The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7: 00 pm in

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Mayor’s Report: E. Artman reported that there were 66 total police calls in August Police

and 17 incident reports; 7 criminal arrests; 7 traffic citations; 3 non-traffic citations Activity

Property & Ordinance: Nothing to report
Streets Report: W. Campbell reported that the 2001 truck needs a new bed and other 2001 truck

repairs and recommended that a new truck be purchased. E. Burns advised that the truck

be taken out of service.
W. Campbell read the report of street crew activities. It was noted that the 16th street St. work

paving is done and purchase of a new riding mower is being considered.

E. Burns commended the street crew for the job that was done mowing 1309 Clark & Mowing

1214 Robbins Avenue.

September 10, 2012 (continued)

Willow Solicitor’s Report: Regarding draining from Willow Street property, A. Urti said that

Drain Kiski Township is not taking responsibility because it is a private lane. It will need to be determined who the property owner is.
Junk cars Letter was written to owners of North Apollo Auto Wrecking regarding the junk cars outside their fence.
1308 Complaint was served on 1308 Center Avenue but property has been sold.

1307 Regarding 1307 Robbins, 30 days have passed without response from owner. A default

Robbins judgment may be filed.
1409 All owners of 1409 Clark need to be identified before action can be taken on the

Clark property.

1207 A municipal claim will be filed on 1207 Wysocki Avenue.

Pay Bills Finances: Motion was made by E. Barclay. Seconded by T. Newton to pay the bills presented – Ayes 4; Nays 0 (See voucher register for September 2012)

Budget E. Burns advised that work needs to begin on the 2013 budget in order to avoid extra meetings in December.
Treasurer Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following August 31, 2012 balances in the borough’s accounts: General Fund, $124,138.57; Garbage, $9735.93; Liquid Fuels, $46,167.52; Sewer Recovery, $143,538.63.
Collection Garbage fee collections for August totaled $9,049.50 including $1,362.75 in delinquents. Sewer recovery fee collections totaled $1,465.62 including $523.20 in delinquents.
Phone/Int. Proposal was received from Windstream to provide phone and internet service for the

Service borough at $99.99/month. With taxes and fees, that would represent about a $35.00 savings per month over the current service from Comcast. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to authorize E. Stitt to switch the service if it is equivalent to prior service – Ayes 4; Nays 0

ADA Engineer’s Report: One of the ADA ramps at the fire hall was eliminated due to excessive slope and a change order was done at a cost of $1,500.00 extra. There will be two ramps at the fire hall and one across the street at the Shoemaker property.
Paving Paving is reported to be 90% done. E. Burns reported that there is a step at one ADA ramp that needs to be made flush.
Dye Test Dye testing is on hold for now.

September 10, 2012 (continued)

It was noted that the catch basin at 19th & Moore is being hit & damaged. It was Catch

recommended that the catch basin be lowered by 1 brick and black top put around it. Basin
Pipe was approved for the ditch on Birch, but it has not yet been installed. This needs Birch

to be done before winter. Ditch

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to schedule trick-or-treat Halloween

night for October 31st from 6-8pm – Ayes 4; Nays 0

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to allow the fire department Oct. Fest

to close Acheson Avenue from 16th to 17th Street on October 19th and 20th for their

October Fest Celebration – Ayes 4; Nays 0.
E. Burns reported that 911 is switching to a 800-band radio. Discussion took place 911 radio

regarding whether or not the borough needs to purchase the new radios.

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to adopt the following Pension

Minimum Municipal Obligations for the borough’s pension funds for 2013: MMOs

Police, $845.00; Non-uniform, $6,191.00 – Ayes 4; Nays 0.
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to purchase 10 new borough Borough

code books for $15.00/each from the State Association of Boroughs – Ayes 4; Nays 0 Code

The County Borough Association will hold a borough code training session on Code

September 27th at 6:30pm at Theresa’s in West Kittanning. Contact E. Stitt if interested Training

in attending.
The situation with Centax not being able to handle EIT collections was discussed. Centax

Berkheimer is to take over as collector for the 3rd quarter.

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to adjourn at 8:05pm – Ayes 4; Nays 0.


Edward L. Stitt, Jr.

Borough Secretary

October 1, 2012

The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00pm in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of members: the following members were present; E. Barclay, E. Burns, W. Campbell and T. Newton. Absent was E. Hall. Also present were Mayor E. Artman, Secy’ E. Stitt, Solicitor E. Erti and B. Bothell from Senate Engineering.

Limbs Visitors: Walter Keeley- 507 13th Street, complained about limbs hanging over the alley between his house and his neighbors; cars are being damaged and a dead tree needs to be tended to.
C Basins Streets: B. Bothell noted that the borough is to lower the catch basins at Moore & 19th Street. Also, a new catch basin is recommended at Moore & 18th.
B-ball Ct. W. Campbell reported that the basketball court in the lower park has been seal coated.
Sign E. Burns reported that the sign at 14th Street Leonard Avenue is down.
Birch Ave B. Bothell said that the pipe has been ordered for the storm drain at Birch Avenue.
‘01 Truck Discussion took place regarding repair or replacement of the ’01 truck. W. Campbell advised that estimates were received for a new bed and a new truck but they still need to be studied.
Property & Ordinance: Nothing to report
Pay bills Finance: Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton to pay the bills presented- Ayes: 4, Nays: 0 (See voucher register for October 2012)
Balances Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following: September 30, 2012 balances in the borough’s accounts: General Fund- $123,110.00; Garbage & Refuse- $11,636.51; Liquid Fuels- $44,776.29; Sewer Recovery- $155,368.92.
Collected Garbage fee collections for September totaled $8516.97 including $1,672.59 in delinquents. Sewer Recovery fee collections totaled $20,435.34 including $636.08 in delinquents.
Res 2 Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to adopt resolution 2 of 2012

