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Якуний баҳолаш мезонлари (ҳар бир вариантда 5 савол қўйилади. Ҳар бир савол
6 баллик тизимда баҳоланади)

Саралаш 16.5, максимал 30 балл

Aжратилган балл (ҳар бир жавобга)

Баҳолаш мезони


6 балл

Taлаба фаннинг моҳиятини, ўтилган материалларни чуқур тушунади, сақолга аниқ ва тўлиқ жавоб беради. Ҳар бир саволга мустақил фикрлаб жавоб беради, мавзуга ижодий ёндашади, моҳиятни тушуниб, ўз фикрини амалда қўллай олади, имло, услубий хатоларга кам йўл қўяди, берилган таҳлилларни тўғри бажариб, тўғри хулоса чиқара олади.


4-5 балл

Taлаба мавзу моҳиятини тушунади, бироқ мустақил хулосалар чиқара олмайди. Ўз фикрини яхши баён қила олмайди. Имло, услубий хатоларга йўл қўяди, хулосаларида наониқликлар учрайди.


3 балл

Taлаба мавзу ҳақида қисман тасаввурга эга бўлади. Берилган саволларга тўлиқ ва аниқ жавоб бера олмайди, амалий ишлар бажарилмайди, имло, услубий хатоларга йўл қўйилади.


1-2 балл

Taлаба мавзу ҳақида аниқ тасаввурга эга бўлмайди, кўчирмачиликка йўл қўяди. Ўз фикрини бошқа мавзулар билан боғлаб тушунтириб бера олмайди, нутқи у қадар равон бўлмайди. Амалий ишларни тўлиқ бажара олмайди.


  1. … is closely related to other sciences as pedagogics, psychology, physiology, linguistics, and some others.

  1. Methods of teaching mathematics

  2. Methods of teaching history

  3. Methods of teaching foreign languages

  4. Methods of teaching Russian language

  1. … is the science concerned with the teaching and education of younger generation

  1. Geography

  2. Chemistry

  3. Pedagogics

  4. Physiology

  1. To study foreign language teaching one must know …

  1. Psychology

  2. Pedagogics

  3. Physiology

  4. Linguistics

  1. One branch of pedagogics is called …

  1. Didactics

  2. Psychology

  3. Physiology

  4. Linguistics

  1. Teaching a foreign language means the formation and development of pupil`s …

  1. Character and habits

  2. Knowledge and skills

  3. Habits and skills

  4. Types of speech

  1. Effective learning of foreign language depends on the pupil`s …

  1. Study

  2. Memory

  3. Skills

  4. Habits

  1. Methods of FLT has definite relation to … of the higher nervous system.

  1. Psychology

  2. Physiology

  3. Linguistics

  4. Pedagogics

  1. Pavlov`s theories of “conditional reflexes”, of the …

  1. First signaling system

  2. Second signaling system

  3. Third signaling system

  4. Fourth signaling system

  1. Pavlov`s theories of … …, of the ‘second signaling system”

  1. Real conditional

  2. Unreal conditional

  3. Conditioned reflex

  4. Dynamic reflex

  1. According to Pavlov … are conditioned reflex.

  1. Habits

  2. Skills

  3. Reflex

  4. Activities

  1. Methods of FLT is most closely related to

  1. Linguistics

  2. Psychology

  3. Physiology

  4. Pedagogics

  1. Methods successfully uses the results of … … in the selection and arrangement of linguistics material for teaching

  1. Phonetic investigation

  2. Lexical investigation

  3. Linguistic investigation

  4. Psychological investigation

  1. Methods uses the results of linguistic investigation in the selection and arrangements of … for teaching

  1. Lexical material

  2. Grammar material

  3. Language material

  4. Teaching material

  1. Methods uses the results of linguistic investigation in the selection and arrangements of language material for …

  1. Reading

  2. Teaching

  3. Speaking

  4. Writing

  1. … have been prepared by linguistics and methodologists of the structural school.

  1. Reading materials

  2. Speaking materials

  3. Teaching materials

  4. Writing material

  1. Teaching materials have been prepared by linguistics and methodologists of the …

  1. Structural school

  2. Grammar school

  3. Primary school

  4. Higher school

  1. … becomes more and more popular with methodologists.

  1. Teaching

  2. Experimenting

  3. Writing

  4. Investigating

  1. In … methodologists have to deal with different data.

  1. Experimenting

  2. Choosing

  3. Arranging

  4. Teaching

  1. We need research … of the following types.

  1. Investigation

  2. Activities

  3. Experiments

  4. Teaching

  1. … research which deals with “what to teach”.

  1. Descriptive

  2. Structural

  3. Grammar

  4. Potential

  1. Descriptive research which deals with “…”

  1. When to teach

  2. What to teach

  3. How to teach

  4. Whom to teach

  1. … and instrumental research deals with “…”

  1. What to teach

  2. How to teach

  3. When to teach

  4. Where to teach

  1. Experimental and … research dealing with “…”

  1. How to teach

  2. What to teach

  3. When to teach

  4. Why to teach

  1. A students who starts studying Methods will be puzzled by the variety of …

  1. Teaching

  2. Speaking

  3. Methods

  4. Investigation

  1. At different periods, depending on the aims of teaching and learning a foreign language, … sprang up.

  1. Modern methods

  2. New methods

  3. Grammar methods

  4. Teaching methods

  1. At different periods, depending on the … and learning a foreign language, new methods sprang up.

  1. Ways of teaching

  2. Methods of teaching

  3. Aims of teaching

  4. Content of teaching

  1. At different periods, depending of the aims of teaching and learning a …, new methods sprang up.

  1. English language

  2. Foreign language

  3. Russian language

  4. Kazakh language

  1. At different periods, depending on the aims of … learning a foreign language, new methods sprang up.

  1. Teaching and

  2. Studying and

  3. Investigating and

  4. Working and

  1. At different periods, depending on the aims if … a foreign language, new methods sprang up.

  1. Writing and

  2. Speaking and

  3. Teaching and

  4. Auding and

  1. Sometimes its name denoted … categories, for example: synthetic method(synthesis), the analytic method(analysis), the deductive method(translation), the oral method(oral language).

  1. Meaning

  2. Content

  3. Pedagogical

  4. Physiological

  1. A third of methods received their name from the … which was the main of object of teaching. Among these are the translation method9(translation), the oral method(oral language).

