Uzbekistan Quality Job Creation as a Cornerstone for Sustainable Economic Growth of graduates’ labor-market entry. At the same time, although the progress of
developing the vocational and technical education system in Uzbekistan has
been impressive, specifically in infrastructure development and coverage,
its quality and governance need improving. An in-depth survey of over 200
enterprises in Uzbekistan indicates that while 80% of firms are satisfied with
the skills of university graduates, less than 60% of firms express satisfaction
with the skills of technical and vocational education and training (TVET)
graduates (World Bank 2014).
With the TVET system moving away from focusing on infrastructure
development and increasing the number of students toward improving the
content and quality of the curricula it is now important to take advantage of
the moment and build on the system’s achievements, to ensure that the new
programs offered by the TVET system are relevant to the labor market’s needs.
Reports by the World Bank (2014) and OECD (2011) highlight the need to
modernize the education system and/or upgrade skills to be competitive in
the labor market. To monitor and update TVET policies, more data, acquired
through tracer studies with graduates, and employer surveys, are needed.
Lessons are available from the successful example of rapid TVET expansion in
the Republic of Korea (Box 3.1).
3.3.4. Skills development and continued learning and training
Continued vocational education and training (CVET) opportunities are
limited in Uzbekistan. Provision of CVET decreased significantly after the
dissolution of the Soviet Union when many training centers serving state-
owned enterprises closed. With higher demand for skilled workers from the
private sector, CVET provision is now predominantly company-based. The
public education and training system does not recognize the training delivered
by enterprises as it cannot assess the quality of training that does not comply
with formal curricula (ETF 2015). The notion of continuing education is largely
applied as formal education, mainly for people to upgrade their qualifications
The vocational education system is covered by the government’s education reforms initiated in 2017. Starting
from 2018, professional colleges only accept students who have completed 11 years of secondary education.
At the same time, the new initiative was introduced in the compulsory education system: educational and
industrial complexes at schools and colleges will provide students in years 10 and 11 with professional training
courses in one of 50 specialties. The professional courses will be offered as part of the secondary education
curricula with students taking full-day training once a week.