
Holdway D A, & Long S, 1997, Use of octopus as bioindicator of inshore marine pollution by oil spills; detoxication enzyme characterisation and larval bioassays, (Continuing), Limited information exists regarding the impacts of Australian crude oil and oil spill remedial actions on Australian marine organisms, information needed for when an oil spill occurs and appropriate remedial actions are required. The objectives of this research project are to develop suitable biomarkers, ranging from molecular to physiological, of exposure to crude and dispersed oil in [italics]Octopus pallidus[end italics], an important top level invertebrate predator.
Korolik V, & Coloe P J, 1997, Distribution and genetic basis of tetracycline, erythromycin andfluoroquinolone resistance in the human pathogen Campylobacter coli, (Continuing), Distribution and genetic basis of tetracycline, erythromycin andfluoroquinolone resistance in the human pathogen [start italics]Campylobacter coli[end italics]
Lam K, Repetto D, & Deighton M, 1997, Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of bovine streptococci, (Continuing), Biochemical profile and molecular typing of [italics]Streptococcus uberis[end italics] and [italics]S. dysgalactiae[end italics] isolated from milk.
Lawrie A C, McLean C B, & Collins R A, 1997, Investigation of the mycorrhizal endophytes of some members of thefamily Epacridaceae using molecular techniques of serology and PCR (polymerase chain reaction), (Continuing), Investigation of the mycorrhizal endophytes of some members of thefamily Epacridaceae using molecular techniques of serology and PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
Lawrie A C, McLaren D, & Hussaini I P, 1997, Biological control of the weed Nassella trichotoma (serrated tussock)using an inundative approach, (Continuing), Biological control of the weed [begin italics]Nassella trichotoma[end italics] (serrated tussock) using an inundative approach
Lawrie A C, McGee P, & Porter I, 1997, Epidemiology of red root rot of hops and strategies for control, (Continuing), Epidemiology of red root rot of hops and strategies for control
Lawrie A C, & McLean C B, 1997, Investigation of the importance of mycorrhizae on the propagation of Epacridaceae, (Continuing), Investigation of the importance of mycorrhizae on the propagation of Epacridaceae
Lawrie A C, Faggian R, & Potter I, 1997, Development of a PCR-based system for detection and analysis of club root of crucifers, (Continuing), Development of PCR-based system for detection and analysis of club root of crucifers
Leonard B V, 1997, Nutrition in fresh water crayfish, (Continuing), Freshwater crayfish are detritivores. This project is investigating the use of cheap compost as an alternative food source to expensive pelleted food.
Leonard B V, 1997, Mammal survey of Lysterfield Lake Park, (Continuing), Small native animals are live-trapped and released in order to provide park rangers with information on long-term fluctuations in population densities, and the effects of management regimes. The program also provides undergraduates with training in methods of environmental survey.
Leonard B V, Herath S, & Lanzon D, 1997, Control of reproduction in the yabby Cherax destructor, (Continuing), Significant increases in stock productivity have occurred in terrestrial agriculture with control of reproduction, [begin italics]in vitro[end italics] fertilisation and artificial incubation of embryos. This project examines similar aspects in freshwater crayfish.
Leonard B V, & Fowler R, 1997, An investigation into the products and regulation of the androgenic gland in Cherax destructor , and the possible exploitation of the gland in the production of monosex cultures., (Continuing), Monosex cultures have been used in aquaculture fish species to increase yields,since less energy goes into reproduction. Such populations can be produced cheaply by mating hormonal-sex-reversed individuals with normal individuals. The androgenic gland of decapod crustaceans has been shown to control the development of male characteristics, and it is the aim of this project to identify and isolate the hormone involved.
Matheson M, & Propert D, 1997, Genetic polymorphisms of toxin-metabolising enzymes and cancer susceptibility, (Continuing), The roles of genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferases and N-acetyltransferase 2 in susceptibility to cancers of the urinary and reproductive systems are being investigated.
Obendorf P, & Spencer P S, 1997, Western Pacific ALS-PD complex, (Continuing), Three hyper-endemic foci of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) associated with parkinsonism and dementia have been linked to cycad use as food or medicine. Traditional use as seasonal staple, ceremonial, or famine food as well as medicine continues in some communities in northern Australia and south-east Asia. This research is aiming to test the cycad hypothesis by identifying and studying cycad use in such communities particularly in relation to ALS.
Obendorf P, 1997, Thiocyanate and iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), (New), The availability of iodine can be decreased by thiocyanate, which can arise from consumption of foods from plants such as cassava, bamboo, cabbage, papaya as well as animal milks, and from smoke inhalation. A portable field assay has been developed which allows rapid analysis of urinary thiocyanate in remote locations. This assay is being used in a number of regions with high prevalence of IDD, including Indonesia and Vietnam.
Propert D N, 1997, The role of toxin-metabolising enzymes in susceptibility to disease, (Continuing), The roles of genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferases, cytochrome P-450s and N-acetyltransferase 2 in susceptibility to cancers, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disorders are being investigated.