  1. Meaning

  2. Content

  3. Skill

  4. Habit

  1. Sometimes the method got its name from the … of the language learning: the intuitive method, the conscious method, the direct method.

  1. Psychology

  2. Physiology

  3. Content

  4. Meaning

  1. The method was sometimes named …

  1. After its inventor

  2. By the physiology

  3. After the Methodist

  4. According to its content

  1. In some cases, the methods bear … names: the leading aspect of the language and the skill the pupils acquire ( the grammar-translation method) or name of the author and the language activity – “ Fries method”, “The method of teaching reading by West”

  1. Authors

  2. Inventors

  3. Coupled

  4. Single

  1. … - the oldest method of teaching foreign languages which had its origin in Latin schools

  1. Oral method

  2. Grammar-translation method

  3. Direct method

  4. Conscious method

  1. … which began to be widely used in schools in the 1870`s.

  1. Grammar-translation method

  2. The direct method

  3. Oral method

  4. Conscious method

  1. … was widely used in teaching the classics< namely Latin.

  1. Conscious method

  2. Direct method

  3. Grammar-translation method

  4. Deductive method

  1. By means of the grammar-translation method attention was paid to assimilation of … of the foreign language.

  1. The structure

  2. The content

  3. Grammar rules

  4. Phonetics

  1. The distinguishing features of the … method (1) instance upon grammatical analysis and (2) the assumption the grammatical categories can be defined.

  1. Grammar translation

  2. Oral

  3. Direct

  4. West

  1. …. In the orthodox form was practices in the schools in the 18th and 19th centuries.

  1. West method

  2. Direct method

  3. Grammar-translation method

  4. Oral method

  1. The characteristics features of the … are as follows .

1. the practical direction in the teaching…
2. the ignoring of the mother tongue…
3. restricted application, complete elimination of translation
4. the inductive approach to teaching grammar…
5. great care in teaching pronunciation….
6. great attention to the subject of the text…

  1. Grammar-translation method

  2. Direct method

  3. Conscious method

  4. Analytical method

  1. “The practical direction in the teaching”-to what method does it belong?

  1. Analytical method

  2. Synthetic method

  3. Conscious method

  4. Direct method

  1. What method does belong to-“the ignoring of the existence of the mother tongue”…?

  1. Direct method

  2. Grammar-translation method

  3. Lexical method

  4. Grammar method

  1. “Restricted application, complete elimination of translation…”-what method is it?

  1. Phonetic method

  2. Grammar method

  3. Direct method

  4. Lexical method

  1. To what method does the following belong to “the inductive approach to teaching grammar …?

  1. Lexical

  2. Phonetic

  3. Direct

  4. Grammar

  1. “Great care in teaching pronunciation..”-what method is it?

  1. Grammar

  2. Lexical

  3. Phonetic

  4. Direct

  1. “Great attention to the subjects of the texts, especially a topical arrangement of the material”-what method does it belong?

  1. Lexical

  2. Grammatical

  3. Phonetic

  4. Direct

  1. The method is called … because in teaching a foreign language an attempt is made to establish a direct connection between a foreign word and the thing or motion ….

  1. Direct

  2. Grammar

  3. Lexical

  4. Phonetic

  1. “in learning a foreign language the pupil must tread the path he has followed in acquiring the mother tongue, i.e. starting with oral language”-whose method is it?

  1. F.Gouin

  2. M.Berlitz

  3. M.Walter

  4. H.Palmer

  1. “great attention should be given to the rationalization of study material to make the assimilation of a foreign language easier”-whose one of main points in methods of teaching is it?

  1. H. Palmer`s

  2. F. Gouin`s

  3. M. Berlitz`s

  4. M. Walter`s

  1. “English trough Actions”-whose is it?

  1. M. West

  2. Amos Comenius

  3. Jacotot

  4. H. Palmer

  1. “Systematic Exercises in English Pronunciation”-who is the author?

  1. H. Palmer

  2. M. West

  3. Jacotot

  4. Amos Comenius

  1. “Standard English Reader”-whose work is it?

  1. I. Rakhmonov

  2. A. Mirolybov

  3. H. Palmer

  4. M. West

  1. … The teacher speaks. The students listen to the speech. There is no reaction on the part of the learners.

  1. Conscious comprehension

  2. Subconscious comprehension

  3. Unconscious comprehension

  4. Conscious comprehension

  1. … The teacher speaks. The pupils are given a definite assignment,… “pay attention to intonation”

  1. Subconscious comprehension

  2. Oral comprehension

  3. Unconscious comprehension

  4. Conscious comprehension

  1. … The teacher orders a pupil to do something. The pupil does it easily. In this was he shows that he has understood the teacher`s order in the English language.

  1. Conscious comprehension

  2. Exercises in fulfillment of instructions

  3. Subconscious comprehension

  4. Learning of the language

  1. Get up. Sit down. Come here. Go there. Go to the door.-what are these?

  1. Command

  2. Order

  3. Exercises in fulfillment of instructions

  4. Study exercises

  1. … The teacher asks a question, the students answer ”Yes”, or “No”. In this way the student`s comprehension is checked.

  1. Yes work

  2. Yes and No work

  3. Study work

  4. Learning work

  1. Fill in the blank. …. The teacher speaks. The students repeat certain speech units after him.

  1. Receptive-imitative work

  2. Conventional conversation

  3. Normal conversation

  4. Fulfillment order

  1. … is the easiest aspect of the language to acquire, for reading involves no active use of grammar and idioms and the memory of the vocabulary is merely recognition.

  1. Speaking

  2. Writing

  3. Reading

  4. Listening

  1. In teaching … it is easier to develop a sense of the language and feeling of what in idiomatic which would diminish the child`s errors and accelerate his progress.

  1. Speaking

  2. Reading writing

  3. Auding

  1. In learning … the child will sooner feel his progress in language knowledge and enjoy it.

  1. Reading

  2. Speaking

  3. Writing

  4. Listening

  1. In teaching .. the teacher`s qualifications, and his command of the language in of no great importance…

  1. Audng

  2. Speaking

  3. Reading

  4. Writing

  1. “the use of the native language for explanation, retention and checking”-what approach is it to foreign language teaching?