E. Stitt which authorizes council to appoint E. Stitt as the liaison between it and Berkheimer &

Liaison Associates for the purpose of sharing confidential tax information with the district for official purposes – Ayes: 4, Nays: 0
Res 3 Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to pass resolution 3 of 2012

Delq Fees which authorizes Berkheimer & Associates to collect fees for delinquent accounts according to their fee schedule – Ayes: 4, Nays: 0

October 1, 2012 (continued)

Engineer: B. Bothell reported that the maintenance bond and payroll records are 16th Street

needed from Tresco paving for 16th Street.

Motion made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to pay the corrected bill to Pay

Tresco Paving for 16th Street depending on receipt of the needed paperwork – Ayes: 4 Tresco

Nays: 0
There has been no news on funding for a water line for the Oakwood Avenue area. Oakwood
The Conservation District will not act on the Willow Avenue drainage problem. A. Urti Willow

suggested sending a member to the Kiski Township supervisor’s meeting to discuss the

Mayor: E. Artman gave report of police activity. There were 48 total calls with 13 Police

incidents reported, 2 criminal arrests, 4 traffic and 2 non-traffic citations. Report

Solicitor: A. Urti reported that the properties mowed by the borough are to be liened. Liens
The owner of 1307 Robbins Avenue claims to be working on his property. Robbins
A complaint is to be filed on 1409 Clark Avenue. Clark
Action is needed to find a new Emergency Management Coordinator. EMC
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to accept as presented, the Minutes

minutes of the meeting of September 10, 2012 – Ayes: 4, Nays: 0.

Greg Pearson- 1205 Wysocki Ave: complained that recent water authority work on Pegtown

Pegtown Avenue has not been properly repaired. Avenue

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to go into Executive Session Exec Sess

to discuss a personnel matter – Ayes: 4, Nays:0.

Motion to return to regular session was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell.

Ayes: 4, Nays: 0. No action was taken.

E. Stitt reported that our website is being developed. Website
The 2013 budget was discussed. T. Newton will meet with E. Stitt on October 10th Budget

at 10:00am to work on a proposal.

Discussion took place between visitor Pat Froncek and A. Urti regarding the possibility Froncek

of passing a curative amendment to the zoning ordinance that would allow Froncek Zoning

to operate a campground in Pegtown.
Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to purchase a time clock Time

October 1, 2012 (continued)
Clock at a cost not to exceed $400.00 – Ayes: 4, Nays: 0.
Adjournment was moved at 7:50pm by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell – Ayes: 4, Nays: 0.

Edward L. Stitt, Jr.

Borough Secretary


November 5, 2012

The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00pm in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of members- the following members were present: E. Barclay, E. Burns, W. Campbell and T. Newton. Absent was E. Hall. Also present were E. Artman, Secy’ E. Stitt, Solicitor A. Urti and Ben Bothell from Senate Engineering.

Minutes Minutes of the meeting of October 1, 2012 were accepted as presented by motion of t. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay. Ayes: 4, Nays: 0.
1820 Visitors: Discussion took place with visitor Delia Fulton, 1816 Moore Avenue,

Moore regarding the condition of 1820 Moore Avenue and the fact that part of the property is now being rented.

Sealing Streets: W. Campbell reported that the street crew sealed Leonard Avenue and has been patching holes and installing storm drain pipe on Birch Avenue.
Repair After discussion, motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to have the

truck bed on the 2001 truck repaired by W. Faber and have the other inspection work done on the truck at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00. Ayes: 4, Nays: 0

C basins 3 quotes were received for installing two new catch basins at 18th & Moore: Bier

Moore Excavating- $4250.00/each; Soil Construction- $9600.00 total; B. Brothers-$9625.00 total. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to have Bier Excavating install two catch basins at 18th & Moore at a total cost of $8500.00. Ayes- 4; Nays- 0.

Trimmers Prices are being obtained for new weed trimmers for the street crew.

Pay bills Finance: Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton to pay the bills presented. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0. (See voucher register for November 2012)

November 5, 2012 (continued)

T. Newton reported that a budget proposal for 2013 has been completed. No increases Budget

in taxes or fees are expected. Negotiated raises for the street crew and 3% raises for the

office staff are accounted for and there will be funding for street paving. Motion was

made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to tentatively adopt and advertise the

budget for 2013 with final adoption scheduled for the December 3rd meeting.

Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to advertise ordinance Ord. 312

312-2012, which sets the tax rate for 2013 at 11.59 mills, the same as for 2012, Taxes

for adoption on December 3, 2012. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to advertise for bids for Garbage

garbage collection service for a two year period, beginning February 1, 2013 with bids Bids

to be opened December 3, 2012. Ayes- 4, Nays-0
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to amend Paragraph 9 of Garbage

the garbage bid specifications to add electronic equipment to the list of items that the specs

contractor will not be required to collect. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.
Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following: October 31, 2012 balances in the Balances

borough’s accounts: General Fund: $120,217.85; Garbage & Refuse: $13,261.28;

Liquid Fuels: $18,559.90 and Sewer Recovery: $150,908.07.
Garbage fee collections for October totaled $8173.57 including $1234.40 in delinquents Collected

Sewer recovery fee collections totaled $4454.06 including $248.36 in delinquents.

