Kryder ’s Law The trend for magnetic disk storage to double annually, leading to signifi -
cant ongoing increases in storage capacity. It was defi ned by Mark Kryder
while at Seagate.
Low-Context Culture A grouping of individuals with a tendency to explicitly communicate
concepts and avoid relying on “things left unsaid.” Cultural history and
understanding tends to be less important.
Market Failure An economic condition where the allocation of goods by the market cre-
ates an ineffi cient outcome. In the absence of intervention, the free market
will achieve a suboptimal result. Common examples include the creation
of negative market externalities such as pollution or the abuse of shared
public grounds, commonly known as the “tragedy of the commons.”
Meme A term coined by Richard Dawkins, it describes an idea or other cultural
element that replicates from individual to individual through nongenetic
Merge A process by which two or more tables are combined into one, matching
them using one or more common fi elds. A common example involves
combining customer data with purchasing data to create a single table that
incorporates all available information.