Prepositions (пред- лог)
Postpositions (послелог)
Response words (responsives)
Requestives (please)
Onomatopeic words
Approximitives (almost, nearly)
The matrix above shows that in the compared languages the nomenclature of the parts of speech is not the same, for Uzbek has 15 parts of speech, whereas English has 17 and Russian - 15 parts of speech. These are then quantative differences or dissimilarities.
Besides that there are even qualitative differences in the parts of speech systems of Modern English and Modern Uzbek and Russian.
For example, Modern English has articles, statives and prepositions, where as Modern Uzbek has no such parts of speech, but it has postposition as different from that of English, Russian has no articles and postpositions. So, the very differences or dissimilarities are typological features of the languages compared, they being the idiomatic features of the latter.
While teaching English or Uzbek or Russian at the auditorium we have to specially put an accent on the dissimilarities and point out the reasons and factors causing them. It is mostly because the compared languages belong to typologically different types: English to analytical type, Russian to flective type and Uzbek to agglutinative type of languages.
Now let’s compare the nouns in Modern English, Uzbek and Russian.
Noun in the compared languages can be defined as a meaningful, notional part of speech characterized by the following three main criteria: form, meaning (semantics) and function:
Their form is changeable (variable): father –fathers, father’s, fathers’ in English, ота-отанинг-oтадан, etc., in Uzbek отец–отца-отцом, отцу , etc. The semantics of nouns in three languages is that od thingness or substance. Their functions in the sentence are: subject, оbject, attribute, predicative, adverbial modifiers( when used with prepositions or postpositions)/ parenthesis, when used as a direct address.
Classification of nouns.
1. Structurally we distinguish:
1) simple nouns:
Cat-мушук-кот/кошка, hat-шляпа- шляпа, tea-чой-чай (with one root only)
2) derivative or derived nouns: stem+noun forming affix:
teacher – or- ўқитувчи - учитель
doctor – or- доктор -доктор
successor – or- издош - последователь
-ism – capitalism- капитализм -капитализм
-dent – student- студент -студент -талаба
-ment – government-хукумат -правительство
-ity – activity- фаолият -деятельность
-tion – question- савол - вопрос
-sion – tension -таранг -тиғиз - напряжение
Pension- нафақа- пенсия-
3) compound nouns.
1. noun stems+noun stem:
Apple tree -олма дарахти - яблочное дерево
Showball – қор тўпи- снежный шар
mortor-car - дафн машинаси- похоронная машина
class-room -синфхона-классная комната
(Such combinations as “stone wall” and “speech sound” are not compound nouns, but word combinations (for example, B.A.Ilyish considers them phrases, so do U.I.Smirnitsky and O.S.Akhmanova)).
2. Adjective stem+noun stem:
Blackbird-қора куш, -черная птица
bluebell- кoк қўнгироқ-колокольчик
3. Verb stem+noun stem:
Pickpocket- киссовур- карманный вор,
mockingbird -масхара қуши -пересмешник
dancing-room - рақсхона -танцевальная комната
sitting-room -мехмонхона - гостинная-
reading-hall -қироатхона -читальный зал
Preposition+noun stem:
5. Verb+pronoun-particle: forget-me-nots- незабудка- мана-мен
6. Noun+preposition: passers-by- ўткинчилар-проходимцы
7. Adjective+verb+affix: blackmailer- иғвогар -шантажист-шантажер,
Blackmarketer – олибсотар- спекульянт,
Noun+verb+affix: bookseller- китоб сотувчи- продавец книг,
Babysitter –энага - няня
antiaircraftcarrier- zenit samolyot tashuvchisi- зенитный авианосец-
2. Semantically there can be distinguished:
1) proper nouns
2) common nouns
Common nouns may be semantically classified into two large groups:
a) concrete nouns: pen-ручка-ручка, hen-товуқ-курица. Ben-қўнгироқ,-колоколь etc:
b)abstract nouns – idea-ғоя -идея, aim-мақсад -цель , love-севги-мухаббат, purpose-мақсад- цель
a) collective nouns: pen-ручка-ручка, hen-товуқ-курица. ben-қўнгироқ,-колокол, etc:
Concrete nouns ,in their turn, may be:
a) class nouns – student-талаба-студент, worker-ишчи-рабочий, doctor-доктор-доктор-, pen- ручка-ручка, pencil-қалам-карандаш
b) collective nouns – jury-жюри-жюри, crew-экипаж-экипаж, board-комиссия -тафтишчи, committee-қўмита- комитет, police-полиция-полиция
c) nouns of multitude - – jury-жюри-жюри, crew-экипаж-экипаж, board-комиссия
d) material nouns – silk-ипак-шелк-, cotton-пахта-хлопок,wood- ёғоч- бревна, gold олтин-золото, copper-кумуш-серебро
The common nouns are the ones that form one class each member of the class shares common features, meanings and functions with others( for example, teacher, writer, driver, student, superintendent, or quickly, slowly, beautifully, etc).
The Proper nouns are the names given to individuals, animals, ships, cities, places, buildings, etc., hence they are unique and always written through the capital letters. For instance, Jackson, White Fang, the Titanic, London, India, “Antalia”, etc.
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