The need for a new computer was discussed. E. Barclay is to study the specifications Computer

and check on prices for the next meeting. E. Barclay left the meeting at this time.

No action was taken on a request by Dean Boylstein, 1708 Moore Avenue, to be partly Boylstein

reimbursed for having a tree trimmed in front of his house along the street. Tree

A proposed resolution supporting Allegheny Ridge Corporation’s plan to close out the Resolution

Kiski Valley Greenway Trails & Downtown connectivity study was tabled pending

further examination.
Mayor’s Report: E. Artman read the report of police activities in October. There were Police

55 total calls, 14 incidents logged, 2 criminal arrests, 1 traffic and 4 non-traffic citations. Activity

Discussion took place regarding the number of property owners who have been cited for Grass

high grass. A. Urti noted that two properties were liened for the cost of the borough

workers cutting the grass.
Engineer’s Report: B. Bothell reported that the bill for paving 16th Street has been paid 16th

November 5, 2012 (continued)

Street and the maintenance bond has been received from Tresco Paving.

Dye Test It was decided to wait until Spring to do anything about dye testing the properties in town.
Bruegg. Solicitor’s Report: A. Urti reported that work is being done slowly on the Brueggeman property at 1307 Robbins Avenue. Discussion took place regarding whether or not to take further action on the matter at this time.
KVWPCA An update was given regarding the litigation between Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority and the boroughs of Leechburg and Vandergrift. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to stipulate that if the borough is dropped as an involuntary plaintiff in the litigation between Leechburg and Vandergrift and the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority, then no action will be taken by the borough against the authority. Ayes-3, Nays-0.
Liens It was noted that liens had been filed on the Larry Hall & Dennis Simpson properties for the cost of having the borough workers mow the grass.
Timeclock A new time clock was reported purchased. E. Stitt was advised to put the clock into service at the beginning of the next pay period.
Adjournment was moved at 7:40pm by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton. Ayes- 3, Nays-0.


Edward L. Stitt, Jr.

Borough Secretary

December 3, 2012

The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00pm in

the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns who led the Pledge

of Allegiance. Roll call of members: the following members were present: E. Barclay,

E. Burns, W. Campbell and T. Newton. Absent was E. Hall. Also present were Mayor

E. Artman, Secy’ E. Stitt, and Solicitor A. Urti.

Minutes of the meeting of November 5, 2012 were accepted as presented by motion of Minutes

T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

The following garbage bids were presented and discussed: Shank Sanitation- 1st year: Garbage

$67,260/year ($5,605/month); 2nd year: $70,800/year ($5,900/month). Bids

Waste Management: 1st year- $98,199.60/year; 2nd year- $98,199.60; Copney: 1st year:

$84,300/year ($7,025/month); 2nd year- $89,300/year ($7,425.00/month). Motion was

made by T. Newton to accept the bid made by Shank Sanitation, seconded by W. Campbell

Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

The chief of the North Apollo Volunteer Fire Department, Jason Burns, stated that the VFD Tax

fire department needs help with finances. They are asking for a real estate tax to be

added. Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to have Solicitor,

A. Urti, write a legal opinion on adding a fire department tax. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

Jeff Hines (1837 Hickory Nut Rd) stated complaint regarding water breaks on Hickory Hickory

Nut Road and that the water is washing out his drive way. E. Burns stated that the Nut Rd.

engineer will look into the problem.
Robin Rearick started discussion regarding funding Oakwood Avenue water line. Oakwood

DEP declared it eligible for abandoned mine funding, which would fund 25-40% of

project. Water Authority will apply for grant.
Ray Rusz posed a question as to why the parks were closed. W. Campbell informed him Parks

that the parks were damaged due to someone burning pavilion. Rusz also stated Closed

that the storm drains need cleaned.
Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton to accept the proposal made Computer

Rely-A-Tec for a new computer. Ayes- 3, Nays- 0. W. Campbell abstained due to a

personal relationship with Chris Carricato (owner of Rely-A-Tec).
Streets: W. Campbell gave report of street work: Streets were cleaned and sealed. Also Streets

reported that the 2001 truck has been repaired and is being used.

Property & Ordinance: E. Burns reported that all repairs were completed on 1820 1820

Moore Avenue and that the occupancy permit was issued. Moore

December 3, 2012 (continued)

Pay bills Finance: Motion was made by E. Barclay, Seconded by T. Newton to pay the bills presented. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0. (See Voucher register for December 2012)

2013 Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to adopt the 2013 budget as

Budget presented. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

Tax Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to accept Tax Ordinance

Ordinance No. 312-2012 for 2013. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

Secy’ Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to approve a 3% raise for

raise Secretary, E. Stitt. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

Clerk Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to approve a 3% raise for

raise Clerk, April Bell. Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

Treasurer Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following November 30, 2012 balances in the borough’s accounts: General Fund- $120,329.95, Garbage- $13,261.32, Liquid Fuels- $18,560.44, Sewer Recovery- $150,908.57.
Collection Garbage fee collections for November totaled $9,557.19, including $1,614.64 in delinquents. Sewer recovery fee collections totaled $16,519.91, including $3,581.22 in delinquents.
Police Mayor’s Report: Mayor E. Artman reported that there were 45 total police calls in

Activity November and 12 incident reports; 1 criminal arrests; 1 traffic citation; 2 non-traffic citations.