  1. Traditional approach

  2. Oral approach

  3. Lexical approach

  4. Grammar approach

  1. “The deductive explanation of grammar and the use of grammar exercises”-what approach is it to foreign language teaching?

  1. Oral approach

  2. Written approach

  3. Traditional approach

  4. Teaching approach

  1. The development of all the language skills, i.e. hearing, speaking, reading, and writing form the beginning of the course is called…

  1. Contemporary

  2. Traditional

  3. Grammar

  4. Lexical

  1. Audio-lingual methods are considered to be … method.

  1. Contemporary

  2. Traditional

  3. Grammar

  4. Lexical

  1. The development of audio-lingual skills first, i.e., listening comprehension and speaking are called ….

  1. Lingual

  2. Contemporary

  3. Audio-lingual

  4. Traditional

  1. “Draw a picture of an animal. Color it and write two statements about it”-whom does this statement belong to?

  1. M. West

  2. Ch. Fries

  3. H. Palmer

  4. Gouin

  1. “Make statements about the objects that your teacher shows you”-whom does this exercise belong to?

  1. Ch. Fries

  2. Goiun

  3. M. West

  4. H. Palmer

  1. “Plan a launch for one day of the week”. Whose exercises is it taken from?

  1. Gouin

  2. H. Palmer

  3. Ch. Fries

  4. M. West

  1. Ch. Fries called his method “the oral approach” because pupils get acquainted with language material ….

  1. Through the ear

  2. Through the eyes

  3. Through the feeling

  4. Through the speaking

  1. Ch. Fries called his method “…..” because pupils get acquainted with language material “through ear”.

  1. By speaking

  2. By reading

  3. Through the ear

  4. The oral speech

  1. …. Are the first and most important consideration in nay teaching.

  1. Objects

  2. Aims

  3. Contents

  4. Acquiring

  1. The term …. Be reserved for long-term goals for teaching second languages.

  1. Objects

  2. Aims

  3. Ways

  4. Goals

  1. The term … be reserved(used) only for short-term goals which may be achieved in a classroom lesson.

  1. Goals

  2. Aims

  3. Objectives

  4. Skills

  1. ….- pupils acquire habits and skills in using a foreign language.

  1. Theoretical

  2. Practical

  3. Educational

  4. Cultural

  1. … - they develop their mental abilities and intelligence in the process of learning the foreign language.

  1. Educational

  2. Practical

  3. Cultural

  4. Theoretical

  1. … - pupils extend their knowledge of the world in which they live.

  1. Theoretical

  2. Practical

  3. Educational

  4. Cultural

  1. The …. Of foreign language teaching or what to teach is one of the main problems the methods deals with.

  1. Objectives

  2. Content

  3. Aims

  4. Ways

  1. The first component of “……” is habits and skills which pupils should acquire while learning a foreign language.

  1. What to teach

  2. Whom to teach

  3. Where to teach

  4. How to teach

  1. The first component of “what to teach” is ……. Which pupils should acquire while learning a foreign language .

  1. Language material

  2. Linguistic material

  3. Habits and skills

  4. Syllabus material

  1. The second component of “what to teach” is ………., arranged in topics for the development of oral and written language, i.e., to reach the practical< educational and cultural aims.

  1. Habits and skills

  2. Language material

  3. Linguistic material

  4. Vocabulary

  1. The third component of the content of FLT is ……..i.e., phonology, grammar, and vocabulary carefully selected for the purpose.

  1. Linguistic material

  2. Language material

  3. Habits and skills

  4. Syllabus

  1. Hearing<, speaking, reading and writing are…….

  1. Language material

  2. Language skills

  3. Syllabus

  4. Habits and skills

  1. Vocabulary, grammar, phonological minima - …….

  1. Language material

  2. Syllabus

  3. Linguistic material

  4. Language skills

  1. ….. approach to language learning usually contrasts with “mechanical” learning through repetitive drills.

  1. Activity

  2. Conscious

  3. Visualizations

  4. Explanatory

  1. A approach to FLT implies the use of the learner`s native language.

  1. visualization

  2. conscious

  3. explanatory

  4. active

  1. May be defined as specially organized demonstration of linguistic material and language behavior characteristic of the target language.

  1. Active

  2. Demonstrative

  3. visualization

  4. Technical aids

  1. Allows the teacher to create natural conditions for pupil`s oral practice and “free conversation”

  1. Demonstration

  2. Visualization

  3. Activity

  4. Technical aids

  1. …. Implies and extensive use of audio-visual aids and audio-visual material throughout the whole course of FLT.

  1. Visualization

  2. Transmission

  3. Activity

  4. Demonstration

  1. The foreign language syllabus is the main …. Which lays down the aims and the content of FLT in schools.

  1. Purpose

  2. Document

  3. Aim

  4. Content

  1. The foreign language …… is the main document which lays down the aims and the content of FLT in schools.

  1. Books

  2. Aim

  3. Syllabus

  4. Material

  1. The syllabus includes:……. . Here the teacher will find the aims of FLT in schools.

  1. Documents

  2. Instruction

  3. Explanatory note

  4. Aids

  1. “schools. The description of a classroom. To be on duty. At home. A room. My house. My family. A town and a village”- what are they?

  1. Syllabus

  2. Exercises

  3. Program

  4. Topics for speaking and reading

  1. …….. the teacher will find all the instructions concerning the knowledge he must impart to his pupils, the habits and skills he must develop.

  1. In the document

  2. In the books

  3. In the program

  4. In the syllabus

  1. The textbox for every form should correspond to the …

  1. Document

  2. Program

  3. Syllabus

  4. Instruction

  1. To arouse the interest of his pupils throughout the lesson the teacher must use all the … he has at his disposal.

  1. Material

  2. Accessories

  3. Books

  4. Documents

  1. To teach a foreign language effectively the teacher needs ….. and ……

  1. Syllabus

  2. Accessories

  3. Teaching aids and teaching material

  4. Program

  1. Tape records, the twin-track tape recorder, a gramophone, projector, television, teaching machines and language laboratory – are ….aids

  1. Visual

  2. Technical

  3. Mechanical

  4. Non-mechanical

  1. A blackboard, a tailboard, a magnet board, a lantern – are …. Aids

  1. Mechanical

  2. Visual

  3. Practical

  4. Non-mechanical

  1. A teacher`s book, pupil`s book, textbooks are …. Materials

  1. Learning

  2. Teaching

  3. Studying

  4. Comprehensive

  1. ….. must be comprehensive enough to be a help to the teacher and it must provide all the recorder material.