Raimundo O, & Deighton M, 1997, Epidemiology and virulence of Staphylococcus aureus as a causative agent of mastitis in Victorian dairy cattle., (Continuing), This project is using the technique of coagulase gene typing by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to study the epidemiology and persistence in individual dairy cows, of [start italics]Staphylococcus aureus[end italics].
Rodrigo Y, & Deighton M, 1997, Rapid detection of methicillin resistance in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, (New), Use of polymerase chain reaction for the rapid detection of methicillin-resistant strains of [italics]Staphylococcus aureus[end italics]directly from blood.
Smith S C, Istivan T S, Ward P B, & Coloe P J, 1997, Molecular characterisation of Campylobacter concisus , a potential aetiological agent of enteritis in children, (Continuing), The pathogenic mechanisms and virulence determinants in hydrogen-requiring [start italics]Campylobacter concisus[end italics] from cases of children with diarrhoea are presently being examined. Virulence determinants of [start italics]C. concisus[end italics], such as toxin(s) and iron-regulated proteins are being examined using bioassays and gel electrophoresis. Analyses of chromosomal DNA and plasmid DNA have commenced to determine gene-location of virulence determinants.
Smith S C, & Davis A, 1997, Molecular characterisation of normal in vivo regulated genes of Serpulina hyodysenteriae, (Continuing), This project aims to develop a genetic exchange system and apply screening technologies to identify [start italics]in vivo[end italics] regulated genes from the swine dysenteryaetiological agent, [start italics]Serpulina hyodysenteriae[end italics]. Virulence and house-keeping genes will represent potential candidates for this technology and forrational attenuation to produce live vaccine strains.
Smith S C, 1997, Novel antimicrobial peptides for use in the food industry and in medicine, (Continuing), Biodiverse sources representing novel genera including soil microorganismsand intestinal flora will be screened by bioassays for antimicrobial activities. Antimicrobials especially antimicrobial peptides will be identified and characterised biochemically.
Steinberg L, Deighton M, & Smith S C, 1997, Iron acquistion by coagulase-negative staphylococci, (Continuing), This project is investigating the mechanisms by which coagulase-negativestaphylococci acquire the essential element, iron, fromhaemoglobin and related molecules
Stevenson T, & Crockett P, 1997, Lignin deposition and lignin biosynthesis gene expression in Eucalyptus globulus, (Continuing), This project characterised the deposition of phenolic compound in the developing stem of [start italics]Eucalyptus globulus[end italics] and examined the expression of tissue localisation of genes involved in phenylpropanoid and specifically lignin biosynthesis in this tissue. Both healthy and wounded stem tissue were examined in this study.
Stevenson T, Nugent G, Chandler S, & Whiteman P, 1997, Development of Eucalyptus globulus propagation methods using somatic embryogenesis, (Continuing), Somatic embryogenesis, the [begin italics]in vitro[end italics] culturing of somatic tissue resulting in the development of embryogenic tissue, and eventually whole plants, would provide a means of propagation of genetically identical plants from elite individuals. This project is developing an efficient method for micropropagation via somatic embryogenesis for [begin italics]Eucalyptus globulus[end italics], an important plantation eucalypt species.
Stevenson T, & DeMelis L, 1997, Genetic engineering of Eucalyptus for lowered lignin content, (Continuing), Lignin, the second most abundant biopolymer, is a major component of wood material used for pulp and paper production. Lowering the lignin content of wood harvested for pulping would provide a significant advantage both economically and environmentally. Using gene isolation and genetic engineering, this project aims to alter lignin composition and lower lignin content in [start italics]Eucalyptus[end italics], which are widely used for plantations and pulp production.
Stevenson T W, & Maddepungeng M, 1997, High level expression of foreign proteins by transgenic chloroplasts, (Continuing), The ability to genetically engineer plant chloroplasts has enabled very high levels of foreign proteins to be synthesised in plants. This project is attempting to express genes encoding foreign proteins of medical and veterinary importance at high levels in plants.
Tannock G A, Brooks M J, & Watson J M, 1997, Clinical evaluation of Influenza vaccines, (Continuing), The laboratory at RMIT is now a major centre in Australia for Influenza vaccine evaluation and has obtained NATA accreditation.
Tannock G A, DeLaney D B, Read K M, & Gowder J, 1997, The development of improved Mareks disease vaccine, (Continuing), A promising serotype 1 Mareks disease vaccine is under development
Tannock G A, Wareing M, & Audsley J, 1997, Studies with living attenuated vaccines against influenza, (Continuing), A major programme is under way to study immunological mechanisms of action of living attenuated influenza vaccines
Tannock G A, & Cunningham S C, 1997, Studies with the chicken anaemia virus, (Continuing), A major antigen of the chicken anaemia virus has been cloned for evaluation as a diagnostic reagent
Tannock G A, Gowder J, DeLaney D, & Read K M, 1997, Detection and characterisation of Australian strains of Mareks disease virus, (Continuing), Molecular and serological tests are being developed for detection of Mareks disease virus.
Medical Laboratory Science
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