6. Aniqlovchi ergash gaplarda that bog’lovchisi kishilarga ham jonsiz narsalarga ham ishlatilaveradi: The man is my uncle. He is smoking a cigarette. The man that is smoking a cigarette is my uncle. I know the man. He knows 10 foreign languages. I know the man that knows 10 foreign languages. I’m looking at the house. It is very beautiful. I’m looking at the house that is very beautiful.
Lekin: Gumon olmoshlari (something, anything), orttirma darajadagi sifat, first, last va same, all, little, much, none so’zlari bilan kelsa faqat that ishlatiladi: Sylvia had always had everything that she wanted. Silvia o’zi xohlagan hamma narsaga hamisha ega bo’lgan edi. He never says anything that is worth listening to. U hech qachon tinglashga arzigulik biror narsa aytmaydi. Yesterday was one of the coldest days that I have never known. Kech men hech qachon bilmagan eng sovuq kun bo’ldi. He has written the best book that I’ve ever read on the subject. U bu fandan yuzasidan men har qachon o’qigan kitoblarimdan eng yaxshisini yozdi. It was the first time that he heard of the episode. She wore tha same dress that I had seen her in at her sister’s wedding.
Agar gapda ham kishi ham predmet haqida gap ketsa that olmoshi ishlatiladi: He talked of the people and the places that he had visited. U tashrif buyurgan joylar va odamlar haqida gapirdi.
That olmoshi predloglarning yonida ishlatilmaydi: This is the letter about which I told you. Bu men senga aytgan xatim. This is the letter that I told you about.
7. What olmoshi aytilgan fikr, so’z va gapning o’rniga ishlatiladi: You shouldn’t forget the words that I said you yesterday. = You shouldn’t forget what I said you yesterday. Men senga kecha aytganlarimni (so’zlarni) unitmasliging kerak.
8. When olmoshi vaqtni ifodalovchi so’zlar uchun ishlatiladi. Can you remember the date when he was born. U tug’ilgan sanani eslay olasanmi?
9. Why so’zi ikkita soda gapni bog’lab bitta qo’shma gap hosil qilish uchun “the reason” so’zidan keyin ishlatiladi: I don’t know the reason why he didn’t come yesterday. Men uni kecha nima uchun kelmaganligi sababini bilmayman.
10. Where so’zi joyga nisbatan ishlatiladi. I am going to the village. I was born there. I am going to the village where I was born. Men tug’ilib o’sgan qishlog’imga boryapman.
This is the hotel where we lived during our holiday last year. Bu biz o’tgan yili ta’til paytida turgan mehmonxona. This is the hotel which I showed you in the picture yesterday. Bu men senga kecha rasmda ko’rsatgan mehmonxona.
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