  1. Pupil`s book

  2. Teacher`s book

  3. Textbooks

  4. The program

  1. ….. must include textbooks, manuals, supplementary readers, dictionaries, programmed materials.

  1. Syllabus

  2. Teacher`s book

  3. Pupil`s book

  4. Program

  1. The … should provide pupils with the knowledge of the language sufficient for developing language skills, i.e., they must include the fundamentals of the target language.

  1. Textbooks

  2. Teacher`s book

  3. Pupil`s book

  4. Syllabus

  1. …. Should ensure pupil`s activity in speaking, reading, and writing, i.e., they must correspond to the aims of FLT in school.

  1. Books

  2. Textbooks

  3. Pupil`s book

  4. Teacher`s book

  1. … must extend pupil`s educational horizon, i.e., the material should of educational value

  1. Visual aids

  2. Technical aids

  3. Textbooks

  4. Pupil`s book

  1. ….should have illustrations to help pupils in comprehension and in speaking

  1. Aids

  2. Didactic aids

  3. Teacher`s book

  4. Textbooks

  1. …. Must reflect the life and culture of the people whose language pupils study.

  1. Pictures

  2. Textbooks

  3. Material

  4. Visual aids

  1. Each … consists of lessons or units, the amount of the material being determined by the stage of instructions, and the material itself.

  1. Textbook

  2. Dictionary

  3. Teaching material

  4. Learning material

  1. …. …. Is a handbook which may be used if addition to the textbook, foe ex. English grammar for secondary school …. .

  1. The instruction

  2. The manual

  3. The grammar

  4. The syllabus

  1. Objects – a lot of things in the classroom the teacher can use in presenting English names denoting objects they can see, touch, point to, give, take, etc. – what are they?

  1. Visual materials

  2. Objects

  3. Teaching aids

  4. Various aids

  1. A ….. is a card with a letter, a sound symbol or a word to be used for quick showing to pupils and in this way for developing pupil`s skills in reading and pronunciation.

  1. Visual aid

  2. Blackboard

  3. Technical aid

  4. Flashcard

  1. …… are prepared by the teacher and distributed among the pupils for individual work during the lesson.

  1. Sentence card

  2. Pictures

  3. Visual aids

  4. Pencils

  1. A ……. Is a big sheet paper with drawings of words to be hung in the classroom and used for revision or generalization of some linguistic phenomenon.

  1. Sentence cards

  2. Wall-charts

  3. Posters

  4. Pictures

  1. …. There are at least three types of …. Which are used in teaching a foreign language: object pictures (a picture of a bed)…

  1. Wall-charts

  2. Posters

  3. Sentence cars

  4. Pictures

  1. Tapes and records or disc belong to …. Materials

  1. Pictures

  2. Wall-charts

  3. Audio

  4. Disk

  1. Sound film loops and films are examples of ….. materials

  1. Visual aid

  2. Picture

  3. Film-strips

  4. Audio-visual

  1. Specially prepared educational … for language teaching have appeared , e.g., “The Mysterious Bridge”, “ Robert Burns”, “Australia”, “New York”.

  1. Films

  2. Strips

  3. Cards

  4. Aids

  1. ….. pronunciation often leads to misunderstanding.

  1. Correct

  2. Wrong

  3. Direct

  4. Approximate

  1. The sound of English may be arranged in …. Groups: vowels< double vowels or diphthongs, and consonants.

  1. Two

  2. Three

  3. Four

  4. Five

  1. There are …. Vowels sounds in English.

  1. Ten

  2. Twenty

  3. Twelve

  4. Six

  1. In teaching English pronunciation the teacher should bear in mind that the difficulties he will meet – are… , … , and … .

  1. Sounds, stress, and musical tones

  2. Phonemes, morphemes, and words

  3. Phrases, sentences, and texts

  4. Phonemes, sounds, and stress

  1. The pupils should English … pronunciation which constitutes received pronunciation.

  1. Spoken

  2. Dialect

  3. Literary

  4. Bookish

  1. Pupils pronounce sounds, words firs in … , then individually.

  1. One by one

  2. Two and two

  3. In small groups

  4. Unison

  1. Exercises used for developing pronunciation skills may be of … groups: recognition exercises and reproduction exercises.

  1. Three

  2. Four

  3. Two

  4. Five

  1. …. ….. are designed for developing pupil`s ability to discriminate sounds and sound sequences.

  1. Reproduction exercises

  2. Recognition exercises

  3. Receptive exercises

  4. Productive exercises

  1. …. … are designed for developing pupil`s pronunciation habits.

  1. Reproduction exercises

  2. Receptive exercises

  3. Reproduction exercises

  4. Productive exercises

  1. The vocabulary must be carefully selected in accordance with the … …. Linguistics material.

  1. Principles of speaking

  2. Principles of selecting

  3. Principles of pronouncing

  4. Principles of writing

  1. The first principle is …. …. , is an example of purely linguistic approach to word selection.

  1. Phrase frequency

  2. Sentence frequency

  3. Word frequency

  4. Sound frequency

  1. In teaching … for practical needs both structural words and content words are of great importance.

  1. Words

  2. Sentences

  3. Vocabulary

  4. Phonetics

  1. the selection of the … although important is not the teacher`s chief concern.

  1. Grammar

  2. Vocabulary

  3. Phonemes

  4. Words

  1. The teacher`s concern is “how” to get his pupils to assimilate the … prescribed.

  1. Vocabulary

  2. Words

  3. Grammar

  4. Phrases

  1. It is generally known that schools learner`s … is poor.

  1. Words

  2. Vocabulary

  3. Phrases

  4. Sentences

  1. They have trouble with … , speaking, reading, and writing.

  1. Hearing

  2. Sounds

  3. Words

  4. Morphemes

  1. They have trouble with hearing, … , reading, and writing.

  1. Speaking

  2. Learning

  3. Studying

  4. Working

  1. They have trouble with hearing, speaking, …. ….

  1. Studying

  2. Reading and writing

  3. Learning

  4. Memorizing

  1. One of the reasons is poor … of vocabulary

  1. Studying

  2. Speaking

  3. Teaching

  4. Hearing

  1. … the words of a foreign language are not easy business.

