Sh.J.Ergashxojayeva, A.H. Ismatullaev, M.H. Yadgarov – Commodities and Securities
Exchanges. The manual. – T.: TSEU. 2009. p.
This text-book is prepared based on a stock business teaching plan.
It contains of theoretical
foundations, essence and goals of the stock business, also here given researches, product, price, sale
and communicational policies. It also contains methodical directions of using advanced pedagogical
and modern information on subject.
The given text-book is intended for the bachelor, masters and scientific researches of directions of
economic formation (education).
The responsible editor:
A.Sh. Bekmuradov,
Pro-rector of Tashkent
State Economic University, Professor.
The reviewers:
S. Kasimov,
Doctor of Economic Sciences,
A.A. Fattahov,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor
of TSEU marketing cathedra