1409 Solicitor’s Report: A. Urti reported that the complaint was filed on 1409 Clark Avenue

Clark and he’s waiting for a response. He will ask for default judgment, if no response.

1307 Action is being taken on 1307 Robbins Avenue.

K.V.W.P. Discussion took place regarding the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority’s acceptance of stipulation conveyed.

1234 Pat Froncek stated that the door of 1234 Wysocki Avenue is open and it should not be

Wysocki because it should be empty.

Oakwood Engineer’s Report: E. Burns stated that he is hopeful that the runoff problem on Oakwood Avenue will be corrected.

December 3, 2012 (continued)

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to accept the meeting 2013

schedule for 2013. Meetings will be held the first Monday of every month. Meetings

Ayes- 4, Nays- 0.

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to adjourn at 8:05pm. Ayes- 4, Nays-0.


Edward L. Stitt, Jr.

Borough Secretary

January 7, 2013

The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:02pm in the North Apollo Volunteer Fire Department Hall by President E. Burns who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of members: the following members were present: E. Burns, W. Campbell and T. Newton. Absent were E. Barclay and E. Hall. Also present were Mayor E. Artman, Assistant Secy’ April Bell and Solicitor A. Urti.

Minutes Minutes of the meeting of December 3, 2012 were accepted as presented by motion of T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell. Ayes- 3, Nays-0.
Hickory Jeff Hines (1837 Hickory Nut Rd) stated complaint regarding another water break on

Nut Rd. Hickory Nut Road. His driveway is washed out and he left a message with the water

authority. E. Burns stated that he will call the water authority.
Ion Letter Russell Niedy (810 16th Street) questioned the letter from Ion that everyone received regarding sound wave testing. E. Burns informed him not to sign the letter and A. Urti informed him that if he signed it, he’d be waiving liability.
Garbage Bob Grantz (1601 Pegtown Ave.) informed council that nobody picks up his garbage. W. Campbell informed him that if garbage collectors don’t pick it up to call the street


Public T. Newton stated there is nothing to report.

Streets Streets: W. Campbell reported that the borough received a truckload of salt and got a

new motor in the truck; however, we need to recover at least half the cost. E. Burns

stated not to pay Bob Ross’ Auto Repair bill at this time.

Rentals Property & Ordinance: E. Burns stated that rental properties need inspected before they

are rented and that and ordinance needs to be written. There will be a charge for this

inspection. Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton that A. Urti

write an ordinance requiring a property inspection before occupancy is permitted.

Ayes- 3, Nays-0.
R Bar Code Enforcement Officer, Sam Ross, explained the R Bar violations and stated that they have to supply architect’s drawing of entire building to the UCC.
1409 A. Urti stated that owners have ten (10) more days to respond before Default Judgment is

Clark entered. Sheriff went out to house and reported the owner was dead. Several visitors

stated that the owners are not dead.
Police Mayor’s Report: Mayor E. Artman reported that there were 33 total police calls in

Activity December and 15 incident reports: 3 arrests; 5 traffic citations; 3 non-traffic citations.

January 7, 2013 (continued)

Treasurer’s Report: A. Bell reported the following December 31, 2012 balances in Treasurer

the borough’s accounts: General Fund- $100,536.81, Garbage- $11,053.70, Liquid fuels-

$14,334.08, Sewer Recovery- $163,030.22.
Garbage fee collections for December totaled $1,331.25, including $616.75 in Collection

delinquents. Sewer recovery fee collections totaled $11,199.34, including $1,475.10

in delinquents.
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to pay uniform pension Pension

Plans. Ayes-3, Nays- 0. Plans

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to pay the bills presented, Pay Bills

except for Bob Ross. Ayes- 3, Nays- 0.

Solicitor’s Report: A. Urti explained the Kiski Valley Greenway project and stated that Greenway

the borough is not bound to anything. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded Project

by W. Campbell to pass the Kiski Valley Greenway Resolution No. 1 of 2013.

Ayes- 3, Nays- 0.

A. Urti stated that he will research the death certificates of the owners. After Default 1409

Judgment, then we can levy on personal property. Clark

Sam Ross stated that Brueggeman is still moving slowly forward on corrections. Bruegg.

A. Urti stated that we can send them a 6 month notice.

Sam Ross stated that the Hunt’s cars are well hidden but they did clean up over half Hunt

of them. Cars

Discussion took place regarding a North Apollo VFD tax. A. Urti stated that the VFD tax

Borough council cannot do a flat tax. E. Burns suggested doing a fee instead of a tax.

Jason Burns, VFD chief, said they are asking for $80.00. A special meeting will be

held for further discussion on VFD tax.

E. Burns suggested a referendum be drawn up to eliminate the borough’s financial Library

obligation to the library. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell

to have attorney write referendum. Ayes- 3, Nays-0.
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to go into executive session Executive

to discuss personnel situation. Ayes- 3, Nays-0. Session

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to return to regular session

meeting. Ayes- 3, Nays- 0.