  1. Reading

  2. Speaking

  3. Learning

  4. Studying

  1. In teaching pupils a foreign language the teacher should bear this in mind when preparing for the … work during the lesson.

  1. Studying

  2. Speaking

  3. Vocabulary

  4. Learning

  1. Words are elements of the … used in the act of communication.

  1. Language

  2. Sentence

  3. Phrase

  4. Phonetics

  1. Words are elements of the language used in the act of … .

  1. Speaking

  2. Reading

  3. Writing

  4. Communication

  1. While teaching pupils … , introduce words in sentence patterns in different situations.

  1. Grammar

  2. Vocabulary

  3. Phonetics

  4. Lexics

  1. Present the … as an element, i.e., in a sentence pattern first.

  1. Word

  2. Sentence

  3. Sound

  4. Letter

  1. Speech is taken in by ear and .. by the organs of speech.

  1. Heard

  2. Reproduced

  3. Memorized

  4. Pronounced

  1. Speech is taken in by ear and reproduced by the .. of speech.

  1. Organs

  2. Tongue

  3. Mouth

  4. Lips

  1. In teaching pupils vocabulary both the ear and organs of speech should take an active part in the … of words.

  1. Learning

  2. Assimilation

  3. Study

  4. Reading

  1. Pupils should have ample practice in … words and pronouncing them an various sentences.

  1. Speaking

  2. Writing

  3. Reading

  4. Hearing

  1. While introducing a word … it yourself in a content.

  1. Read

  2. Speak

  3. Pronounce

  4. Write

  1. Ask pupils to … it both individually and in unison in a context.

  1. Speak

  2. Pronounce

  3. Write

  4. Read

  1. Ask pupils to pronounce it both … and in unison an a context.

  1. Individually

  2. Aloud

  3. Silent

  4. Personal

  1. In teaching words it is necessary to … a memory bond between a new word and those already covered.

  1. From

  2. Memorize

  3. Establish

  4. Speak

  1. Accordingly, the teacher`s … in this process is …

  1. Knowledge

  2. Ability

  3. Mistake

  4. Role

  1. … pupils to use the words in speech.

  1. To make

  2. To stimulate

  3. To tell

  4. To retell

  1. There ere two stages in teaching … :presentation or explanation< retention or consolidation.

  1. To memorize

  2. To learn

  3. Words

  4. Vocabulary

  1. The teacher wants his pupils to learn the word … first … .

  1. Written

  2. Spoken

  3. Heard

  4. Orally

  1. He … the pupils to recognize the words when hearing and to articulate the word … .

  1. Tells

  2. Instructs

  3. Speaks

  4. Asks

  1. The teacher shows them how to … the word both separately and in speech.

  1. Pronounce

  2. Speak

  3. Tell

  4. Retell

  1. The teacher shows them how to … … it after they perform oral exercises.

  1. See and recognize

  2. Write and read

  3. Tell and memorize

  4. Look and watch

  1. A word consists of … if heard or spoken and letter if read or written the teacher shows the pupils how to … , to read, and to write it.

  1. Letters/pronounce

  2. Letters/speak

  3. Sounds/pronounce

  4. Pronounce/sounds

  1. However, the … may depending on a task set.

  1. Way

  2. Approach

  3. Method

  4. Speaking

  1. If the teacher wants his pupils to learn the … during the same lesson not only for … … … but for reading and writing as well.

  1. Word/hearing and speaking

  2. Word/studying and memorizing

  3. Sentence/hearing and speaking

  4. Phrase/reading and writing

  1. The teacher shows the pupils how to … … if after they perform oral exercises.

  1. To write and read

  2. To speak and write

  3. To show and act

  4. To act and speak

  1. The teacher writes down the … on the … and invites some pupils to read it.

  1. Sentence/notebook

  2. Word/blackboard

  3. Sound/in the notebook

  4. Letters/on the blackboard

  1. The pupils … the word and put it down in their notebook.

  1. Speak

  2. Articulate

  3. Read

  4. Memorize

  1. When pupils have learned the English alphabet and acquired some … in spelling and reading they may be told to copy.

  1. Experience

  2. Knowledge

  3. Habits

  4. Skills

  1. Pupils perform various oral exercises during the … .

  1. Reading

  2. Writing

  3. Lesson

  4. Homework

  1. The teacher makes every pupil … the new words in sentence patterns an use in … .

  1. Read/speech

  2. Pronounce/speech

  3. Speak/speech

  4. Pronounce/read

  1. This is the most difficult part of work in vocabulary … .

  1. Learning

  2. Reading

  3. Assimilation

  4. Writing

  1. It must be done during the … and under the teacher`s supervision.

  1. Lesson

  2. Reading

  3. Homework

  4. Classwork

  1. There are two methods of … the meaning of words.

  1. Working

  2. Conveying

  3. Learning

  4. Understanding

  1. There are two methods of conveying the … the meaning of words: direct method and … .

  1. Structure/translation

  2. Translation/meaning

  3. Meaning/translation

  4. Content/meaning

  1. The direct method of … … of foreign language brings the learner into direct contact with them.

  1. Presenting the words

  2. Presenting the sentences

  3. Conveying the meaning

  4. Handing the words

  1. The direct method of … … … of foreign words is usually used when the words denote things, objects, their quality … .

  1. Presenting the words

  2. Handing the words

  3. Conveying the meaning

  4. Understanding the meaning

  1. The teacher should connect the English word he presents with the … , the notion in denotes directly, without the use of pupil`s mother tongue .

  1. Object

  2. Thing

  3. Matter

  4. Sentence

  1. There are various … for the use of the direct method.

  1. Aids

  2. Techniques

  3. Materials

  4. Methods

  1. There are various techniques for the use of the … … .

  1. Direct method

  2. Analytic method

  3. Translation method

  4. Laxical method

  1. It is possible to group the into (1) and visual (2) … .

  1. Oral

  2. Written

  3. Verbal

  4. Nonverbal

  1. It is possible to group various into … and verbal.

  1. Written

  2. Verbal

  3. Visual

  4. Nonverbal

  1. The visual group involves the use of … … to convey the meaning of unfamiliar words

  1. Blackboard

  2. Books

  3. Technical aids

  4. Visual aids

  1. Visual aids are used to convey the meaning of … … .

  1. Unknown words

  2. Unfamiliar words

  3. Different words

  4. Textual words

  1. To convey the meaning of unfamiliar words the teacher may use … and gesture.

  1. Picture

  2. Card

  3. Movements

  4. Words

  1. The pupils don`t only … the meaning of the word pencil, but they observe the use of the word in familiar sentence pattern.

  1. Understand

  2. Grasp

  3. Use

  4. Pronounce

  1. The teacher uses … for presenting the words “small” and “big”.

  1. Cards

  2. Words

  3. Pictures

  4. Blackboard

  1. Then the teacher shows another … with two houses in it a small house and a big house.

  1. Card

  2. Picture

  3. Book

  4. Notebook

  1. The teacher may use … , for ex, for conveying the meaning of “stand up”, “sit down”. The teacher shows with his hands what he must do.

  1. Gestures

  2. Words

  3. Drawing

  4. Telling

  1. The second group of technique involves the utilization of verbal means for conveying the meaning of … … .

  1. New words

  2. Unfamiliar words

  3. Difficult words

  4. Easy words

  1. The context may serve as a key … the meaning of a new word.

  1. To understand

  2. To write

  3. To read

  4. To convey

  1. Context, synonyms, antonyms, definitions, word building elements, etc., are … … for conveying the meaning of unfamiliar words.

  1. Verbal means

  2. Visual means

  3. Technical means

  4. Contextual means

  1. There is no need to turn to the … … as pupils can grasp the meaning of the word “thirsty” from the context.

  1. Visual aids

  2. Technical aids

  3. Mother tongue

  4. Target language

  1. While presenting the new word conversation takes place between the teacher and the … , so they have practice in listening comprehension and speaking.

  1. Pupils

  2. Class

  3. Room

  4. Picture

  1. The teacher may also use synonyms to … the meaning of a new word.

  1. Understand

  2. Translate

  3. Convey

  4. Guess

  1. Its difficult to cover all the … the teacher may have at his disposal to … the meaning of new words without the help of the … .

  1. Methods/mother tongue

  2. Techniques/target language

  3. Techniques/mother tongue

  4. Methods/target language

  1. There are teachers who do not admit that the pupils understand what a new word means without … it into the native tongue.

  1. Reading

  2. Translating

  3. Speaking

  4. Understanding

  1. The direct method works well provided that that teacher is good at applying … …. And using verbal means.

  1. Blackboard

  2. Books

  3. Role play

  4. Visual aids

  1. If the teacher cannot works with … … and is not an actor to certain extent he fails in conveying the meaning of new words.

  1. Visual aids

  2. Techniques

  3. Books

  4. TV

  1. Whenever the teacher is to present words denoting abstract notions he must resort to the … …, i.e. to translation.

  1. Technical aids

  2. Visual aids

  3. Mother tongue

  4. Direct method

  1. The … method may be applied with its two variants: 1. Common(proper) translation; 2. Translation-interpretation

  1. Direct

  2. Translation

  3. Grammar

  4. Lexical

  1. The … is efficient for presenting new words.

  1. Direct method

  2. Grammar method

  3. Translation method

  4. Lexical

  1. From psychology it is known the process of .. is a complicated one; its includes various sentences, connected with thinking and speech.