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to approve Option 1 for Teamsters

the Teamster’s Union Insurance. Ayes- 3, Nays- 0. Insurance

January 7, 2013 (continued)

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to adjourn at 8:09pm. Ayes- 3, Nays- 0.


Edward L. Stitt, Jr.

Borough Secretary

February 4, 2013

The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00pm in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of members: the following members were present; E. Burns, W. Campbell and T. Newton. Also present were Clerk, A. Bell and Solicitor, A. Urti. Absent was E. Hall, E. Barclay and Mayor E. Artman.

Minutes of the meeting of January 7, 2013 were accepted as presented by Motion of Minutes W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton. Ayes- 3, Nays-0.
Visitors: Mary Fulton (1816 Moore), stated her concerns with person who moved into New

garage behind her house. E. Burns informed her that the borough cannot do anything Resident

about it due to state law.
Streets: W. Campbell reported that another load of salt was ordered. Citizens need to Streets

put visible house numbers on their house and a copy of the ordinance needs to go in each

sewer recovery bill. Purple truck needs new skid on plow.
E. Burns asked why there are two guys riding in one truck instead of using both trucks. Trucks

W. Campbell stated that he will check into it.

Pat Froncek (1223 Wysocki) discussed the condition of Baker Street. E. Burns stated Baker St.

That W. Campbell will check into it.

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to pay bills presented. Pay bills

Ayes- 3, Nays-0.

Mayor’s Report: T. Newton reported that there were 65 total police calls in January Police

and 24 incident reports: 3 arrests, 11 traffic citations, 4 non-traffic citations. Activity

W. Campbell asked if having officer at school takes away from the borough’s coverage. Police

E. Burns stated that the borough’s police coverage will not change.

Solicitor’s Report: A. Urti reported that the garbage contract with Shank Sanitation Garbage

is good. Contract

Default Judgment will be filed on 1409 Clark Avenue and we were start trying to collect. 1409

A. Urti explained the special meeting that the borough will hold regarding the proposed VFD tax

North Apollo Volunteer Fire Department tax. Meeting will be held on Wednesday,

February 6, 2013 at 7:00pm at the fire hall.

Discussion took place regarding the borough revisiting it’s contribution to the Apollo Library

Library. A. Urti stated that the borough would need a petition with 3% of the voters Tax

from the last election.

February 4, 2013 (continued)

Rentals A. Urti led discussion regarding inspection requirement for rental properties. Properties

will need to be registered and there would be a registration and inspection fee. He stated that this needs to be done for the safety of the borough and recommended not to advertise ordinance until next month. A. Urti advised council to look over ordinance to make sure it is not a duplicate of another ordinance.
Sam Ross Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to give Code Enforcement

Officer, Sam Ross a 3% raise in pay. Ayes- 3, Nays- 0.

UCC E. Burns stated that the borough needs someone to be on the appeal board of the UCC

Group Group.

Treasurer Treasurer’s Report: A. Bell reported the following January 31, 2013 balances in the

borough’s accounts: General Fund- $105,874.00, Garbage-$5,403.77, Liquid Fuels-

$11,464.49, Sewer Recovery- $156,601.41.
Collection Garbage fee collections for January totaled $896.50, including $288.75 in delinquents.

Sewer Recovery fee collections totaled $2,825.52, including $841.21 in delinquents.

VFD Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to by the North Apollo

Volunteer Fire Department $5,000.00 of their yearly contribution. Ayes- 3, Nays-0.

Executive Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to go into executive session

Session to discuss personnel. Ayes- 3, Nays- 0.

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to go back into regular

session. Ayes- 3, Nays- 0.

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by T. Newton to adjourn meeting at 7:55pm.

Ayes-3, Nays- 0.


April Bell

Borough Clerk

February 6, 2013

A special meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00pm in the North Apollo Volunteer Fire Department Hall by President E. Burns explaining the purpose of the meeting. Present were E. Burns, E. Barclay and T. Newton. Also present were Clerk, A. Bell and Solicitor, A. Urti.

Jim Barclay read letter from Barbara Burns expressing purpose and benefits to having Letter

the fire department. The letter listed the duties of the firemen. Jim explained the

different equipment that the fire fighters use.
Jason Burns, the fire department chief, stated that fundraising and memberships have Funds

gone down and that they are trying to sell fire engine. VFD has applied for grants and

has cut costs. An explanation as given as to all the VFD’s bills.
E. Burns stated that if tax goes through, borough will have access to the VFD’s books, Books

a council person would be appointed to oversee them, and the report would be open to

the public.
The following North Apollo residents made comments, questions, concerns regarding Speakers

the tax: Debbie Stankus, John Phillips, Jack Horneman, Carol McCain, Mary Flaherty,

Ed Hall, Toni Taylor, Nancy Kostalansky, Mike Solanka, Regis Flaherty, Dolly McCoy,

Marlene Beck, Diane Dowling, Bill Beck, and James Spader.

E. Burns gave the following answers to various questions presented: Answers

  • If tax is implemented, the borough will not continue its $15,000.00 yearly

contribution to the VFD.

  • Taxes will not be raised.

  • There is public vote on tax, council will decide.

  • The borough would send out the VFD bill.