  1. Conveying

  2. Understanding

  3. Studying

  4. Perception


1. What does the “writing” mean?
а) orthography, homonym, dictation
b) essay, dictation, graphics
c) calligraphy, expressing thoughts in written form
d) written exercises, control work, dictation, retelling
2. What types of speaking do you know?
а) polylogue, monologue
b) monologue, individual and pair work
c) polylogue, monologue, two people speaking
d) dialogue, monologue, polylogue
3. What does teacher use for planning?
а) blackboard, textbooks, pupils
b) book for supplementary reading and programm
c) teacher’s guide, textbook, programm
d) reference materials, teacher’s guide book
4. What does the planning lesson start with?
а) equipment
b) educative aim
c) theme
d) tasks
5. What are the aims of assessment?
а) to define pupils’ lacks
b) to define teacher’s lacks
c) the ability to define pupils’ knowledge
d) changing programs and lesson plans
6. What is communication?
а) when learners work individually
b) when teaching process is bored
c) when all learners interact
d) when modern pedagogical technologies are not applied
7. What stage of the lesson is devoted to creating the language atmosphere?
а) at the end of the lesson
b) in the main part
c) in revision part
d) in the beginning part
8. What method is aimed at discovering grammar rules on the basis of examples?
а) inductive
b) approximation
c) deductive
d) lexical
10. What makes listening difficult?
а) teacher’s explanation of the context before listening
b) familiar part of the text
c) visual aids
d) listening unfamiliar voice (accent)
11. What does the “writing” mean?
а) orthography, homonym, dictation
b) essay, dictation, graphics
c) calligraphy, expressing thoughts in written form
d) written exercises, control work, dictation, retelling
12. What types of speaking do you know?
а) polylogue, monologue
b) monologue, individual and pair work
c) polylogue, monologue, two people speaking
d) dialogue, monologue, polylogue
13. What does teacher use for planning?
а) blackboard, textbooks, pupils
b) book for supplementary reading and programm
c) teacher’s guide, textbook, programm
d) reference materials, teacher’s guide book
14. What does the planning lesson start with?
а) equipment
b) educative aim
c) theme
d) tasks
15. What are the aims of assessment?
а) to define pupils’ lacks
b) to define teacher’s lacks
c) the ability to define pupils’ knowledge
d) changing programs and lesson plans
16. What is communication?
а) when learners work individually
b) when teaching process is bored
c) when all learners interact
d) when modern pedagogical technologies are not applied
17. What stage of the lesson is devoted to creating the language atmosphere?
а) at the end of the lesson
b) in the main part
c) in revision part
d) in the beginning part
18. Explaining grammar inductively mean…
a) from examples to the rule
b) from simple –to complicated
c) from complicated to simple
d) from rules to examples
19. What methods are used for presenting the new words?
a) non-translation, deductive
b) deductive, inductive
c) translation, non-translation
d) inductive, translation
20. What does compulsory course suppose?
а) lesson
b) optional classes
c) additional lessons
d) out of class activities
21. Semantics is ….
а) word meaning
b) word analyses
c) word structure on
d) word definition
22. What stage of the lesson is devoted to pupils’ evaluation?
а) during the lesson
b) after checking home assignment
c) beginning stage
d) after explaining new materials
23. Methodology as a science appeared …
a) in the middle of 19th century
b) in the beginning of 20th century
c) at the end of19th century in the beginning of 20th century
d) in the middle of 20th century
24. Choose only interactive methods of teaching.
a) cluster, 6 hats, brain storm, a method "How", Metagrams, Synqvain
b) explanation, the analysis, synthesis, brain storm, method "How"
c) illustration, cluster, 6 hats, imitation
d) explanation, cluster, 6 hats, imitation
25. What do you understand by active lexical materials?
a) used only in one type of speech
b) used in two types of speech
c) used in all the types of speech
d) potencial lexics
26. What factor makes the listening difficult?
a) introductory words of the teacher
b) to be acquainted with the theme
c) listening to an unknown voice
d) having visual aids
27. Active grammar is used…
a) only in listening
b) in doing language exercises
c) in all the speech activities
d) in writing only
28. Is it possible to teach foreign language without grammar?
a) possible
b) depend on pupils
c) impossible
d) depend on teacher
29. Explaining grammar inductively mean…
a) from examples to the rule
b) from simple –to complicated
c) from complicated to simple
d) from rules to examples
30. Level of language acquisition of the graduates of the 9th grade of public schools is
a) А 2
b) А 1
c) А
d) А 2+
31. How many approaches are supposed for teaching FL in State Educational
Standards of Continuous Educationof Uzbekistan?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 5
32. The learner-centered approach
a) it is aimed at the achievement of the certain results and purchase significant competences
b) has developing, functional and communicative character of teaching that increase cognitive activity in learning.
c) mean proportional use material selected from various fields of students’ activity (adaptable, person-relevant, common intellectual and professional) in the process of teaching.
d) It is oriented at developing learner’s individuality through the subject based on learner’s lacks, needs and wants
33. What kind of speech is developed in the first form?
a) listening
b) reading
c) writing
d) oral speech
34. What’s the main aim of the lesson?
a) teaching writing
b) teaching speaking
c) teaching grammar
d) developing communicative competence
35. What types of plans do you know?
a) calendar-thematic plan
b) lesson plan
c) annual plan
d) calendar-thematic plan, lesson plan
36. The basic object of teaching foreign languages is
a) developing activities
b) the language material
c) the process of bringing up
d) the process of teaching, bringing up and education
37. By which method are rules discovered on the basis of examples?
а) approximation
b) inductive
c) deductive
d) lexical
38.Сhoose the interactive method?
a) explanation
b) showing
c) cluster
d) interpretation
39. What types of reading exist in teaching foreign languages?
а) scanning, active, skimming
b) detailed, scanning, skimming
c) active, skimming
d) skimming, passive
40. In what speech activities are passive lexical minimum used?
а) listening, reading
b) speaking, reading
c) listening, writing
d) speaking, writing
41. What is the approximation principles?
а) comparing native and foreign sounds
b) correct pronunciation of the sounds
c) methodical typology of sounds
d) closer pronunciation to the native sounds
42. What methods are used for teaching pronunciation?
а) deductive, inductive
b) semantic
c) translation, non translation
d) imitation, explanation, analyses
43. What type of reading is not practiced at school?
а) scanning reading
b) skimming reading
c) detailed reading
d) analytical reading
Single-level tests by a technique of teaching of the basic language
(10 tests)
1. There are only two aims in methodology of teaching foreign languages: moral training and educational.
Yes No
2. There are didactic and methodical principles in methodology of teaching foreign languages.
Yes No
3. Listening is a perception of speaking speech.
Yes No
4. The content of listening includes 4 components: linguistic, methodical, psychological, and communicative.
Yes No
5, The Basic characteristic of dialogical speech – sequence, ellaptive (wide using of gestures and mimics), unprepared.
Yes No
6. The interference is a negative influence of the native language on studied language.
Yes No
7. The Methodology as a science appeared at the end of 19 in the beginning 20 centuries.
Yes No
8. Strategy it is an elementary methodical act.
Yes No
9. There are 4 various basic methodics: the general, private, special and communicative.
Yes No
10. The aim of teaching pronunciation is formation listened-pronounced and rhyme-intonation skills. Yes No
Finals (Written)

Variant – 1

  1. What is the aim and tasks of the subject?

  2. What is Direct Method ?

  3. What should go into an English language lesson?

  4. What are reasons of Teaching Speaking?

  5. What listening activities do you know?

  6. What is motivation?

Variant – 2

  1. What is the aim and tasks of the subject?

  2. What is Audio Lingualism?

  3. What is a lesson plan?

  4. What is Speaking skill?

  5. What problems of Listening skills do you know?

  6. Describe a series of activities that would help students to integrate the four skills.

Variant – 3

  1. What is general and individual methodic?

  2. What is Counseling-Learning?

  3. How do you start your lesson?

  4. What is teaching Speaking?

  5. What does teacher do before giving listening tasks?

  6. What is Project-based teaching?

Variant – 4

  1. What skill do you know?

  2. Tell about Situational Language Teaching.

  3. What is warm up activity?

  4. What is communicative language teaching and collaborative learning?

  5. What is teaching Writing?

  6. What are learning styles and strategies? Give a definition and some examples for each one.

Variant – 5

  1. Tell about relations of the teaching methodology with other subjects.

  2. Tell about Grammar Translation Method.

  3. What do you know controlled practice?

  4. What types of communicative activities for improving speaking do you know?

  5. What is teaching vocabulary?

  6. What are authentic materials? What justifies their inclusion in the teaching programme even at early levels? What are some of the disadvantages?

Variant – 6

  1. Tell about Approach of Language Teaching.

  2. What is the Silent Way method?

  3. What do you know on freer practice?

  4. What is teaching Reading skills?

  5. What activities do you know on writing skills?

  6. What are the possible purposes of pre-reading tasks?

Variant – 7

  1. What is Technique?

  2. Tell about Suggestopedia or Desuggestopedia.

  3. What is “Teaching Speaking”?

  4. What do you know about extra linguistic difficulties of Reading skills?

  5. What difficulties on vocabulary do you know?

  6. Describe some positive effects of using games in the classroom.

Variant – 8

  1. Principles of Language Learning

  2. Total Physical Response

  3. What is Communicative Language Teaching?

  4. What do you know about linguistic difficulties of Reading skills?

  5. What is Curriculum/Syllabus?

  6. What type of activities for Reading do you know?

Variant – 9

1. What grammar activities do you know?
2. List the five most important characteristics of the Communicative Approach.
3. What is the difference between overall lesson objectives and stage aims?
4. What are the main components of a lesson plan?
5. What are the aims of a) pre-listening, b) while-listening, c) post-listening activities? Illustrate each by giving an example.
6. What is teaching vocabulary?