  • The public is not allowed at VFD meetings

  • Preliminary proposal: $80/year per house; $160/year per business. Property

Owners will be billed per property

  • Ordinance will be available to the public in March.

Solicitor, A. Urti made the following comments:

  • The VFD books will be open to council. If tax/fee is implemented, council can

revisit it when they want to.

  • All options are still being looked at regarding how fee will be paid.

E. Barclay made the following comments:

  • Businesses will have to pay more

  • The Borough will withhold the $15,000.00 yearly contribution in case of emergency.

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to have A. Urti write ordinance for

VFD tax. Ayes- 3, Nays-0.
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to adjourn meeting at 8:44pm.

Ayes- 3, Nays- 0.


April Bell

Borough Clerk


March 4, 2013

The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00pm in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of members: the following members were present: E. Burns, E. Barclay, W. Campbell, Ed Hall and T. Newton. Also present were Mayor E. Artman, Secy’ E. Stitt, Solicitor, A. Urti and Ben Bothell from Senate Engineering.

Visitors Dee Butler (1410 Wemple), asked how long the sewer recovery fee would be charged. She also inquired about the various new taxes and fees, rental inspections and house


VFD tax Anita Horneman (1219 Wysocki), suggested deducting the $15,000.00 annual borough

payment to the North Apollo Fire Department from the total charged to the residents.

This would help older people who have a hard time paying for such bills.

Library Christine Broadwater (1824 Moore), spoke in support of the Apollo Library.

R-Bar David Carnes (owner of 420 16th Street), reported that due to a confrontation with a

patron of R-Bar, his mother had a heart attack. He further noted that there was a fire

in the bar building recently and the building is not up to code. E. Burns advised that

UCC is dealing with the problem.

Drainage Pat McConnell (1417 Cochran), mentioned a water drainage problem at his property.

Minutes Minutes of the meetings from February 4, 2013 and February 6, 2013 were accepted as

presented by motion of T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell. Ayes- 5, Nays- 0.
Treasurer Secy’ E. Stitt reported the following February 28, 2013 balances in the borough’s

Report accounts: General Fund- $92,101.72; Garbage- $10,548.81; Liquid Fuels- $10,075.82; Sewer Recovery- $143,392.32.

March 4, 2013 (continued)
Garbage fee collections for February totaled $11,688.75, including $2,289.25 in Collection

delinquents. Sewer recovery fee collections totaled $2,432.98, including $2,096.18

in delinquents. First quarter billing was sent out along with a notice regarding the

requirement to post street addresses.

Finance- Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to accept the audit Audit

report for 2012. Ayes- 5, Nays- 0 Report

Motion to pay the bills presented was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton. Pay Bills

Ayes- 5, Nays- 0. (See voucher register from March 2013)

Solicitor’s Report- A. Urti advised that council cannot redirect tax funds used to pay Library

the Apollo Library. Visitor Anita Horneman suggested that the referendum for the Tax

library tax be rerun on the ballot. Discussion took place regarding the wording of the


Discussion took place regarding the proposed fire protection ordinance. The amount Fire

of the fee would be $80.00 per household or commercial unit per year or $40.00 Ordinance

per year for multiple dwelling units. Discussion took place regarding whether to bill

the fee once or twice per year. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay

to set the fire protection fee at $80.00 per unit or $40.00 for multiple dwellings and to bill

the fees once per year. Ayes- 4, Nays- 1 (W. Campbell).

Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay to advertise ordinance No. 313 Ord. 313

of 2013, an ordinance to establish a fire protection services fee and to regulate the

collection and disbursement of said fee. Ayes- 5, Nays- 0.
Regarding the KVWPCA lawsuit, all parties signed a settlement agreement and KVWPCA

litigation has ended. Lawsuit

Engineer’s Report: B. Bothell reported that there is a problem with water drainage into 1417

basement at 1417 Cochran since the street was paved and drainage changes were made. Cochran

E. Burns suggested running a camera through the storm sewer. Bothell is to get the

camera work done.

The water authority is planning to reapply for a grant for the Oakwood Avenue water Oakwood

line, using money from the DEP as a match. Water line

Street paving and smoke testing are on hold for now. Paving
Mayor’s Report: E. Artman reported on police activities. There were 45 total Police

calls. 16 incidents recorded, no criminal arrests, 5 traffic and 5 non-traffic citations Activity

Property & Ordinance: Nothing to report. Property

March 4, 2013 (continued)

Salt Streets: W. Campbell reported that more snow is expected this week and a load of salt was purchased.

Allegh. A discussion took place with an unidentified visitor regarding the condition of Allegheny

Alley Alley. He noted that the use of millings is doing no good and that snow plowing is doing damage to the alley.

Exec. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to go into Executive Session

Session to discuss personnel matter. Ayes- 5, Nays- 0.

Motion to return to regular session was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell. Ayes- 5, Nays- 0. No action was taken.
Hearing A. Urti stated that he needed authorization to request a blighted law hearing on 1409 Clark Avenue. Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton to authorize A. Urti to request a blighted law hearing on 1409 Clark Avenue. Ayes- 5, Nays- 0.
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell to adjourn meeting at 8:05pm. Ayes- 5, Nays- 0.

Edward L. Stitt, Jr.

Borough Secretary


April 1, 2013
The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 Pm in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns, who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call of Members: The following members were present; E. Barclay, E. Burns, W. Campbell, and T. Newton. Absent was E. Hall. Also present were Mayor E. Artman, Sec’y E. Stitt, Solicitor A. Urti, B. Bothell from Senate Engineering, and Equipment Operator B. Beck.
Minutes Minutes of the meeting of March 4, 2013 were accepted as presented by motion of T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell – ayes 4, nays 0.
Crofutt Public Comment: Darrell Crofutt, 1816 Hickory Nut Road, enquired about the situation

Water with the water line on Hickory Nut Road. E. Burns noted that the Water Authority is trying to work it into their budget. Mr. Crofutt also noted that the condition of 18th Street

18th St. is bad.
21st St. Richard Summerville, 2123 Stoops Court, advised that 21st Street is in need of repairs.

B Ball Ct. He also that the adjustable hoops on the basketball court in the Helen Clark Playground should be replaced.

April 1, 2013 (Continued)
Discussion took place with Edward Kennedy, 2140 Stoops Court regarding the Fire Fire Pro.

Protection Fee. Mr. Kennedy protested that the fee amounts to a drastic increase in taxes Fee

and is an end run around increasing Property Taxes. He questioned the legality of

imposing such a fee.

Jo Ellen Vergari, 1713 Wilson Avenue, reported an abandoned car in her neighborhood. Junk Car

Also, house number requirements were discussed.

Darrell Crofutt expressed support of the Fire Protection Fee if at keeps the Fire Depart- Fire Fee

ment in town. His only concern involved the department answering calls out of town. Support

Donald Wicks, 407 18th Street, advised that 18th Street is in need of repairs and paving. 18th St.

Mr. Wicks also noted that fire insurance premiums in the area would increase if the Fire Fire Dept

Department is no longer in town.
Jennifer Carnes, owner of 1606 Moore Avenue, and 1324 Leonard Avenue, enquired Rental

Into the status of rental inspections. E. Burns advised that the subject was tabled. Insps.

Motion was made by W. Campbell, seconded by E. Barclay, to adopt Ordinance 313- Ord 313

2013, an ordinance establishing and regulating the collection of a Fire Protection Fire Fee

Services Fee – ayes 3, nays 0, abstaining 1 (T. Newton due to life membership in the

North Apollo Volunteer Fire Department).

Streets: W. Campbell noted that B. Beck requested vacation time for April 15 through Beck

19 for military duty. There was no objection.

Scheduling Cleanup Day was discussed. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded Cleanup

by W. Campbell, to set Cleanup Day for Tuesday, May 14th from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM - Day

ayes 4, nays 0.
W. Campbell reported that he checked on the cost of renting an air compressor to Air Comp.

clean out cracks in the streets in preparation for sealing. Rental would cost $142.00 per

day, and the cost to purchase a used compressor would be around $9,000.00. Lower

prices will be sought.

Property & Ordinance: Nothing to report.
Finance: Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton, to pay the bills Pay Bills

Presented – ayes 4, nays 0. (See Voucher Register for April, 2013.)

Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following March 28, 2013 balances in the Balances

Borough’s accounts: General Fund, $71,066.64; Garbage & Refuse, $11,752.17; Liquid

Fuels, $7,252.49; and Sewer Recovery, $164,103.31.
Garbage Fee collections for March totaled $3,348.85, including $1,208.00 in delinquent Collected

Accounts. Sewer Recovery Fee collections for March totaled $28,127.16, including

$4,518.15 in delinquents.

April 1, 2013 (Continued)
Mayor’s Report: No report was available.
Fines Police: E. Burns reported that Kiski Township would like to receive citation fees that

To Kiski come from North Apollo in lieu of the usual 6% increase in the payment for Police services. The request was discussed, but no action was taken pending further study of possible difference in cost.

1409 Solicitor: A. Urti advised that 1409 Clark Avenue has been declared a nuisance property

Clark and the Borough may take action on it at any time. It was noted that there is no guarantee that the Borough’s expenses can be recovered.

Drainage Engineer: B. Bothell advised that there is nothing much the Borough can do about the

Cochran drainage problem at the Mc Connell property on Cochran Avenue. The possibility of writing Mc Connell a letter was discussed.

Paving It was estimated that it will cost about $56,000.00 to pave the rest of 16th Street and $6,000.00 to pave the intersection leading to Luxemburg Manor. Discussion took place regarding paving 18th Street from Acheson to Moore. Also several drains need to be checked.
Water The Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County has applied for grant money for the

Line Oakwood Avenue water line using DEP grant money as matching funds. No word has been received yet.

Exec Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to go into executive session

Session to discuss personnel matters – ayes 4, nays 0.

Motion to return to regular session was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay – ayes 4, nays 0. No action was taken.
Library Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by W. Campbell, to authorize A. Urti to

Ref. investigate the Library referendum – ayes 4, nays 0.

Adjournment was moved at 8:10 PM by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell – ayes 4, nays 0.

Edward L. Stitt Jr.

Borough Secretary

May 6, 2013
The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 PM

in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns, who led the

Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call of Members: The following members were present; E.

Barclay, E. Burns, W. Campbell, E. Hall, and T. Newton. Also present were Mayor E.