Variant – 10

1. Describe the phases of the writing process.
2. What is technique?
3. What is recycling vocabulary? Describe three classroom activities.
4. Describe the phases of the writing process.
5. What are some possible benefits of using role-play in the classroom? List at least three.
6. What does the term "gist listening" mean? Why is it important to develop this skill?

Variant – 11

1. What is the difference between lesson objectives and stage aims?
2. Name three reading activities that develop three different reading subskills. Give an example for each.
3. In what ways does a teacher need to prepare students for a free speaking activity? Give an example of a personalized speaking activity.
4. There is an inevitable difference between the students' passive and active vocabulary.
5. Tell about relations of the teaching methodology with other subjects.
6. What are the main components of a lesson plan?

Variant – 12

1. What is Blended learning?
2. List some activities of pre-teaching vocabulary.
3. What are the main stages of a grammar-focused lesson?
4. List activities you might take to encourage a ‘silent’ class to begin speaking in English.
5. Describe some positive effects of using games in the classroom.
6. "Reading is a passive skills" Argue for and against this statement.

Variant – 13

        1. What is an information gap activity?

        2. What is warm up activity?

        3. What do you know about linguistic difficulties of Reading skills?

        4. What does teaching material include?

        5. The teacher should use various audio-visual materials. Say what factors you will consider in selecting these materials in teaching foreign languages. Confirm your statement.

        6. List some problems during pairwork and groupwork. Give ideas.

1 Using the CEFR: Principles of Good Practice. -CUP, 2011. -P.8.

2 Ibid. -P.8.

3 Using the CEFR: Principles of Good Practice. - CUP, 2011. -P.14.

4 Ўзбекистон Республикаси узлуксиз таълим тизимининг Давлат стандарти// Халқ таълим. 4/2013. -Б. 5-6.

5 Ўзбекистон Республикаси узлуксиз таълим тизимининг Давлат стандарти// Халқ таълим. 4/2013. -Б. 5-6.

6 Richards J.C., Rodgers Th. S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Second ed. -Cambridge: CUP, 2002. -P.19.

7Antony (1963:63-67), cited in the book: Richards J.C., Rodgers Th. S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Second ed. -Cambridge: CUP, 2002.

8 Richards J.C., Rodgers Th. S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Second ed. -Cambridge: CUP, 2002. -P.19.

9 Richards J.C. (n.d.) 30 years of TEFL/TESL: A Personal reflection. - Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.


11 Celce-Murcia M. Rethinking the role of Communicative Competence in language Teaching/ Soler E.A., Safond Jorda M.P. (eds). Intercultural language Use and Language Learning. -Springer, 2007. -P.46.

12 Воробьев В.В. Лингвокультурология. – М.: РУДН, 2008; Маслова В.А. Лингвокультурология. -М.: Академия, 2007.

13 Красных В.В. Этнопсихолингвистика и лингвокультурология. - М.: Гносис, 2002. -C. 36.

14 Celce-Murcia M. Rethinking the role of Communicative Competence in language Teaching/ Soler E.A., Safond Jorda M.P. (eds). Intercultural language Use and Language Learning. -Springer, 2007. -P.46.

15 Jalalov J.J. Chet til o’qitish metodikasi. Foreign Language Teaching Methodology. -T.: O’qituvchi, 2012. -P321-322.

16 See: Balan R., Cehan A. & et.al. In-service Distance Training Course for Teachers of English. -Romania: Polirom, 2003. - P. 83-84.

17 Richards J.C., Bohlke D. Creative effective language Lessons. -CUP, 2011. // www.cambridge.org/oyjer_files5/

18 See in detail: Balan R., Cehan A. & et.al. . In-service Distance Training Course for Teachers of English. -Romania: Polirom, 2003; Richards J.C., Bohlke D. Creative effective language Lessons. -CUP, 2011. // www.cambridge.org/oyjer_files5/

19 Senior R. The experience of language teaching. - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

20 Rubin J. What the “good language learner” can teach us.// TESOL Quarterly 9. -P. 43.

21 Джалалов Д.Д. Проблемы содержания обучения иностранному языку. -Т.: ФАН, 1987. -С.59.

22 Clark J.L. Curriculum Renewal in school. Foreign languages Learning. -OUP,1987. -P.55-56.

23 Clark J.L. Curriculum Renewal in school. Foreign languages Learning. -OUP,1987. -P.59-60.

24 Richards J.C. Growing Up with TESOL// J. English Teaching Forum. V.46, No1, 2008. -P.9.

25 Carter R. Key concepts in FLT: Language Awareness.// J. ELT 57 (1), 2003. -P.64.

26 Bourke J.M. A Rough Guide to language Awareness.// J. English Teaching Forum. V.46, No1, 2008. -P.14-15.

27 Clark J.L. Curriculum Renewal in school. Foreign languages Learning. -OUP, 1987. -P.204-205.

28 See: Richards-Amato P.A. Making it Happen. Interaction in the Second Language Classroom. From Theory to Practice. -N.Y., London: Longman, 1988. -P.4.

29 Bloom B., Krathwohl D. Taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook 1. Cognitive Domain. -New York: Longman, 1977.

30 Richards-Amato P.A. Making it Happen. Interaction in the Second Language Classroom. From Theory to Practice. -N.Y., London: Longman, 1988. -P.383.

31 Scott W., Ytreberg L.H. Teaching English to children. -London: Longman, 1990. -P. 2.

32 Van de Branded K. Task-based language education: From theory to practice. -Cambridge: CUP, 2007.

33 Бухбиндер В.А. О системе упражнений,/ Общая методика обучения иностранным языкам: Хрестоматия. Под ред. Леонтьева А.А.. -М.: Русский язык, 1991. -С.93-95.

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