Artman, Sec’y E. Stitt, Solicitor A. Urti, and B. Bothell from Senate Engineering.
Public Participation: Donald Acker, 1308 Cedar Avenue, expressed thanks to E. Speer

Burns, T. Newton, W. Campbell, and B. Bothell for their attention to the situation Fence

regarding the fence that Acker’s neighbor David Speer plans to install. Acker noted

that the fence will block emergency vehicle access to his property. Also discussed was

junk on the Speer property. It was noted that any Police Officer may enforce codes but

Officer Darhl Goldinger has been assigned to do code work such as junk and high grass.

Discussion took place regarding vandalism at the park. No citations have been written so Park

far. Kiski Township will be contacted. Vandalism

Dan Lambing, 1821 Acheson Avenue, complained of junk accumulating on his Junk

neighbor’s property at 1819 Acheson.

Treasurer’s Report: E. Stitt reported the following April 30, 2013 balances in the Balances

Borough’s accounts: General Fund, $97,966.47; Garbage & Refuse, $17,931.91; Liquid

Fuels, $37,312.63; and Sewer Recovery, $159,937.91
Garbage Fee collections for April totaled $12,083.71, including $2,051.25 in delin- Collected

quents. Sewer Recovery fee collections totaled $3,302.14, including $1,214.92 in

Discussion took place regarding the Fire Protection Services Fee ordinance needing Fire Fee

to be signed by the Mayor. After discussion regarding handling delinquent accounts Ord.

E. Artman agreed to sign the ordinance.
Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay, to have Clerk April Bell A. Bell

bonded for $200,000.00 – ayes 5, nays 0. Bonded

The electric energy plan was discussed. It was decided to stay with Keytex. Keytex
Minutes of the meeting of April 1, 2013 were accepted as presented by motion of Minutes

T. Newton, seconded by E. Barclay – ayes 5, nays 0.

Solicitor: A. Urti reported he sent a letter to Dave Speer informing him he has the Speer

burden to prove the location of his property line when installing his fence. Fence

It’s possible that it would be worthwhile to exchange citation money for the increase Police

in the fee that would be paid to Kiski Township for Police service. Cost

A. Urti is awaiting word from the Election Board regarding the number of signatures Library

that are required to place the library referendum on the ballot. Ref

May 6, 2013 (Continued)
Partic. The Participation Agreement with the Teamsters #261 and Employers Welfare Fund

Agreemt can be signed. Also, the Borough Secretary may be added to the Teamsters Health Care plan without the Secretary being added to the bargaining unit. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to write a letter to Teamsters Local #261 asking that the Secretary be added to their Health Plan without making him a member of the bargaining unit – ayes 5, nays 0.

Paving Engineer: B. Bothell presented the following estimates for items on the proposed paving program: finish 16th Street from Acheson to Robbins $57,582.00, 18th Street from Acheson to Moore $40,787.25, Cochran Avenue, the apron off 16th $2,499.22, Allison Avenue from 17th Street to Shafer’s garage $20,153.70.
18th St. The quotes for installation of a storm drain system on 18th Street exceeded the threshold

Drain for bidding of $18,900.00. The project will have to be bid out unless a quote of less than $18,900.00 can be obtained.

Pav. Bid Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to bid out the paving of all the streets in the 2013 program, and choose which streets best fit into the budget – ayes 5, nays 0. Bids will be open June 3, 2013.

18th St. Motion was made by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell, to bid out the 18th Street storm drain project with bids to be open June 3, 2013 – ayes 5, nays 0.

St. Work Streets: W. Campbell reported that the street crew has been doing a lot of grass mowing and that prices on a zero turn mower are being obtained. Also a rubber mat was purchased to replace one damaged during the winter at the ADA curb in front of the Post Office.
Pay Bills Finance: Motion was made by E. Barclay, seconded by T. Newton to pay the bills presented – ayes 5, nays 0. (See Voucher Register for June, 2013).

Uniforms Discussion took place regarding the cost of uniform rental for the street workers. Prices for purchase of three uniforms for each employee will be obtained.

Summer W. Campbell advised that summer manpower help is likely to not be available. The Courts

Help will be contacted for possible community service workers.

Bad Property & Ordinance: A list of dilapidated properties is to be turned over to Code

Props. Enforcement officer Sam Ross.

Pegtown Pat Froncek, 1223 Wysocki Avenue, asked for a dumpster in Pegtown on Cleanup Day

Dumpster so that volunteers can clean up the river bank. He was told that was already planned. Froncek also noted that meeting minutes are not available until they are accepted at the next meeting and requested that some type of draft minutes be given out sooner to give people an update on whats being planned.

Adjournment was moved at 8:05 PM by T. Newton, seconded by W. Campbell - ayes 5, nays 0.


Edward L. Stitt Jr. Borough Secretary
June 3, 2013
The regular meeting of North Apollo Borough Council was called to order at 7 PM

in the conference room of the municipal building by President E. Burns, who led the

Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call of Members: The following members were present; E.

Barclay, E. Burns, W. Campbell, E. Hall, and T. Newton. Also present were Solicitor

A. Urti, Sec’y E. Stitt, B. Bothell from Senate Engineering, and Code Enforcement

Officer S. Ross. Mayor E. Artman was absent.

Minutes of the meeting of May 6, 2013 were accepted as presented by motion of T. Minutes

Newton, seconded by W. Campbell – ayes 5, nays 0.

2013 Paving and Storm Sewer Projects: B. Bothell reported that the following six Paving

Bids were received for the 2013 Paving Program. Bids

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